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Official Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep (PSP) Import thread of Convoluted Nonsense


badcrumble said:
Duckroll, now that you've spent more time with Ventus, would you say that the characters converge with each other's playstyles (kind of like how sword/wand/shield sora was basically the same by the end of KH1) and all play fairly similarly once you learn a lot of abilities, or do they diverge from one another and become more intensely focused on their particular advantages (i.e. giving Terra more and more and more counter/defense abilities as he develops instead of making him faster and more agile, etc)

There's definitely a bigger diverge than with Sora. The fundamental feel of each character is different, even if you load them with the same attacks. Ventus clearly does not do as much damage as Terra, and his reach isn't as wide. It's not just his keyblade range, but his movements as well. He might be faster in actual movement and animation, but he does not have Terra's dash for example, and hence it is not as easy to escape from a situation if you're taking damage fast. The movement abilities you get for each character differ, so for example I just got a high jump ability for Ventus which allows him to jump higher (duh), which I never got with Terra.

Ultimately though, when you are strong enough to deal damage beyond a certain level, I suppose the differences are mostly technical and related to how well each character's base build and movement controls complement certain play styles. I'm sure it'll be entirely possible to play Ventus similar to how I played Terra, even if the results are not entirely the same. What's interesting is that because I was so familiar with Terra's style of play, for several early game fights, what I actually relied on is Terra's D-Link on Ventus as a clutch and it worked well. It's not ideal because Ventus still lacks certain core attributes that Terra has, but it did make the game much easier as opposed to having to learn how to play Ventus as he is from scratch.

This is probably why they give you the D-Link for the other two characters right from the start regardless of who you choose. It's a very smart design decision because regardless of what character the player first chooses, since all the characters are unfamiliar and the systems are new, it will be hard. But for subsequent campaigns, by letting the player connect to a familiar play style at the start, it definitely becomes easier as a result of experience.


badcrumble said:
Hah, that IS smart. Do your actions/powering up characters in one storyline affect the D-Link in another one?

There is no carry over from one game to the next. This makes sense too, because technically all 3 storylines occur concurrently. So there's no reason why Terra's strength at the end of his game would have any relation to Ventus at the start of his.
duckroll said:
Of course you're not, you're talking to someone who hasn't played either! :lol

I don't have to to know which is better :) I've always thought KH was the better series and I doubt that would change with BBS/FF XIII.
I have to wait until TUESDAY now because my FUCKING WASTE OF HUMAN LIFE of a brother couldn't be arsed opening the door to sign for it


If you're reading this James, YOU'RE A CUNT.


BlazingDarkness said:
I have to wait until TUESDAY now because my FUCKING WASTE OF HUMAN LIFE of a brother couldn't be arsed opening the door to sign for it


If you're reading this James, YOU'RE A CUNT.

Man, this is getting depressing. Are you sure your life isn't written by Nojima? :(


Die Squirrel Die said:
Are these things you find in game or are they like the FFXIII stories? If they're in game I'll just wait.

Haven't you played the other KH games before? KH had Ansem Reports and KH2 had Xemnas Reports. They're stuff you get as you play through the game, filling in the thoughts and motivations of the main villain.


Die Squirrel Die said:
Are these things you find in game or are they like the FFXIII stories? If they're in game I'll just wait.
In-game. They do indeed explain alot of stuff that are unclear. Also clears speculation about
The silver haired guy at the beginning

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
Hey guys, I am thinking of importing this and playing it on my TV (PSP TV-Out will finally have a use for me)...

Let me first say that when Kingdom HEarts 2 came out at the end of 2005 in Japan, I modded my PS2 and got a copy of it and played the entire thing through in Japanese, I feel like I missed some things, but for the most part I was okay... How will Birth By Sleep be for someone who doesn't understand Japanese at ALL?

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
Black_Ice said:
Hey guys, I am thinking of importing this and playing it on my TV (PSP TV-Out will finally have a use for me)...

Let me first say that when Kingdom HEarts 2 came out at the end of 2005 in Japan, I modded my PS2 and got a copy of it and played the entire thing through in Japanese, I feel like I missed some things, but for the most part I was okay... How will Birth By Sleep be for someone who doesn't understand Japanese at ALL?

bump :(

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
Glad to hear it, I'll borrow a PSP and import this game next week.

I haven't really been keeping up with the series since KH2 came out. I was just gonna wait for KH3...no matter the wait, but now all of this portable nonsesne is coming out so I feel like I don't want to miss a chunk of the story, I'm checking out a walkthrough of the DS game and I plan on actually playing this with TV-Out...

That said; two questions now:

How radically different is the gameplay in BBS from say KH1/KH2? It wasn't that hard to understand KH2's gameplay and shit in all Japanese because it was just a more flashy and fast KH1 with some extras?

Secondly, anyone know if you can play this game with a ps3 controller on tv-out?



The systems are kinda complex but if you get a run through from somebody here you'll get the hang of them pretty easily.

At the end of the day it's still a button masher like KH1/2/358 but underneath the hood there's a lot of complexity in the sub-systems.


Any tips for Terra's final boss? Been trying for the past two hours and still getting beat. I always die on the rocks falling on you move. I use the shoot lock method to dodge it, but that method doesn't work 100% of the time.


xero273 said:
Any tips for Terra's final boss? Been trying for the past two hours and still getting beat. I always die on the rocks falling on you move. I use the shoot lock method to dodge it, but that method doesn't work 100% of the time.

You want to dash around to avoid all the rocks coming out of the ground first, then position yourself at the far corner of the map. When the rocks come at you, just mash reflect guard to block everything. Timing is essential, don't block too late because they fly at you really fast. You CANNOT outrun this pattern, so you have to guard against it. Using shoot lock to "evade" it is a waste of Focus too, since the boss cannot be damaged when he's doing this.

I'm 10+ hours on Ventus now, almost near the end. Can't wait to start on Aqua. :)


Just beat the game with my first character, Ventus. Took me ~22 hours and I feel I got pretty damn close to 100% completion with him. I'm just missing some chests and a few other small things + anything that's multiplayer related. Probably would take about 25-30 hours to complete 100% everything possible with 1 character. So 10 hours for story, 20 hours for completionist, middleground 15 for normal people with a bit of both and 30 for insanists.

Anyhow felt like a good length to me. If this was it and that was the whole game it'd still be 100% satisfying as a portable adventure. So knowing there are two more full character playthroughs and whatever else is pretty awesome.

Battle system was fantastic, story didn't make a lick of sense but luckily it was reserved for the very end of the game and the rest is just happy short 30-40 min bursts through Disney stories. Some of the move animations are zomg. Board command is great although personally I feel it's not worth playing after 1/2 way through the game when battle grinding gets your skills CP far faster. The racing mini-game is godawful. Graphics gorgeous, music good.

Feels very portable. The disney worlds are 30-40 mins and for worlds that are longer than 2-3 areas, there are save points everywhere. Grinding is very fast! I like that I was able to get all the cool spells/attacks and still spend < 20 hours which isn't a whole lot of time. Skills level very quickly and then you can fuse them for new ones. So you're always mastering skills and making new ones. It's a great addicting pace. I like battle grinding because playing with the new skills you fused and the d-links is really enjoyable and things level fast enough that you're not doing the same attacks for too long before getting new ones. But some people who enjoy board games will prefer to grind skills there. It's really up to the player!

Looking forward to the next two stories and the changes they bring. As of now I'd go out on a limb and say Nomura has made one of the best portable games ever. Top10 portable gaming of all time material here. Versus will be soooooo good at this rate. This game already has AWESOME zero shift moves :D


Crystal Bearer
Bebpo said:
Just beat the game with my first character, Ventus. Took me ~22 hours and I feel I got pretty damn close to 100% completion with him. I'm just missing some chests and a few other small things + anything that's multiplayer related. Probably would take about 25-30 hours to complete 100% everything possible with 1 character. So 10 hours for story, 20 hours for completionist, middleground 15 for normal people with a bit of both and 30 for insanists.

Anyhow felt like a good length to me. If this was it and that was the whole game it'd still be 100% satisfying as a portable adventure. So knowing there are two more full character playthroughs and whatever else is pretty awesome.

Battle system was fantastic, story didn't make a lick of sense but luckily it was reserved for the very end of the game and the rest is just happy short 30-40 min bursts through Disney stories. Some of the move animations are zomg. Board command is great although personally I feel it's not worth playing after 1/2 way through the game when battle grinding gets your skills CP far faster. The racing mini-game is godawful. Graphics gorgeous, music good.

Feels very portable. The disney worlds are 30-40 mins and for worlds that are longer than 2-3 areas, there are save points everywhere. Grinding is very fast! I like that I was able to get all the cool spells/attacks and still spend < 20 hours which isn't a whole lot of time. Skills level very quickly and then you can fuse them for new ones. So you're always mastering skills and making new ones. It's a great addicting pace. I like battle grinding because playing with the new skills you fused and the d-links is really enjoyable and things level fast enough that you're not doing the same attacks for too long before getting new ones. But some people who enjoy board games will prefer to grind skills there. It's really up to the player!

Looking forward to the next two stories and the changes they bring. As of now I'd go out on a limb and say Nomura has made one of the best portable games ever. Top10 portable gaming of all time material here. Versus will be soooooo good at this rate. This game already has AWESOME zero shift moves :D

Your impressions have me very intrigued. :O


Just beat Ventus' campaign as well. VERY satisfying. The story events and most of the worlds and bosses were definitely better than Terra's, but I think Terra had better parts of Deep Space and Olympus, but on the whole it's obvious Ventus is the core story. I think another reason the recommended path is Terra -> Ventus -> Aqua is probably because Terra has the "prologue" feeling in each of the worlds and even in how he plays and how the story is laid out. Ventus feels like the main event. Not sure what Aqua will be like but she's likely the strongest character who will tie up the events and clear up certain lingering points.

Total play time so far now is 27 hours. Ventus took 13 hours 40 mins, which is actually LONGER than Terra did. I'm sure if I played Ventus first, it would be much longer than that. I'm really, really enjoying this. I have no problems saying that this is one of the best portable games I've played. I said this when I beat Crisis Core, that at the time Crisis Core was one of the best portable experiences I've had next to Mother 3, EO, Phantom Hourglass, etc. BbS is a very good example of the huge progress S-E has made with PSP hardware since Crisis Core. It runs better, looks better, plays better, has greater content, etc. The only recent portable experiences I'll say satisfied me as much as BbS in the last year or so is SMT:SJ and maybe Devil Survivor.

I can't wait to start playing as Aqua. I'm really impressed with what Nomura and the Re:CoM team at S-E Osaka have done here. Maybe helping to make KH entries is their true calling, instead of making stuff like Samurai Legend. :)
The OP and following Ansem post actually made me want to play these games (I played KH, but stopped playing KH2 when I gained control of Sora and never picked it up again). What is wrong with me?


Official Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep (PSP) Import thread of duckroll and Bebpo teasing everybody else


but it is nice to see the game will deliver :D


Started playing my 2nd character as Terra today. At 2am I beat it :lol
Took me 9 hours, though 2 were spent grinding to fuse his best skills and be overpowered for the endgame. You could probably do it in 6-7 hours for your 2nd play when you know what you're doing.

For the first half I liked the story parts but I felt like the gameplay was basically the same as my last playthrough with Ventus. The only difference being I was back to being weak again. Then in the 2nd half when I started fusing Terra's unique attacks/spells I decided I'd only play using his unique attacks and that way it was fairly different experience than playing as Ventus. He also had a few different basic abilities which changed things up. Enjoyed it very much in the end. Terra also has a very different stat distribution from Ventus, so you should change up your play style if you want to be efficient. At the end of the game I was dropping giant spells on enemies and doing hardly any damage because my magic stat was terrible with Terra.

I really like how every character's best 10-15 attacks/spells are unique to them. These are the best looking animations, the most damaging and most useful abilities. So the endgame is always exciting with each character since you're working towards all new attacks and the payoff is good when you make your entire movelist from them.

There's also unique styles modes and long range attacks from the start which give the gameplay a little more variety.

The most variety is just experiencing all new areas and meeting all new characters that you didn't in the other stories. I found the Disney stories to be more fleshed out in Terra, while the main original story is more fleshed out in Roxas.

31 hours total now and it's still an excellent game. I kind of think it really doesn't belong on a portable system as the production level and quality is on par with most major console rpgs. Will go through Aqua when I have time over the next few days and see how that goes.
The game FINALLY arrived today (at 6.30 PM!) went to play it and the PSP wouldn't turn on. Wouldn't charge either. I started to accept that i might never play this game. But then last attempt i found a random charger for my old MP3 player and it works in the PSP! So now my PSP is charging and soon i will be playing!


BlazingDarkness said:
The game FINALLY arrived today (at 6.30 PM!) went to play it and the PSP wouldn't turn on. Wouldn't charge either. I started to accept that i might never play this game. But then last attempt i found a random charger for my old MP3 player and it works in the PSP! So now my PSP is charging and soon i will be playing!

Wow, the heavens have conspired to keep you from joining the party, but I'm glad you finally made it. Lol.
BlazingDarkness said:
The game FINALLY arrived today (at 6.30 PM!) went to play it and the PSP wouldn't turn on. Wouldn't charge either. I started to accept that i might never play this game. But then last attempt i found a random charger for my old MP3 player and it works in the PSP! So now my PSP is charging and soon i will be playing!
This has to be one of the most arduous import tales ever. Glad it finally worked out in the end, assuming you don't get hit by lightning or struck by a car before the game ends.


Crystal Bearer
BlazingDarkness said:
The game FINALLY arrived today (at 6.30 PM!) went to play it and the PSP wouldn't turn on. Wouldn't charge either. I started to accept that i might never play this game. But then last attempt i found a random charger for my old MP3 player and it works in the PSP! So now my PSP is charging and soon i will be playing!

You'll probably have to update it too!


lol @ the OP.

I'm a huge KH fan and a new member at NeoGAF, and I'm on the fence about importing this game or not. So far, duckroll has given some great impressions.

But I figured now that Tuesday's here, has anybody else received their game in the mail?

Would it be worth it to import the game or just wait a few months for the NA release? I suspect since voice acting finished in December, the localization can't be too long. 358/2 Days was only 3 months I believe.

It looks really great and fun, possibly the most refined battle system in the series and I'm anxious to give it a shot.
Dogenzaka said:
lol @ the OP.

I'm a huge KH fan and a new member at NeoGAF, and I'm on the fence about importing this game or not. So far, duckroll has given some great impressions.

But I figured now that Tuesday's here, has anybody else received their game in the mail?

Would it be worth it to import the game or just wait a few months for the NA release? I suspect since voice acting finished in December, the localization can't be too long. 358/2 Days was only 3 months I believe.

It looks really great and fun, possibly the most refined battle system in the series and I'm anxious to give it a shot.

I am wondering if I should import this as well.... Where is the best/cheapest place to import this?


Big Papa Husker said:
I am wondering if I should import this as well.... Where is the best/cheapest place to import this?

I was wondering about this too as well lol.
So far the only places I know of are Yesasia.com, Playasia.com, Craigslist and eBay.

Yesasia, however, I hear is terrible with timely shipping.
I got KH2FM+ from them on launch and I got it later than I should have....without Another Report or the sleeve xD

So generally I'd say Playasia? But if anyone knows of somewhere else, do let us know.


jiggle said:
my friend got his from www.hypergameaction.com
it's way more expensive though, from the looks of it, but since they ship from LA, he got it in 2 days.

Oh hey that's actually not a bad price. PlayAsia charges I think $60 + shipping.

I'd consider it.

BTW random, but, if anyone was curious, Fairuzons uploaded a video of him
defeating the secret boss (and without using that cheap fire/land mine tactic that people with Aqua tend to use) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQbTx7US1oA


There are many optional bosses in the Mirage Arena. As you beat more battles, the arena levels up and offers more optional battle missions to choose from. Each mission course has a boss - some are taken from the various story modes, while some are totally new. The designs are pretty good too.

Story-wise I believe there's only one secret boss fight, ala Sephiroth.

Edit: Actually I haven't returned to Olympus after beating it with Ventus and Terra. There could be more there too... not sure.


duckroll said:
There are many optional bosses in the Mirage Arena. As you beat more battles, the arena levels up and offers more optional battle missions to choose from. Each mission course has a boss - some are taken from the various story modes, while some are totally new. The designs are pretty good too.

Story-wise I believe there's only one secret boss fight, ala Sephiroth.

Edit: Actually I haven't returned to Olympus after beating it with Ventus and Terra. There could be more there too... not sure.

Wow that's a lot more than I anticipated. Awesome.

How would you rate BbS' battle system in relation to KH1 and KH2? It seems to be a little bit like the Panel system from 358/2 Days...


BbS' battle system is the best in the series. There's no contest. Refine it even more, put it on a console with proper dual analogs and more buttons, and create as many attacks/spells/abilities/etc on a TV resolution, and KH3 will be mindblowingly awesome.


duckroll said:
BbS' battle system is the best in the series. There's no contest. Refine it even more, put it on a console with proper dual analogs and more buttons, and create as many attacks/spells/abilities/etc on a TV resolution, and KH3 will be mindblowingly awesome.

How much boss recyclge is going on?

Do we have to fight Guard Armor(again)?


Cep said:
How much boss recyclge is going on?

Do we have to fight Guard Armor(again)?

There isn't much cycling at all? There's something very similar to Guard Armor, but it has a different design. I think Nomura just likes the multi-part giant robot armor thing. Since pretty much every world is new, why would there be recycled bosses?

Okay, so you fight MaleficentDragon in one of the story modes, but it would be disappointing if you DIDN'T! :lol
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