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Oculus' Palmer Luckey funds white-supremacist/misogynistic/anti-lgbt harassment group

That's because the founding fathers didn't understand voting systems. First past the post always devolves into a two party system. So, in a sense, we were designed exactly for that, they just didn't know they were designing it for that.

The question is, once you know that America is a two party system, what sort of responsibility do you as a citizen have to engage with one of the two parties, since engaging with a non major party will not achieve any goals you have.

That's a fair perspective and I totally understand it. But who is gonna stand up against it? If we are really that unhappy with a 2 party system, which it does seem that many are, who is going to speak up against it? Not every country in the world is a 2 party system. Not by a long shot. Netherlands has a wide selection of parties who hold seats and give their voting demo a broad range of choices to vote for.



I get the hate for Palmer Luckey, but the hate for Oculus seems strange? Like people are forgetting the other thousand + other people involved in its creation, or the fact white supremacy or similar bigots probably work on other products they love and use. Maybe there's something I'm not thinking about, but so long as Palmer Luckey doesn't have the majority of control over oculus,what's the big deal? I get that this could be seen as indirectly contributing to funding white supremacy groups, but couldn't you say that about any large scale product?
I'm not surprised. It's like Notch or Elon Musk. A lot of these tech guys get lost in their worlds of numbers and data, so much so that social issues don't even click with them. Because of the binary "works/doesn't work" nature of tech development things outside of it that have gray areas and more nuance seem so foreign that they simply become reactionary and treat the unfamiliar with hostility.
Why would Luckey have used a fake account to conceal all this, and then let The Daily Beast (of all places) know that it's him?

Because he wasn't the one making the fake account to conceal himself. The subreddit people made it for him and gave him the password, as it says in the article. He may have never been on board with the hiding his identity in the first place. Might be why he'd have such an "easy come easy go" attitude about revealing it.


Our media has seriously failed translating information to the American people if issues is the number two reason for supporting Trump.

Throw out his various racist suggestions both implicit and explicit, his economic, social, and foreign policy issues are nonsensical at best.
Perhaps you place too much faith in the American people
Uh huh. Not what I'm saying

Dear god I can't wait for this cycle to end. This country was never founded with the intention that we would devolve into 2 private clubs battling one another for the strongest superpower in the world.

Basically the American citizenship is being held ransom by 2 massively rich corporations.

Then they probably shouldn't have enshrined a two party system into the Constitution. As long as you are required to win over 50% of the Electoral College to win the Presidency, this will be a two party system.

Political parties have more in common with massive Unions than they do with corporations. So again, unless you are going to pass a law saying that like minded people cannot align themselves to increase their leverage, this is the way things are going to be.
Wow, fuck this guy so much. I'm never going anywhere near an Oculus Rift now. Hope they fire his ass. "I'll fly my jet a minute less." Fuck off with that.

This is where I am right now. Was on the fence when I was thinking about this as recently as yesterday. Gonna go with the Vive once I get my new graphics card.

I get the hate for Palmer Luckey, but the hate for Oculus seems strange? Like people are forgetting the other thousand + other people involved in its creation, or the fact white supremacy or similar bigots probably work on other products they love and use. Maybe there's something I'm not thinking about, but so long as Palmer Luckey doesn't have the majority of control over oculus,what's the big deal? I get that this could be seen as indirectly contributing to funding white supremacy groups, but couldn't you say that about any large scale product?

Considering the guy is basically the face of Oculus at this point then it's probably up to the company and Facebook to distance themselves from this guy both publicly and financially. Until they do then it's pretty fair for me to assume that any cent I give to Oculus is gonna help Palmer Luckey and to an extent assholes like Milo and Donald Trump.

Why would Luckey have used a fake account to conceal all this, and then let The Daily Beast (of all places) know that it's him?

Considering the kinds of shitty opinions his girlfriend has and his association with people like Milo, I wouldn't be surprised if he was in some kind of "this is totally cool right?" bubble.


Uh huh. Not what I'm saying

Dear god I can't wait for this cycle to end. This country was never founded with the intention that we would devolve into 2 private clubs battling one another for the strongest superpower in the world.

Basically the American citizenship is being held ransom by 2 massively rich corporations.

You recognize that a lot of people will be greatly hurt by a Trump presidency yet still won't vote because f your beliefs. You're coming from a position of privilege and could win up greatly harming others but you don;t care because it makes you feel good about yourself. That seems like "Fuck you, I got mine" to me.


This ignorant fuck.That's probably it for me and Oculus, I can't imagine Facebook being planted right in the heart of asshole central is going to do the right thing here.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
I get the hate for Palmer Luckey, but the hate for Oculus seems strange? Like people are forgetting the other thousand + other people involved in its creation, or the fact white supremacy or similar bigots probably work on other products they love and use. Maybe there's something I'm not thinking about, but so long as Palmer Luckey doesn't have the majority of control over oculus,what's the big deal? I get that this could be seen as indirectly contributing to funding white supremacy groups, but couldn't you say that about any large scale product?

Palmer is the face of Oculus. He's linked to them until Facebook distances themselves from him.
Posted a while back about how Luckey was favouriting tweets in support of Milo when he was banned (a gigantic red flag). I'm very glad I hadn't decided on a VR headset then because I will never buy an Oculus product because of this and his other support for hate speech.
Like, I think you're probably right, but that still amounts to declaring it to be everyone else's problem and washing your hands of it.

You recognize that candidate is a legit threat to minorities and that neither candidate will hurt you in the long run but you don't want to vote for the candidate that is actively trying to help out minoriites. The political game isn't perfect but these are our choices and one of them gives a shit.

These are fair, and it may very well be I will reconsider and vote for Hillary before all is said and done.

But man is it shitty that we are in a political environment where I (and a huge chunk of this country) has to settle like this. I may be vocal in what I am posting here but there are millions upon millions of people in this country that aren't excited for either candidate by a long shot.


I get the hate for Palmer Luckey, but the hate for Oculus seems strange? Like people are forgetting the other thousand + other people involved in its creation, or the fact white supremacy or similar bigots probably work on other products they love and use. Maybe there's something I'm not thinking about, but so long as Palmer Luckey doesn't have the majority of control over oculus,what's the big deal? I get that this could be seen as indirectly contributing to funding white supremacy groups, but couldn't you say that about any large scale product?

For some of us, Oculus being linked with Facebook and trying anti-consumer practices was already shady as hell.

While hundreds of people worked on the device, Palmer is still linked directly to Oculus, so it's not a good look.
Considering the kinds of shitty opinions his girlfriend has and his association with people like Milo, I wouldn't be surprised if he was in some kind of "this is totally cool right?" bubble.

Yeah, that's what I'm leaning toward, right now. I guess nobody's ever reminded him that ironic shitposting is STILL shitposting.

Regardless, I was only hyped for Oculus because of Carmack's involvement, and the Vive wasn't a thing at the time. Facebook involvement meant I wasn't ever gonna get a devkit, though.


extra source of jiggaflops
Now the article doesn't read like they talked to Luckey and confirmed he is NimbleRichGuy.

Now it reads more that they thought Luckey is NimleRichGuy, wrote the article that he is NimbleRichGuy while simultaneously writing "He [Luckey] did not respond to requests for comment by press time."

It's a mess.
I'm not surprised. It's like Notch or Elon Musk. A lot of these tech guys get lost in their worlds of numbers and data, so much so that social issues don't even click with them. Because of the binary "works/doesn't work" nature of tech development things outside of it that have gray areas and more nuance seem so foreign that they simply become reactionary and treat the unfamiliar with hostility.
I'm sorry, what's your issue with Elon Musk?


This is so disappointing. I hate that scumnbags like this have become such a vocal part of the hobby. I worry that these guys are drowning out all the good people in the community and the great work they do.
Then they probably shouldn't have enshrined a two party system into the Constitution. As long as you are required to win over 50% of the Electoral College to win the Presidency, this will be a two party system.

Political parties have more in common with massive Unions than they do with corporations. So again, unless you are going to pass a law saying that like minded people cannot align themselves to increase their leverage, this is the way things are going to be.

Correct the entire Electoral College system is totally fucked and is a remnant from a pre-technology society.

Our gov't was formed in a time where in order to make your voice heard or give an opinion or to talk to someone you had to send a message by horseback that could take weeks or months. The system made sense for its time and we've basically been trying to patch and fix an antiquated form of gov't since technology has made communication and representation vastly more attainable.

What this county unfortunately needs is an entire new form of government designed for the modern times.


That's a fair perspective and I totally understand it. But who is gonna stand up against it? If we are really that unhappy with a 2 party system, which it does seem that many are, who is going to speak up against it? Not every country in the world is a 2 party system. Not by a long shot. Netherlands has a wide selection of parties who hold seats and give their voting demo a broad range of choices to vote for.


If you want to change the system, the federal level is the wrong place to start, because all of our election laws are controlled at the state level. So if you want a country with the possibility of functional third parties, it requires major changes in election laws, which you should be working for at the state level, by getting sympathetic state legislators elected.

The Netherlands has a different system of voting, which allows for more parties. If you want to match their diversity, you have to work to alter the way we elect people. This includes things like run off voting, proportional vote allocation, etc. It is not sexy or fun.

And while doing that, the country is still moving and one still has a responsibility to grapple with the system as it is, rather than how we'd like it to be. So, I've been supporting, both financially and with personal effort, proportional voting allocation for a long time, but until it passes in more states, I vote with the understanding that it doesn't exist.

We'd all prefer the system to be different, but until we manage that, we can't just sit on our hands and refuse to engage because it isn't perfect.


I'm confused guys, how do we know this is definitely him, all I'm seeing is the Daily Beast saying he personally told them that he uses this alt account?

If I'm not mistaken, this is the only thing and were taking this as concrete proof?

The guy wasn't even wealthy 4 years ago, how would he even be in the rich and powerful circle at that time?
That's because the founding fathers didn't understand voting systems. First past the post always devolves into a two party system. So, in a sense, we were designed exactly for that, they just didn't know they were designing it for that.

The question is, once you know that America is a two party system, what sort of responsibility do you as a citizen have to engage with one of the two parties, since engaging with a non major party will not achieve any goals you have.

not entirely true.

Canada is FPTP and we have more than 2 major parties.


Seems like a far fetched story. Being a rich person must come with all kinds of undergrounds trying to frame and ruin a man. Rich people that pass around money remind of possessed body snatcher cults.

"Here, would you like a drink of water?"
"No thanks"
"I insist"
"I'm going to go now'"
"That won't be necessary, you're one of us now"
Crowd of business suits with missing eye sockets" One of us, one of us"
If you want to change the system, the federal level is the wrong place to start, because all of our election laws are controlled at the state level. So if you want a country with the possibility of functional third parties, it requires major changes in election laws, which you should be working for at the state level, by getting sympathetic state legislators elected.

The Netherlands has a different system of voting, which allows for more parties. If you want to match their diversity, you have to work to alter the way we elect people. This includes things like run off voting, proportional vote allocation, etc. It is not sexy or fun.

And while doing that, the country is still moving and one still has a responsibility to grapple with the system as it is, rather than how we'd like it to be. So, I've been supporting, both financially and with personal effort, proportional voting allocation for a long time, but until it passes in more states, I vote with the understanding that it doesn't exist.

We'd all prefer the system to be different, but until we manage that, we can't just sit on our hands and refuse to engage because it isn't perfect.

This is a very good and strong post Besada and you've given me a lot to chew on and think over here. Thanks for this, and I'm starting to see the other side here. I very well may reconsider my position on the vote before November.


extra source of jiggaflops
I'm confused guys, how do we know this is definitely him, all I'm seeing is the Daily Beast saying he personally told them that he uses this alt account?

If I'm not mistaken, this is the only thing and were taking this as concrete proof?

The guy wasn't even wealthy 4 years ago, how would he even be in the rich and powerful circle at that time?
The article in the current revision doesn't make any sense to me:

"The 24-year-old told The Daily Beast that he had used the pseudonym “NimbleRichMan” on Reddit with a password given him to by the organization’s founders."

"Luckey's LinkedIn profile currently lists him as the founder of Oculus VR. He did not respond to requests for comment by press time."

If he told them and that is the basis for the article are we meant to believe that this was a casual chat and then the idea for the article came up a few hours later when Luckey wasn't reachable any more?


Hopefully the news continues to spread.
Hopefully it does because if this one very weird claim is wrong, he can sue for an insane amount of damages.

The article in the current revision doesn't make any sense to me:

"The 24-year-old told The Daily Beast that he had used the pseudonym “NimbleRichMan” on Reddit with a password given him to by the organization’s founders."

"Luckey's LinkedIn profile currently lists him as the founder of Oculus VR. He did not respond to requests for comment by press time."

If he told them and that is the basis for the article are we meant to believe that this was a casual chat and then the idea for the article came up a few hours later when Luckey wasn't reachable any more?
Completely with you, this just seems fishy.


Palmer is the face of Oculus. He's linked to them until Facebook distances themselves from him.

So basically the Bill Gates of Oculus? Oh damn, that's pretty big. I definitely understand people's aversions now. Although I hope it doesn't impact people's decisions to buy an oculus if Facebook does (when they, lets be honest) drop Palmer. So many talented people involved that deserve to see the product succeed, would be a shame if people were put off supporting the Oculus because of one fuck nut.


The memes are too dank. No one can stop them. If Trump should win the election, he will be our first meme-president.

I can already see new marketing strategies surrounding 'memes' pop up soon.


Why would the vive not work with scorpio? And aren't the vive specs are open source to allow others to manufacture headsets other than HTC?

IIRC other people can license Valve's VR and make their own headsets that are compatible with SteamVR or at least work on the same general principles.

Microsoft would be wise to go that route, honestly. Valve's tech is flat out better than Oculus and would fit nicely with the "premium experience" approach of Scorpio.
This is a very good and strong post Besada and you've given me a lot to chew on and think over here. Thanks for this, and I'm starting to see the other side here. I very well may reconsider my position on the vote before November.
Good on you for keeping an open mind. We all could stand to do a bit more of that.
That's disappointing. The whole youth for Trump movement is really bizarre.
Yeah, I really don't get it.

Like you kids doing it ironically, even though it sucks, I get. But anyone below the age of like 60 supporting Trump is completely baffling.

Especially someone who is as intelligent as Palmer. Say what you will about his involvement with the creation of occulus and current VR, but you got to be smart to put yourself in a position to earn that much money that quickly while being so young.

Kinda hope Facebook comes down hard on the dude if this all proves to be true.


I'm confused guys, how do we know this is definitely him, all I'm seeing is the Daily Beast saying he personally told them that he uses this alt account?

Either I'm really tired and reading this wrong, or, you totally just answered your question in your question!
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