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No plans to bring Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 to the West; Developer fears backlash.

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Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Well, that's fucking dumb. I don't even want the game, but I don't like that the publisher won't even attempt to bring it over purely out of fear of the backlash.
This is gross. We're officially in an era where companies are going to refrain from releasing games that are in demand just because certain individuals have nothing better to do than to complain about things they had no interest in to begin with. It never ceases to maze me how petty and spiteful some people can be.

The "I don't want it so you can't have it!" mentality has no place in 2015, but regressive types have a louder voice than ever before. They have the audacity to paint themselves as progressives too.

Really, you bought that? Man corporations have it so easy these days.


already preordered the Asian version.

whats the best place to get it in your opinion?

Aren't some of the girls underaged?

underage in what country? Consent laws are different in all places, i think the youngest is 15 or 16 and thats ayame iirc? Marie rose looks the youngest but is 18 if thats the character you're thinking of.

Cowards. If you don't have balls to stand by your pandering games then why even bother?
You mean like nintendo? :)
So, basically, they're not gonna release the game because they can't handle the potential criticism from a bunch of people on another continent who likely account for little to none of their sales? Okay, lol. Sounds like the issue is a wimpy publisher and nothing more. Folks gonna stay blaming "PC police", though.

Cowards. If you don't have balls to stand by your pandering games then why even bother?

Ding ding.


Well, the game is basically softcore porn so obviously a lot of people will hate it for that. However, I think that a good rating system should take care of that. Self censorship isn't better than standard censorship. Oh well, fans can still import the game, it's not like you'll end up in jail for playing it.
underage in what country?



At the risk of inviting ire, I think the distinction between stuff like the Fatal Frame/Xenoblade/Bravely Default costumes and DOAX is important. With the former the inclusion of the costumes was jarring and unnecessary, but with DOAX the sexualised content is kind of the whole game. So it seems kind of absurd to me, to be offended by something so utterly brazen, so upfront about what it is.


Is anyone still surprised by this bullshit anymore? It's become routine. Games getting censored and now games not even localized for fear of backlash.

The tragedy is of KT listening to a crowd that has no interest in the game whatsoever and views its very existence as a problem. And now it's firing back on actual fans. The fault is at KT for budging under the pressure of self-centered assholes.


I'm sure most users here will cry tears of joy that another offensive game from the evil, sexist country of Japan won't be invading their safe spaces.

Can we please not spread this bullshit

I really have no interest in DOAX3 and I don't see the appeal of it but that doesn't mean I don't want other people to play it if they want to. People can do whatever the fuck they want, that doesn't mean I have to like the same things they like.


underage in what country? Consent laws are different in all places, i think the youngest is 15 or 16 and thats ayame iirc? Marie rose looks the youngest but is 18 if thats the character you're thinking of.

You mean like nintendo? :)

As of DOA5 the characters are aged by 2 years. Ayane is 18.
Ok that really pisses me off. I'm perfectly capable of making my own decisions about the games I play and I don't need, nor want, 'society' making them for me, whether it be through explicit censorship or fear of extremist backlash.

Stop being so spineless, KT.


If it never makes it west it sucks for Mila or Lisa fans, and for those that for whatever reason can't import.

But KT need to give less shit.

Can we please not spread this bullshit

I really have no interest in DOAX3 and I don't see the appeal of it but that doesn't mean I don't want other people to play it if they want to. People can do whatever the fuck they want, that doesn't mean I have to like the same things they like.

Unfortunately not everyone is as level-headed and rational as you.


Why not just do it digitally?

I do see this as an odd point, as they wouldnt have to do much effort due to the already english asian release, and they wouldnt have to piss of retailers due to the game probably never getting bought in a store. Digital so i can hide my shame.


The "I don't want it so you can't have it!" mentality has no place in 2015, but regressive types have a louder voice than ever before. They have the audacity to paint themselves as progressives too.

Alas, these are the times we live in. Hopefully this bubble pops soon and people will just not play things that offend them rather than going on crusades to ruin other people's fun.
I mean, when there's something that bugs me on TV, I change the channel. I don't go on some protest marches and start petitions to demand the show be taken off the air.
If I was in their place I wouldn't as well. People these days complicate things, complain and get offended by too many fucking things instead of enjoying life as is, why bother through the bullshit? I respect their decision.
Instead of getting mad at people, how about those of you who are steaming at this announcement tell Koei-Tecmo to man the fuck up and put it out or admit they know it won't sell for shit, because that's the only reason they'd refrain from it.

Businessmen made a business decision, but clearly it's not their fault, give me a break.


I'm sure there are some lawyers waiting to sue the damn thing trying to win hefty amount of cash from KT when it gets released in the West. I think they're smart to stay away from them.


Makes sense to me.

Can't even have a thread about SF without people going on about Mika.

I do wonder what this means for DoA in the future, though.

Changes nothing for main DOA. X is completely different and you can easily see it with any screenshot or trailer.

I fail to see how this is a bad decision. The people have spoken and K-T clearly understands such misogynistic games will no longer be tolerated in the west.

Some people have spoken you mean.

Did that change or is it a timeline thing or what? I Thought the 3DS game got backlash somewhere (Netherlands?) because one of the characters was 16.

I know nothing about this series.

Timeline. DOA5 happens 2 years after 4/X2, where some girls were still 16. They are all at least 18 now, with Ayane being still the youngest girl.


I'm just glad that the people morally superior to me have been fighting the good fight for me, to protect me from having to make my own buying decisions. This is truly a win for them.


#BuildingTheList. C'mon Gio!
Oh who am I kidding. It's never going to happen. God fucking damn it.
Oh well. I guess on one hand I should be happy that the game is happening at all and is still true to their vision. If they tried to make it west oriented it would probably suck.
Hopefully there's an Asian version with English to import.

ok haha i admit i was kinda trolling a little.

but seriously.. no one is underage and i honestly dont see a problem with the game.
it's women doing whatever on the beach, sunbathing, dancing on poles. It doesn't matter.

Do people honestly think looking at a woman is worse than blasting people in the face with shotguns, having sex with someone in a car, or making crude jokes about offensive things? cos those things already exist in video games and i find this game quite tame.

at the most, this game has sexualization of some women. It's pretty tame compared to many other games. It's just because the sold purpose of this game revolves around the women.

i'll probablly get blasted for this comment but meh. Better to say what i think i guess.


Don't get Sterling here. The whole point of consumer advocacy (or in this non-consumer advocacy?) Is to influence those who can make decisions. Now a decision had to be made that seemed to be influenced in part of the rising trend against games with sexploitation, and he wants to claim that people who have spoken up against had no role in it?
But that's not what he's saying at all...

No, but it's the primary argument for releasing any game, and the reputation damage is just a further strike against releasing the game.

If companies didn't release games just because of potential blowback XSEED would be out of business.
I kinda doubt he's really serious about that answer, it's a niche title that they're releasing on region unlocked machines with an english translation for those that want to import it. They're just saving money from having to publish it in the west. Before you all jump down a tumblr strawman's throat.

Given that Koei Tecmo tends to release all their games in the West, even their more niche titles, it's safe to assume there was something about this game in particular that made them decide differently.



And underage for what? going to the beach and playing volleyball? lol

yeah... because that's why people buy those games... for the deep beach volleyball mechanics... gotta love them sport simulations... yeah...

nuh, just joking, buy whatever you want, it's your money


Gold Member
Never played the series, but goes to show how messed up and fragile our younger generations are coming out... I'm all for equality, but when the quest for it involves preventing someone from enjoying a harmless virtual experience, it irks me the wrong way.


Alas, these are the times we live in. Hopefully this bubble pops soon and people will just not play things that offend them rather than going on crusades to ruin other people's fun.
I mean, when there's something that bugs me on TV, I change the channel. I don't go on some protest marches and start petitions to demand the show be taken off the air.

Man, where's the latest hot "Get the TV show off the air" march? I need to join the one for Blindspot cuz that show suuuuuucks.


Seems like a "Lets save money" move instead since this game is supposed to be relatively niche, right? I don't know much about the series though. Do they make big sales in the West? If it has English subtitles I would think this is the plan all along.


Timeline. DOA5 happens 2 years after 4/X2, where some girls were still 16. They are all at least 18 now, with Ayane being still the youngest girl.
Damn, no wonder they kept using question marks for Ayane in some of the previous titles.


So... Anita Sarkeesian wins?

comments like these and other 'thanks tumblr' quips, when coupled with anime avatars is a really good gauge of people who are probably trolling.

If you really think people like her want games like DOAX gone, you haven't been paying attention.


If I was in their place I wouldn't as well. People these days complicate things, complain and get offended by too many fucking things instead of enjoying life as is, why bother through the bullshit? I respect their decision.

Because you also have fans that are expecting your game? What kind of a developer are you that deny your product to your fans because "what some people will say about it"?

It's fucking unprofessional and borderline childrish.


This is funny, as if anyone who would have bought DOAX3 would have cared what anyone said about the game?

And lol, so many jumping on blaming "politically correct warriors," as someone put it here.
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