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NVIDIA Helping Sony with PS3 GPU


Now lets see how the market responds to ATI stock and Nvidia stock.

Nvidia climbed nearly $2, and I think it will continue...anyone who bought Nvidia at $9 early this year must be smiling

Nvidia's stock is on the rise.


GAF's Bob Woodward
It's been a pretty incredible 8 days for PS3. Think about how much we knew about PS3 the week before last, and see how much we know now.

I only hope the information stream doesn't stop now :lol


Now lets see how the market responds to ATI stock and Nvidia stock.

Nvidia climbed nearly $2, and I think it will continue...anyone who bought Nvidia at $9 early this year must be smiling

I invested in ATI before they started owning nVidia on the consumer level, and before the Xenon/Revolution murmerings. I am happy.


gofreak said:
It's been a pretty incredible 8 days for PS3. Think about how much we knew about PS3 the week before last, and see how much we know now.

Yeah, and I clearly remember a "Why does MS leak that much and Sony not?" thread. :lol




Well I take it all back. Seems like Sony don't want to reinvent the wheel, and all three next-gen consoles will be using PC evolution parts. I'm sure there will be significant customisation, but surely this is a backward step for Sony?

Count me disappointed.

Yeah...that's how i feel too.


Nvidia could see royalties of around $5 per chip, which would equal more than $100 million in annual revenue during the peak of the next video-game cycle, said American Technology Research analyst Erach Desai, who upgraded his recommendation to a "buy" rating from a "hold."

The custom graphics processor will be used in a range of products from computer entertainment to high-speed Internet applications and will include future Sony digital consumer electronics products, the companies said.

"If we were to include any broader consumer products reach, the incremental annual revenues for Nvidia could exceed $400 million with more than $300 million in incremental operating profits for Nvidia," Desai said in a note.

Nvidia stands to profit a lot from this deal.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Anyone want to start the internet rumor that PS3 will be backward compatible with Xbox1 thanks ot nVidia? For added credibility, you could say it'll be done via emulator discs for specific games, a la Bleemcast. ;)


Have a fun! Enjoy!
jett said:
Yeah...that's how i feel too.

Not me. It's more like the another way around in this case. It's like NVIDIA wants to reivent the wheel thanks to the Cell technology (which does reinvent the wheel indeed).

Why are people assuming this agreement means an "Xbox 1 approach" at console hardware develompment from Sony is beyond me. It just an agreement to "reinvent the wheel" together.


Online Ho Champ
You guys sure about that diagram i mean look at the clock they say it will run at AHAHAHA ibm chips at 3.5 GHZ by next year riiiiight ill believe it when i see it, they cant get over 2.5ghz now. How they gonna have those chips in mass prod before launch? Yeah right, and I thought the chips they were using had integrated memory controlers why would it need a northbridge chip on the system board if its on the chip.



this type of image quality now seems somewhat plausible since Nvidia will be covering for Sony's weaknesses (fixed function features) in graphics, while augmenting Sony's strengths (amount of geometry, fillrate, bandwidth)

Jesus, I cannot wait to see real PS3 games in motion.


Queen of Denmark
teiresias said:
Can anyone brave enough to venture over there report on the reaction over at the TeamXbox forums to this news? :lol
Here's a link to the thread. I'll post some funny/interesting quotes if I find them.


teiresias said:
Can anyone brave enough to venture over there report on the reaction over at the TeamXbox forums to this news? :lol

I found this one funny.

ATI is always 6 month in fron of anything Nivada make.

ATI cards are cheaper and better than nVidia.

nVidia would not cut the price of the GF4 in xbox that made xbox lose lots of money.

1 thing you must remember us in the UK wont see a PS3 till 2008 or 9 why?

they wont start making the cells till the end of next year then the PS3 comes out in japan in 2007..

cells are slow to make just all 2007 will be spent just making PS3s for japan then the US in 2008 then the UK in 2008.

The cost? nVidia + cells + selling to the people who will pay top $ for the system.. so PS3 will be alot of money


Queen of Denmark
Here's another semi-good one:

lordnovas said:
This system war will be the best since Snes VS Sega, I imagine that the graphical diffrence will be slight with MS on top.
Other than that, yeah, it doesn't seem a whole lot different than the discussion going on here.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Midas said:
ATI is always 6 month in fron of anything Nivada make.

ATI cards are cheaper and better than nVidia.

nVidia would not cut the price of the GF4 in xbox that made xbox lose lots of money.

1 thing you must remember us in the UK wont see a PS3 till 2008 or 9 why?

they wont start making the cells till the end of next year then the PS3 comes out in japan in 2007..

cells are slow to make just all 2007 will be spent just making PS3s for japan then the US in 2008 then the UK in 2008.

The cost? nVidia + cells + selling to the people who will pay top $ for the system.. so PS3 will be alot of money

:lol :lol Oh dear, my head hurts..


$5/unit is quite a bit of money, not initially but in the long run it will be. I don't think this liscensing deal is actually true since it goes against Sony's tried-tested and true policy of constant scale. MS got screwed with nVidia's liscensing deal, so I don't think Sony would make the same mistake.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
There had been rumors about this ever since the nVidia CEO made an "off the cuff" reference to PS3 at a conference last year. I guess Sony is pretty serious about there being less of a learning curve in dealing with the hardware than there was with PS2. Good news.


That's just meens the PS3 will never be sold below $5. :lol

Let's do some math:

100million PS3 x $5 = $500million

Not bad for Nvidia. If Sony will get an amazing GPU then those $500million are worth the money for Sony if they can hold the 70% market share with it and get the knowledge as well for future generations.

Now will finally see some Japanese titles with bump mapping, and normal mapping, but what will be even more interesting, is how it will be used with the art style in most of the games.
rastex said:
$5/unit is quite a bit of money, not initially but in the long run it will be. I don't think this liscensing deal is actually true since it goes against Sony's tried-tested and true policy of constant scale. MS got screwed with nVidia's liscensing deal, so I don't think Sony would make the same mistake.

It's literally nothing. The $5/unit is most likely not a fixed amount for the life of the console, but a figure that will decrease with certain time / production milestones. You should have seen the bill of costs for the Xbox.


$5 a unit maybe for the first 10m or so, then a sliding scale downwards.

$5 isn't much for retail price, but for bill of materials its a lot. Made retail its like adding $15-20 to the retail price.


You guys are speaking nonsense. If the $5/unit is a royalty fee than it'll be $5/unit forever, whether they ship 50 PS3's or 50 billion PS3's.


Just out of curiousity, how much did the digital video-out port on the GC cost nintendo?

$3?, $2?

Was it enough for them to drop it?
m0dus said:
But, even so, there is still room for adjustment, I think. As far as how cost efficient--removing something like the HD should, in theory, leave them far more room to improve other areas without breaching that $300 mark, correct? And, also, I wonder about subsidies . . .

Sure they can adjust, but Xenon SDK has been out for a loooooooong time now, heck I can't even remember when we got them, it's been so long.. Everything is timed for fall 2005. If MS wants to delay, that's fine.

Problem is, ATI has already pretty much ramped down the Xbox 2 GPU team. Does ATI want to delay another PC part and is MS willing to SPEND more to have the extras added.


GAF's Bob Woodward
OK, I chanced my arm again with NVidia's PR, and was told this:

"Although we cannot comment on technical details, I can tell you that the
GPU is a custom version of NVIDIA's next generation GPU, which is not
Cell based.


I asked him to clarify if he meant both Nvidia's next-gen GPU and the PS3 GPU would not be cell-based and he replied:

"I can just comment on NVIDIA's next generation GPU which is not cell

Which presumably still leaves the door open to cell tech making its way into the GPU. Although NVidia's PC cards won't be cell-based, at least not for the immediate future.

I also asked about whether any nvidia chip was included in the cell workstations which had been delivered to developers, but he said he couldn't answer that.
I for one am thrilled about this news. I wasn't that excited for PS3 before but now I am eagerly looking forward to some screens, an unveiling, etc.

Let me explain myself, I've always felt that the PS1 and PS2 had high geometry but the Image Quality was just terrible. I know some people prefer the non-filtered, "clean" look but I was never one of them. I was one of the folks that preferred the DCs graphics to those of the PS2 during its first two years.

I was afraid that the same folks at Sony would be responsible for the PS3 graphics, not that they would not be powerful, but that they would share the PS "look" and design philosophy.

Hello Nvidia, So long jaggies!!

PS - I too will be interested to see how they handle backwards compatibility.
teiresias said:
Can anyone brave enough to venture over there report on the reaction over at the TeamXbox forums to this news? :lol

Xbot- Nvidia sucks, ATI rocks!

*ATI is in Nintendo's system*

Xbot- ... ... I am confused as who to hate now.
Well I never thought of it that way.

If Nvidia brings higher image quality to the table via their GPU in addition to Sony's "brute processing power" approach, that might be quite a nice marriage. This may also make the PS3 easier for developers to come to grips with.
Midas said:
ATI is always 6 month in fron of anything Nivada make.

ATI cards are cheaper and better than nVidia.

nVidia would not cut the price of the GF4 in xbox that made xbox lose lots of money.

1 thing you must remember us in the UK wont see a PS3 till 2008 or 9 why?

they wont start making the cells till the end of next year then the PS3 comes out in japan in 2007..

cells are slow to make just all 2007 will be spent just making PS3s for japan then the US in 2008 then the UK in 2008.

The cost? nVidia + cells + selling to the people who will pay top $ for the system.. so PS3 will be alot of money.

OMG. That has to be a joke.


Gamespot finally gets around to posting their version of annoucement

Nvidia GPU to power PlayStation 3
Sony announces deal with California company to develop the graphics processor for its next-generation console.

TOKYO--Today Sony Computer Entertainment and Nvidia announced that they are co-developing a new graphics processor that will be used in Sony's next-generation console, generally referred to as the PlayStation 3. The custom graphics processor unit (GPU) will merge Nividia's next-generation GeForce technology with SCEI's system solutions. The two companies will also work together in making the development tools and middleware that will be used for PS3 development.

According to Nvidia president and CEO Jen-Hsun Huang, the two companies' collaboration has been going on for some time. “Over the past two years Nvidia has worked closely with Sony Computer Entertainment on their next-generation computer entertainment system," he said. "In parallel, we have been designing our next-generation GeForce GPU. The combination of the revolutionary Cell processor and Nvidia’s graphics technologies will enable the creation of breathtaking imagery that will surprise and captivate consumers.”

The Sony/Nvidia deal is a broad agreement which will see the GPU being used in other digital consumer electronics products from Sony, with Nvidia collecting royalties. It is also a coup for the California-based company, whose main rival in the graphics-processor market, ATI, is working with Microsoft on the GPU for its next-generation console. Executives at Nvidia must also be feeling a more personal form of satisfaction, since the company previously had an agreement with Microsoft to make the GPUs that run in current Xboxes. According to some reports, the two firms ended said agreement on poor terms after a dispute over royalty payments.

Also of some note is that the joint statement refers to the PS3 as a "next-generation computer entertainment system" rather than a next-generation video game console, so the machine will almost certainly do more than play games, just as the PS2 can run DVDs and CDs and the PSP can play movies and MP3 audio.

Sony and Nvidia's custom GPU will be manufactured at Sony's Nagasaki factory and at Oita TS Semiconductor (OTTS), Toshiba and Sony’s joint fabrication facility.

In other news, Microsoft panics, phones up ATI, XGI, S3, and E&S for solutions for Xbox3 aka the second coming of Xenon :lol


Have a fun! Enjoy!
gofreak said:
OK, I chanced my arm again with NVidia's PR, and was told this:

"Although we cannot comment on technical details, I can tell you that the
GPU is a custom version of NVIDIA's next generation GPU, which is not
Cell based.


I asked him to clarify if he meant both Nvidia's next-gen GPU and the PS3 GPU would not be cell-based and he replied:

"I can just comment on NVIDIA's next generation GPU which is not cell

Which presumably still leaves the door open to cell tech making its way into the GPU. Although NVidia's PC cards won't be cell-based, at least not for the immediate future.

I also asked about whether any nvidia chip was included in the cell workstations which had been delivered to developers, but he said he couldn't answer that.

Thanks for sharing. He's clearly talking about the PC-end of the thing. I've the chance to meet a "hi-level" Sony rep in a couple of days and I'm gonna ask him about this too.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Also of some note is that the joint statement refers to the PS3 as a "next-generation computer entertainment system" rather than a next-generation video game console, so the machine will almost certainly do more than play games, just as the PS2 can run DVDs and CDs and the PSP can play movies and MP3 audio.

:lol wow, has this guy slept under a rock in the last 10 years? :lol


would you say the SDK is expandable? say, to factor in more memory, and a faster GPU, for example? I would assume the tools could--after all, from what I've read (from other reports), the early SDKs have been known to be underpowered with respect to the final hardware.

Since no one is coding on final hardware, more ram / more processor speed just means less loading and faster executing code. it's fairly independant of what you're doing except in cases were you say 'gee, we've only got X amount of ram' so you design your textures and what not around that. If they turn around and you've got 2x the ram you though you did you probably wouldn't have time to take full advantage of it, but what you have would just run better.


GAF's Bob Woodward
TTP said:
Thanks for sharing. He's clearly talking about the PC-end of the thing. I've the chance to meet a "hi-level" Sony rep in a couple of days and I'm gonna ask him about this too.

Please do :) If anyone has a Sony PR contact, ask them about the tech in the GPU, broadly (i.e. is it cell or not), in light of this announcement. Feign ignorance or something (like "oh, I thought you were using cell?") - they might reveal something pertinent in their explanation to you..:)


GAF's Bob Woodward
soundwave05 said:
It wouldn't shock me if Xenon is "upgradable" (there's apparently even talk of PC-iteration too, so that would be natural).

It'd be unwise to introduce such a concept beyond something simple, like maybe a memory upgrade. Even with that you're beginning to split the market.

Highly doubtful that they'd do this, imo.
m0dus said:
would you say the SDK is expandable? say, to factor in more memory, and a faster GPU, for example? I would assume the tools could--after all, from what I've read (from other reports), the early SDKs have been known to be underpowered with respect to the final hardware.

Sure, it's just software. There have been a few revisions to the SDK so far. As far as power goes, SDK isn't going to really tell you. But don't hold me to that, I'm not a coder.
Duckhuntdog said:
*ATI is in Nintendo's system*

This is not true, the chip in GC was done and finished before ATI bought the company making it. It's not a chip of ATI's making, it's a chip ATI owns the intellectual property rights to. Not the same thing.

As a side note, here is what I think..

It seems hardly a coincidence that the rumors about NV50/48's scrapping surfaced a few days ago. I believe the two years mentioned in the press release is the time it took to iron out a contract with Sony and seeing that R500 (and R520/R600) would kick their asses nVidia agreed to terms with Sony to supply them a GPU in return for eventually using Cell technology in the discrete graphics card market.

And I still think PS3 will get its ass kicked by NextBox, seeing as, apparently, the GPUs for both will be PC based (and if CELL was "THE SHIT" Sony wouldn't have needed nVidia's help, so I'm betting that it's not "THE SHIT" but just "SHIT") and MS is well ahead of Sony in terms of release date, by the time PS3 is out in the market they may have already lost the battle.

And before anyone argues that PS3 will be an automatic success because PS2 sold well, I remind them what happened to SEGA and Nintendo *rolls eyes*


GAF's Bob Woodward
tahrikmili said:
And I still think PS3 will get its ass kicked by NextBox, seeing as, apparently, the GPUs for both will be PC based (and if CELL was "THE SHIT" Sony wouldn't have needed nVidia's help, so I'm betting that it's not "THE SHIT" but just "SHIT") and MS is well ahead of Sony in terms of release date, by the time PS3 is out in the market they may have already lost the battle.

We don't know if the PS3 GPU is cell based or not. Even if it's not, it says nothing about Cell performance.
Vark said:
Since no one is coding on final hardware, more ram / more processor speed just means less loading and faster executing code. it's fairly independant of what you're doing except in cases were you say 'gee, we've only got X amount of ram' so you design your textures and what not around that. If they turn around and you've got 2x the ram you though you did you probably wouldn't have time to take full advantage of it, but what you have would just run better.

Correct, there isn't any final hardware out there. A lot of devs are just going off what MS says will be in the Xbox 2 and hoping MS doesn't do any drastic changes.

I can't understand why people are surprised that the Xbox 2 might be the either the weakest of middle of the road console next gen, given timeframes. Sony and Nintendo simply have more time.

Heck, I don't think ArtX has much done GPU wise for the Rev. Although this announcement might be the kick in the ass ArtX needs. Now they have to upstage Nvidia atleast powerwise and at this point the Rev is the only GPU they still have time to do that with.
tahrikmili said:
This is not true, the chip in GC was done and finished before ATI bought the company making it. It's not a chip of ATI's making, it's a chip ATI owns the intellectual property rights to. Not the same thing.

No, duh. But guess who owns ArtX now. ATI. So one might as well say it's an ATI chip.
I think people expecting Sony to "fizzle" just because Nintendo and Sega did will be in for a rude awakening.

As crazy as the PSP price announcement was, I think Sony is gonna bring it even higher with PS3.

I think not only will PS3 have better chipset than Xenon, but it'll also have Blu-Ray movie playback and maybe even full blown rewritability. Also I think a broader Sony Online service will launch alongside PS3.

I think its silly to say the ArtX (ATI West Coast) team needs "a kick in the ass". They're working directly to Nintendo's specifications, which is probably a cost efficent, capable, chipset, but I get the feeling Nintendo is going to spend a significant chunk of their hardware budget on new kinds of game input/interfaces rather than on the chipset entirely.
gofreak said:
We don't know if the PS3 GPU is cell based or not. Even if it's not, it says nothing about Cell performance.

Exactly, nor does it say about the GPU perfomance. To say one part makes up for the other at this point, is stupid, until specs are finally given out.


Duckhuntdog said:
Heck, I don't think ArtX has much done GPU wise for the Rev. Although this announcement might be the kick in the ass ArtX needs. Now they have to upstage Nvidia atleast powerwise and at this point the Rev is the only GPU they still have time to do that with.
I thought there was an article a few months ago about ATI and Nintendo working on Revolution, and more specifically by a team in California (assuming the old ArtX team). I could be wrong though...
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