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Obesity-Age: Why are fat people not serious about losing weight?

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Someone should photoshop this so he's at a gym surrounded by fat people


I find one of the biggest barriers to weight loss and a healthy life are a$$holes, they are a threat to peoples physical and mental health. :D
t4ng0 said:
So you hate fat people.

Also, you hate fat people trying to get in shape.

People like YOU are whats wrong with gyms. Assholes who think it's their god-given right to use a machine simply because they can lift more, or are better at it.

I'm fit, bitch.

Edit: Half the time the afore-mentioned assholes don't even use the machines/weights with good form, which is even more hilarious when they realize they aren't really that strong.

this man is correct.

what really gets me is the bulked up guys who stand around and gossip like bitches behind some dudes back when he's using the squat rack to stretch or some shit. or when someone is doing deadlifts incredibly wrong and instead of warning the dude that he might cause serious harm to his back they just crack jokes.
NintendosBooger said:
It gets worse. When I go to the gym, I see these fat asses occupying areas and machines designed specifically for serious lifters. A few weeks ago, I witnessed an overweight lady on one of those squat machines with the foot platform angled at 45-degree using the machine to do steps. In other incident, there was fat body doing knee-raises on a bench press unit.

:lol that one got me good


In many people it's a fucking addiction you asshole.

I have been skinny one time in my life, when I was a smoker and alchoholic. When I kicked those habits, I ended up taking up a food addction.


sparkle this bitch
You know, I actually agree. Its kinda like the old retired people who have to feel like they need something to do, and do it during rush hour. Its kinda of the same feeling, Your fat and you want to lose it. No problem. Just please don't waste my fucking time because your too damn lazy to actually lose the weight. If your going to work out, np. But if your going to act like a bunch of high school kids. Piss off.


My last BF turned into a huge lazy obese fat fuck and he even went as far as to LYING about working out and eating healthy. Sorry dude, lying about it won't make the weight come off.


fuck I wish I could hit the gym but the hell with paying dues, tho I might go if one of my friends went with me always easier like that


I actually used to agree 100% with the OP. However, nothing really constructive comes out of hating people due to their own ignorance. I can't really judge anyone doing something "wrong" at the gym, cause c'mon, we all had to start somewhere. Starting is usually the hardest step.

As for "looking up" info, some people just really don't apply that to physical fitness, for whatever reason. Perhaps they know they won't like the info they will find. I've known incredibly smart overweight people who think they can just portion control and go jogging occaisionally and lose 50lbs in 3 months. I'm talking 4.0 GPA engineering students, executives I've worked with, etc. I've found the best thing to do is offer advice with explanation, and if people don't want to take it, that's their issue. I've had some people ignore my advice at one point, then find some site or book that says the same thing I did, then follow it. I guess because I'm not a "fitness professional," they thought I didn't know anything.

I could go into the follies of the food guide pyramid, insulin control/sensitivity, weights vs. cardio for overall health, concepts like "earning" your carbs, but I sense that this crowd isn't too interested in such topics. Like I said, the info is out there should people decide they want to make an effective change.

For the record, I was a soft 140lbs out of high school, graduated college at about 195 (peaked at 215), and now try to maintain a mostly lean 180-185.

I'm not sure there was a point to all of that, but I felt like the thread needed a non "OP is an asshole" post.


Sniper McBlaze said:
You don't need to go to a gym. Start running!
I walk tho I need to increase the amount of days I do and drink about two liters of water a day I also need to adjust my diet to be more healthy.
Zeke said:
I walk tho I need to increase the amount of days I do and drink about two liters of water a day I also need to adjust my diet to be more healthy.

Walking is great cardio. Are you just losing weight or do you wanna build muscles?


Sniper McBlaze said:
Walking is great cardio. Are you just losing weight or do you wanna build muscles?
lose weight mostly I used to play sports in school never had the knock out body but god damn I was strong not so much anymore ;(


joelseph said:
No not at all. I took it as this being a joke post from a joke account.

Yeah, because I don't toe the GAF line I'm a joke account.

Maybe you have it backwards. GAF is the joke. I also am not going to compromise my beliefs to "fit in" to the freak show here.


Dr_Cogent said:
Yeah, because I don't toe the GAF line I'm a joke account.

Maybe you have it backwards. GAF is the joke. I also am not going to compromise my beliefs to "fit in" to the freak show here.

No no, you mistook me again. I thought your original comment "Jesus Christ GAF is dumb." was alluding to Booger being a joke account that was trolling "us" with a joke post. My apologizes for the misunderstanding.


Gold Member
joelseph914 said:
I could go into the follies of the food guide pyramid, insulin control/sensitivity, weights vs. cardio for overall health, concepts like "earning" your carbs, but I sense that this crowd isn't too interested in such topics. Like I said, the info is out there should people decide they want to make an effective change.

There is so much BS and conflicting information on weight and fitness out there it's hard to know even where to begin. The signal to noise ratio is astonishingly low. You ask 10 different people info on this, even buff looking people, you'll get 10 different answers. If I've never walked 20 feet in my life without taking a snack break at the nearby taco stand I don't think googling "weight loss" would help me out any. It's just another obstacle to get started, not insurmountable at all, just another obstacle.


joelseph said:
No no, you mistook me again. I thought your original comment "Jesus Christ GAF is dumb." was alluding to Booger being a joke account that was trolling "us" with a joke post. My apologizes for the misunderstanding.

Ah, now it all makes sense.

My apologies as well for not understanding.


Put your snobby liquids into my mouth!
OP you are a fatcist.
For the record, I am one too :D. Fat people disgust me to no end, I seriously try hard not to be bothered but they are gross, they stink, they occupy more space, they are a heavier burden on the medical system... did I mention they're ugly yet?
I have no problem with people with metabolism problems and the like, but people who are fat by choice(not working out, eating bad)... blerhg*9999. When I say fat I mean OBESE, not meaty, btw.
I am sorry if my post offended fat gaf. I try as much as I can not to air these views out of respect. But go take a walk ffs.


Loose Skin
Stretch marks
Technology does not exist to truly give an obese person a second chance in life for the most part. 99 percent of that stuff is scams and other percent would require 200k for very minimal improvements leaving huge scars.

Why are fat people not serious about losing weight?
Why are people that have to get drunk not serious about going clean?
Why do we even produce cigs anymore knowing what we know?
Why are gambling people not serious about stopping before it causes financial problems?
Why can't gaf not go a month without masturbating?

lil smoke

DKnight said:
OP you are a fatcist.
For the record, I am one too :D. Fat people disgust me to no end, I seriously try hard not to be bothered but they are gross, they stink, they occupy more space, they are a heavier burden on the medical system... did I mention they're ugly yet?
I have no problem with people with metabolism problems and the like, but people who are fat by choice(not working out, eating bad)... blerhg*9999. When I say fat I mean OBESE, not meaty, btw.
I am sorry if my post offended fat gaf. I try as much as I can not to air these views out of respect. But go take a walk ffs.
This is not the 1st time you have had me rolling on the floor laughing. You have a very subtle but effective sense of humor.


DKnight said:
OP you are a fatcist.
For the record, I am one too :D. Fat people disgust me to no end, I seriously try hard not to be bothered but they are gross, they stink, they occupy more space, they are a heavier burden on the medical system... did I mention they're ugly yet?
I have no problem with people with metabolism problems and the like, but people who are fat by choice(not working out, eating bad)... blerhg*9999. When I say fat I mean OBESE, not meaty, btw.
I am sorry if my post offended fat gaf. I try as much as I can not to air these views out of respect. But go take a walk ffs.

As long as they are not hurting me or affecting me, I don't care.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
salva said:
I agree with the part about people using the machines incorrectly. I hate it when people at the gym are at the power cages and do curls there. wtf man?

And i feel kind of sad whenever i see a fat person. All the shitty insults and stares they have to go trough =(

I think it's good to see fat people hitting the treadmills and the ellipticals... as long as they're there next month and not gonna quit after a few weeks, like many people tend to do (my gym has been super busy lately due to new years resolutions, but it's slowly starting to thin out).

Crazyorloco said:
I'm a thin guy, and I have no problem with anyone at the gym. (Fat, Thin, Old, Young, Hairy)

I do when they wear super short shorts or parade around naked in the men's bathroom :p


* yawn *

You know, when I go to the gym, the big people aren't the annoying ones. It's all the 'roided-up jocks and airheaded bimbos who are too busy flirting with each other to actually use the fucking weights and machinery. In the locker room, my wife has to deal with the same dipshits who spend 45 minutes getting their make-up perfect and getting that sports thong wedged up their asses JUST PERFECT every day we go. I sure hope I get to listen to that chicken-legged, sub-100 IQ asshole lie about all the tail he's getting, while he ONLY does bench press and bicep curls all evening while thinking that what dudes are supposed to look like.

Truth, but I suck at trolling.


madara said:
Why are fat people not serious about losing weight?
Why are people that have to get drunk not serious about going clean?
Why do we even produce cigs anymore knowing what we know?
Why are gambling people not serious about stopping before it causes financial problems?
Why can't gaf not go a month without masturbating?
One of these does not cause health or financial problems. Nor does the duration indictated suggest addiction. :lol
When I used to go to the gym, the only people I had a problem with were the old guys that would just walk around naked in the locker room all the time.

Ace 8095

Burai said:
I'm sure you'll be able to take comfort, as your diabetic mother suffers a heart attack and dies in the slowest, most painful way that a human being could ever experience, that her doctor was a fat hypocrite.
You piece of shit. Semi-starvation diets are the worst way to lose weight. I've helped her change the way she eats, and she's been making good progress. If you actually understood nutrition, and not the bullshit that you've been led to believe, you would not make such idiotic and hateful comments.


^ wtf, seriously?

Ace 8095 said:
You piece of shit. Semi-starvation diets are the worst way to lose weight.

I wouldn't call a 1200 calorie diet a semi-starvation diet. It's bad if you don't do it wisely, but the number itself isn't bad.


he's Virgin Tight™
I swear I dreamed Booger was gonna post a thread...

Thank you. I am far more relaxed now. I still believe you are a joke character.

BTW, those fat people? Invite them to skiing with you.


I gained 20 pounds one summer and was to lazy to lose them for like a year, now I lost them and I look fuck awesome.

Stop eating and drinking your shitty diet sodas fatties!
madara said:
Why are fat people not serious about losing weight?
Why are people that have to get drunk not serious about going clean?
Why do we even produce cigs anymore knowing what we know?
Why are gambling people not serious about stopping before it causes financial problems?
Why can't gaf not go a month without masturbating?

Seriously, this thread has to be a joke. And I kinda laughed at the "fat people seem to be content" with it line, as if unless fat people are incessantly crying and pissed off then they must be entirely content with their situation.


Hmm....this thread has reminded me that I should probably mix in some cardio with my current weight lifting.


shooting blanks
Koshiba said:
My last BF turned into a huge lazy obese fat fuck and he even went as far as to LYING about working out and eating healthy. Sorry dude, lying about it won't make the weight come off.

Regardless of the validity of this thread and all of the prior reactions, my main concern is the constant obsession that fat = unhealthy and skinny = fit. I don't mean fat as in a complete lard ass, but like myself, I have a gut (damn you beer) and am just above my average weight by height. However, I can run 6 miles non stop at 8:30 miles at any time yet my skinny hipster friends who are considered "healthy" cannot even run one sustained mile.

Obviously there is a point in which your level of fat hinders your athleticism and fitness, but the margin is larger than most people think. My point being, the amount of fat on your body (to some extent) has nothing to do with your fitness and health.

Without a doubt my skinniest friends have the absolute worst diets and are the most unfit people I know.


mr stroke said:
OP have you never had sex with a fat girl? if not you don't know what your missing.
The taste of bacon on your lips?
The smell of sausage in your sheets?

No, I think we all know what we are missing.


gutterboy44 said:
Obviously there is a point in which your level of fat hinders your athleticism and fitness, but the margin is larger than most people think. My point being, the amount of fat on your body (to some extent) has nothing to do with your fitness and health.

This is true. Along the same line, last night a guy was going on and on about a "fat" girl he saw at the gym and how crazy it was that she was super flexible (cause according to him only bone-thin gymnasts should be that flexible). I shut him up when I told him that the majority of my yoga instructors were on the thicker side :lol


Junior Member
gutter_trash said:
there are two kinds of fat people

-Genetic, which they can do little about it

-Non-genetic, which they can do something about it
What kind of people are obese by default? You can be meaty or even very meaty, but not exercising will affect everyone in the same way, but in varying degrees.


shooting blanks
Dali said:
The taste of bacon on your lips?
The smell of sausage in your sheets?

No, I think we all know what we are missing.



But on the other hand fat girls give the best head because they try harder



ChrisGoldstein said:


But on the other hand fat girls give the best head because they try harder

Not true. Some fat chicks have more self-confidence than a room full of Brazilian supermodels. You can't tell them shit. In their heads they are the sexist piece of ass to ever bless a man's eyes, and I guess to someone this is the truth.
as someone who was once obese who got in shape, you have absolutely no idea how hard it is if you don't have the proper motivation

it's much, much more than looking in the mirror and realizing you're fat and thinking, "hey it would be neat to not be fat"

think about the biggest flaw that you have. why don't you just get rid of that flaw by tomorrow forever?

it's just not that easy.

i was eventually able to lose 100 lbs in 11 months when i was 19 by eating right (dieting) and exercising. but do you have any idea how many diets i'd been on before then? at least two dozen. i was trying to force myself into motivation, and every time, the lack of motivation just killed it.

i can't explain to you how i suddenly got the motivation to actually do it, but it just came, and i took advantage of it.

but again, if you've never been truly fat, you can't fully understand what that hurdle is like. there's a world of difference between losing weight and keeping weight off.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Keep in mind that body chemistry changes when you're obese tending to make it extremely difficult to lose weight. Vascular fat causes stress and hunger related hormones to significantly increase.
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