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Official 2008 Olympics Thread - 1936, the Remix

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venison crêpe
liquid_gears said:
I can't wait for the cycling, rowing, triple jump, archery and other...uhm...stuff.

It's the olympics. You're allowed to get excited by everything. My favourite bits are when you're watching with friends and suddenly they're expects on Sailing and Greco Roman wrestling.


I want a tag give me a tag
liquid_gears said:
I can't wait for the cycling, rowing, triple jump, archery and other...uhm...stuff.

I cant wait for a low visibility day when the shooting or archery is on.
Quick question. Is the women's US soccer team out since they are about to lose their match today?

Edit: It looks like your standard 3 game elimination where top two advance.


Fluff piece about a new anti-doping program being given a trial. I think GAF will like its codename.


Unbeknownst to the four-time Olympic gold medalist [Dara Torres], [Travis] Tygart and his staff had been developing a program that would attract worldwide attention. It was the first step in what could change the face of anti-doping. “Project Believe,” it was dubbed, and the program and its name underscored the challenge USADA and the Olympic movement face.

In China, during 16 days of competition that follow Friday’s opening ceremonies, far more than medals will be at stake. So is the credibility of sport frayed by one steroids scandal after the next.

“Project Believe” amounted to a bold step for those tasked with catching cheaters and safeguarding clean athletes. The program calls for an unprecedented number of drug tests in an effort to monitor an athletes’ body chemistry, and the underlying principle addresses a vexing problem.

Though Marion Jones eventually admitted she took banned substances, she had passed dozens of drug tests administered by USADA and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). Either she was too clever for the drug tests, or the drug tests weren’t good enough. “Project Believe” provides a potential solution.

By measuring an athlete’s body chemistry, any drastic shift in the levels of testosterone, hemoglobin or other biomarkers would serve as evidence that an athlete had cheated, even if the traditional tests failed to detect banned substances. Like Jones, Torres had passed dozens of drug tests but never been subject to a program like this.

USADA found 12 volunteers, including some of the world’s most elite Olympic athletes such as swimmer Michael Phelps and sprinter Tyson Gay. But the athlete who drew more attention than any other – and, in turn, intensified the spotlight on USADA’s new program and its effectiveness – was the mother of a 2-year-old who turned 41 in April and is headed to her fifth Olympics.


not a medical professional
Karakand said:
Fluff piece about a new anti-doping program being given a trial. I think GAF will like its codename.






Unconfirmed Member
Only a week or so ago I got HD cable, a DVR, and FiOS with their two dedicated olympics HD channels. Kick ass. :D

I love Track and Field (a good, competitive mile relay is easily one of the most exciting things in all of sports) and gymnastics, those are going on the recording schedule first. Table tennis would be cool to watch. Wrestling will be worth a watch. Never watched a trampoline competition before, that could be interesting.

Oh, and volleyball is getting recorded, of course. :D
woodchuck said:
how many minutes is he expected to play with jose calderon on the team?

So far Aito , Spain´s coach , has given all 3 guards about the same time during the preparation games. I dunno if he is going to keep doing it, but Aito has been Ricky´s coach for 3 years and he was the one that made him go pro at 14.

i just hope he gets to play a lot and that he plays a good game against team USA. He is a lot of fun to watch, except when he is playing against your home team. I remember him abusing my home team when he was 15 :(


Holds a little red book
Monroeski said:
Only a week or so ago I got HD cable, a DVR, and FiOS with their two dedicated olympics HD channels. Kick ass. :D
I'm getting Comcast's HD-DVR package installed tomorrow. Just in time. I hear the Comcast's DVR capacity sucks, though. 20 hours of HD recording won't nearly be enough.


Probably not. They wore those masks inside the airport to make a statement. They've since apologized to the IOC, the city of Beijing, etc. Good of them I guess, but what they did was still in bad taste.


Cyan said:
It is? Please elaborate.

If they were truly worried about the air quality, they would have just stayed home and not competed in this Olympics. To wear their masks indoors inside a NEW airport, they were trying to make a statement, one which backfired on them.


Unconfirmed Member
Akira said:
If they were truly worried about the air quality, they would have just stayed home and not competed in this Olympics. To wear their masks indoors inside a NEW airport, they were trying to make a statement, one which backfired on them.
Stayed home? For the OLYMPICS? :lol



Akira said:
If they were truly worried about the air quality, they would have just stayed home and not competed in this Olympics. To wear their masks indoors inside a NEW airport, they were trying to make a statement, one which backfired on them.
u mad?


Monroeski said:
Stayed home? For the OLYMPICS? :lol


Yes, if they felt so strongly about the pollution in Beijing they should have just stayed home, like some other athletes have done. Choosing to support this Olympics by playing and then trying to make a statement is just hypocritical.


Holds a little red book
Haile Gebrselassie dropped out of the marathon because he had asthma and he felt it would affect his health (he will, however, run the 10k). And he left it at that. Why do some athletes exhibit tact while others don't?


Holds a little red book
Shit, I would piss my pants if Bekele, Sihine and Gebrselassie 1-2-3 sweeped the the 10k again, like they did in '03.
USA vs China first match should be entertaining. I'm interested in the reaction of the Chinese to a 40 point beatdown


Germany is my second team. Dirk <3

and those cyclists are fucking stupid for wearing those masks. terrible. i agree with akira.

if you're going to do that shit and try to make a statement, then stay home for the olympics.


woodchuck said:
and those cyclists are fucking stupid for wearing those masks. terrible. i agree with akira.

if you're going to do that shit and try to make a statement, then stay home for the olympics.

How is wearing a pollution mask, something the people in China do on a routine basis, a statement? You get that, right? They aren't doing anything the people who live there don't do. They're trying to protect their lungs before an enormous sporting event. What bastards.


besada said:
How is wearing a pollution mask, something the people in China do on a routine basis, a statement? You get that, right? They aren't doing anything the people who live there don't do. They're trying to protect their lungs before an enormous sporting event. What bastards.

yeah! inside the airport!


Holds a little red book
besada said:
They're trying to protect their lungs before an enormous sporting event. What bastards.
:lol You're either the world's best satirical humorist or illiterate.
Athletics (track and field events)
Beach Volleyball
Canoe/Kayak (Flatwater)
Canoe/Kayak (Slalom)
Cycling (BMX)
Cycling (Mountain Bike)
Cycling (Road)
Cycling (Track)
Football (Soccer)
Gymnastics (Artistic)
Gymnastics (Rhythmic)
Modern Pentathlon
Synchronized Swimming
Table Tennis
Water Polo

Looking at this list sorta pisses me off. The Olympics needs to decide what it is. Is it a competition made up of games or athletics. Because if it is games then some of the shit in there is mindboggling when you consider games that aren't. If it is athletics then they need to drop stuff like Water Polo, Volleyball, Tennis, Table Tennis, Softball, Hockey, Handball, Football, Beach Volleyball, Basketball, Baseball, and Badminton


Holds a little red book
BigGreenMat said:
If it is athletics then they need to drop stuff like Water Polo, Volleyball, Tennis, Table Tennis, Softball, Hockey, Handball, Football, Beach Volleyball, Basketball, Baseball, and Badminton
Did you know that "athletics" is what they call "Track and Field" these days? :lol It's in the quote!


woodchuck said:
yeah! inside the airport!

I don't suppose they were staying in the airport forever. More importantly, where do you think the air for the airport comes from?

When the Australian team trained for the first time at the Olympic venue on Monday, they were greeted with a cloud of haze, hovering halfway between the pool and the roof. Thompson asked officials for an explanation, but late yesterday had not received an answer.

Smog is particulates suspended in gas. In flows in open doorways, and makes its way through antyhing that isn't actively filtering it. Again, these are Olympic atheletes that require their lungs to work at an efficiency that you and I don't ever get close to. They're just trying to protect themselves.

You're either the world's best satirical humorist or illiterate.

Or I'm giving athletes the benefit of the doubt in protecting themselves, instead of imagining some assault on China's pride because they're countering smog in the exact same fashion the Chinese do.

Note: When they realized they had offended, the bikers apologized to the Chinese Government, citing worry about the effect the smog would have on their lungs. Such insulting people!
BigGreenMat said:
Looking at this list sorta pisses me off. The Olympics needs to decide what it is. Is it a competition made up of games or athletics. Because if it is games then some of the shit in there is mindboggling when you consider games that aren't. If it is athletics then they need to drop stuff like Water Polo, Volleyball, Tennis, Table Tennis, Softball, Hockey, Handball, Football, Beach Volleyball, Basketball, Baseball, and Badminton

Don't worry about it so much. The Olympics are diplomatic (usually), and it makes a lot of money for everyone involved. Plus, who doesn't love trash talking with your Brazilian neighbor while watching beach volleyball?


shooting blanks
FlightOfHeaven said:
Damn, the weather over there got considerably worse. That sucks for the athletes.

Also, what the fuck at the facist OP. <3

I don't really support any individual country, I'm just hoping for a good games. Colombia's the star of, well, nothing. Still love my country, though.




Stele said:
By wearing black masks that make them look like Darth Vader? They probably got the idea from somewhere like here.

More likely they bought masks with replaceable HEPA filters, like this one.

Anyway, they've apologized for any offense. Seriously, get the fuck over it. If you're this sensitive to insult, it's going to be a long Olympics for you. You're going to see plenty of smog masks.


Holds a little red book
besada said:
Anyway, they've apologized for any offense. Seriously, get the fuck over it. If you're this sensitive to insult, it's going to be a long Olympics for you. You're going to see plenty of smog masks.
You lack self-awareness to an extent that's amazing. The guy cursing is accusing someone else of being too sensitive? :lol You're playing devil's advocate. Get over yourself.


Holds a little red book
I don't think those masks will help them beat the Australians and the Russians. They need jetpacks on their bikes.


were there other countries that also wore the masks?

and come on. I understand wearing the masks outside, but inside the airport is pretty ridiculous. I'm sure the airports have filters and air conditioners.

I wonder if other countries did the same thing a the '84 LA games :lol

and yeah, if they were so worried about the air, they should have just waited another 4 years. if they really want to compete in something they've trained their whole lives for, then suck it up and try not to embarrass the host country (even if unintentional and sponsored by the US olympics committee).


Cyan said:
Let's reiterate, shall we:Wait, you mean they didn't go out and find "Darth Vader masks" on purpose? Shocking.

And they care about winning their event? Doubly shocking.

Head of the US Olympic Commitee:

He added: "It probably wasn't the most opportune time for these athletes to wear these masks. They were overly cautious."

Even if these cyclists weren't trying to make a statement, they could have been trying to be funny by wearing these marks, thinking it would be a cute lil' joke. Maybe they forgot about the media being in the airport?
Akira said:

The American cycling team arriving at the Beijing airport. This is so disrespectful and hypocritical.

As a Chinese American (well, really a Taiwanese American), I can attest that even the locals do this in Taiwan (which is much less polluted than China).

It's no big deal. I've seen people in Taiwan riding their motor scooters and walking around with masks on every time I've visited.

I really don't get the whole issue here because the locals really could give a shit. They'd readily sell them face masks :lol. Come on Japan-GAF, I'm sure you've seen this in Japan too, right?



Another example (guy on the far left standing):


Another example (first rider on the left side):


Face masks in China/Taiwan/Japan/most southeast Asian countries = par for the course.


woodchuck said:
were there other countries that also wore the masks?

and come on. I understand wearing the masks outside, but inside the airport is pretty ridiculous. I'm sure the airports have filters and air conditioners.

I wonder if other countries did the same thing a the '84 LA games :lol

and yeah, if they were so worried about the air, they should have just waited another 4 years. if they really want to compete in something they've trained their whole lives for, then suck it up and try not to embarrass the host country (even if unintentional and sponsored by the US olympics committee).

The people who keep suggesting this just lose any sort of credibility. It makes it hard to take the rest of your comments seriously. 'Sitting this one out' just isn't a feasible option in most people's minds.

It's not guaranteed you'll qualify for the next Olympics. You are only at your peak so long (unless your name is Dara Torres), so if you make it you want to do your absolute best because you know this may be the only chance in your entire life to get Olympic gold. With that in mind the athletes, as they have said, were thinking more about how to protect their chances of success than any insult that would be dealt a host country who has ignored their pollution issues for years.


The masks are what they are. Athletes competing in sports such as running and cycling often have lungs that operate on more "intense" levels than the average joe. Makes sense for them to try to protect themselves if there are even remote threats of polluted air.
Davidion said:
The masks are what they are. Athletes competing in sports such as running and cycling often have lungs that operate on more "intense" levels than the average joe. Makes sense for them to try to protect themselves if there are even remote threats of polluted air.

Check my post a few posts up: this is a non-issue. The locals themselves wear face masks all the time. It's totally a case of Western media blowing this out of proportion.


Kung Fu Jedi said:
Who will be struggling to catch the Brits, but that's another point.

I was going to say that they should be spending more time chasing after the Chinese, but another thought came to mind: considering more of my people back in China ride bikes than anywhere else, where are the legendary Asian cyclist types?

Cyclist nerds, I know you're around here somewhere. ANSWERS!


Holds a little red book
Most of the cycling medals are in track cycling. People don't usually practice riding in a circle. Not to mention on my morning runs in China, it was not uncommon for me to run faster than most people bike.


Karakand said:
One of them dropped out. Paul I want to say... he felt he hadn't healed from a previous injury or something.

Ok, well keep an eye out for his younger brother morgan, he's introducing a brand new move into mens gymnastics called the air-flare, if he pulls it off it should be epic.


Dali said:

The people who keep suggesting this just lose any sort of credibility. It makes it hard to take the rest of your comments seriously. 'Sitting this one out' just isn't a feasible option in most people's minds.

It's not guaranteed you'll qualify for the next Olympics. You are only at your peak so long (unless your name is Dara Torres), so if you make it you want to do your absolute best because you know this may be the only chance in your entire life to get Olympic gold. With that in mind the athletes, as they have said, were thinking more about how to protect their chances of success than any insult that would be dealt a host country who has ignored their pollution issues for years.

that's why i said, "suck it up and try not to embarrass the host country".

wearing masks outside is a good idea and not embarrassing because the locals do that too.

but fresh off the plan and in the airport? come on.
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