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No plans to bring Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 to the West; Developer fears backlash.

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Loves the Greater Toronto Area
I fail to see how this is a bad decision. The people have spoken and K-T clearly understands such misogynistic games will no longer be tolerated in the west.
You need to look up misogyny bud. This game is not even close. Exploitative? Sure, but no more or less so than plenty of other exploitation of male teen fantasies (i.e. Superheroes, video games, etc)


This is how you fabricate controversy to generate publicity. Well done, Koei Tecmo.

I'm gonna laugh if KOEI-tecmo wanted a Streisand effect to try to sell the game. It'll work better than the one that happened to Dragon's crown (except that was more kotaku and polygon than the devs)


Don't get Sterling here. The whole point of consumer advocacy (or in this non-consumer advocacy?) Is to influence those who can make decisions. Now a decision had to be made that seemed to be influenced in part of the rising trend against games with sexploitation, and he wants to claim that people who have spoken up against had no role in it?

Yeah. I wonder this as well. Doesn't KT's fear come from all these outcries over the past few years? The statement clearly says so, at least.


At the end of yesterday's Jimquisition he congratulated fans for protesting against Payday 2's microtransactions. Now he's saying protests don't work?

I don't think his answer says anything about protests not working. He's just saying if you should blame anyone for DOAX3 not coming out here, blame KT.


I know is fanart but do you really think this is not going to happen for the asian market?. Like people will not buy swimsuits like that or play with them if they can unlock them in the game?.

They arent going to give Marie Rose those super skimpy outfits.


This is how you fabricate controversy to generate publicity. Well done, Koei Tecmo.

I really have to wonder if this is actually part of an attempt to generate publicity by getting Western fans riled up and then coming in with a localization announcement later.


The world has changed.... Titties are no longer tolerated :'(


Goodbye my sweet dreams.

At least there's importing.


Kudos to them for not caving to censorship.

And shame on us for making a big stink about bikinis all while being A-OK with ultra gore violence. 'Murica!

I believe "not releasing the game" is censorship.

But still, a business decision more than a moral one.
Great. So we won't be getting this game cause some people who have no interest in it in the first place might get offended by it.

That's just awesome.


For you.
Lol @people eating up KoeiTecmo's bullshit. Nobody is stopping them from bringing the game to the west. Stop blaming anyone else than Tecmo.

Great. So we won't be getting this game cause some people who have no interest in it in the first place might get offended by it.

That's just awesome.
That's not the reason they aren't bringing it.


If I was in their place I wouldn't as well. People these days complicate things, complain and get offended by too many fucking things instead of enjoying life as is, why bother through the bullshit? I respect their decision.

You develop a (essentially) softcore porn game, and then can't stand the fact that a few people will complain about it?
This is hilarious, because both they and their audience know what the game is, and those that complain about it (whether you think those complaints are legitimate or not) were never going to be part of the audience.

This is not a Bravely Second/Fatal Frame situations, where a couple of adjustments can open up a bigger pool of public, this a game entirely designed around titillation.

So some people will complain, and so what? People complain all the time about all sorts of stuff, you're not legally forced to listen to them; are you afraid they'd tarnish the reputation of DoA, the fighting game famous for big titted characters in skimpy clothing? I honestly have no interest in the game itself (if i want titillation i just watch porn) but i find their reaction very funny, in a pathetic kind of way.

"Oh no, our erotic softcore porn game will not hit the mainstream!"


Man I just fired up DOA2 on the dreamcast last night. I was playing with my 4 year old son and thinking to myself... man this game would never fly in todays climate.

And here we are.
Great. So we won't be getting this game cause some people who have no interest in it in the first place might get offended by it.

That's just awesome.

Yes. Tecmo is so afraid of some bad press from the gaming media that they are opting not to make money from a title that clearly a lot of people want. That is how businesses operate.


not me
Something tells me if the expected sales were high enough this wouldn't be an issue. Probably not worth the headache for such little profit.

If you really think people like her want games like DOAX gone, you haven't been paying attention.

Of course people like her want those games gone. It's always been dishonest and patronizing to say "I think these games are damaging but people can still enjoy them if that floats their boat." The statement is clearly that the world would be better off without them. That's what it means to call something damaging.

The real argument is that this isn't actually a problem because people like Anita don't have the authority to enforce their preferences just like people who like these games can't command a company to make them; it just comes down to business making a business decision based on what they perceive the reaction will be.


Changes nothing for main DOA. X is completely different and you can easily see it with any screenshot or trailer.

Some people have spoken you mean.

Timeline. DOA5 happens 2 years after 4/X2, where some girls were still 16. They are all at least 18 now, with Ayane being still the youngest girl.

These games are part of DoA's timeline? Wut.


To those saying none of the girls are underage, a few of them definitely look underage, and I think that's what bothers people more, especially in a game where the main point is to dress them up and ogle at them.

Hey, only took up to page 3 this time before reaching this point!
Now we'll get the usual "Honoka is older than Marie because she has curves" posts and other poor debates.

A corporate decision likely based on market interest and sales projections.

A bit more complicated than that. Their Nobunaga titles sell even less in the west than previous DOAX games for example.
I don't understand the problem. They made a business decision regarding its release, but the PS4 is region free. Just import the game, like people have always had to when something doesn't come to your region. Getting into a dumb blame game is pointless.
I don't think I'd get this game, but this is still awfully disappointing.

I don't see what's wrong with the game, sexuality for some reason is worse than extreme as fuck violence like in Mortal Kombat. I find it quite sad.

I'm all for Equality, but this isn't the answer at all. I'd like to believe this is mostly because the game wouldn't sell that well, but it's already in English so why not release it digital only then?


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Lol @people eating up KoeiTecmo's bullshit. Nobody is stopping them from bringing the game to the west. Stop blaming anyone else than Tecmo.

That's not the reason they aren't bringing it.
I don't think anyone reasonable in this thread believes that. Most seem to believe that it is in fact a money based decision only affected slightly by guaranteed controversy. Why go through the negative publicity for sales that might very well be under 10K?
At the end of yesterday's Jimquisition he congratulated fans for protesting against Payday 2's microtransactions. Now he's saying protests don't work?

Protesting against a thing that is happening isn't really the same as protesting/petitioning *for* something to happen.


I wonder how many years it will be before sexual imagery is as socially acceptable as graphic violence.


These are niche games with little interest in the west. The ones who care enough to complain are the outliers and don't really effect the bottom line and should not be to blame when it comes to this business decision.

I think the title of this topic is needlessly inflammatory and frames the situation as a win for a particular controversial narrative.
Tecmo Koei is propping up the spectre of the dreaded SJW and some of you in this thread are eating it up instead of directing your attention toward the publisher itself. Bravo.


Gold Member
Man, not even a digital release?

This really can't be because of a few puritans who want to put a scarlet letter on anyone who doesn't share there outrage on something they unilaterally declared is 'creepy'. That segment has always existed and really can't be the basis of this decision.


No no no, the game uses DoA 5's cast... doa 5 made everyone older, this game isnt probably canon but uses the ages from 5.

Oh, okay. I was just confused because I know Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive exist in the same universe, but then you have Fatal Frame and weird shit like this.
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