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NWReport rumor: Nintendo "doubled down" on motion controls for Star Fox Zero

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Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
If true, then Nintendo's string of legacy "hits" continues.

Mario Party 10

Animal Crossing Bored (U C wut I did there!) Game

Mario Tennis Ultra Smash

and now this.

All short dev spinoffs, making me believe they're going to have a boatload of core games for NX launch.


Didn't Splatoon prove gyro aiming works fine? Don't see what's the big deal if the rumor is true.

Splatoon proved good motion controls can work great (and it wasnt exactly the first). But bad control implementations will still be bad, motion or otherwise.

Dual analog is great for third person action/adventure games. Unfortunately, this doesnt stop a lot of shit controllng ones from still being made.

Delay the game shiggy....
I seriously hope that this isn't true. The game didn't instill that much confidence from the jump but I was hoping they'd use the delay more efficiently.

I like that in the year of Splatoon and Mario Maker apparently Nintendo's 2015 output is summed up by Amiibo Festival and a Mario Tennis.

I understand why people are disappointed they didn't get a proper Animal Crossing, because they apparently love cherry picking.



Your level of spin is embarrassing.

Nintendo published all of those games. They put their names on those titles, and they should take responsibility for how they turned out.

I agree with where this sentiment is coming from too. Anyone remember the Nintendo Seal of Quality? We expect better from this company. Yes some of these poor releases aren't coming from their internal studios, but they're footing the bill and putting them out in the condition they're in. So they should still share that blame. And several of those titles are in fact theirs. It doesn't mean Splatoon and Mario Maker aren't great, but that level of quality is what we expect from Nintendo. Nintendo is held to a higher standard because in general they live up to it. It's very noticeable when a poor title comes out due to that. And last year there were certainly an inordinate amount of poor titles.
I hope the controls work well. I personally despise motion controls as they do not work 100% of the time an input is made. If a button input fails, its down to a broken button. I can fix that and return the button to it's 100% reliability.

If the motion input fails, it's usually down to not registering or my motion wasn't exaggerated enough.

I'll wait for impressions of this game and a price drop. I enjoyed SF64 too much and the thought of forgoing buttons for waggle isn't my cup of tea.


Neo Member
Metal Gear Rising's controls were unecessarily obtuse, and Wonderful 101's made MGR's controls intuitive by comparison. There are plenty of things Platinum does well, but intuitive controls isn't really one of them for me. They always seem to run into problem when they try to introduce a gimmicky control mechanic, and they seem to do that a lot.


Metal Gear Rising's controls were unecessarily obtuse, and Wonderful 101's made MGR's controls intuitive by comparison. There are plenty of things Platinum does well, but intuitive controls isn't really one of them for me. They always seem to run into problem when they try to introduce a gimmicky control mechanic, and they seem to do that a lot.

How on earth were rising's controls complicated.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Metal Gear Rising's controls were unecessarily obtuse, and Wonderful 101's made MGR's controls intuitive by comparison. There are plenty of things Platinum does well, but intuitive controls isn't really one of them for me. They always seem to run into problem when they try to introduce a gimmicky control mechanic, and they seem to do that a lot.

Err, what's so unintuitive about those two games? That's one thing PG always gets - their controls being tight.



I personally played Star Fox Zero at E3 and the controls were incredibly precise, the level design was pretty barren but the core mechanics were solid. I can't fathom how they could have gotten worse. I imagine it will be a similar case to Skyward Sword where some people love them and others hate them.

The thing with this, is that if they felt precise then...ans they delayed it "twice", then maybe the controls weren't all that solid to begin with? I'm still curious about this game, we haven't really seen enough of it. I just want to try it dammit! lol

Metal Gear Rising's controls were unecessarily obtuse, and Wonderful 101's made MGR's controls intuitive by comparison. There are plenty of things Platinum does well, but intuitive controls isn't really one of them for me. They always seem to run into problem when they try to introduce a gimmicky control mechanic, and they seem to do that a lot.

Parry system that hard to grasp heh? ;)
Metal Gear Rising's controls were unecessarily obtuse, and Wonderful 101's made MGR's controls intuitive by comparison. There are plenty of things Platinum does well, but intuitive controls isn't really one of them for me. They always seem to run into problem when they try to introduce a gimmicky control mechanic, and they seem to do that a lot.

You couldn't parry could you?
I played and loved both Kid Icarus: Uprising and The Wonderful 101, never had any problem with the controls, that's beacuse I actually like to learn new ways to play games. I was very confident in this, I don't mind if it's slow, if that's the way the game was meant to be, because Miyamoto instantly said that this time it's about killing EVERY enemy on screen.
If developers are struggling with it, that's when I start to be worried.


I like that in the year of Splatoon and Mario Maker apparently Nintendo's 2015 output is summed up by Amiibo Festival and a Mario Tennis.

I understand why people are disappointed they didn't get a proper Animal Crossing, because they apparently love cherry picking.

God damn
And yet you always see people complain about why "it's not like 64!" in these threads.

Like I feel like me and some few are the only people wanting a "fulfilled" version of Assault.

I've checked the last 7/8 threads with the title "Star Fox Zero" in them (including this one) and I've only seen two posts that complains about the Zero not being more like 64. As well as one post saying they would rather have a 64 remake instead (upon which some responses pointed out the 3DS remake exists). Most complaints I've seen are the game looking boring or unpolished. There is even one post saying Zero's boxart was too similar to that of the 64 3DS remake, as well as some post that complains about the opposite of what you're saying, including in this thread a few pages back:

My main issue with Star Fox Zero isn't the controls or the graphics, but the fact that it's literally Star Fox 64 all over again. I would've liked to see them expand upon the Star Fox universe rather than treading the same ground.

From the looks of things, you're complaining about people wanting 64 rehashes when numerous criticism concerning Zero are actually anything but the game not being more like the N64 title. So what more can I say other than I don't agree and I'd argue you're pushing a misconception that doesn't actually exist on a widespread scale.


All short dev spinoffs, making me believe they're going to have a boatload of core games for NX launch.

This is the very same thing people said about the Wii U in the tail end of the Wii's lifecycle.

People say NX's intentions bridging the software development/platform gap between console and handheld will make sure this isn't the case, but until we actually find out what it actually is I'm really not inclined to believe Nintendo won't repeat their mistakes of having a drought of software for their new consoles/handhelds. For what in this case sounds to be the fourth/fifth time in a row.


Neo Member
How on earth were rising's controls complicated.

The complexity of the controls doesn't necessarily effect how intuitive they are. You can have complex intuitive controls, and simple, unintuitive controls. While the slicing controls were a bit conterintuitive compaired to games that did it before, like afro samurai, the one I remember hearing everyone complaining about was the countering. People just didn't get how the mechanic worked. MGR was good compaired to the shape drawing in 101, that was am unecessary disaster and nearly ruined the game for me.
I kinda want Miyamoto to just quietly go away.

Honestly, I'm getting there myself. Star Fox sounds like a disaster that everyone sees coming but no one can prevent, specifically because Miyamoto insisted that it control in a way that simple doesn't work no matter how long you desperately delay the game.

Project Giant Robot is dead in the water because it was a dumb idea that everyone could see within 5 seconds would never amount to anything but a mediocre curiosity. Project Guard looked like a mess sewn together from the corpses of every generic tower defense games and Five Nights at Freddies. Neither appears to be approaching anything like a releasable product that anyone would pay actual money for.

Of course, none of this is quite as galling as Miyamoto's pronouncement from on high that Paper Mario doesn't need a story and can't have familiar, fun RPG mechanics. It remains to be seen how thoroughly his meddling has managed to ruin the as-yet unannounced Paper Mario game.

And another Pikmin? Does the Wii U really need another Pikmin? Are there really no other games ideas in the pipeline that should take priority over yet another Pikmin? This complaint is petty of me, admittedly, since people who like Pikmin assure me that Pikmin 3 was a good game that sold fine, and making a sequel to it isn't an obviously silly thing to do. But Pikmin 3 didn't sell that well. So why do Pikmin fans deserve another game while Metroid fans get jack shit? Because Pikmin is Miyamoto's baby, that's why.

Yeah, yeah, I know. Miyamoto is a genius, a visionary, has changed the video game industry multiple times, yada yada yada. All true. But that's all the more reason for him to get out now if he's lost his touch. I'd rather remember the glory days in peace than watch on helplessly as he further sinks Nintendo's software output.



I really thought we were passed this bullshit with the Wii U. Fucking hell. A Platinum made Star Fox should be a GOTY contender.
Motion controls are more accurate than pointer controls. A game with them should speed up, not slow down. Why is the game slow?
So another game ruined by a stupid gimmick? I really have no faith in Nintendo anymore.

Do you suffer from selective amnesia? In the past year, we've has Xeno X, Yoshi, Kirby, Splatoon, SMM. All great Imo. A few cheap quick spin offs aside, their output has been decent. Also, has anyone in this thread actually played the game. Or are we all going to go off the word of someone else who also hasn't played it?
Will wait for reviews. Sounds like a trainwreck. Can't wait for another 5-10 years for the next Starfox because Miyamoto decided to fuck us over, then blame us because the game doesn't sell.


Do you suffer from selective amnesia? In the past year, we've has Xeno X, Yoshi, Kirby, Splatoon, SMM. All great Imo. A few cheap quick spin offs aside, their output has been decent. Also, has anyone in this thread actually played the game. Or are we all going to go off the word of someone else who also hasn't played it?

The previews at E3 were hit or miss, so people are basing their opinions off of those initial impressions.

Seems fair.

I don't really know what "doubling down" on motion controls means, it was in from the onset and core mechanic. Not sure how one doubles down on that, but I am more concerned about elements of the game outright now working. I can't see the game going to cert if it was as bad as Alberto made it sound, and I fully expect another delay.


I've checked the last 7/8 threads with the title "Star Fox Zero" in them and I've only seen two posts that complains about the Zero not being more like 64. As well as one post saying they would rather have a 64 remake instead (upon which some responses pointed out the 3DS remake exists). Most complaints I've seen are the game looking boring or unpolished. One even said Zero's boxart was too similar to the 64 3DS remake.

From the looks of things, you're complaining about people wanting 64 rehashes when numerous criticism concerning Zero are anything but the game not being more like the N64 title. So what more can I say other than I don't agree and I'd argue you're pushing a misconception that doesn't actually exist on a widespread scale.

This is the very same thing people said about the Wii U in the tail end of the Wii's lifecycle.

People say NX's intentions bridging the software development/platform gap between console and handheld will make sure this isn't the case, but until we actually find out what it actually is I'm really not inclined to believe Nintendo won't repeat their mistakes of having a drought of software for their new consoles/handhelds. For what in this case sounds to be the fourth/fifth time in a row.
Speaking of people wanting the game to be like how SF64 was, I like how nintendo interprets that message by taking the story and dialogue from the game and trying to recreate certain levels again when people were obviously talking about wanting the core gameplay/action of the orignials in a NEW title. Instead nintendo just said, "fine then" and is just doing a remix on SF64 which feels super lazy/uncreative.


All short dev spinoffs, making me believe they're going to have a boatload of core games for NX launch.

That would be nice, but I'm not holding me breath for anything major outside of a cross gen Zelda and cross gen Paper Mario at launch.


If true, then Nintendo's string of legacy "hits" continues.

Mario Party 10

Animal Crossing Bored (U C wut I did there!) Game

Mario Tennis Ultra Smash

and now this.

Mario Party 10 is a blast and Amiibo Festival is fun assuming you've playing with people that are into Animal Crossing.

Get that Mario Tennis garbage out of here though.

Edit: And oh boy, another "Us vs. Them" Nintendo thread.
Holy shit at people jumping to conclusions like "Miyamoto should go". You don't even know what he really does in the company, we just look at the errors, right? We complain about Paper Mario not having a story, where the big problem was the gameplay itself. Or Project Giant Robot/Guard, games commissioned by the company because Wii U needed something to use the Gamepad. Miyamoto is responsible for every Nintendo game that came out on WiiU and 3DS, he's the quality controls itself, and besides some Animal Crossing shit made because they need money, I would say that he still gets it. Also Pikmin 3 is fucking perfect.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I've checked the last 7/8 threads with the title "Star Fox Zero" in them and I've only seen two posts that complains about the Zero not being more like 64. As well as one post saying they would rather have a 64 remake instead (upon which some responses pointed out the 3DS remake exists). Most complaints I've seen are the game looking boring or unpolished. I've even seen a few posts saying the opposite, complaining that Zero "looks like 64 all over again" and one post saying Zero's boxart was too similar to that of the 64 3DS remake.

From the looks of things, you're complaining about people wanting 64 rehashes when numerous criticism concerning Zero are actually anything but the game not being more like the N64 title. So what more can I say other than I don't agree and I'd argue you're pushing a misconception that doesn't actually exist on a widespread scale.

I'm targeting the "core gameplay like 64!", a sentiment that seems to be in every SF thread, and you'd pretty much have the "I want 64-2" shenanigans. Both of which are something that wouldn't fly out in this day and age unless you add more to it.

Assault would have been the proper evolution of 64 had it been properly polished and given ample time to grow rather than just being scrapped from the arcades. Oh well, at least the multiplayer is amazing.
No, I beat the game, but parrying was not intuitive.

Intuitive means having the ability to understand or know something without any direct evidence or reasoning process

Launching an attack into an incoming attack to block/parry by definition is intuitive. The idea of it just makes sense. It's explanation didn't cover it entirely which lead to a misinterpretation of how it worked.

But it's mechanic is intuitive. If someone handed a controller to you that only had a analogue stick and a single button for movement and attack respectively, and told you to "block" an attack you could do it.


I'm targeting the "core gameplay like 64!", a sentiment that seems to be in every SF thread, and you'd pretty much have the "I want 64-2" shenanigans. Both of which are something that wouldn't fly out in this day and age unless you add more to it.

Assault would have been the proper evolution of 64 had it been properly polished and given ample time to grow rather than just being scrapped from the arcades. Oh well, at least the multiplayer is amazing.

I actually wanted a more Assault-like Starfox myself. I thought I was the only one!

Despite the foot missions being bland and the same thing every time, I appreciated what they were trying to do with the game. I think giving that a second try would have been great. Also, yes the multiplayer is fun as hell.


The Birthday Skeleton
I have this feeling that the cat didn't really understood the info that she obtained. The "motion" controls don't make sense in the context. The only think that makes sense to be an issue is the asynchronous play in SP.

I think the cat is informed but a bit uneducated.
I'd rather Treasure just handled the whole thing.

Platinum doesn't really have any experience with shooters, plus they've got 30,000 simultaneous projects already.


Holy shit at people jumping to conclusions like "Miyamoto should go". You don't even know what he really does in the company, we just look at the errors, right? We complain about Paper Mario not having a story, where the big problem was the gameplay itself. Or Project Giant Robot/Guard, games commissioned by the company because Wii U needed something to use the Gamepad. Miyamoto is responsible for every Nintendo game that came out on WiiU and 3DS, he's the quality controls itself, and besides some Animal Crossing shit made because they need money, I would say that he still gets it. Also Pikmin 3 is fucking perfect.

Yeah see this shit is what always gets to me.

Miyamoto having some suggestions to throw at Sticker Star's way didn't stop that game from already being poor as hell in execution. If AlphaDream can take a standard Mario vs Bowser story and at least make it somewhat fun with it's left turns and writing, nothing is stopping IntSys from doing it other than sheer ineptitude. Using that as some smoking gun alongside Star Fox Zero which we haven't even gotten the final version as we're only getting hearsay is ridiculous.


The project was weird from the reveal. The fact that Platinum Games developed this was confirmed after the Digital Event, not during (not even a logo). Why would you not advertise that the world's current best maker of action game, whose director has shown interest in the franchise, was indeed developing?

I have a feeling that Nintendo internally developed Star Fox first, realized the demand and of a "Platinum-made Star Fox" midway and contracted them to do grunt work instead of design. If we look at the latest trailers, nothing indicate that it was a Platinum game---and Platinum were know for their very particular brand of actions. Then came the delays and "development hell" comment.

This is a baseless observation from simply trying to connect why a game co-developed by Platinum does not share its DNA at all.


So it's going to control as bad as it looks.

Awesome. Fantastic way to bring back one of my favorite franchises ever.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage

This is the very same thing people said about the Wii U in the tail end of the Wii's lifecycle.

People say NX's intentions bridging the software development/platform gap between console and handheld will make sure this isn't the case, but until we actually find out what it actually is I'm really not inclined to believe Nintendo won't repeat their mistakes of having a drought of software for their new consoles/handhelds. For what in this case sounds to be the fourth/fifth time in a row.

Except, as already has been stated, the HD transition crushed Nintendo. They're on record saying as much. That barrier is gone now.


So I'm going to double back and read through the thread after I post this. I just want to put out there that I played Star Fox at E3, and the mission they had for demo purposes, the only motion control was the gyro aiming, which allowed you to aim anywhere on screen but keep your Arwing in one position. The gyro was also in play for the bipedal Arwing.

The gyro controls assist your aiming just like Splatoon. When I picked up the demo, I literally had zero problems. I was even able to beat the boss the alternative way (docking the inside of the ship) on my first try. If you are familiar with Star Fox 64 and add gyro on top of that, it's fine.

There may be more motion control than they have let in on, but as far as what has been presented I really wouldn't worry about it.


The project was weird from the reveal. The fact that Platinum Games developed this was confirmed after the Digital Event, not during (not even a logo). Why would you not advertise that the world's current best maker of action game, whose director has shown interest in the franchise, was indeed developing?

I have a feeling that Nintendo internally developed Star Fox first, realized the demand and of a "Platinum-made Star Fox" midway and contracted them to do grunt work instead of design. If we look at the latest trailers, nothing indicate that it was a Platinum game---and Platinum were know for their very particular brand of actions. Then came the delays and "development hell" comment.

This is a baseless observation from simply trying to connect why a game co-developed by Platinum does not share its DNA at all.

Well you actually answered your own question there. Platinum is helping out with the campaign, not necessarily game design from the ground up. Plus like Miyamoto said in 2014 they were looking for a developer to help with getting the game out the door in a timely fashion.

That was before the delays at least.
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