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Official Batman: Arkham Knight Trailer – “Gotham is Mine”


First tragedy, then farce.
If Joker is in it, I'm probably going to skip it. So sick and tired of every Batman game in this series being about the Joker. Origins would have been so much better without him.

Origins was the perfect chance to have Red Hood Gang as an early/mid boss and end with a fight where you knock Red Hood 1 into a vat of chemicals at Ace.

Why they missed this chance, I do not know.


That bit where it cuts back and forth between Batman diving and all the villains was really cool. This is probably one of the better video game trailers I've seen tbh - very well put together.


Not attracted at all by it, seriously. It's Déjà-vu.

Numerous villains that are really vlilains and unite to kill Batman, a Batman on the edge, the C/C of sequences with Scarecrow, a Batmobile that turns you into a machine of mass destruction.

I can't say this trailer gave me hopes.

I want a slower, darker, tortured Batman with only one or two ennemies and a plot that is worth it, unlike Arkham City's One. No need to add gadgets and Batmobile.

I'd play that. But Arkham Knight will be an action movie starring Batman and crew.


You better run
Don't wait here I come no
The fuel in my fire won't run dry
It burns bright
And you better hide
I came for a fight, yeah
Until Gotham is miiiiiiine!

Batmanetta. He shoots baterangs out of his boots, constantly sucks lolipops, and his costume is made of the hair of billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne.


First tragedy, then farce.
Am I the only one let down by this? I feel like I've played this game before; three times in fact. It's the same story, same setup (villain takes over asylum/city/city/city), samey-looking city, same villains, mostly same moves, the "toughest challenge for the bat, yet". I'm sorry, I just can't get excited :(

Someone doesn't read batman comics.

Right now the three "mainline" Batbooks are as follows:

Batman -
in the middle of End-Game where the entire city is hit with a new version of Joker's Toxin and are all fighting batman, including the Justice League
Detective Comics -
Anarky has given everyone masks and most of the city is rioting and looting.
Batman Eternal -
Gotham is totally in chaos, all of the baddies are loose. Gotham is burning, Batman's cache's have been destroyed. Bruce Wayne has had his assets frozen. Arkham Asylum was destroyed, and moved to Wayne Manor. Most of the bat family has turned on Batman for hiding secrets from them during a previous cross-over. Commissioner Gordon is in prison and Bats still has no idea who is up to shenanigans, but we've so far eliminated Riddler, Court of Owls, Hush, and Ra's.

And this is following on the heels of Zero Year, Court of Owls, Gothtopia in the last 2 years. It's fairly standard comic trope. You have to escalate things.. though this is the first time that Gotham itself has totally fallen apart in the games.

There are slower paced "smaller" Batman stories. Preventing a crime, inner crime family fighting, etc. But generally if you are going to tell a Big 15+ hour Batman tale you are going to start looking at these kinds of stories. They almost always involve one big bad that is using the others to their own means.

So, Knightfall had all of the bad guys in it, but it was Bane playing Batman, etc.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
There had better be NO JOKER.

Of course there will be, specially with the ending of Arkham City:
Batman reconsidering his hero role after the biggest villain in his career is dead. With Scarecrow in the mix, I'm sure he's going to at least hallucinate with Joker. You'll have to cancel your preorder, man.


Wait is that actually in real time or pre-rendered? Isn't this just using a highly modified version of the Unreal Engine 3??? How is that even possible...


I actually question whether the story can be any fun without the Joker.

Mark Hamill was exceptionally fantastic in Asylum and City(and completely overshadowed all the other villains for me)

And its sad to see no CATWoman.Her gameplay was amazing in Arkham City.

At any rate the game will be fantastic ,but please bring on the Cat!

On Demand

Oooh, that's definitely encouraging! Don't get me wrong, I'm sure Rocksteady will do open world the best way possible, I'm just not entirely sure if, at least for me, open world can ever be better in this type of game than something more linear like AA. Maybe it's just because I don't have the attention span to appreciate all the smaller stuff in between missions :p

Alot felt the linear, more focused, design of AA fits and plays better. It does in a way, but when you have an open Gotham filled with so many things that makes it feel like Gotham i think that offsets the straight path story of AA. To me the city in AC was a character and story itself. Which it actually was if you solved all those riddler puzzles.


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
God this looks fantastic, I skipped the last game. I'm really hoping they expanded the fighting mechanics this time. Got way too monotonous for me.


Great trailer. I'd wouldn't mind seeing a version with subtitles, though, as John Noble's grizzly mumble combined with the radio distortion made some bits uncomfortable to listen to. I had to watch it a couple of times to take in the visuals and listen to the dialogue separately. Though I'm not complaining about having to watch it more than once, and the full game will have subtitles, assuredly.

I've been told that opinions can't be wrong, but I saw some people in this thread wish that Kevin Conroy wasn't voicing Batman and that they should get the guy who did Origins instead.

Those opinions are wrong.
So good!!

Graphics are ridiculous.
Kevin Conroy is THE BATMAN, well him and Ben Affleck anyways.

p.s Am I the only one who thinks harley quinn is looking a lot like margot robbie?


Origins was the perfect chance to have Red Hood Gang as an early/mid boss and end with a fight where you knock Red Hood 1 into a vat of chemicals at Ace.

Why they missed this chance, I do not know.

Zero Year wasn't out when they started making Origins, was it?


Is the gameplay still just spamming one button to fight people and hitting the counter button every so often?

Ban Puncher

I know Hamill is done with The Joker and passed the torch to Troy Baker but I'd still like it if he appeared in a minor role, doing a voice that doesn't murder his vocal cords. A final bow and a wink to fans. Same with Arleen Sorkin.


I like the character models. Ivy looks a little odd I guess.
I'm expecting great performance from the game if it's running on Unreal Engine.

Ban Puncher

I know 'Remaster' is a dirty word but if someone put a spiffied up collection of Asylum and City in one convenient package in front of me, I'd have a hard time saying no.
I know 'Remaster' is a dirty word but if someone put a spiffied up collection of Asylum and City in one convenient package in front of me, I'd have a hard time saying no.

That was basically my experience when I went from the 360 versions of Asylum and City to the PC versions (especially once I upgraded to an Nvidia card).

Buttery smooth framerate, full resolution, and the Physx stuff like volumetric fog and fluttering papers (which does hurt the framerate, but it looks so good that I keep it).
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