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OFFICIAL Batman Begins Discussion Topic - TV Spots, Reviews, RT Watch, etc.

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Hollywood Square
Ninja Scooter said:
Prestige sounds cool. Are there still rumors that they will shoot Batman 2/3 back to back? Or has that one pretty much died?

I don't know if it's dead or not. I think it pretty much is up to Nolan, since everyone is working around his schedule and Warner Bros. doesn't want to rush a Bat flick without him.

Batman Begins was just right and actually, I could've sat through more. It was a great ride. I hope Nolan doesn't think this dick speaks for fans and makes a Bat movie that's 90 minutes long.


Error2k4 said:
even though it last 2 hours and 17 minutes I think the movie was short. :lol

I feel the same way, no matter how many times I see the movie, I always think its over way shorter than it should be. Heck, I could probably watch another half an hour or so of that movie. Especially more ScareCrow.

Bring on The sequels!


GodMike said:
Yes. The movie would have done even better BO if you tools would have seen it when it opened instead of waiting for the DVD. Then we could have sent the message home even harder that this is the Batman we know and love.

Eh, after a string of turd Batflicks and the ridiculously horrendous Catwoman, I certainly can't blame people for being shy about watching Begins at the theatre. Be glad they gave the DVD a shot, which as everybody knows is where most of the money is made now anyway.

And :lol at the movie being too long...it left me wanting more, so fuck that notion.


Error2k4 said:
even though it last 2 hours and 17 minutes I think the movie was short. :lol

lol, same here :D There isn't a single moment where I thought the scene was too long, unimportant or boring. The pace of the film is perfect.


Maybe I'm just being bitter, but i was underwhelmed by Batman Begins.

I think the handling of the character is fantastic, and the best yet. The way everything is handled in a realistic way is superb. I particularly like the adoption of the 'symbol' being immortal, and the reason why he becomes batman.

However, (and it's a reasonab;y big however), the story is not to my liking. It's overly complicated, and really draws away from the realism that the setting presents. Microwave doo-dads, Crazy Crane, conspiracy secret society... Yes, I get the story, and I can follow it, but I still think it's a little bit over the top. I don't mind over the top, when it fits - but for some reason, the best part I like from Batman Begins (the realism) is shattered by the ludicrous plot.

Also too many villains. I would've preferred if it had more focus. The last half or however long since the Batman character was established felt long and cringeworthy to me.

But then, I enjoyed Spider-man and Episode I, so what do I know.
Finally saw it on DVD. Extremely well done. Only real sore points for me have previously been noted by others, Katie Holmes is no Michelle Pfeiffer or Kim Basinger and the fighting sequences were simple and appeared to be deliberately vaguely shot.

Part of my initail concern with the movie was mostly unwarranted, that being the heavily British and Irish cast. No matter how good that cast is, with so many affecting American accents I colllectively expected more jarring slips than would be welcome in this American setting. However, after a rough start with the actors for Thomas Wayne and young Bruce sometimes slipping on their accents, it ended up not being a problem.

Cilian Murphy especially nailed it, as did Gary Oldman (with a slightly deeper voice as well). Though Bale sometimes sounds like he's choking back his natural accent, kudos to him for largely holding it together even when having to growl through it as the predatory Batman. Overall Bale makes for a great Batman.

Casting continues as a high point when considering Liam Neeson rocking as usual, Morgan Freeman adding in some lighter spirit, Michael Caine doing a very comfortable Alfred, etc.

I do need to see the second Michael Keaton Batman movie again though before declaring this better. Different kinds of movies, they may split two sides of "best of" status.


Hollywood Square
Meh. I thought Linus Roache rocked as Thomas Wayne. He really gave the character some weight in something that could've been just a throw away role. He's back for the sequel, so I look forward to seeing him agian.

When we going to hear about DVD sales? I'm real curious. A lack of a press release from Warner Bros. indicates that they weren't amazing or anything, but I've seen it fly off of shelves.
Willco said:
Meh. I thought Linus Roache rocked as Thomas Wayne. He really gave the character some weight in something that could've been just a throw away role. He's back for the sequel, so I look forward to seeing him agian.

Meh back at you. I didn't say he didn't do a good job overall, which he did in providing touching moments as the father, just that his accent fluctuated. He tightens down the accent next time, he's perfect.


Hollywood Square
BATMAN BEGINS DVD Sales Kicking Ass!
Author: Jett

Saturday, October 22, 2005 - 9:40 AM, 2:06 PM CENTRAL TIME: Well, it looks like the BEGINS DVD (which you can purchase here at BOF) is doing good business, according to VIDEOBUSINESS.COM. "Debuting Oct. 18 from Warner Home Video, BATMAN BEGINS swooped off retail and rental shelves in its first several days of release. Warner declined to provide sales figures, but many retailers said activity beat their expectations."

I figured it was going to do really well. I'm sure there are many people going through various stores, seeing the display and think, "I heard this movie was really good," and they buy it. The sequel will be off the hook, just watch...

Matt from Pittsburgh sent in this report:

I'm an employee at a Circuit City in Pittsburgh, and indeed, sales for the DVD are crushing expectations. We're just about out of our supply, and our managers have even liked the movie so much that we've moved it from a display elsewhere in the store to the brand new Sony XBR LCD display that you see as soon as you walk in the door. Their exact words: 'People want to see it, so we're going to make sure they see it as soon as they enter our store.' Needless to say, I sprang the idea upon them, but hey, I'm just doing my part. For over a year I've been hyping my fellow employees up about the film, and I have to tell you, it's a pure thrill to see how much they really did enjoy it, even the harshest of skeptics."

To borrow a phrase from the great coach Jimmy Johnson (and fellow Texan), "How 'bout that BATMAN BEGINS!"


Its time to Batdance!



My favorite scene was after Katie Holmes tells him "You can die out there" and he goes "I know" or whatever and he descends down on the Narrows like the fiery demon of justice he is. So kickass. Hearing the people below scream in terror as he passes above them, coupled with the way they see him, is just too damn awesome. FEAR, baby. FEAR.


bob_arctor said:
My favorite scene was after Katie Holmes tells him "You can die out there" and he goes "I know" or whatever and he descends down on the Narrows like the fiery demon of justice he is. So kickass. Hearing the people below scream in terror as he passes above them, coupled with the way they see him, is just too damn awesome. FEAR, baby. FEAR.


"You could die. At least tell me your name."


"It's not who I am underneath, but what I DO that defines me."



J2 Cool

Yeah, DM's scene was THE chill scene of the movie. Other than that though, I loved Scarecrow setting Bats on fire, the train escape, and the Joker card. All pure awesomeness.


Rage Bait Youtuber
Schmo Florez said:
When I hear, "I never got the chance to thank you" "and you'll never have you" I cheer every time.

That's Batman Begins' version of the "Double Jeopardy" scene from Donner's Superman in that it completely and perfectly shows something that defines the character. The ending is my favorite part in the entire movie.


Willco said:
BATMAN BEGINS DVD Sales Kicking Ass!
Author: Jett

Saturday, October 22, 2005 - 9:40 AM, 2:06 PM CENTRAL TIME: Well, it looks like the BEGINS DVD (which you can purchase here at BOF) is doing good business, according to VIDEOBUSINESS.COM. "Debuting Oct. 18 from Warner Home Video, BATMAN BEGINS swooped off retail and rental shelves in its first several days of release. Warner declined to provide sales figures, but many retailers said activity beat their expectations."

I figured it was going to do really well. I'm sure there are many people going through various stores, seeing the display and think, "I heard this movie was really good," and they buy it. The sequel will be off the hook, just watch...

Matt from Pittsburgh sent in this report:

I'm an employee at a Circuit City in Pittsburgh, and indeed, sales for the DVD are crushing expectations. We're just about out of our supply, and our managers have even liked the movie so much that we've moved it from a display elsewhere in the store to the brand new Sony XBR LCD display that you see as soon as you walk in the door. Their exact words: 'People want to see it, so we're going to make sure they see it as soon as they enter our store.' Needless to say, I sprang the idea upon them, but hey, I'm just doing my part. For over a year I've been hyping my fellow employees up about the film, and I have to tell you, it's a pure thrill to see how much they really did enjoy it, even the harshest of skeptics."

To borrow a phrase from the great coach Jimmy Johnson (and fellow Texan), "How 'bout that BATMAN BEGINS!"

No shit, I can't find the deluxe edition anywhere.


Cillian Murphy really stood out as the Scarecrow and I can't help but feel that there is so much more of this character to be explored; he was easily one of the least developed of the major characters. It would be great to see a spin-off or a return futher down the series. Apparently he is optioned for a sequel.


Finally got my copy today. Still fucking awesome and by a huge margin the best comic-book film adaptation EVAR(and quickly becoming one of my favorite movies). BTW...did anyone notice that the volume of the music was a little low compared to how it was in the theaters? It's not as overpowering as I remember(and I liked that in the theatrical release...).

Now I gotta watch the extra material.
Last Tuesday I was planning on purchasing the deluxe version at Wal-Mart because their site listed it at 15.88. But when I got there it was priced at $22 -- I didn't know that the stores didn't match their online site. DAMN. So that same day I went on Amazon and ordered myself a copy. I waited, and waited, but by Friday I could wait no more! I bought it from walmart, took it home and tore off the wrapping, and watched one of my favorite movies of all time while munching on some fried chicken from Albertsons. It was a great friday. Now when I receive my copy from Amazon I'll have to return that copy to Walmart. They better take it!
jett said:
Finally got my copy today. Still fucking awesome and by a huge margin the best comic-book film adaptation EVAR(and quickly becoming one of my favorite movies). BTW...did anyone notice that the volume of the music was a little low compared to how it was in the theaters? It's not as overpowering as I remember(and I liked that in the theatrical release...).

Now I gotta watch the extra material.

Yes, I noticed that and I thought it was much improved this way. Its much easier to hear Drucard's lines when training with Bruce over that frozen lake, for example.

Since we were telling out favorit scenes...my favorite is probably when Batman/Bruce first approached Gordon in the office and held the stapler to his head. "Now we are two."


Hollywood Square
Nolan said that redoing the audio was key, since somehow, certain theatres had a bad mix. I can attest that, because I saw it at one theatre twice with no audio problems whatsoever, and when I saw it with a friend out of state, the dialogue was definitely muffled by the score. I don't know how that happened.
When I saw it opening day, the audio mix was fine and I hear Ducards lines fine, but when I saw it the second and third time, the audio was cranked up and Ducards line was indeed muffled but the intensity of sequences like the tumbler were off the hook!! You could feel that rumble and roar in your chest.


Has anyone else here watched the special feature on the sets?

The scale of them is AMAZING. They're really, really huge. It's just a shame they've probably pulled them all down, because they really do seem quite marvellous. If you have the 2-disc, you're really doing yourself a huge disservice by not checking this out.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
DMczaf said:
"It's not who I am underneath, but what I DO that defines me."

Get it right man.

[deep Batman voice] "It's not who I am underneath, but what I DOOOO that defines me." :D


Watched the dvd tonight. This is without a doubt the best comic book movie ever made. It also makes a great halloween movie. :D I dont care what anyone says about the score either, it was freaking awesome and it fit the movie perfectly. Good to see the dvd sales are kicking ass. The only flaw was the casting of Katie Holmes, shes distractingly ugly and undeniable proof that Tom Cruise is gay.


Polari said:
Has anyone else here watched the special feature on the sets?

The scale of them is AMAZING. They're really, really huge. It's just a shame they've probably pulled them all down, because they really do seem quite marvellous. If you have the 2-disc, you're really doing yourself a huge disservice by not checking this out.

Yeah, the sets are something else. I went through the entire second disc earlier...it was a treat seeing the genesis of the Tumbler, suit, sets and the fighting scenes, though I still don't like the way they were shot (certainly thought the Batman/Ra's fight deserved to have a more conventional viewpoint).

My favourite scenes in the movie...well, there's quite a few. The final scene was classic...the birth of the Bat signal ("we ran out of mobsters"), the Joker card, Batman's proclaimation that he'll never have to be thanked. Just the perfect way to end the movie. I also loved the bat swarming scenes...one where Bruce is exploring the cave, and sucks in his fears as the bats dance all around him. And of course the scene in Arkham where the Bats were used as backup (not reading Year One until after the movie, that was a very cool scene). Falconi's speech in the diner was good stuff, and quite amusing in terms of how matter of fact the delivery was. The Tumbler chase scene was also excellent simply because that car was a lot more functional then it looked, and did almost everything that was filmed. Batman's interrogation of Flask still cracks me up ("SWEAR TO ME!!"). And finally, Batman's debut was perfectly done, from the quick, loud, biting sound effects played when Bats overcame his prey, to Falconi being tied up to the spotlight. Fantastic movie all round. I'd say of all these scenes, the final one is my favourite.


Hollywood Square
Wendo said:
That reminds me...didn't Willco say that F4 would do better at the box office than BB?

I did indeed. I'm glad to see Batman had the legs to prove me wrong, but I don't think anyone saw that coming.


Yeah, don't forget that F4 had a pretty strong opening, and I think was a far more accessible movie in terms of appealing to a wider audience then Batman Begins. And the opening for Begins was pretty disappointing, though Warner Bros tried to put on a brave face. But it had incredibly strong legs that were able to carry it to the 200 mill mark, while F4 fell off faster then the XFL.


Schmo Florez said:
When I hear, "I never got the chance to thank you" "and you'll never have you" I cheer every time.

Hell yeah. That scene gives me goosebumps every time. That is the essence of Super Hero right there.
my geek moment from last night: I actually paused it during the "joker card" scene to try and see if i they gave away any secrets on the evidence tag :(


Willco said:
Fanboys aside, it was not realistic at the time to say that Batman Begins would gross more.

Well actually my argument was back then that it would be the summer's Pirates of Caribbean. With good word of mouth and fanboys flocking to see it over and over. Where as FF was getting bad word of mouth and would have a good opening but drop right off.

It wasn't in this thread I don't think though. Around the time it was either in the FF thread or the War of the Worlds thread or one of the other Batman Begins thread we had. I don't know, doesn't matter. Batman wins, Batman always wins.


Hollywood Square
Schattenjagger said:
yes def. but also as another villian in the film..

i think riddler is one of the great batman villians

That would suck if both were in the same film again. And it won't happen because WB already paired them up in Batman Forever, and as so, will NOT want to draw comparisons to the third installment of their crap franchise to Nolan's third installment.


Rage Bait Youtuber
Littleberu said:
But why, WHY did they have to let Rachel know Batman identity? WHY.

A lot of people know Batman's identity in the comics. It's nothing new. But if the rumors of
her early demise in the second movie
are true, it shouldn't matter much.
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