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Official bitching about Hudson abandoning VC support. [VC/WiiWare = lost cause]


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
lsslave said:
No, no, and no :p SMB3 is just awesome, no question about it! Tanooki beats all

Definitely more revolutionary, but Yoshi beats Tanooki hands-down. :eek:


The Amiga Brotherhood
The appearance of Kid Icarus on that list of most popular downloads really annoys me because Nintendo STILL hasn't fixed it to work with component cables (it doesn't on my TV at least - had no problems when using AV).

Same with Excite Bike and Space Harrier II. C'mon guys why's it so hard?


prodystopian said:
Didn't SoM just get a rating or was it just a rumor that it was coming to VC?
It's coming to VC in Japan.

Even if it had an ESRB rating, though, I wouldn't have listed it because it's not terribly troublesome that we've known about it for one or two weeks and it's not out. As I said in what you quoted, I was naming games that have been sitting around with ratings for months already and yet aren't up for download.


The Amiga Brotherhood
TekunoRobby said:
What's wrong with it exactly? I've played the game on several TVs in both progressive and normal and had no problems (that I noticed anyhow).

When the game starts the music comes through but the screen goes black. If I press the home button the usual options come up and you can THEN see the game in the background (as a still image). Press home again and the screen goes black again. I've tried the trick for pressing buttons on the wiimote and nunchuck but it does nothing (this trick *has* worked on other games in the past that have behaved like this). I've read this is just an incompatibility with component cables that some games have and that Nintendo *may* update them someday, but I've just about given up hope. I should ring them up and ask for my points back.

This problem happens on my system with Kid Icarus and Excite Bike. Other NES games like Bubble Bobble and Kirby run fine. To play the problem ones I need to unhook the component cables and plug in the AV ones, which I'm just not going to do, it's too much hassle.

I only have this problem with some NES games and I assume Space Harrier II would do it as it says "Component Cables not supported" in the game description. STILL. After all this time.
ElFly said:
SMW made more Wii Points in total than the superior SMB3.


Andrex said:
Definitely more revolutionary, but Yoshi beats Tanooki hands-down. :eek:

Only if it's Yoshi's Island Yoshi.

Afterthought: The list should silence any complaints that "Zelda II gets too much respect" for a good long while.


(more a nerd than a geek)
Somnid said:
For games with enough users it gives a total play time and play time per player. You simply divide the two numbers and you wind up with the amount of users.
I was trying to remember how the number estimates were made... I entirely forgot it showed total playtime... yep, average sales of Nintendo Channel users in North America can be easily determined.

Somnid, one problem is that it takes a while to check EVERY game's data pages... I'm up for splitting the workload with you. We could get a few people and have each person type up and send back the results for one specific range... I'd have no problem tackling some of that for you, if you were interested. We might even be able to keep up with weekly tallies!

Oh, I nearly forgot... it's nice to see that Super Mario World is being outsold by Super Mario Bros. 3, which is clearly a better game. It's even more intriguing when you consider that SMB3 was released on the Virtual Console after Super Mario World, Super Mario Bros., and BOTH versions of Super Mario Bros. 2. Even after being released last, the best Super Mario title still comes out on top!


DavidDayton said:
I was trying to remember how the number estimates were made... I entirely forgot it showed total playtime... yep, average sales of Nintendo Channel users in North America can be easily determined.

Somnid, one problem is that it takes a while to check EVERY game's data pages... I'm up for splitting the workload with you. We could get a few people and have each person type up and send back the results for one specific range... I'd have no problem tackling some of that for you, if you were interested. We might even be able to keep up with weekly tallies!

Oh, I nearly forgot... it's nice to see that Super Mario World is being outsold by Super Mario Bros. 3, which is clearly a better game. It's even more intriguing when you consider that SMB3 was released on the Virtual Console after Super Mario World, Super Mario Bros., and BOTH versions of Super Mario Bros. 2. Even after being released last, the best Super Mario title still comes out on top!

SMW had a minor userbase.

And still made more money.

Soundwave said:
World: Superior. Three: Inferior.
ElFly said:
SMW had a minor userbase.

And still made more money.

Meh, 300 point difference. I doubt there were that many who refused to download World over 3 just because of that kind of a difference.

That said, 3 always offered a far better value proposition in my book.


(more a nerd than a geek)
ElFly said:
SMW had a minor userbase.

And still made more money.

Well, yes, the more gullible folks of poor taste paid more to get less. I don't see where the surprise is there, other than the fact that they were at least outnumbered by the intelligent gamers.


I do think it's interesting that SMB3 is outselling SMW and SMB, though. I'm still not entirely sure why... all that I can really think of is a mix of a greater love for SMB3 and a lack of Classic Controllers. SMW's early availability should have it outselling SMB3, unless folks (in general) just agree with me and prefer SMB3.
byproduct said:
The appearance of Kid Icarus on that list of most popular downloads really annoys me because Nintendo STILL hasn't fixed it to work with component cables (it doesn't on my TV at least - had no problems when using AV).

Same with Excite Bike and Space Harrier II. C'mon guys why's it so hard?

I've had the Wii hooked with component cables to various televisions and have had no problems with Kid Icarus or any other Virtual Console games.

Have you changed the settings in the Wii Menu? Go Wii Menu > Wii Settings > Screen > TV Resolution and make sure it's set to "EDTV or HDTV (480p)" instead of the default "SDTV (480i)".
Andrex said:
Definitely more revolutionary, but Yoshi beats Tanooki hands-down. :eek:

This is wrong. Half the time, I use Yoshi as a glorified double jump and I don't feel an ounce of remorse when he falls off a cliff. On the other hand, I feel like crying each and every time I lose a Tanooki suit.

Azure J

Random: What the hell was so wrong with Yoshi's Story & DKC3, really? :lol

Also, SMB3 > World for me.

Coolio McAwesome said:
This is wrong. Half the time, I use Yoshi as a glorified double jump and I don't feel an ounce of remorse when he falls off a cliff. On the other hand, I feel like crying each and every time I lose a Tanooki suit.

If you cry when you lose a Tanooki suit, imagine how I feel when I lose the superior firepower that is the hammer suit?

That shit killed things all over the place... Giant underwater fireball spewing plant thing? Chuck a hammer at it! :lol

A shame it hasn't seen the day of light since or was brought back for Super Mario Galaxy. :'(


DavidDayton said:
I was trying to remember how the number estimates were made... I entirely forgot it showed total playtime... yep, average sales of Nintendo Channel users in North America can be easily determined.

Somnid, one problem is that it takes a while to check EVERY game's data pages... I'm up for splitting the workload with you. We could get a few people and have each person type up and send back the results for one specific range... I'd have no problem tackling some of that for you, if you were interested. We might even be able to keep up with weekly tallies!

The problem is I will be out of the country in 2 weeks for a whole year and I'm not taking my Wii with me. I can't really do it as much as I'd like to, after next week I can't help. Rather than check every entry every week it might work better to check the ones that are known to contain data weekly and do a thorough check every month or so.

nincompoop said:
Wario Woods has sold 12221, not 87696. I also don't think that whether or not the sales numbers are reported depends entirely on total sales, since some games like Pac-Man are fairly high on the list but didn't have any numbers listed last time I checked (in June).

These are my most recent numbers.

Entirely possible I made a mistake. There might be multiple, you guys can varify if you want.

Also, judging by the list NES games sell more in general, possibly due to a less prohibative price point for first time buyers. Super Mario World is more expensive which may have an impact on its placement.
Somnid said:
Rather than check every entry every week it might work better to check the ones that are known to contain data weekly and do a thorough check every month or so.

Sounds tedious. Surely there's a way to simply query for the desired data. A packet dump from accessing such a page should be sufficient to figure out how.


Japanese update next week:

-Seiken Densetsu 2 (SFC)
-Hokuto no Ken (MD)
-Final Blaster (PCE)

US gets Cho Aniki and Final Soldier Monday, probably your entire VC update.


Capndrake said:
Japanese update next week:

-Seiken Densetsu 2 (SFC)
-Hokuto no Ken (MD)
-Final Blaster (PCE)

US gets Cho Aniki and Final Soldier Monday, probably your entire VC update.

Havent played it since it first came out! @_@


byproduct said:
When the game starts the music comes through but the screen goes black. If I press the home button the usual options come up and you can THEN see the game in the background (as a still image). Press home again and the screen goes black again. I've tried the trick for pressing buttons on the wiimote and nunchuck but it does nothing (this trick *has* worked on other games in the past that have behaved like this). I've read this is just an incompatibility with component cables that some games have and that Nintendo *may* update them someday, but I've just about given up hope. I should ring them up and ask for my points back.

This problem happens on my system with Kid Icarus and Excite Bike. Other NES games like Bubble Bobble and Kirby run fine. To play the problem ones I need to unhook the component cables and plug in the AV ones, which I'm just not going to do, it's too much hassle.

I only have this problem with some NES games and I assume Space Harrier II would do it as it says "Component Cables not supported" in the game description. STILL. After all this time.
The same goes for Gunstar Heroes :(


The Amiga Brotherhood
Coolio McAwesome said:
I've had the Wii hooked with component cables to various televisions and have had no problems with Kid Icarus or any other Virtual Console games.

Have you changed the settings in the Wii Menu? Go Wii Menu > Wii Settings > Screen > TV Resolution and make sure it's set to "EDTV or HDTV (480p)" instead of the default "SDTV (480i)".

It was already set to 480p, but thanks for the suggestion.

This is apparently a PAL region issue due to shitty emulation. I'm guessing you're in an NTSC region. There is a list of games affected at:


All we can do is hope Nintendo releases a fix, which of course they never will for the extra 5 or so copies of each game that they will sell as a result of it.


Will QA for food.
Just dropping in to say, I never gave Ristar enough credit for being the great platformer that it is. Not playing it on Virtual Console, but on Sonic Mega Collection.. after FINALLY unlocking it (and a pain that is). What an underappreciated title that holds up oh so well.

Since I'm on sort of this platforming roll, I'll probably download DoReMi Fantasy over the next week, or two. After this backlog of other titles is out of the way.


Coolio McAwesome said:
This is wrong. Half the time, I use Yoshi as a glorified double jump and I don't feel an ounce of remorse when he falls off a cliff. On the other hand, I feel like crying each and every time I lose a Tanooki suit.

I cried when I lost Keribo's (sp?) shoe.


This is semantics, and nothing more
Well, thanks to the Virtual Console, I can finally join the club of those who have beaten Super Mario 64 with all 120 stars. It's taken me roughly 8 years to finally do it, since I first played the game in 2000 (which was when I bought an N64), and while I had it on the 64, I mostly just cheated using GameShark. It was only with its release on the VC that I decided to devote myself to beating the game completely and properly. I have to admit I nearly gave up hope at several points because the controls and camera were so damn frustrating; I'd still like to see a remake (preferably with updated graphics) that adds in the precision controls of the last two 3D Mario games and the camera system from one of them (Sunshine's would make more sense, in this case, and probably be easier to implement.) Speaking of Mario Sunshine, I still haven't beat it with all of the Shine sprites...


Anyone having issue with Megaman on VC? I have beaten the game twice and each time I do the game crashes when Wily falls from his UFO. Anyone else have the same thing happen to them?


listen to the mad man
Metaphoreus said:
Well, thanks to the Virtual Console, I can finally join the club of those who have beaten Super Mario 64 with all 120 stars.

Now go back and do it on the DS (150 stars) and N64 and you can really be a part of the club.
Somnid said:
Here's the latest sales data pulled from the Nintendo Channel for those interested. These are the lower bounds and are probably quite a bit higher. The threshold for play data on the Nintendo Channel seems to be 10,000 users so anything not here probably has less than that.

212,995 Super Mario Bros 3
209,441 Super Mario Bros
151,881 Super Mario World
146,219 Mario Kart 64
131,024 Super Mario 64
100,509 Legend of Zelda
97,498 Ocarina of Time
87,696 Wario's Woods
85,756 Paper Mario
82,935 Kirby's Adventure
80,520 Link to the Past
79,868 Super Mario Bros 2
78,235 Punch-Out!!
77,917 Starfox 64
70,989 Donkey Kong Country
62,479 Super Metroid
55,361 Sonic the Hedgehog
52,558 Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels
51,612 Donkey Kong
49,139 Pokemon Snap
44,119 Kid Icarus
40,745 Pac-Man
37,029 Kirby 64
36,909 Metroid
36,894 Gunstar Heroes
34,916 Bomberman '93
33,107 Yoshi's Story
31,569 Donkey Kong Country 2
30,749 Sonic 2
30,502 Castlevania 4
29,913 Zelda 2: Adventure of Link
29,042 Sin and Punishment
26,684 Galaga
26,625 Street Fighter II: World Warrior
26,402 Sonic 3
26,072 Contra 3
26,040 Ninja Gaiden
24,587 Tecmo Bowl
23,366 Bubble Bobble
21,586 Toe Jam and Earl
21,136 Street Fighter II: Turbo
19,368 Sim City
17,603 F-Zero X
15,318 Donkey Kong Country 3
14,597 Streets of Rage 2
14,124 Harvest Moon
12,651 Actraiser
11,940 Breath of Fire 2
10,664 Shining Force

This list lacks Landstalker. Therefore, people suck.
Vyse The Legend said:
This list lacks Landstalker. Therefore, people suck.
Doesn't necessarily mean that Landstalker has sold less than the other games. Again, last time I checked, Pac-Man and Donkey Kong NES didn't have any numbers listed, and now they're over 40,000 and 50,000 respectively. The other games that have been added since the end of June are Actraiser (12651), Streets of Rage 2 (14597), Street Fighter 2 Turbo (21136), Bubble Bobble (23366), Ninja Gaiden (26040) and possibly Bomberman 93 (34916, although I didn't check every Turbo game so I may have missed it).

Anyway, I'd be surprised if Toejam & Earl and Shining Force had outsold more popular games such as Altered Beast, Columns, Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine, Ecco (all three), Golden Axe (all 3), Shinobi 3, Streets of Rage 1 & 3, Sonic Spinball and Sonic 3D Blast, let alone a bunch of games on NES and SNES that don't have their numbers listed.


Playing Ys I & II for the first time, and I didn't think I'd like the whole 'bump into enemies' thing, but then it grew on me. And plowing through monster after monster is kinda cathartic.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
A Link to the Snitch said:
Uh? Kirby's a pretty big franchise, probably Nintendo's fifth biggest.

Unless you count MK seperately, or all the Brain or Wii games as one series

Neo Samus

gray_fox224 said:
Oh man, Sam Sho II is so good!

The memories are flowing back. Who's playing this?

It's on my list of games to still get but Ys I & II will be first since I've benn waiting for this game for a while now. I do have the First Sam Sho though and it did bring back memories of the good ol' days.


Same day as Ys, which somehow managed to get more attention.

Which surprises me, because I somehow thought Samurai Showdown was a more well-known series.


Coolio McAwesome said:
This is wrong. Half the time, I use Yoshi as a glorified double jump and I don't feel an ounce of remorse when he falls off a cliff.



Absolutely pathetic part deux
Htown said:
Same day as Ys, which somehow managed to get more attention.

Which surprises me, because I somehow thought Samurai Showdown was a more well-known series.

Samurai Showdown 2 is also going to be on the package that SNK is putting out soon for like 30 dollars which I plan on getting.


Cho Aniki on Monday is awesome, though it brings my storage problem up quicker than I expected. I had to delete Gate of Thunder and a few other things to fit Ys the other day, and I still plan on buying SamSho 2 soon as well. With both SS2 and Cho Aniki on my list, neither of which will fit in the space I have available right now, I don't know what I'm going to do. I may have to delete Star Parodier, which is lame since I just got it a while ago.

And I don't own a single Wii Ware game, even.
Ok, I finally got a chance to check out a friend`s UK Wii, I was right. Each country`s Nintendo Channel only shows the play data of that country (Yes, each EU country has its own Nintendo Channel with different data)

The good side of this is that Wii Ware and VC sales are likely to be far higher than our estimates. The bad side of course is the fact that gathering reliable (Partial) sales data is next to impossible (Unless someone is willing to check every single country`s Nintendo Channel, and even then it`s just a fraction of the total sales.)


Nuclear Muffin said:
The bad side of course is the fact that gathering reliable (Partial) sales data is next to impossible (Unless someone is willing to check every single country`s Nintendo Channel, and even then it`s just a fraction of the total sales.)

I seem to remember over in one of the homebrew threads someone brought up a new re-regioning tool which was 'smart' enough to allow you to access another region's shop. I wonder if the same's true for another region's Nintendo Channel? If so it just requires one person with sufficient time to flit between each region.


(more a nerd than a geek)

Final Soldier and Cho Aniki.


NOA said:

Sept. 8, 2008

School's back in session, but it's not the only place to get your brain buzzing. This week's additions to the Wii™ Shop Channel include a challenging new puzzle game available via WiiWare™, plus a pair of crackling Virtual Console™ actioners to keep your imagination raging between classes. Even if your school days are behind you, this latest lineup of downloadable titles will help get you fired up for fall, fueled by the one-of-a-kind fun of Nintendo's top-selling Wii™ system.

Nintendo adds new and classic games to the Wii Shop Channel at 9 a.m. Pacific time every Monday. Wii owners with a high-speed Internet connection can redeem Wii Points™ to download the games. Wii Points can be purchased in the Wii Shop Channel or at retail outlets. This week's new games are:


Groovin' Blocks (Empty Clip Studios, 1-2 players, Rated E for Everyone, 800 Wii Points): A music-based game like no other, Groovin' Blocks adds innovative musical game play to an addictive action/puzzle game foundation. Play to the rhythm of the music to increase your score, and try to hit "Superbeats" to double your multiplier. Go for the high score in each of the 27 stages as you collect stars to unlock 15 levels of power-ups. Groovin' Blocks features three skill levels, from the accessible Casual to the fiendish Hard mode. Play with your friends in co-op mode or against them head-to-head. Head-to-head brings it up a notch as the power-ups now become attacks on your opponent. Play head-to-head with people of all skill levels using a golf-style handicapping system.

Virtual Console

Final Solider (TurboGrafx16, 1 player, Rated E for Everyone—Mild Fantasy Violence, 700 Wii Points): A vertically scrolling shooter from the well-known Soldier series. In the 23rd century, invaders from the future suddenly attack Earth. Controlling a fighter created by the world's scientists, you rise to meet the enemy. Collect power-up units, such as LASER, E-BEAM, FIRE and MISSILE, and then equip them in Options to launch a variety of attacks. For each of these weapons, you can freely select from three different types in SET-UP. Anticipate enemies' strikes and deftly switch between weapons to defeat the invaders. In addition to NORMAL GAME, there are also 2 MINUTE GAME and 5 MINUTE GAME score-attack modes. The most perfect blend and balance of any game in the series, Final Soldier is a title you don't want to miss.

Cho Aniki (TurboGrafx16 CD-ROM, 1 player, Rated E10+ for Everyone and Older—Mild Fantasy Violence, Mild Suggestive Themes, 900 Wii Points): The odd world in this shooter made for quite the conversation piece in its day. Players control either Idaten or Benten, celestial warriors out to bring an end to the tyrannical rule of the emperor of Planet Builder, who holds muscular prowess to be the supreme virtue of the universe. Aided by able-bodied muscle-head options Adon and Samson, they must battle to defeat the emperor's army across five stages. Use the buttons to fire away and lay into the Builder forces. Power up your character and options with protein from defeated enemies to have them "bulk up" with a yell, and take their macho battle to the next level.


(more a nerd than a geek)
Masked Man said:
Can't wait to see NoA's Cho Aniki edit in which the characters are fully clothed. :lol

There are some forms of censorship which even GAF can support........right? RIGHT?
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