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Official Killzone 2 (PS3) Reveal Thread E307 - DELIVERS! (All info in OP)

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u crap face u smell like eggs and u suck eggs as well u homo go play super mario u can die

Sorry but your voice had too many jaggies for me to take you seriously. Apply some anti aliasing to your vocal chords before your next review.

:lol I love YouTube comments
Dibbz said:
Havn't finished watching it but :lol

Lighting looks like its from a Playstation2Xbox game :eek:

This guy is just talking out of his ass. I mean wtf does "The animations for most of the enviroments are weak" even mean?! Yeah look at how rubbish that wall walks :/

He throws in a few key words bump mapping, volumetric 'stuff' so it sounds like he knows what he's banging on about.

Anyways back to watching it.

Key words in that review being "I'm a reviewer from Gamefaqs.com and Gamespot.com.".
Clinton514 said:
Anyhow, let's forget one dude's dislike for the controller and have a good laugh at this:


Apparently the explosions are "haggard" and everything about Killzone 2 is "weak"

Hehehe I saw that youtube video months ago right after E3 I think I even posted that exact same clip in this thread somewhere. :lol
SolidSnakex said:
Key words in that review being "I'm a reviewer from Gamefaqs.com and Gamespot.com.".
HAhaha I know
Dibbz said:
:lol I love YouTube comments


^^ lol youtube never disappoints that's for sure.

I kept going back to that ask a dev thread but he didn't really give us anything :(

They really need to reveal some more story elements, vehicles, environments anything! Just give us something new! I really hope we see something at GDC...
MercuryLS said:
Nah I'm pretty sure the controller sucks for FPS games.

Not more than any other controller. Which is to say "yes, it sucks quite a bit", but COD4 and Resistance have proven that it's as close to "fine" as any of the god forsaken gamepads will get you.


squatingyeti said:
REALLY, did you even READ any of those threads? I reported on articles that were posted. Did you even try to understand it wasn't me saying those things? Obviously you didn't read them at all because you even included the Textures am SQUASHED! thread which was ALL about the technology used to fit Roboblitz under the old 50MB arcade limit. Then, you left out my MS to replace damaged games thread. How convenient for you.

Let's continue dissecting shall we? The Whaaa? No component cables in PS3 launch thread. You didn't read that either did you? I was calling hogwash on hearing that. I said NOTHING negative. I reported on an article and asked if anyone had read the famitsu in question. However, you only see a title and jump to your defensive stance.

The No 1080i firmware patch to be released? thread was just another article that I posted. I even hoped they were wrong and it would come easily.

The No improved loading for Oblivion on the PS3 thread was a quote directly from an interview with Bethesda. I can't help that you get all up in arms because you always have to feel like someone is attacking the PS3.

What's even funnier, why don't you go pull a lot of your posts as hans? Don't want to seem like a batshit crazy, tinfoil, MS hater?

I was just going through this thread catching up...and this is hilarious.

squatingyeti pretending he's not a troll. Now that is awesome. This thread has ALWAYS delivered.


Dibbz said:
I bet they put that cloth so it doesn't look like Darth Yader er.. Vader


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Totobeni said:
well , i want some civilians in Killzone 2 ( Helghast civilians ) specially that the action in Killzone2 will be going in Helghast towns , not only in the levels but in the story too , it's sad that most of shooters don't put civilians in levels ( Resistance , COD4 ..ect ) something like what in Splinter Cell Double Agent/Hal-life 1/2 won't be bad at all , this will make the game more realistic and not like MP mode .

Adding to this, the possibility of ISA-friendly Helghan civillians and/or a Helghast Volkssturm movement would make me very happy.


Seen most of them before but a nice collection.

Like this one:


And this one (where Evelyn doesn't look like a bitter hag):



my posts are "MEH"

Can you give us any details on the beta? In the mag, scan there it said something about mid '08. Can you give us any insight into that?

To reiterate. There WILL be a public Beta which will be announced on www.killzone.com - I'll give you guys a heads up at the time.

Other than that, my lips are sealed.


The one with the Helghast and flag on the ground is from the storyboard of the Killzone Liberation Intro.

The Evelyn hostage image was used as promo for Liberation.


Suckin' dicks since '66
Wollan said:
Seen most of them before but a nice collection.

Like this one:


Man if they would use this game as a power message type of game they could do it for the story. Just look at that picture it game me chills especially the dude with the flag on the ground.


my posts are "MEH"
thedynamite007 wrote:

Okay I saw that your team still have great talents especially artist. By the way i know you guys are focus on much smaller bosses or enemies but I do hope too see even once giant machines or enemies or bosses in the game. By the way just yes or no sir. Will we see or hear anything about KZ2 game this year?
Regarding bosses - you'll have to wait and see.

Regarding an announcement regarding Killzone 2 this year - I would be amazed if there wasn't some sort of announcement made regarding the game in the next ten months. Truly astounded. What those announcements will be, and when they will be released I can't confirm at this point.


Just posting this because I read on ps3forums, yes on there. Take it how you want.

Killzone 2 - Audio

February 10th 2008

The audio of Killzone and Killzone Liberation are amongst some of the best videogame compositions. From the chilling Visari intro of Killzone to the background music of Killzone Liberation, the feeling of a large scaled war is most definitely translated through the music.

Credited for composing music throughout Killzone and Killzone Liberation, Joris De Man hails from the Netherlands. Air-Edel Associates‘ website lists Joris as being back on Killzone 2, which is good news for fans. There’s also a lengthy bio on some of his previous projects on the website.

“In 2006 Joris worked on music and sound design for Codehunters, the opening animation short for MTV’s Movie Awards in Asia which has won Promax and Imagina awards, sound design for the Prince of Persia television commercial for Ubisoft, sound and music for BAFTA winning animated short ‘Fetch’ and the score for Sony/Guerrilla’s much lauded Killzone: Liberation for the Playstation Portable.

Joris is currently busy working on the Sony Playstation 3 Next Generation Game Killzone 2 due for a 2008 release. This is a full orchestral score and will be recorded early next year.”

Take a listen to some of the audio from the first two Killzone titles and it’ll probably give us a good idea of what to expect in Killzone 2.

"Check out the link to listen to his several musical contributions to the KZ franchise:"

During the last couple of weeks we’ve seen the internet buzz over Killzone 2 slowly regaining steam. From rumors about Guerrilla’s development costs to anxious forum goers digging up Killzone Liberation concept art, it’s been quite entertaining reading through the various speculations.

This week’s RumorZone comes from a PlayStation Underground forum user who goes by the name of Vulgotha. He claims to have an unnamed source that told him the following information about Killzone 2.

” My source says the following regarding KZ2:

1. Online will not feature “Deathmatch”* or “CTF”
2. Online Co Op
3. Helghast have the ability to “Breathe” onto unconscious players\enemies (was not elaborated upon further then this)
4. Somehow “Emotions” come into play, it isn’t just a giant generic shoot fest.
5. Campaign is a bit linear, though it stands up against any other game’s and it is truly amazing.
6. The (ancient) leaked information about a “Territories Mode” is true. There will be such a gametype online.
7. The graphics are beyond amazing.

*In it’s place it’s Team Death Match “

How credible is this? We wish we could tell you, but some of the aforementioned seem to be based on various older rumors which were never confirmed or denied. Don’t expect to hear any official response to these rumors. All we can do is wait and hope that Guerrilla will break the harsh silence soon enough.

Sources @ above link.


Yeah the few tracks that are in KZ1 are exceptional. I sure hope KZ2 uses a lot of in-game music this time around.


~Devil Trigger~ said:
suprise GDC beta would harden nipples up across America

Something along the lines of an MP beta similar to COD4 & Halo 3? I think there are plans for a Kill Zone 2 beta as well...


Core407 said:
Something along the lines of an MP beta similar to COD4 & Halo 3? I think there are plans for a Kill Zone 2 beta as well...
Liberation had one. No doubt 2 will. They have already confirmed it anyways.


Great news about Joris De Man doing a full orchestral score. I can't believe how good a score Liberation had being a PSP game... I dunno, I just didn't expect such an epic, orchestral beat in a handheld game. It's too bad it barely played during gameplay.

The music in the KZ2 trailer is exactly what I want in a game like this. It's so epic and adds a ton to the immersion. Joris really is De Man.


Snah said:
If the game is going to hit in 2008, the beta is going to have to be this summer
"Killzone beta summer of awesome". One of the only things that would stop me from signing up would be if the LBP beta came out around the same time.


To be accepted in KZ2 Beta I'm guessing you have to

1) Live in America
2) Have had allot of online time on PS3
3) Have previous Beta experience
4) Able to keep your mouth shut

For me 1, 3 and 4 are a no, so no Beta for me :(

I wonder how many people will be accepted in Beta? 500-1000?


Wowhawk said:
To be accepted in KZ2 Beta I'm guessing you have to

1) Live in America
2) Have had allot of online time on PS3
3) Have previous Beta experience
4) Able to keep your mouth shut, lol

For me 1 and 3 are a no, so no Beta for me :(

I wonder how many people will be accepted in Beta? 500-1000?

EON on the PS Forums mentioned that all of North America(atleast Canada and US) + Europe will be considered for beta testing.


Wowhawk said:
To be accepted in KZ2 Beta I'm guessing you have to

1) Live in America
2) Have had allot of online time on PS3
3) Have previous Beta experience
4) Able to keep your mouth shut, lol

For me 1 and 3 are a no, so no Beta for me :(

I wonder how many people will be accepted in Beta? 500-1000?

Well if thats the case then I'm golden. Did Sony announce the Warhawk beta at some sort of event of theirs May last year? If so perhaps we could expect the same with Killzone 2 if we're lucky.
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