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Oculus Rift and Touch Thread: I need something more


Okay, so an update:

After installing the extra USB 3.0 slots... the tracking is still wonky. A hand will jump when I'm just standing still but can be worse with movement. I have noticed that putting down one hand by my side (i.e. not tracking it) makes the remaining Touch controller work perfectly well. I opened a ticket with Oculus support, but it does look like other people have had this issue too.

Anyways, I'll keep trying some other things, but for right now, it's not reliable enough to use consistently.

I'm having these tracking glitches as well despite being clearly in plain view of both cameras. Sounds like its the hand off of tracking being passed between cameras that's causing the problem. They should have done larger scale beta testing on this shit after this long.
Being honest I did note some funniness while drawing in Quill last night.
Very brief moments, less than a second long, of the tracking on the Touch going nuts.

Anyway, people should add me as friends - Zeouter.


Junior Member
First day of Touch! VR Sports Challenge decided to have nothing happened when I pressed play, so I'm just trying to reinstall it. Mostly been playing Super Hot, and I'm really getting room scale! It's really fun! Looking forward to trying out more games tomorrow!
I'm having these tracking glitches as well despite being clearly in plain view of both cameras. Sounds like its the hand off of tracking being passed between cameras that's causing the problem. They should have done larger scale beta testing on this shit after this long.

Yeah, although interestingly, I've noticed that if I put down one hand by my side and use the other, it works nearly perfectly (or at least significantly better if both hands are being used). I'm gonna continue to try to play around with it.
Oculus Touch was a mistake. Its nothing but trash.


Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Now I'm stuck on the last level in IEYTD.
The gravity crystal thing pops out of the floor. I pull the trigger and none of the crystals do anything. I tried putting other objects in to no avail.

I've hit so many things while playing Rec Room. It's part of the charm at this point. O also held my own in soccer against two. Final score was 2 - 2.


Being honest I did note some funniness while drawing in Quill last night.
Very brief moments, less than a second long, of the tracking on the Touch going nuts.

Anyway, people should add me as friends - Zeouter.

Did it go nuts in front of the Rift face? That's where I notice it will go nuts and lose Rift tracking.
Google Earth is still Vive only.
Sure enough. And searching Google Earth on Steam returns a few others that have no Rift icon either. Wonder how they decided where to auto-add.

Speaking of Google Earth, while searching the other day to see if it would have Rift support anytime soon I ran across FakeVive, which apparently just blocks programs such as Google Earth from seeing that you're not using a Vive, and thus lets them work. Haven't tried it out yet.


so i caved and bought superhot, it's incedible

except it bugged on me and i cant proceed. is there any way to restart level? most of these games dont even have menus lol


so i caved and bought superhot, it's incedible

except it bugged on me and i cant proceed. is there any way to restart level? most of these games dont even have menus lol

So quitting the game and coming back in doesn't reset the current level you're in? There's a way to restart the game entirely (deleting your save info), but I don't know of a way to restart a level without failing. Any guns around to shoot at yourself?


So quitting the game and coming back in doesn't reset the current level you're in? There's a way to restart the game entirely (deleting your save info), but I don't know of a way to restart a level without failing. Any guns around to shoot at yourself?

there is, and it worked, yeah.
was just hoping it would be easier than exiting the entire game

it's dope as fuck so far. I love it.
So my tracking is still really off at times. Other times, it's serviceable. Like I mentioned, using one hand at a time seems to work pretty well.

Having said that, I loaded up Arizona Sunshine. It suffers on the Rift from the lack of 360 support (as I got turned around a bunch of times and my already crappy tracking got even worse) but it's a hell of a lot of fun for the most part and pretty damn intense.


Now I'm stuck on the last level in IEYTD.
The gravity crystal thing pops out of the floor. I pull the trigger and none of the crystals do anything. I tried putting other objects in to no avail.

I've hit so many things while playing Rec Room. It's part of the charm at this point. O also held my own in soccer against two. Final score was 2 - 2.

Spoilers for IEYTD
on your right side is a bookshelf, look under the books to advance
That sucks you're havin tracking issues. I was playing around with them and clicking the round parts together and such and they tracked to insane levels of precision. I was even pointing my fingers and touching tips ... while I know it wasn't "exact" it was enough to convince my brain that the fingers in game were touching and I was feeling it.

I tried the cell phone picture to make sure all my LEDs were on, will test after more time with them to make sure when I do see a tracking issue to make sure all lights are on.

There was a pic on reddit that showed the front of the ring's lights weren't lighting up for a user so he had a lot of issues.

3rd sensor also processed so soon IL have it set up more permantly. Just waiting on some extension cables and that.

Edit: also with the fact that one hand works and two causes issues, I'd look into the USB channel and see if you have a ton of stuff on it. It really does sound like a software/power issue (unless the lights aren't on). I know some of the expansion cards if not on PCIe might need an internal power plug.


That sucks you're havin tracking issues. I was playing around with them and clicking the round parts together and such and they tracked to insane levels of precision. I was even pointing my fingers and touching tips ... while I know it wasn't "exact" it was enough to convince my brain that the fingers in game were touching and I was feeling it.

I tried the cell phone picture to make sure all my LEDs were on, will test after more time with them to make sure when I do see a tracking issue to make sure all lights are on.

There was a pic on reddit that showed the front of the ring's lights weren't lighting up for a user so he had a lot of issues.

3rd sensor also processed so soon IL have it set up more permantly. Just waiting on some extension cables and that.

Edit: also with the fact that one hand works and two causes issues, I'd look into the USB channel and see if you have a ton of stuff on it. It really does sound like a software/power issue (unless the lights aren't on). I know some of the expansion cards if not on PCIe might need an internal power plug.

Yeah, that's my thought as well.


Junior Member
Has anyone had comparisons between the 180-sensor setup and the double front setup? Obviously, you can't get tracking when you're turned around with double front, but then again, it seems most games are set up with front tracking in mind. What games do benefit from tracking behind you? Do you find that you prefer dual front, since most games seem focused on that? Or is tracking as good with 180, so there's no reason not to have it?


Has anyone had comparisons between the 180-sensor setup and the double front setup? Obviously, you can't get tracking when you're turned around with double front, but then again, it seems most games are set up with front tracking in mind. What games do benefit from tracking behind you? Do you find that you prefer dual front, since most games seem focused on that? Or is tracking as good with 180, so there's no reason not to have it?

I never set up dual front. Instead I have one in the front and one to the side so that it covers the side and the back fairly easily. I have had zero issues with tracking loss this way.

Edit: It looks like this.



Third sensor shipped, should be here tomorrow evening.

Looking forward to it, the amount of times I've found myself turned around and then the tracking goes to crap is pretty unfortunate. I'm hoping this will solve all of my "issues."


Junior Member
Third sensor shipped, should be here tomorrow evening.

Looking forward to it, the amount of times I've found myself turned around and then the tracking goes to crap is pretty unfortunate. I'm hoping this will solve all of my "issues."

What games have you played where this is an issue? Nothing a different two-sensor setup could fix? I'm trying to understand if I need a third sensor or not


What games have you played where this is an issue? Nothing a different two-sensor setup could fix? I'm trying to understand if I need a third sensor or not

Front facing setup, anything involving turn around, really. When you're drawing or exploring, its jarring, imo. Hoping this helps. I'll report back!
Got my third sensor as well. Most games I've played have been front facing, so I haven't had too many issues but figured it was worth just getting the camera and never having to think about it.
Has anyone had comparisons between the 180-sensor setup and the double front setup? Obviously, you can't get tracking when you're turned around with double front, but then again, it seems most games are set up with front tracking in mind. What games do benefit from tracking behind you? Do you find that you prefer dual front, since most games seem focused on that? Or is tracking as good with 180, so there's no reason not to have it?

I've only really had issues in Medium where I walk around it instead of just turning it. But that's like facing away and bending down.

I got the third because I'm already a grand deep in just the device, $80 to round it out and improve tracking is a no-brainer for my setup. Plus I ended up saving like $60 in games with all the stuff they gave us.

If you don't have issues, I don't know if I'd order it. I'd give it time and try different setups, every room and PC is different so you might be fine with two sensors.

Plus, let's be honest here, it's more 270 than 180, when spaced far apart.


Played some Dead and Buried Horde mode last night, was surprised at how good it was! Are purchased weapons infinite-use? Or do they just run out? I noticed some, like the bow, seem infinite, but I couldn't get the Widowmaker to reload and I could only get the Gutpuncher to reload a couple times.

Also, it seems weird to not be able to occasionally teleport between starting locations in that game.
Edit: also with the fact that one hand works and two causes issues, I'd look into the USB channel and see if you have a ton of stuff on it. It really does sound like a software/power issue (unless the lights aren't on). I know some of the expansion cards if not on PCIe might need an internal power plug.

I really don't have anything else on USB aside from a mouse and keyboard and those are on USB 2. I tried the USB slots on my motherboard which are USB 3.0. Changing them never made a difference. I've already tried installing new PCIe USB 3.0 slots that has a SATA power hookup to my PSU. It's probably overkill since I'm not charging anything, but I wanted to give it every effort. It's even the Inatech card that Oculus recommends. Didn't help.


So last night I had a black screen in my Rift when I put it on. After some troubleshooting, realized I had slightly yanked out the cable from the headset. Plugged it back in, and since then my tracking has been absolutely fucked.


Played around with USB ports, recalibrating, etc... Nothing worked. Created a support ticket this morning.

I'm hoping the IMU in the headset just needs to be recalibrated or something. Besides the jumpy tracking, the world seems to be on a tilt.


I never set up dual front. Instead I have one in the front and one to the side so that it covers the side and the back fairly easily. I have had zero issues with tracking loss this way.

Edit: It looks like this.

Hmm, thanks for this. I'm going to try it out tonight.


Junior Member
I never set up dual front. Instead I have one in the front and one to the side so that it covers the side and the back fairly easily. I have had zero issues with tracking loss this way.

Edit: It looks like this.

So you can just customize the setup pretty freely? The setup tool was pretty strict when it came to the position when I did it. Gonna try this. Do people have one pointing further up and one pointing further down?

EDIT: Had to reinstall my Windows, and now apparently I have to run the IMU recalibration tool, since my horizon is tilted again.


Neo Member
So you can just customize the setup pretty freely? The setup tool was pretty strict when it came to the position when I did it. Gonna try this. Do people have one pointing further up and one pointing further down?

The setup tool tries to make sure you do the recommended configuration, but you're not at all required to do it that way. Just position and point them however you want and hit 'next' on that page of setup.


all this talk about 3rd camera makes sense but how are you covering up the wire that has to be across your room? or are you just running it along the wall? Trying to min seeing wires but the third camera forces it to be very far away from pc.
I not only got my third camera set up yesterday, but I also added extension cables to the Rift itself and got every sensor mounted on different mounts that I fastened to my monitor, a tall floor lamp, and a bookshelf. Roomscale works pretty well now, with the exception of some spots all the way down on the floor. Now if only Oculus will release their upcoming fix for the bug that makes your controllers randomly spin around for a few seconds every once in a while, this will be pretty good. Both Oculus Home and Steam VR agrees that my play area has the optimal size, but it was a close call.

In other news, I completed Arizona Sunshine yesterday too (the Oculus Home version). I really liked that game, and would recommend it to just about anyone. Also, don't be too stingy with your ammo if you're pretty confident about your headshots. I was swimming in special ammo by the time I reached the end fight, and even though I kept shooting wildly with my biggest weapons, I still had plenty of ammo to go when it was all over.


all this talk about 3rd camera makes sense but how are you covering up the wire that has to be across your room? or are you just running it along the wall? Trying to min seeing wires but the third camera forces it to be very far away from pc.

I think it comes with a 15ft extension cable, so that plus the 10ft cable to begin with gives you 25 total. I'm hoping I can run it along the wall at that length.
Ugh. My headset might be on the verge of breaking down. Been playing Touch games for the past week. It's been awesome. Yesterday, I turned on my PC and now the headset is losing connection between every 5 seconds and 5 minutes generally. I'll be in the middle of a game and the entire headset goes black and then a few seconds later turns back on. I fear sweat got into it or something from playing a lot of The Climb and Dead and Buried. :(

Right before Christmas vacation and right before I get my third sensor... Already talking with Oculus support, but hopefully if I need replacement hardware that it comes quickly.


Ugh. My headset might be on the verge of breaking down. Been playing Touch games for the past week. It's been awesome. Yesterday, I turned on my PC and now the headset is losing connection between every 5 seconds and 5 minutes generally. I'll be in the middle of a game and the entire headset goes black and then a few seconds later turns back on. I fear sweat got into it or something from playing a lot of The Climb and Dead and Buried. :(

Right before Christmas vacation and right before I get my third sensor... Already talking with Oculus support, but hopefully if I need replacement hardware that it comes quickly.

Are you sure the cable isn't just loose at the headset end?


Ugh. My headset might be on the verge of breaking down. Been playing Touch games for the past week. It's been awesome. Yesterday, I turned on my PC and now the headset is losing connection between every 5 seconds and 5 minutes generally. I'll be in the middle of a game and the entire headset goes black and then a few seconds later turns back on. I fear sweat got into it or something from playing a lot of The Climb and Dead and Buried. :(

Right before Christmas vacation and right before I get my third sensor... Already talking with Oculus support, but hopefully if I need replacement hardware that it comes quickly.

Might just be your cable that's loose? Did you try re-connecting the cable connection in your headset?


Is there a GAF list of people who want friends? My Oculus buddy list is empty =(

You can add me if you want: Enordash. That goes for everyone. It'd be a good way around the limited numbers in games like Dead & Buried. I'd love to try horde with four people rather than two.
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