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Oculus' Palmer Luckey funds white-supremacist/misogynistic/anti-lgbt harassment group

That's why I won't be voting at all in this election. There is no candidate I find capable of leading this country in the right direction.

And before I get the "Not voting is a vote for Trump!" No its not. If this country is asinine enough to put Trump into power then godspeed and can't believe we let it get to this point. But I'm not casting a vote for Hilary either.

I may vote to honor those that fought for my right to Vote, but I'll just write in my own ballet
It feels insane that we have to choose between 2 candidates with negative approval ratings. Dynasty or demagogue.

I remember feeling this way about GW. I voted green

Then we pissed away a generation of the lives of the people who fight for my right to vote in endless, meaningless wars and almost bankrupted the country.

Now I believe in realpolitik. These elections have consequences. Fight against cynicism, I'd urge you to not drop out.


That's like saying if you support Clinton you support abortion. Again, not necessarily true. Both are false equivalences, especially in light of the fact that the majority of people supporting one candidate or the other are doing so because they aren't the other one.

Trump's entire platform is built on racism and xenophobia. Like day fucking one that is what it was built on.

And instead of keeping the racism to a minimum he doubled down on it over and over again. At this point, nothing he says is shocking.

If Hillary started her candidacy on killing babies and inexplicably kept beating that drum over and over, you might have a point.

Supporting Trump is supporting racism, simple as that. Take the racism out and all you are left with is vague promises from a man who has a well documented history of breaking promises.
His girlfriend tweets are very damning to confirm this is actually his views.

But those are her tweets, not his. I've dated some space cadets. One time I picked up a girl at a concert and when she undressed I saw she had an "88" tattoo.

Speaking of which, how do we know that is his "girlfriend" at all? There's a lot of hearsay going on here. I fucked Ms. "88" tattoo. Is she my "girlfriend"?


didn't they have john carmack out on their stage wearing an occulus at E3 though?

He was wearing a Gear VR (Samsung Android phone device). That demonstration was about the "Friendly Update" which is all about cross platform Minecraft. They have also I believe done some gamejam's with Vive stuff. They aren't really taking a stand on VR hardware at this point. They have done some partnerships (bundled Xbox One controller with Rift), but I don't think that says as much as it might have in the past.
Trump's entire platform is built on racism and xenophobia. Like day fucking one that is what it was built on.

And instead of keeping the racism to a minimum he doubled down on it over and over again. At this point, nothing he says is shocking.

If Hillary started her candidacy on killing babies and inexplicably kept beating that drum over and over, you might have a point.

Supporting Trump is supporting racism, simple as that. Take the racism out and all you are left with is vague promises from a man who has a well documented history of breaking promises.

Just gonna leave this here:




But those are her tweets, not his. I've dated some space cadets. One time I picked up a girl at a concert and when she undressed I saw she had an "88" tattoo.

Speaking of which, how do we know that is his "girlfriend" at all? There's a lot of hearsay going on here. I fucked Ms. "88" tattoo. Is she my "girlfriend"?

you could just take a look at his "likes" on twitter. sure likes a lot of tweets about trump.


This story is like a perfect storm of topics interesting to GAF, uniting gaming side and off-topic into one singular purpose


So what do we think is going to come of this?

Assuming the article is true, I think Facebook needs to distance themselves from him immediately and issue a statement about how his views and opinions don't represent the company.

What will actually happen? Anyone's guess. If I had just bought a VR company for billions of dollars I definitely wouldn't stick with a guy funding what Palmer is alleged to be funding.


So what you're saying is that if I want to remain guiltless as a voter, I shouldn't settle for a lessor of two evils. ;)
I think few people have ever voted for a party where they agreed 100% with everything they say/do, at least I don't think I ever have. It's not about being guiltless, and more about accepting the consequences of your actions rather than preemptively saying 'I don't agree with the more racist policies of the guy I'm voting for, but I'm only responsible for the ones I actually agree with.' Consequences don't work that way, nor does collateral damage, both are physical results of your action when voting, not your opinion that might well be much softer/more reasonable (to you) than the figurehead you get behind. There can absolutely be physical results of a bunch of individual heinous opinions too, but the results of a vote to have a national government act on the collective policies of one candidate/party works with lightning speed and sweeping impact in comparison.


I could have sworn they said Rift will be supported during E3.

Yes Minecraft is out on Rift right now actually. They are treating it like any other platform though. It's out on PS4 and iPhone too. The team building the VR version has said it could come to Vive officially as well (a mod has been out for a while). I guess it just says to me that Microsoft is trying anything.


But those are her tweets, not his. I've dated some space cadets. One time I picked up a girl at a concert and when she undressed I saw she had an "88" tattoo.

Speaking of which, how do we know that is his "girlfriend" at all? There's a lot of hearsay going on here. I fucked Ms. "88" tattoo. Is she my "girlfriend"?
I don't know dude, but personally speaking, the night would be over once I saw the 88 tattoo.

The actual number of people who like or are pumped for either candidate is at an all time low in any election in my lifetime other than maybe Bush vs Gore, though I think more people actually liked Bush in a "would like to have a beer with him" than like Trump.

Its probably part of why this election cycle is toxic as hell. No one has a candidate that really truly believe in. Neither of them have even 10% of the charisma or backing Obama had for example. So its become a massive "Us vs Them" battle. Of course it doesn't help things that Trump is legit throwing straight up racism onto the fire.


Ugh, he seemed like an okay from his time on the Giant Bomb streams, but now ickkkkkkkk. Even though I didn't have plans on buying an Oculus Rift for a LOOOOOOOOONG time, this just seals the deal. Another rich asshole, go figure.


Assuming the article is true, I think Facebook needs to distance themselves from him immediately and issue a statement about how his views and opinions don't represent the company.

What will actually happen? Anyone's guess. If I had just bought a VR company for billions of dollars I definitely wouldn't stick with a guy funding what Palmer is alleged to be funding.

Luckey confirmed all of this to the Daily Beast. There's nothing to assume.

You still don't get it.

If a voter says "I'm voting for Trump primarily because he isn't Hillary! I hate Hillary! I'm not racist, though. I'm not voting for Trump specifically for his racist views!" that doesn't exempt them from the fact that they are enabling a racist by voting for him.

You are saying that you prefer/find his brand of racism/bigotry over Hillary. Your opinion has nothing to do with it.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
But those are her tweets, not his. I've dated some space cadets. One time I picked up a girl at a concert and when she undressed I saw she had an "88" tattoo.

Speaking of which, how do we know that is his "girlfriend" at all? There's a lot of hearsay going on here. I fucked Ms. "88" tattoo. Is she my "girlfriend"?

Did you miss the part where he started an organization that was vetted by milo yiannopoulos?

"NimbleRichMan is a near Billionaire and staunch supporter of the Common Sense Conservative movement. He is co-founder along with D.B. Purple and our third silent partner. Milo Yiannopoulos has personally vetted NimbleRichMan and the Non-Profit Nimble America, Inc. he helped create. NimbleRichMan will continue to guide Nimble America as its Vice-President."


Not surprising at all, I hope Japan throw out his shit for good, he probably don't think of Asian as human beings anyway.


Oh well. That's my choice and if I'm going to do something as important as voting then I will put my voice however small for what I believe in. The idea that I have to "compromise" to the absolute bull shit 2 party system this country has is not something I'm willing to support.

If a Dem or a Repub puts up someone I believe in they'll get my vote. But fuck settling your personal values and beliefs just to support the system.

Good luck to this country, and of the 2 dear god I hope Hilary gets in over Trump, but I'm not going to make my voice heard in support of either.

Some of us aren't so privileged that we can choose to not vote. My life could be in danger if Trump is voted in, so I have to vote Hillary.

To quote Bernie:
"I know more about third-party politics than anyone else in the Congress, okay? And if people want to run as third-party candidates, God bless them! Run for Congress. Run for governor. Run for state legislature. When we're talking about president of the United States, in my own personal view, this is not time for a protest vote. This is time to elect Hillary Clinton and then work after the election to mobilize millions of people to make sure she can be the most progressive president she can be."


Am I missing something? This wasn't made with Palmer's 'normal' reddit account, doesn't mention Palmer Luckey or Oculus? Not saying I don't believe other's saying this was posted by him but I'm missing the breadcrumb trail.

He confirmed he's "NimbleRichMan" with The Daily Beast.
Have they edited the article? I could have sworn the first time I read it I saw it say that Facebook has not responded to a request for comment by press time, now it says Palmer hasn't. I also thought it said in the article that Facebook does not currently work with Palmer.
But those are her tweets, not his. I've dated some space cadets. One time I picked up a girl at a concert and when she undressed I saw she had an "88" tattoo.

Speaking of which, how do we know that is his "girlfriend" at all? There's a lot of hearsay going on here. I fucked Ms. "88" tattoo. Is she my "girlfriend"?
Just look at the shit he likes on Twitter. Honestly, he always looked off. He has the stench of a stereotypical lonely nerd who got rich and now wants to be an asshole towards everyone.


Luckey confirmed all of this to the Daily Beast. There's nothing to assume.

I wasn't sure if Daily Beast is credible or not. I'm not super familiar with the site. If you're saying it is, I have no reason to doubt you.

Facebook needs to do the right thing here in a hurry.
Some of us aren't so privileged that we can choose to not vote. My life could be in danger if Trump is voted in, so I have to vote Hillary.

Awesome and if that is true, and that is what you believe in make your voice heard. If Hillary getting elected is going to have that huge of an impact than more power to you to vote for her. I don't begrudge anyone for voting for her, and in comparison to Trump its pretty damn obvious where the majority of this country should be voting.

However I can only speak to my personal life and my personal vote. Part of true freedom is making your voice heard. For you in your situation in life it is vitally important Hillary wins. It makes perfect sense you would vote for her.

For me, and my life and where I live, neither candidate remotely represents my position. Sure my voice is small, but I do believe in standing up for what you believe in, and neither one of them are people I would want to lead me. If I was in a foxhole I wouldn't trust either with my life. I would lead them.
Buying an Oculus was already a difficult proposition, but now knowing that the money literally goes to funding a white supremacist makes sure I'll never buy one ever.

Absolutely disgusting.
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