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Obesity-Age: Why are fat people not serious about losing weight?

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It's the same as motivating yourself to do anything. It's easier to just NOT do it.

Thank God I'm not fat otherwise I'd be fat forever.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Jamesfrom818 said:
When I used to go to the gym, the only people I had a problem with were the old guys that would just walk around naked in the locker room all the time.

You know they are just looking for sex.


First tragedy, then farce.
OP, I'm with you.

Fat people bother me because they are just lazy.

I don't care about your genes, I don't care about your glandular disorder.

Every single time I see a fatty it turns out they don't work out, eat poorly and sit at home watching the boob tube all day.

Go get a fucking basketball and start playing, start walking, DO SOMETHING.


I love Pizza. I could eat Pizza all the time I love it so much. I only eat Pizza 1-2 times a month because its horrible for you.


I think there's a lot of fatty-hate in this thread.. But honestly, it does piss me off when I think back at my most recent BF. He did nothing but complain how fat he was. I was always exercising, trying my best to eat right, cut out all drinks but Water. Sure, there's a lot I would LOVE to eat but I hold myself back. Him on the other hand.. just got to the point where all he did was sit on his ass, lost his job and pigged out. Hell, was the time of the month for me one time I bought myself some chocolate cookies (I deserve some relief sometimes..! :lol ) I wake up the next day, the whole thing of them was GONE. Turns out in the middle of the night, he got up and ate ALL of my cookies. :[

The guy before him was fat too, but he was fat his whole life and he really wasn't a pigging out / lazy type so it didn't really bother me.. He had a medical condition that would prevent him from doing any actual working out though.

It'd be kinda funny to post some before/after pics of him but I don't have any good after pics of him at the most recent..


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Koshiba said:
I think there's a lot of fatty-hate in this thread.. But honestly, it does piss me off when I think back at my most recent BF. He did nothing but complain how fat he was. I was always exercising, trying my best to eat right, cut out all drinks but Water. Sure, there's a lot I would LOVE to eat but I hold myself back. Him on the other hand.. just got to the point where all he did was sit on his ass, lost his job and pigged out. Hell, was the time of the month for me one time I bought myself some chocolate cookies (I deserve some relief sometimes..! :lol ) I wake up the next day, the whole thing of them was GONE. Turns out in the middle of the night, he got up and ate ALL of my cookies. :[

The guy before him was fat too, but he was fat his whole life and he really wasn't a pigging out / lazy type so it didn't really bother me.. He had a medical condition that would prevent him from doing any actual working out though.

It'd be kinda funny to post some before/after pics of him but I don't have any good after pics of him at the most recent..
Stop being an enabler and dating fat guys.


shooting blanks
NomarTyme said:
There was this one time siting on the Gym locker bench this fucker lift one it leg besides and and turned my head...... fuck.



Drunky McMurder
NintendosBooger said:
That right there is one of the problems.

The hopeless fat folks and those that sympathize with their plight think it's a matter of image, and that it is the fault of others when they don't see them as anything less than beautiful or normal. There is nothing normal, nothing good about being fat and doing nothing RIGHT (keyword) about it.

Most will say that they're simply uninformed, but give me a break. We're in the information age where you can get the right tips at the click of a mouse. It's simple: most of them don't care or take short-cuts. "Oh, let me join this gym and fuck things up for everyone else, so when I leave, I can come out resembling Arnold."

Gyms are meant for those that want to reach that next level, for those that want to be above average, not for big fuckers that are starting from -329 and trying to work their way up to 0. There are workouts you should be doing at home. Drink a lot of water, walk around, run, do some push-ups. But if I were to say any of this to the fat people in the gym, they'll shrug me off because in their minds they think they're ready for the gym.

You see what we have here is somebody deciding "Oh shit, too many people are almost agreeing with my batshit insanity! Fuck, time to crank it up" and then turning the cuntometer to max. It's an effective way to troll, but you've got to throw in something different now and then. For those of you aspiring to be assholes in your spare time like him, you might want to take it easy. If you've got people on your side, make some more rational points. Then, when they think you might be a real person, that's when you put on your crazy hat and start complaining about how the laughter of children at the park makes you want to rape that old man who feeds the birds(the fucking nerve of that guy). Follow these steps and you, too, might almost be as annoying as NintendosBooger.


Fat people are just weak willed people with no self control.

The genetics argument is bullshit.
Being fat has nothing to do with genetics.
You can speed up your metabolism with the right foods, you can exercise, you can eat healthier, SO MANY OPTIONS.
It's all about mindset.

If you're fat, it's cause you let yourself become fat and you have no intention of changing.

Ela Hadrun

Probably plays more games than you
The fat people don't care about losing weight because the people who do are skinny.

It's not that hard to figure out.

And for the record, I give excellent head.

just not to you


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Ela Hadrun said:
The fat people don't care about losing weight because the people who do are skinny.
Is this some way of making oneself feel better about not being in decent, fit shape? One of those "proud to be fat" things?


First tragedy, then farce.
Ela Hadrun said:
The fat people don't care about losing weight because the people who do are skinny.

It's not that hard to figure out.

And for the record, I give excellent head.

just not to you

good for you. Enjoy your heart attack at an early age.

But congrats on giving a good BJ


Mike Works said:
as someone who was once obese who got in shape, you have absolutely no idea how hard it is if you don't have the proper motivation

it's much, much more than looking in the mirror and realizing you're fat and thinking, "hey it would be neat to not be fat"

think about the biggest flaw that you have. why don't you just get rid of that flaw by tomorrow forever?

it's just not that easy.

i was eventually able to lose 100 lbs in 11 months when i was 19 by eating right (dieting) and exercising. but do you have any idea how many diets i'd been on before then? at least two dozen. i was trying to force myself into motivation, and every time, the lack of motivation just killed it.

i can't explain to you how i suddenly got the motivation to actually do it, but it just came, and i took advantage of it.

but again, if you've never been truly fat, you can't fully understand what that hurdle is like. there's a world of difference between losing weight and keeping weight off.

Same and at the same age. You're my hero.

I will add that I ended up gaining hte majority of my 100 pounds back and now I'm overweight at 29. It's been hard to just find the TIME let alone the motivation. It takes an actual drive and frankly, my drive to take care of my wife and child usually takes over my mind before my drive to make myself healthy.

It will happen again someday, I have confidence in that.


shooting blanks
Ela Hadrun said:
The fat people don't care about losing weight because the people who do are skinny.

It's not that hard to figure out.

And for the record, I give excellent head.

just not to you



Wii said:
Fat people are just weak willed people with no self control.

The genetics argument is bullshit.
Being fat has nothing to do with genetics.
You can speed up your metabolism with the right foods, you can exercise, you can eat healthier, SO MANY OPTIONS.
It's all about mindset.

If you're fat, it's cause you let yourself become fat and you have no intention of changing.
The only valid argument is if your parents made you eat crap foods with no exercise as a kid (like I was). But even then, it's a thin argument because eventually you realize you've become overweight (well at least I hope you would) and change your eating/exercise habits (like I did).

If anything this thread should be more about the people who think being fat is healthier than being at a normal weight, and use that as an excuse.
Ela Hadrun said:
The fat people don't care about losing weight because the people who do are skinny.

It's not that hard to figure out.

And for the record, I give excellent head.

just not to you

does your vagina taste like bacon and cheese


I actually prefer to take my time. If it screws up a dude that's overtly hardcore, that's too bad.

Build your own damn gym in your own home. If you're so beastly that you only need these certain things, I'm sure you can find room for it and budget for it by selling your good looks and amazing body.

Gyms are for EVERYONE, for improving your shape and conditioning. Unfortunately for you, that includes fat people looking to get to zero, you may well just have to deal with it. Or you could run off and start a fit people's gym. Must have less then 15% body fat to join.

And a novel idea, offering some kind of encouragement and tips, will help them greatly, and possibly you in the future when you're in a rush and they get out of your way for you.
lol this thread is dumb.

How can you be offended by fat people? Now if it was a fat person whinging and complaining all the time that they are fat, I'd understand. But if they're going about their day why get annoyed :lol

Some people are ok with who they are regardless of their size.

Ela Hadrun

Probably plays more games than you
StoOgE said:
good for you. Enjoy your heart attack at an early age.

But congrats on giving a good BJ

Nah, no one in my family on either side has ever had a heart attack, and I'm not the fattest by a long shot. Cancer is what kills us. My mom's parents are actually still alive, and her father does have diabetes, but then again, he's 93. Not a bad run.

manipulate said:
does your vagina taste like bacon and cheese

Not that I know of. It certainly doesn't smell that way. And I'm not sure how it would, I haven't eaten bacon in years.

lil smoke

MrPing1000 said:
lol this thread is dumb.

How can you be offended by fat people? Now if it was a fat person whinging and complaining all the time that they are fat, I'd understand. But if they're going about there day why get annoyed :lol

Some people are ok with who they are regardless of their size.
:lol You are a genius.


Army death height crane group location world
I notice far more average/skinny dudes goofing off in the gym than fatasses.

If someone is truly misusing equipment, you could just ask them to move. Either they'll move or they'll refuse and look like more of an ass. It won't be the end of the world for you.


Junior Member
Cryptozoologist said:
It's the same as motivating yourself to do anything. It's easier to just NOT do it.

Thank God I'm not fat otherwise I'd be fat forever.

Yup. Thank god I was born with an over-active metabolism or else I'd likely be fat. Although I'll likely end up dying fairly young because of it.

And why do you care so much about what fat people are doing? Perhaps they just enjoy life and are not so obsessed with what other people think of them? Life is short, enjoy it.

lil smoke

Dash said:
Perhaps they just enjoy life and are not so obsessed with what other people think of them? Life is short, enjoy it.
That's whats up, man. It's something to remember about people you can't relate to.
That sloth looks really happy to be on you.

Probably cause it found something as slow as he is

Oh come on u asked for it, I'm overweight too, woohoo


I like the idea of NintendosBooger just being a joke account, it would pain me too much to believe that there actually is a being out there made of pure evil.


NintendosBooger said:
It seems all the ones I encounter appear content with their weight or disregard it altogether as they continue to eat and do as they please.

During Thanksgiving week, when every employee at work seemed obligated to donate food to the office to celebrate the holiday, I saw one of the division chiefs – one of the fattest individuals I’ve ever worked with – unsympathetically devour some of the leftovers in the work kitchen at the close of business day. I told him “Good Night” and left the man to his dirty business, but the entire episode left a very poor impression. Here was a man who is one hamburger away from the heart attack to end all heart attacks and he was gorging on the remnants of the unwholesome contributions made by co-workers.

It gets worse. When I go to the gym, I see these fat asses occupying areas and machines designed specifically for serious lifters. A few weeks ago, I witnessed an overweight lady on one of those squat machines with the foot platform angled at 45-degree using the machine to do steps. In other incident, there was fat body doing knee-raises on a bench press unit. It’s one thing for an overweight goon to plod through life stuffing their face with twinkies, but a completely different animal when it comes at the inconvenience of someone who takes his or her health seriously. Sadly, that is the reason why there are no real gyms any more. They’re all contaminated at the behest of big people who’d rather see gyms congested with fitness (aka “bitchness”) machines that are, for the most part, ineffective and space-consuming. Go outside, run and do some fucking push-ups to get your weight down and your strength up before occupying gyms at the expense of people who are serious about their physical condition.

Or my cousin, who thinks she can call me every 2 days, gloating over the fact that she consumed 5 cups of water. Get serious. Almost every fat person I’ve met wanted credit or a pat on the back for doing something that they’re supposed to do. “I haven’t eaten a whole cake in 2 weeks.” Great, you want a low-cholesterol cookie?

I don’t mean to put big people down, but they’re frustrating. They look at themselves in the mirror every day, they SEE the problem, but they don’t much to fix it. And when they do decide to take some action, they want a round of applause from those that can run a block without their clothes drenched in sweat.

Had to let that off my chest.

NintendosBooger said:
That right there is one of the problems.

The hopeless fat folks and those that sympathize with their plight think it's a matter of image, and that it is the fault of others when they don't see them as anything less than beautiful or normal. There is nothing normal,nothing good about being fat and doing nothing RIGHT (keyword) about it.

Most will say that they're simply uninformed, but give me a break. We're in the information age where you can get the right tips at the click of a mouse. It's simple: most of them don't care or take short-cuts. "Oh, let me join this gym and fuck things up for everyone else, so when I leave, I can come out resembling Arnold."

Gyms are meant for those that want to reach that next level, for those that want to be above average, not for big fuckers that are starting from -329 and trying to work their way up to 0. There are workouts you should be doing at home. Drink a lot of water, walk around, run, do some push-ups. But if I were to say any of this to the fat people in the gym, they'll shrug me off because in their minds they think they're ready for the gym.

Seriously, NintendosBooger, you sound like the fate people Hitler, you damn fat-Nazi.

And like a complete twat, but thats giving you a lot more credit than you deserve.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Dash said:
Perhaps they just enjoy life and are not so obsessed with what other people think of them? Life is short, enjoy it.
How other people see you is one of the lesser motivations to not be obese.


Still Tagged Accordingly
i've always being skinny. i'm actually at the other end of this... i'm trying to put on weight. and it's not easy.

my initial motivation was just to look and feel healthy.

but my real motivation now is investment. i've changed my diet and gone to the gym for around four months. that's a lot of time, money and effort. to just stop now would be such an enormous waste of all the effort i've made over these past few months.

so to all you fat people out there, i give you this advice: FORCE yourself to change for a period of time... it could be a week, a month, a few months. you need to find your "investment threshold" (yes, i just made that up). once you get to a point where you can say to yourself, "stopping would be a massive waste of everything i've achieved up till now." it will cause a runaway effect where as you invest more into you'll be even more motivated to keep going.

this will set in your mind a motivation to keep at it. you'll actually start feeling a NEED to exercise and eat correctly, because doing otherwise is to cheat yourself out of all that earlier effort.

an important part of this process is tracking your progress. the simplest thing to track is your overall weight. jump on the scales everyday, and look for those small changes of 100 grams (plus or minus, depending on your goal) or so. you can also track parts of your exercise regime. how much weight you've lifted, number of reps, time spent on cardio equipment, resistances used. print out a table with all the exercises on it, and write on to it what you do each time.

as you start seeing results you'll feel a need to see further results, especially when friends and family start noticing. it actually gets addictive.


Unconfirmed Member
demon said:
How other people see you is one of the lesser motivations to not be obese.
I think this is probably an okay place for me to start. (And this isn't aimed at you, demon.) This is a pretty major point that's really twisted in our society. The focus of most anti-fat sentiment is rarely the fat person being ridiculed's health. It's "they're ugly, they smell bad, they're in my way, etc." Everyone says "oh oh oh but it's all about HEALTH" like some sort of fucking token statement after spewing a bunch of nasty, asshole-ish vitriol.

Look, the same people who are in this thread bitching about fat people who crush huge boxes of hohos and Mountain Dew all day would certainly fuck someone who is skinny, but lives the same lifestyle. There are plenty of people who are "skinny" but far from healthy. I know this one person who's diet mostly consists of popcorn, nachos, and Indian takeout. No vegetables. No fruit. Very little real substantial food. But hey, this person isn't fat, so nobody bitches about their lifestyle. Do you know why? Because they are more aesthetically pleasing (based upon the unrealistic view of what beauty is supposed to be in modern society). This person is "cute," so there is no ridicule.

Full disclosure: I'm fat. I've had luls at my expense here, and my whole fucking "real" life. I've been discriminated against because of this at my job, even though I am one of the absolute best people there. Guess what, none of this gives me any motivation to go do a thousand push-ups in my dark room, far from the eyes of NintendosBooger. Fat hate is fully accepted in our society. Stereotypes of fat people are unbelievably prevalent in television and film. Hey guess what. I'm not stupid. My wife doesn't "zing" me all the time because my brain is as slow as my waistline is fat. I don't stink. I don't wear sweatpants and Big Dog t-shirts.

But society's obsession with other people's look is too powerful to look at how bad for people this really is. Take for example the recent Subway TV ads, about how eating that fast food is going to make your pants explode, and chairs break around you. Hi-larious, right? Oh hey did I mention that nobody in the commercial was actually, uh fat? Come on, like that's going to entice people to go get a Subway sub. "Oh, well, I was ridiculed to peddle shitty cold cut sandwiches, I'm going to go give them my money." Subway will never get another red cent from me. Honestly, their advertisement has been on a steady decline from "a healthy alternative to greasy fast food" to full on "THE WORST THING YOU COULD DO IS BE FAT." The best part of this to me, though, is that pretty much every time I went to Subway I'd watch people order sandwiches which were as bad, or worse, for them than a Big Mac or whatever. "Footlong chicken breast on cheddar bread, add double cheese, double bacon, ranch, a bunch of wilted vegetables out of a bag devoid of any nutrition, and extra mayo please. Actually, a little more mayo." Eat fresh!™

Maybe I've ended up in a tangent here. So I'll try to maybe focus more on the original question asked by our resident humanitarian, NintendosBooger.

I'm not serious about "losing weight" because losing weight isn't what I want to do. If I went to the gym (hey, I know how to use the machines even though I'm not some totally ripped Adonis like you) to keep some closed minded, immature asshole like you from thinking negatively that would be the worst reason ever. And that is what losing weight would do. This sort of thinking is why there's so many people with eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia. Legions of shallow people hold everyone up to an unrealistic idea of what people should look like. We're not all going to look like Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie. And you know what? That's awesome. What so many people define as "fat" is so goddamn unrealistic.

I'm trying to live a healthier lifestyle. If I live a healthier lifestyle I'll be a smaller, more socially acceptable size. But doing it has nothing to do with society, at all. It's because I don't like being in bad shape. It hurts me physically. It hurts me emotionally, and saps away any self esteem at all I have. And this is why it's so hard to do that. People act like it isn't a very difficult road to undertake. I've had tons of detours on this road. Anyone who tries to does. It's difficult to schedule time to go to the gym and cook good food when you work long hours. It's hard to go the gym when you feel extremely looked down upon. When I signed up for my gym membership, I stood outside the front door feeling like I was about to throw up. It's horribly uncomfortable when people act like you don't belong there because you're not in shape. Deep down I know that's why I'm there, and that I have every right to be there if I pay my dues, and I should just say "fuck you" to anyone who tells me different. But it's difficult.

I don't expect a bunch of praise because I didn't eat a piece of pie after dinner or because I went and did an hour of cardio. But hey, maybe if we tried to encourage people to live healthier lifestyles instead of shaming them into being thin things would be easier. But hey then we wouldn't get to laugh at a bunch of other people's expense, and really what good is life if you don't get to do that, right?
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