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Officers pepper-spraying 15-year-old girl following bicycle accident with vehicle

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Because hitting a child with a car I don't give a fuck who is at fault. I'm glad she isn't fucking dead. This kid is ok, go get yourself a new bike and we both walk away smiling.

Will you feel that way when it's a kid who's not paying attention and drives their bike into you instead?

If you HIT the kid with a car, that's on you. If they hit YOU, that's on them. 15 is old enough to know how to drive a bike.


"Crashing a bike into the side of somebodies car in no business for the police to get involved with."

LOL what the hell gaf?


Did you? She wouldn't get all the way into the car, so they sprayed her.
There is zero reason to spray her in the situation they were in. If they got her that far into the car without spraying her it's ridiculous to claim that they needed to spray her just so she would pull her legs in so they could close the door.


Because hitting a child with a car I don't give a fuck who is at fault. I'm glad she isn't fucking dead. This kid is ok, go get yourself a new bike and we both walk away smiling.

Derp, if she was ticketed, then she hit his car, not the other way around.

The Beard

Power crazed racist pieces of shit, situation could have been dealt with easily but its more "fun" to take your fucked up mentally out on children.

This is a little harsh. How are they supposed to deal with an uncooperative teen who was reported to have done damage to someone else's property, who wants to flee the scene, and kicked police officers?
The pepper spraying was unnecessary, but damn that girl was not cooperating and resisting the whole time. People saying it's just a kid, it's hard to deal with a human who is resisting without hurting them, that's why so many people get involved. Sure if you break an arm or punch them a few times they may respond, but up until the pepper spray, the cops were trying to get her to cooperate and attempted to diffuse the situation without excessive force.

Video would've been way worse if first thing they did was spray her, but honestly they gave her how many chances to cooperate?

i'm convinced plenty here are either a.) pretty quite strong themselves and/or b.) have never had to deal with a young adult fighting you with all of their strength. i come from a family full of teachers, a couple in poorer (where it's sometimes hard to get kids to even come to school) areas and one dealing with young adult special needs, and you can bet your ass a young adult giving you 100% of their strength can be surprising and be difficult to contain.


No she got peppered sprayed a good amount of time after she got into the car, after she repeatedly got asked to not block the door. And lets not talk about her behavior for the other 6 or so minutes.

Very difficult woman.

With all this discussion in the last year, I'm seeing lot of GAF discussions in a new light.

BlackGAF, has it always been this infuriating and am I just seeing it now LTTP?


You exchange info, make a couple photos and let insurance handle it, in the case of children that'd involve the parents. What exactly do you need the police for?

Yeah that's dandy where both sides are willing and happy to comply...that's usually not the way it unfolds. Maybe they tried to sort it out by themselves. Maybe the girl and old man couldn't resolve the issue by themselves and that's why the cops showed up. Either way if the old man was going to his insurance they would have wanted a police report anyways.


This is a little harsh. How are they supposed to deal with an uncooperative teen who was reported to have done damage to someone else's property, who wants to flee the scene, and kicked police officers?
Treat them like a someone's white kid.
This is a little harsh. How are they supposed to deal with an uncooperative teen who was reported to have done damage to someone else's property, who wants to flee the scene, and kicked police officers?

Contact the parents to make them come in with her at a later date? It's not like a 15 year old is gonna escape jurisdiction by leaving the state.
I am not american, but I think dealing with US police isn't so hard. Do as told or bad shit will happen to you.

If you are detained for the wrong reason, you tell it to your lawyer later. But fighting the police NEVER ends well.


I am not american, but I think dealing with US police isn't so hard. Do as told or bad shit will happen to you.

This isn't how it works for black people. Are you blind to the number of black people who get killed while "doing as told" by police every week?

This isn't even to say that this girl would have been fine if she "did as she told." Who knows. The police really do suck.

It's not like there's no way to check contact information.

So, what you're saying, is that you would have had her stick around for a second while you verify the information given.

Goddamn. Brutal. Should've just let her go if she didn't want to be there.

I don't know if I am reading it right or watching the video right, but she was involved in an accident, and officer just wanted her to help them with the investigation by answering a few questions. Running away is just going to make you look guilty when it's an accident.

How hard is it to cooperate? They used excessive force and pepper spray was uncalled for, but GODDAMN just calm down for once and talk to the other person like a human, and this goes for everyone involved in this incident.

Everyone's too quick to judge, from the public to the cops to the bystanders. Everyone retaliates and shit goes down hill.

The officers were detaining her after she retaliated to further the investigation, and these two adults had to cowardly resort to a weapon.

I don't know, she's 15 and its scary, but I would never walk away from a cop like that. I'm sorry this happened.



I've read many replies in here saying the police should have never been involved and I didn't want single anybody out by quoting them. I also already commented on the first page how the police did use excessive force. I'm on the girls side but the twits saying cops shouldn't be involved in a traffic accident make me feel like I'm taking crazy pills. So what the hell are YOU talking about?
I am not american, but I think dealing with US police isn't so hard. Do as told or bad shit will happen to you.

If you are detained for the wrong reason, you tell it to your lawyer later. But fighting the police NEVER ends well.

I guess you haven't been keeping up with the US news then.

The Beard

Treat them like a someone's white kid.


Contact the parents to make them come in with her at a later date? It's not like a 15 year old is gonna escape jurisdiction by leaving the state.

The first half of the video was the officers trying to get her to call her parents, but she said they were too busy "watching football" ffs. She wouldn't even give her name to them either. So, I'm not sure how that would even work. If you damage someone's property you have to stay with the police to assess the damage, you can't just leave.


I actually side with the police in this video. They tried to reason with her, they tried to talk her down- she wouldn't comply.

SImple as that.
I am not american, but I think dealing with US police isn't so hard. Do as told or bad shit will happen to you.

If you are detained for the wrong reason, you tell it to your lawyer later. But fighting the police NEVER ends well.
This isn't really good advice in America because the law typically sides with the police. There is a good chance that they would twist the story in a way that would show that why you were detained was reasonable.

I mean, a black guy got shot for reading a book the other day and I'm 100% sure that the cops involved will be seen as legally right in the situation by the end of the story.


A mudslide of fun!
She hit a car with her bike. Police were not done and asked her not to leave. She ignored them and decided to leave. They told her to stop and she didn't.

They were too quick to use force and could have deescalated the situation without pepper spray.

Why does there have to be a winner and loser here?


are people reading the article?

The driver then tells the officer he was coming down the street while the light was green when the girl came around the corner, didn't stop and hit the side of his car.

"She didn't want to stay," the driver then tells the officer. "We almost had to forcibly keep her here."

The girl, whose identity was not released, was charged with disorderly conduct, two counts of second-degree assault, possession of marijuana and failure to obey a traffic device, police said. The matter was referred to the Department of Juvenile Services.

I don't know, man. Seems like she fucked up, and freaked out when the cops started questioning her (probably had to do with the possession). IANAL, tho.

The pepper spraying might have been too much.


Children screaming and crying while adults brutalize them is such a huge trigger for me. Fuck these assholes, mace was so unnecessary...

Fuck cops.

EDIT: I also find it hard to believe she was carrying anything on her and that the cops planted it to rack up more charges. Just seems weirdly convenient that she had weed on her.


You can't just leave the scene after something like that. If there WERE property damage you can't just let a person involved with the incident ride off.

No shit, they stopped her from fleeing the scene.

does "leaving the scene of an accident" apply to cyclists? I thought that only applied to operators of motor vehicles.

Simply scratching or denting someones car isn't a crime, it's a civil offense. Has to be deliberate for criminal damage.


Gold Member
I dont understand why the cops pepper sprayed her after being put into the cop car. The situation was over.

Whatever defense the cops had was thrown out the second she got pepper sprayed. No excuse here.


I am not american, but I think dealing with US police isn't so hard. Do as told or bad shit will happen to you.

If you are detained for the wrong reason, you tell it to your lawyer later. But fighting the police NEVER ends well.
My criminal justice professor always said comply first, raise hell later


are people reading the article?

I don't know, man. Seems like she fucked up, and freaked out when the cops started questioning her (probably had to do with the possession). IANAL, tho.

The pepper spraying might have been too much.

How much damage was done? Did the driver say anything to cause her to freak out? We have one side atm.


A mudslide of fun!
I dont understand why the cops pepper sprayed her after being put into the cop car. The situation was over.

Whatever defense the cops had was thrown out the second she got pepper sprayed. No excuse here.

Def didn't need to pepper spray but it looks like they were trying to close the door and she wouldn't let them.
are people reading the article?

I don't know, man. Seems like she fucked up, and freaked out when the cops started questioning her (probably had to do with the possession). IANAL, tho.

The pepper spraying might have been too much.

Yes. She fucked up, moreso than the cops. She's a kid who fucked up and we all fuck up as kids, but she fucked up and had to sadly pay with pepper spray and handcuffs, and some marijuana charges (which may or may not be true). In the end, there's no real winner here.

I don't care what we missed before the video started, in the video all you see are officers telling her to cooperate so she can be. Last I checked, it's a hit and run no matter how big of a vehicle you did the hit and run with, no matter who is at fault.


Man those facebook comments..

"Carolann ***** They are raised to disrespect everyone and then wonder why they get shot"


I don't know if I am reading it right or watching the video right, but she was involved in an accident, and officer just wanted her to help them with the investigation by answering a few questions. Running away is just going to make you look guilty when it's an accident.

How hard is it to cooperate? They used excessive force and pepper spray was uncalled for, but GODDAMN just calm down for once and talk to the other person like a human, and this goes for everyone involved in this incident.

Everyone's too quick to judge, from the public to the cops to the bystanders. Everyone retaliates and shit goes down hill. The officers were detaining her after she retaliated to further the investigation.

I don't know, she's 15 and its scary, but I would never walk away from a cop like that. I'm sorry this happened.
This is my problem. The adults in the situation should be more responsible with this. There was time to take a breather to deescalate, but they didn't do that. They kept antagonizing someone who obviously needed a moment to calm down. What's with their sense of urgency? Was there a call about another 15 year old jaywalking?

Astral Dog

She hit a car with her bike. Police were not done and asked her not to leave. She ignored them and decided to leave. They told her to stop and she didn't.

They were too quick to use force and could have deescalated the situation without pepper spray.

Why does there have to be a winner and loser here?

Everyone loses, specially the girl


Power crazed racist pieces of shit, situation could have been dealt with easily but its more "fun" to take your fucked up mentally out on children.

Please, detail step by step how you would have handled the situation. I'm not sure what video you saw, but the one linked in the op, nobody looked like they were having fun.


A mudslide of fun!
I imagine she was scared of getting caught with weed also.

They really need to train cops to deal with situations other than with force.
What's with their sense of urgency?
Did you miss the part where she was trying to leave? They didn't touch her when she was on foot. They didn't even touch her after she got on the bike. They didn't touch her until she started peddling away.

The hands-off approach doesn't work when the person is leaving, because of that whole thing where if a person continues to leave, they are eventually not there anymore.

The Beard

They should cuff her feet. Pepper spraying is not excusable at this point in the situation.

She already kicked at least one officer. It's not easy trying to cuff someone's ankles while they're throwing up-kicks at you. They would've had to pin her face down on the ground, and grab her legs to cuff them. That would have looked just as bad as pepper spray IMO.
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