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OFFICIAL Batman Begins Discussion Topic - TV Spots, Reviews, RT Watch, etc.

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DVD is out.



Well went to see it for a final time in my school theatres.

Even tonight, on a Friday night on a college campus, the movie was sold out, jammed packed. Everyone was there.

And like the first 3 times, till an awesome movie. :D



Tuesday, Septmeber 27, 2005 - 5:24 AM CENTRAL TIME: ...BATMAN STRIKES. Or BATMAN ATTACKS. These are two possible titles for the sequel that I've heard from more than one source. Now, these are possibilites and that should be kept in mind at this time. Not too bad IMO...

So just how far along is the sequel? I posed that question to a longtime, trusted "insider." Here's what he had to say:

"This film is further along than people think. Hell, you've got actors (and their agents) scrambling to get a role in the sequel - it's going to be huge! Just look at all the talk about casting The Joker already. There are a lot of actors that covet that role.

From what I've heard, Nolan [director Christopher] and Goyer [screenwriter David] knew what they wanted to do in the sequel before BATMAN BEGINS was filmed. I know that Nolan hasn't signed on, yet, but that is just a matter of time. This is why you are hearing about cast candidates and possible screentests. Things are lined up so that when that [Nolan returning - Jett] does happen, they'll be ready to roll.

There is no doubt that they have their ducks in a row."

I've got to agree with this source on this one, based on everthing I've heard so far. It seems that once Mr. Nolan says "Let's go" officially, they'll be able to hit the ground running. Can't wait...


Memles said:
There's no numbers for Batman Begins yet, but I still don't really understand your post...are you saying I was wrong? Because Wedding Crashers will pass it during the week no matter what, and I'd expect Charlie to do the same by next weekend.

Yeah, about that...

They're about 600k apart right now, and they're barely making any money, either of them. It might take weeks for Charlie to pass it, if it even does.

J2 Cool

HomerSimpson-Man said:
I'ill say Batman: Dark Knight should be nice title for the next film.

I like that as well, though it begs the question would 3 steal the title "Dark Knight Returns"? still, love Dark Knight.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
if they use Batman Strikes and the movie end up sucking I can already see the headlines

"Batman Strikes... out!"

"Batman can't throw strikes!"


This thread is well beyond the point of impressions now, but I just saw this movie for the first time on Monday (yes, Monday).

All I can say is that wow, even after the hype here, I didn't expect it to be that good. First, I guess 'cause I don't 100% buy GA hype... and second, cause even though I was confident the assembled talent (Nolan included as "talent") would do a good job, I didn't think it would be so very good.

I also thought that Ra's Al Ghul was a "let's use him 'cause those other movies exhausted the most recognizeable bat-villains," but absolutely great execution. I do like the reality of the character (no bringing him back to life, please). I love the Joker "preview" as well...

Neeson and Gary Oldman were both great, and Michael Caine, not sure how much love he got in this thread, but he was great too. Bale made a fine Batman/Bruce Wayne, and even though Katie Holmes was dubbed the weak link, she wasn't too bad, although she did look retarded a couple of times (cross-eyed in the last scene, during which I also commiserated for Bale having to kiss Tom Cruise ooky-mouth ... although I guess filming was probably pre-Cruise)

I knew it was going to be good, but I was not prepared for awesome.
I've heard from now 4 reputible sources that the title in the lead right now is Batman Strikes and (take this one with a little more salt than usual) I've heard from 3 of those 4 people that the leading candidate for the role of the Joker in Batman Strikes is currently;

I have trouble seeing him getting the part though, the union would be up in arms.



THR: How did you come to select Chris Nolan to reinvent "Batman?"

Robinov: Chris Nolan wasn't the obvious choice. Alan trusted that Chris' vision -- the tone, the setting and his skill as director and storyteller -- would ultimately give us the best movie. Chris is going to come in and tell us what the next "Batman" will be today. It all comes down to filmmakers like Alfonso Cuaron on "Harry Potter," or Curtis Hanson on "Lucky You" or Niki Caro on "North Country."



Christopher Nolan Interview.

Will you be doing Batman Continues?

Well, it certainly won’t be called that. That’s the title most commonly thrown at me. Actually, I have been talking to the studio and to David Goyer about directions for a sequel because we’re certainly very excited still about the world we were able to dive into and the characters we were able to put on screen. It’s a pretty interesting bunch of people and an interesting place, so we’re definitely talking about places we would take it.

Will you use two villains again or is the Joker going to be enough?

I wouldn’t want to talk about any specifics per se. All I can really say is it’s a film we’re talking about doing.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp

That's not keeping Web sites from buzzing about which villains may be showing up in the movie. A scooper for Batman-on-Film alleges that one unnamed villain "will be an ambiguous mob boss with ties to the late Dr. Thomas Wayne. Another will be an industrial heir not unlike Bruce Wayne - in fact it could be said that he is a dark mirror of Bruce. Over the course of the story, he will be forced to present a new 'face.' And then we have a small, almost cameo type [appearence by a] villain who is considered a 'classic rogue' as a British arms dealer. It may sound a bit crowded, but it all fits together, makes sense, and works much like a comic story arc."

BoF's source says the plot might have "the mob boss and the heir get involved with a major arms deal with the 'British Guy,' while Batman and his allies attempt to foil it. [As a result,] they uncover more of the corruption plauging Gotham. Unfortunatly for both sides, nobody knew there was a Joker in the deck who complicates matters."

(SPOILER WARNING: BoF suggests that these three mystery villains could very well be Salvatore Maroni, Roman Sionis, and Oswald "The Penguin" Cobblepot. Boss Rupert Thorne could also be in the mix instead of one of them.)

Meanwhile, a scooper informs Dark Horizons that "Harvey Dent will be in the film. He won't be Two-Face until the sequel after, but he will be a main part of the next sequel. At the moment, it looks like Liev Schrieber, has got the gig. Also returning are Gary Oldman, Michael Caine and Linus Roache. The same effects team, composer James Newton Howard, the same costume designer - all back."

"Couple of new 'secondary' characters (like 'Falcone' was in the last one) here too. One being talked about - Oswald Cobblepot/Penguin. They're working on costume mocks for that now - I don't know that it's for sure that Cobblepot will 'transform' in this one though, or that they're just going to introduce him. They want a (kinda amusing) 'Harvey Weinstein' type - but not necessarily a naturally-fat guy - just someone that can pull it off effectively."

seems like everyone is returning fuck yeah :)

Penguin in the sequel? could be interesting.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Sounds awesome if there's even an ounce of credibility there.

I really, really want Liev Schrieber to get the Harvey Dent role. I think he's just as perfect for that character as Bale was for Wayne.

J2 Cool

OOOOOOH FUCK YEAH! Can't wait to see them return to the gritty world of Batman, and add to an awesome start. The origin was fantastic but I can only imagine when they start hitting on some of the better knowns of the Batman universe. Penguin I'm sure they'd implement in a good way, Harvey/Gordon/Batman could develop, and of course Joker.. Oh man, it would be amazing!


Yeah, things are sounding good so far. Are they still planning to release this in 2008, or will they move it up and effectively put it head to head with Spidey 3?


That sounds crowded to me. I don't want this franchise to turn into anoter "BATMAN VILLAINS: Guest Starring Batman" film.

Also, I hope Hans Zimmer is returning too. :p


Hollywood Square
Shinobi said:
Yeah, things are sounding good so far. Are they still planning to release this in 2008, or will they move it up and effectively put it head to head with Spidey 3?

Considering that Batman pre production and post take so long, and that Nolan is already working on his other film, I highly doubt that'll happen. Also, Warner Bros. isn't that stupid.
robertsan21 said:
take this with a grain of salt but Micheal keaton as joker!?

according to Aintitcool that just might be the case!

Many grains of salt, but an amusing idea. I think they'd nix that idea, just because it might be disctracting.

I like it, but then again, I have said that Sean Connery should play a Bond villain for ages (preferably, an old, rogue agent who is just like an elder Bond).
it´s mindblowing stuff i know but man who cool wouldnt that be!

i really love Batman begins and i am willing to go out on a limb here and calling it the best "superhero" movie ever made!

cant wait for the sequel!

J2 Cool

jett said:
That sounds crowded to me. I don't want this franchise to turn into anoter "BATMAN VILLAINS: Guest Starring Batman" film.

Also, I hope Hans Zimmer is returning too. :p

I wouldn't worry about it. The cool thing about Begins was how focused it was on Batman. Like Scarecrow was great imo. Done in a real world, with some plausibility. And they didn't devote a movie to him. Really, you found out the most about him when facing Batman, not in a little side story. Speaking of which, that was one of my favorite scenes. Batman's nights going smoothly, and then Scarecrow catching him off guard and setting him on fire, as he has to bail out. Just AWESOME! I can see a few villains fitting within the framework of a movie, but really only Joker being developed as an extremely important one. He will have more story than any one villain from Begins.


Yeah, people forget that four villians were in Begins in Ra's, Scarecrow, Zsaz (extremely minor role, but still) and Falcone. I've yet to hear anyone say there were too many villians, because of the way they were implemented.
Shit! Shit! Shit!

Futureshop (and Best Buy of course) is sold out of the deluxe version of Batman Begins, and I won't settle for less. Now I get to scour the town for a copy come Tuesday, and hopefully, not pay through the nose for it.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
J2 Cool said:
I wouldn't worry about it. The cool thing about Begins was how focused it was on Batman. Like Scarecrow was great imo. Done in a real world, with some plausibility. And they didn't devote a movie to him. Really, you found out the most about him when facing Batman, not in a little side story. Speaking of which, that was one of my favorite scenes. Batman's nights going smoothly, and then Scarecrow catching him off guard and setting him on fire, as he has to bail out. Just AWESOME! I can see a few villains fitting within the framework of a movie, but really only Joker being developed as an extremely important one. He will have more story than any one villain from Begins.
Plus, let's not forget that the next film doesn't have to spend an hour getting Bruce Wayne back to Gotham and into the Batman suit. It'll be 2 hours and change of the happenings in Gotham.

Shinobi said:
Yeah, people forget that four villians were in Begins in Ra's, Scarecrow, Zsaz (extremely minor role, but still) and Falcone. I've yet to hear anyone say there were too many villians, because of the way they were implemented.
You could probably consider it five villains really, what with Ken Watanabe's character.

Combine those two facts, and I wouldn't be at all concerned about there being five villains in the next film.
yeah. I trust Goyer and NOlan that if they do have multiple villians, they will be able to tie them together well like in BB, rather than just having the "Hey we both hate batman, lets work together!" plots of Forever and B&R.


Ninja Scooter said:
yeah. I trust Goyer and NOlan that if they do have multiple villians, they will be able to tie them together well like in BB, rather than just having the "Hey we both hate batman, lets work together!" plots of Forever and B&R.


"How the hell did he know?!"


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
More sequel news?
Author: Jett
Thursday, October 13, 2005 - 6:19 AM, 9:00 PM CENTRAL TIME: A new MAILBAG (#9) has been posted and is ready to read. Thanks for sending me your questions and comments...

According to AMAZON.COM, the BATMAN BEGINSDELUXE EDITION DVD is their #1 selling DVD...

A big chunk of news has been ARCHIVED...


Hey y'all, Jett here. Man, the news is really starting to roll in regarding BATMAN 2 (That's how we'll refer to it until we actually know the title). Due to our "no-spoiler" policy, I'm being very careful right now with what's printed here on BOF - and I'm sure you all understand. With that said, I've got some more info in from our source "Treatment Insider." Here goes (SPOILERS - mouse-over to read):

- "Linus Roache is most certainly back seeing as how there may be some flashbacks showing Thomas Waynes' ties to 'Ambiguous Mob Boss,' and a scene showing the relationship The Waynes' had with the late parents of 'The heir.'"

- "The Joker will be the central villain, although he isn't directly connected to the other 'villain plots.'"

- "The other major villain, 'The heir,' will be more a villain to Wayne himself than Batman - causing a rather interesting sitiuation where Bruce will find all his identities under assult."

- Loeb and Flass will return. The latter is no longer a member of the GPD.

- "In light of Nolan's ambiguous comment about Robin. I know for a fact that [currently, Robin is NOT in the mix]."

- "Let me clarify what I said about The Joker's apperence. As far as his physical apperence goes, it seems pretty faitful to the comics - although it's never really explained why he will look the way he does. So no make up or permanent smiles on his face. As far as his costume, by 'exact translation' I mean the kind of translation that has been seen in 'The Animated Series or Burton's 'Batman.'
I never said anything saying that we might not see The Joker in purple at some point."


also seems like Paul Bettany is the fave of all candidates to play Joker on the Batman Begins sequel, Liev Schreiber is a lock for Harvey Dent all this from Dark Horizons.


Hollywood Square
Sounds neat. And considering The Joker is to spill over into the third installment, there's plenty of room for character development.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
I like how the Joker is a wild card, he is there to fuck things around without answering to anyone in particular I also like how they make him mysterious instead of doing an origin story about him( I think this was the same direction Batman TAS took with Joker and it worked wonders for the series), wow Nolan seems to fully understand the franchise and he is leading it to right direction. bring on the sequel dammit!.


Hollywood Square
So from the sound of it, we're going to have The Pengiun, Rupert Thorne, Roman Sionis and The Joker. All setting up for Harvey Dent's downfall into Two-Face for the trilogy. I'm totally down for that.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Sionis in the sequel could mean Black Mask is onboard, if so hell fucking yeah! Prepare for the best superhero movie ever folks.


Hollywood Square
I don't know if we'll get Black Mask in the way we know him. I wouldn't be surprised if Sionis had a creepy fucking wood mask near the end to go with his insanity, much in the way it was pulled off with The Scarecrow. Maybe he is burnt in a fire which Batman saves him from near the end, only to end up in the hospital with serious burns and gives birth to his Black Mask alter ego. It'd be neat to possibly set him up, but Nolan and Goyer seem to want to setup The Joker and Two-Face as "primary" villains for the next two flicks. And I don't think anything is guaranteed beyond that.


Hollywood Square
This just in...

BOF said:
- Nolan is signed for two more Bat-films and the sequel has been given the greenlight. The very first stages of pre-production have started. No official annoucement yet.

- Filming may begin in the Spring of '07.

- "Now as far as casting goes Paul Bettany is a serious contender for The Joker, but so is this Lachy Hulme fellow. From what I heard Nolan was the one who first expressed interest in Hulme."

- Nolan may work on the sequel as a side project while filming THE PRESTIGE.

From what I've been told, Goyer did an 80 some-odd page script treatment. Plus, Nolan and Goyer allegedly knew where they wanted to go with the next two films since they were putting BEGINS together.

Haha, watch Nolan make Bale do Batman shit during the filming of The Prestige. Double duty, Bale!

I am pretty psyched for The Prestige, however.

J2 Cool

- "Now as far as casting goes Paul Bettany is a serious contender for The Joker, but so is this Lachy Hulme fellow. From what I heard Nolan was the one who first expressed interest in Hulme."

Hmm.. I think Hulme has the look in more of these pics but it depends on acting really. And they both hit a couple Joker-esque faces. Paul has the confident swagger of Joker in the purple suit, Lachey the suspicious weird eyes. And perfect nose. But it seems like Bettany could really carry whatever that is that's respectable about the Joker. Maybe his tenacity or pure psychotic will. Like he's comfortable in his role as a psycho as much as he is screwed up and out of control. Joke is usually IN control.










Willco said:
This just in...

Haha, watch Nolan make Bale do Batman shit during the filming of The Prestige. Double duty, Bale!

I am pretty psyched for The Prestige, however.


Personally, I'm rooting for Paul Bettany. He's just such an awesome actor.
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