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Obesity-Age: Why are fat people not serious about losing weight?

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It seems all the ones I encounter appear content with their weight or disregard it altogether as they continue to eat and do as they please.

During Thanksgiving week, when every employee at work seemed obligated to donate food to the office to celebrate the holiday, I saw one of the division chiefs – one of the fattest individuals I’ve ever worked with – unsympathetically devour some of the leftovers in the work kitchen at the close of business day. I told him “Good Night” and left the man to his dirty business, but the entire episode left a very poor impression. Here was a man who is one hamburger away from the heart attack to end all heart attacks and he was gorging on the remnants of the unwholesome contributions made by co-workers.

It gets worse. When I go to the gym, I see these fat asses occupying areas and machines designed specifically for serious lifters. A few weeks ago, I witnessed an overweight lady on one of those squat machines with the foot platform angled at 45-degree using the machine to do steps. In other incident, there was fat body doing knee-raises on a bench press unit. It’s one thing for an overweight goon to plod through life stuffing their face with twinkies, but a completely different animal when it comes at the inconvenience of someone who takes his or her health seriously. Sadly, that is the reason why there are no real gyms any more. They’re all contaminated at the behest of big people who’d rather see gyms congested with fitness (aka “bitchness”) machines that are, for the most part, ineffective and space-consuming. Go outside, run and do some fucking push-ups to get your weight down and your strength up before occupying gyms at the expense of people who are serious about their physical condition.

Or my cousin, who thinks she can call me every 2 days, gloating over the fact that she consumed 5 cups of water. Get serious. Almost every fat person I’ve met wanted credit or a pat on the back for doing something that they’re supposed to do. “I haven’t eaten a whole cake in 2 weeks.” Great, you want a low-cholesterol cookie?

I don’t mean to put big people down, but they’re frustrating. They look at themselves in the mirror every day, they SEE the problem, but they don’t much to fix it. And when they do decide to take some action, they want a round of applause from those that can run a block without their clothes drenched in sweat.

Had to let that off my chest.



Who looks healthier?

Dead Man

So hang on, you're bitching about fat people, then about fat people taking steps to lose weight? Makes perfect sense.
They misuse gym equipment because they're too embarrassed to ask for help on the proper exercise regime because they think pricks like you will laugh at them.

EDIT: I used to weigh just over 105kg when I was young but worked it off without any help because I was so afraid to ask people incase they made fun of me.


Thank you so much man. I have two papers due and a final today and I've been seriously stressing out. As soon as I saw that you posted a new thread, a huge grin spread across my face. Your posts, your threads, have never failed to make me laugh. You've helped me through a lot of dark times in the past, so I just want to say what I said in your last thread: Keep on keeping on man. Keep on keeping on.


idahoblue said:
So hang on, you're bitching about fat people, then about fat people taking steps to lose weight? Makes perfect sense.

There's nothing more frustrating than going to a crowded gym, because you can't do the lifts that you want to do. You waste time standing around waiting. Well, I take it back, having people on equipment and using it for stuff it's not designed for is infuriating. The latter is what he was describing.


ChrisGoldstein said:
Post a pic so we can see your nice bod


I just imagine some guy who looks like Patrick Bateman who goes on ski trips on the weekends with his boss, paying homeless people to watch his clothes, and dressing in the latest spring fashions.


MBA in pussy licensing and rights management
Hmmm I suppose the "Doncha come back" line could be broken in to 3 separate links to make more room.


listen to the mad man
NintendosBooger has to be the most cruel and socially unaware human being I've ever seen post on the internet.
idahoblue said:
So hang on, you're bitching about fat people, then about fat people taking steps to lose weight? Makes perfect sense.

They can do steps outside. Why do you have to occupy a machine, doing something on it when the machine was meant for something else, and at the expense of others?
Fat people = stupid people. Most of the time anyway. That's why they are stupid enough to occupy the machines meant for people who know what they do. If fat people want to get slimmer they should read a fucking book about healthy food and go for walks.


Working in food service it used to always astound me -- the skinny people who least needed the low-fat, low-cal options would always order them. And the fat people who least needed extra-caramel, extra-whipped cream and extra sugar would always order with those options. It seemed so strange until I just realized "Oh, that's why the skinny people are skinny and the fat people are fat!"

Occasionally though I guess you'd see obese people who try to half-ass it (despite having the equivalent of 2 asses)....."Give me the lower-calorie drink - but please add whipped cream and extra caramel." For some reason the people that half-ass it like that do tend to annoy me more than the people who have just completely given up and aren't even self-conscious about consuming a 1000 calorie mid-afternoon snack.

I have my own vices, but I at least have a sense of shame about them. I tend to cite "Lack of shame" for a lot of our country's problems.


NintendosBooger said:
It gets worse. When I go to the gym, I see these fat asses occupying areas and machines designed specifically for serious lifters. A few weeks ago, I witnessed an overweight lady on one of those squat machines with the foot platform angled at 45-degree using the machine to do steps. In other incident, there was fat body doing knee-raises on a bench press unit. It’s one thing for an overweight goon to plod through life stuffing their face with twinkies, but a completely different animal when it comes at the inconvenience of someone who takes his or her health seriously. Sadly, that is the reason why there are no real gyms any more. They’re all contaminated at the behest of big people who’d rather see gyms congested with fitness (aka “bitchness”) machines that are, for the most part, ineffective and space-consuming. Go outside, run and do some fucking push-ups to get your weight down and your strength up before occupying gyms at the expense of people who are serious about their physical condition.

oh. my. god.


Dead Man

NintendosBooger said:
They can do steps outside. Why do you have to occupy a machine, doing something on it when the machine was meant for something else, and at the expense of others?
They can occupy it because they paid to do so. If they are using it incorrectly, why don't you give them a hand?
idahoblue said:
They can occupy it because they paid to do so. If they are using it incorrectly, why don't you give them a hand?
Too much of a coward. He'd rather bitch about it on the internet.


FairyD said:
I just imagine some guy who looks like Patrick Bateman who goes on ski trips on the weekends with his boss, paying homeless people to watch his clothes, and dressing in the latest spring fashions.

I strive to be this person.


Sniper McBlaze said:
Fat people = stupid people. Most of the time anyway. That's why they are stupid enough to occupy the machines meant for people who know what they do. If fat people want to get slimmer they should read a fucking book about healthy food and go for walks.
idahoblue said:
So hang on, you're bitching about fat people, then about fat people taking steps to lose weight? Makes perfect sense.

To be fair, he's correct in saying that the overweight shouldn't be going straight to heavy lifting. That builds muscle underneath the fat, gives greater appearance of fat on their body and makes them weigh more since muscle is heavier than fat. Dispiriting and a distraction from dealing with the key concern, which is doing cardio to get rid of the fat on their body.

He has quite a way of saying it, though, and manages to generalize the psychology of a whole subset of people while doing so.


Junior Member
  • How can people be okay with the way they look, if I don't approve of them?
  • Why do some people look different, act differently or eat differently?
  • How can someone pay for a gym membership like me, then use the equipment here in a manner I disapprove of?

...all these questions and many more can be found in the OP's current thread and past thread history.


Trivia: if someone here in Austin can't fit into the MRI tunnel, where do they go for MRIs?

SeaWorld, in San Antonio. I'm not joking. It's awkward as hell to tell this to a patient.


Tim the Wiz said:
To be fair, he's correct in saying that the overweight shouldn't be going straight to heavy lifting. That builds muscle underneath the fat, gives greater appearance of fat on their body and makes them weigh more since muscle is heavier than fat. Dispiriting and a distraction from dealing with the key concern, which is doing cardio to get rid of the fat on their body.

Overweight individuals working out in a gym are doing nothing wrong. It is a positive action no matter how you want to rationalize it.


HylianTom said:
Trivia: if someone here in Austin can't fit into the MRI tunnel, where do they go for MRIs?

SeaWorld, in San Antonio. I'm not joking. It's awkward as hell to tell this to a patient.

That was done in Scrubs once.


It sounds to me you should be in a higher quality gym or you should buy your own equipment. I'm somewhat surprised though that your plan of dressing above the plebs at work on Fridays hasn't yet afforded you a pay scale that lets you get memberships at a better establishments. That might help to keep the riffraff off the machine that is clearly yours. How have these gym slobs not realized your time is more important than theirs? And that the fees they pay count for less than yours? Seriously...the nerve of some people.

Ace 8095

Because the government has spent the last 30 years telling people to eat a low fat, low calorie diet, and walk 20 minutes every day to achieve "wellness". When people tell me that my whole milk, bacon, and eggs breakfast is unhealthy but precede to eat 2 bagels and drink their juicy juice it's no surprise there are so many fat people. My mother was recently told by a doctor that she should eat a 1,200 calorie diet and cut out all fats to lose weight. His fat ass should try living on the diet he recommends for a few months.

Tim the Wiz said:
To be fair, he's correct in saying that the overweight shouldn't be going straight to heavy lifting. That builds muscle underneath the fat, gives greater appearance of fat on their body and makes them weigh more since muscle is heavier than fat. Dispiriting and a distraction from dealing with the key concern, which is doing cardio to get rid of the fat on their body.
God forbid we put someone on an effective exercise program.


I'm fat

I didn't used to be. I was probably always unhealthy but only weighed about 104lbs after high school (5'5"). Sometime about 21 or 22 my metabolism slowed down but I never changed my lifestyle. In the following months I gained about 30 pounds but it was welcomed as I always looked like a concentration camp victim (yes, I was that skinny) and now I looked human. Very slowly though (not changing my lifestyle) I gained more weight and currently have been sitting at 183lbs for the past few years not ever going above 186lbs.

I guess I should be thankful I didn't keep getting bigger but I haven't done much to change it. Maybe cutting down on pop and drinking a little more water.

I'm not The Biggest Loser fat, more like a gut with extra padding. Someday I guess I'll get serious but I'm married so it's not like I'm trying to catch any tail. i'm sure it'll come to a head eventually.

But yeah, it's just laziness and lack of motivation really. Exercise is inconvenient and I own that.

BTW, I don't go to a gym and use your precious machines. I understand that I just need to jog or ride a bike or something.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
My psychology is shaky right now but here's what I remember, feel free to correct me.

Physically speaking, obesity will alter human body's internal chemistry. Being fat primes the body to stay fat. It's very easy to gain weight, but losing it takes a lot more effort. Obesity also make it more difficult to exercise regularly, and dieting increases the body's energy expenditure (thus increasing the food intake of someone who is obese).

In addition, social pressure can be both a motivator and a demotivator. Many people try to lose weight in order to better conform with with society's expectations. But the unrealistic portrayal of the human body in all forms of media often has negative effects on an obese person's psyche, robbing them of their confidence and self-esteem.

Thus, people trying to lose weight are fighting two fronts, one against their body, and one against their mind.

FAKE EDIT: Stop being a booger, seriously.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
NintendosBooger said:
fitness (aka “bitchness”) machines that are, for the most part, ineffective and space-consuming.

do you mean aerobic machines like ellipticals, stairmasters, cycling machines.. etc. ?

if so.. you are dead wrong. those are The most effective tools to weight loss And staying healthy. if you dont do cardio, you may be just as unhealthy as those you so revile.
AVclub said:
  • How can people be okay with the way they look, if I don't approve of them?
  • Why do some people look different, act differently or eat differently?
  • How can someone pay for a gym membership like me, then use the equipment here in a manner I disapprove of?

...all these questions and many more can be found in the OP's current thread and past thread history.

That right there is one of the problems.

The hopeless fat folks and those that sympathize with their plight think it's a matter of image, and that it is the fault of others when they don't see them as anything less than beautiful or normal. There is nothing normal, nothing good about being fat and doing nothing RIGHT (keyword) about it.

Most will say that they're simply uninformed, but give me a break. We're in the information age where you can get the right tips at the click of a mouse. It's simple: most of them don't care or take short-cuts. "Oh, let me join this gym and fuck things up for everyone else, so when I leave, I can come out resembling Arnold."

Gyms are meant for those that want to reach that next level, for those that want to be above average, not for big fuckers that are starting from -329 and trying to work their way up to 0. There are workouts you should be doing at home. Drink a lot of water, walk around, run, do some push-ups. But if I were to say any of this to the fat people in the gym, they'll shrug me off because in their minds they think they're ready for the gym.


For a lot of people, food is a stress releiving drug, no different from cigarettes or pot. Eating produces a emotional response and it's hard as hell to break that habit once it's ingrained.

Add to that the frustration of knowing how much work it will take to correct, and the problem gets worse, as one more day becomes one more year.

Also, the OP is a gigantic ass, in mind if not in body.
I go to the gym to use the treadmills or ellipticals because its 0 degrees outside, but since im fat, and subhuman, maybe I deserve to walk outside in the cold.


gamerecks said:
I go to the gym to use the treadmills or ellipticals because its 0 degrees outside, but since im fat, and subhuman, maybe I deserve to walk outside in the cold.

Don't forget your push-ups.


listen to the mad man
NintendosBooger said:
We're in the information age where you can get the right tips at the click of a mouse.

It's funny because you can get socialization tips as well but it doesn't stop you from starting thread after thread of this shit so I guess the information age isn't all it's cracked up to be.
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