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Official (WW) Super Mario Galaxy Thread of Reunions, Forgiveness and Love

I don't know how hyped I am about this game yet, honestly. I mean one of my favorite gaming moments ever was playing Super Mario 64 for the first time. Super Mario Brothers was my first console game. However, I never bought SMB3 or SMW, and I never finished a 2D Mario until NSMB. Mario probably isn't even in my top 3 Nintendo franchises. With all that being said, if it can capture the magic of Super Mario 64 and the scope of SMB3 or SMW, then I'd be in heaven.


After beating the first boss,
octopus guy
, this really is next gen mario. The graphics are incredible. I just wish the Wii could upscale to 720p because there is some noticeable dithering on my HDTV


makes good threads.
MisterHero said:
Reggie what have you done? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Dammit Reggie how did you get in here!?!

I swear everytime I turn around he sneaks in to grab a piece of my cheese (I do have some tasty cheese). It's even worse when the Miyamoto crawls into my window at night to plant a mushroom garden under my bed. And don't get me started on J. Allard! Ever wondered where he's been? Did you see Halloween (the original not the rotten remake)? Everytime I look out my window, there he is, staring at me behind my oak tree with those soft, haunting eyes, the light glistening off his head. I blink once and he vanishes occasionally leaving behind copies of Azurik: Rise of Perathia.

Oh the horrible life I live.



Mr Dream feels so lonely without a hat...

All I have to say about SMG, after getting my first 3 stars, is GOTG.


Testicular Sound Express said:
quick question about the spin attack. In the gamersyde videos i noticed that the spin attack wasn't working for him several times. I always thought that the attack was initiated by shaking the cursor over mario, sort of like you're making him spin yourself. Is it that or does shaking the remote activate the attack. When I played I always shook the cursor over him because thats how I thought it worked. I assumed to eliminate the problem of waggle not working they used the cursor for it. I noticed that when mario wasn't spinning the cursor, sometimes, wasn't over him. How does it work exactly.
Shaking. It's just a quick flick from left to right (or right to left?). Those small circle movements were painful to watch.
Also, you don't have to point at the screen the whole time, unless you pick up star bits or grab, shoot and point at things.

Does Mario spin from left to right/right to left depending on your flick similar to the spin attack in Zelda?


Dont' know if this has been posted yet or not but...



*edit - just saw it on the front page of digg and I hadn't read anything else here about it.


TommyT said:
Dont' know if this has been posted yet or not but...



*edit - just saw it on the front page of digg and I hadn't read anything else here about it.
potential? It shows a screen of the ending of the game.


TommyT said:
Dont' know if this has been posted yet or not but...



*edit - just saw it on the front page of digg and I hadn't read anything else here about it.

Wow. Replay confirmed. I would not mind that.


Please help me with my bad english
TommyT said:
Dont' know if this has been posted yet or not but...



*edit - just saw it on the front page of digg and I hadn't read anything else here about it.
I like the emphasis on much harder.


force push the doodoo rock
Here's some day 2 Impressions


Okay, so picking up from the night before, I went back and beat the second challenge stage. I died sooooooooooooo many times -- most of the time trying to get 1ups. After beating that I went on to the 3rd room to play the tropical galaxy and the haunted house galaxy.

The tropical galaxy is aaaaaaabsolutely beautiful. I'm constantly in awe of the water in this game. Things are just so colorful and nice, really puts Super Mario Sunshine to shame. My one complaint about this level is that swimming controls are still a little meh. That is, until you hitch a ride on a shell. Shells are kinda like motorized boogie boards you can ride on underwater and allow you to travel faster, and easier. You can also shoot them out at things by flicking the wiimote.

The haunted house galaxy is also quite nice looking and boo mechanics can get quite creative. The secret star on this level is probably one of the coolest "auto scroll" stages I've played. In the first star stage you rescue Luigi and from then on Luigi will help you find stars in random stages. When he does find a star, you'll get some mail with a picture of Wario standing in some undisclosed stage with a message that will say something like "Hey I found a star, but I can't get down from here, come get me!!" Poor Luigi, he gets no respect.

Other galaxies in this room were pretty cool. One of them was this top down maze where you use the wiimote to blow wind at a bubble to get around. I died quite a few times here. The other was this 3D octagon where all of the platforms slowly disappear after you step on them, forcing you to figure out how to get all the musical notes without trapping yourself. Not too tough, but still, pretty fun.

After getting most of the stars here I went to the extra stage number 3 which is an underwater stage where you have to kill these lampreys with shells. Quite a bit easier than extra stage 2. I didn't die once.

After beating all this stuff, I beat the 3rd room boss, which was Bowser JR riding on a ship that shot stuff at you. You used shells to hit him from a distance, kinda easy. The nice thing about this stage was that I found a short cut. At the beginning of the stage, you get shot out of a cannon which you can aim yourself. The cannon starts out pointed at a flag pole with some spikey things revolving around it as to say "HEY! LISTEN! OVER HERE!!" and at first, I went over there. I quickly died and went back to the beginning of the stage and instead of just shooting myself off in the most obvious direction, I looked around and spotted another flagpole to the left out in the distance. I shot myself over there and found a large skateboard. I got on the skateboard, which by the way is so fast you can't walk on it, and got killed a few times by bombs being shot at me. That was okay though cause there is a free 1up on this path. I soon discovered, though, you can just duck under everything. So, I did, and got straight to the boss. THAT WAS AN EASY OPERATION.

Anyway, doing all this opened up yet another room, the blonde chick's (sorry, I never pay attention to this stuff) bedroom.

OH, this reminds me, earlier on in the game, like star 21 or something, I unlocked a library. In the library the blonde chick reads a story book (which btw, has some awesome watercolors that I'd kill to have as desktops) and I assume you unlock new chapters for it by collecting stars. I only had the first chapter.

Back to the main game. So the bedroom unlocks the apple galaxy (the one with the fucking amazing music) which so far is eeeeeeeeeeeasily my favorite world. I only got the first star in this world though, I can't wait to go back.

The other main galaxy in this room was the desert galaxy, which I actually didn't finish the first star (I needed to go to bed) This is where you find the 2D mario stages XD

I only unlocked the first of the 1 star stages, but I found something really interesting there. The stage itself is a "tower" obstacle course that has you jumping to the top to get the star. Before climbing though, you have to go underwater to raise a platform. You do this by blowing up a cage that sends a section up to land. Also down underwater was a mysterious warp pipe that also needed to be blown up to access. I did that, went in the warp pipe and found myself at the very top of the tower. I went along this path and I spotted a green star. I got the green star and was warped back to the hub. Turns out this green star is a key to access the "Challenge stages", but I need 3 more (or 3 in total? I kinda skimmed past this) to access the star launcher. Very interesting. Can't wait to see what kind of ball busting stages are in this area.

Before going to bed I went back and challenged a blue comet stage (race agaisnt a shadow mario) and a yellow star stage (all enemies are sped up) Both of which are very fun.

I'd go into more depth, but I gotta go to class now.


i finally got to play last night after work.

My thought : Made me feel like i felt when i played Mario 64, didn't want to stop or come to work the next day.


I notice a lot more people seem to be playing it now, and I know some of them don't live in Japan. Did all these people import? /suspicious

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Can someone point me in the direction of where some of the hidden stars are? I didn't really see anything in the first few galaxies.

I'm someone who didn't care for Mario 64 (yes, I said it. I much prefer Jumping Flash! to the 3D Marios), but I am absolutely loving this game.

Johnas said:
I notice a lot more people seem to be playing it now, and I know some of them don't live in Japan. Did all these people import? /suspicious



this game silences any possible cynics after extensive hands on

only people left remaining are those tired of anything to do with platformers or... colors. i guess if they're tired of colors they might also hate this.

but that's the only two ways



Is Nintendo World Store doing something special with Super Mario Galaxy on the 12th? A midnight launch? Anything?


I've stopped watching videos yesterday, but fail to be strong enough to stop visiting this thread and read all the spoilers....AAAARRGGGH the wait is killing me..!!!


AceBandage said:
Since there are apparently no embargoes on the game for the media, can we expect reviews to start in this week?
Yes, but I think the majority are going to do the same as IGN. I mean why not?


AceBandage said:
Since there are apparently no embargoes on the game for the media, can we expect reviews to start in this week?

Embargo is per site it seems. Some have to wait, but big sites like IGN don't???


AceBandage said:
Since there are apparently no embargoes on the game for the media, can we expect reviews to start in this week?

IGN won't post it this week, they said. 1UP and Gamespot might, but I don't think anyone else is receiving their copy until early next week.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Baryn said:

Is Nintendo World Store doing something special with Super Mario Galaxy on the 12th? A midnight launch? Anything?

No word yet. I really hope so.


Baryn said:

Is Nintendo World Store doing something special with Super Mario Galaxy on the 12th? A midnight launch? Anything?
No one knows.

But the fact that they are having a launch event for either Hannah Montana or High School Musicial this weekend.

They damn sure better have one for the Wii's largest game of the year. With playable Smash demoes.


A little late, but I just read the "Megaton" and I'm really excited about that. I really can't wait to play this game. It's just. . . my backlog is going to be huge. . . unopened Crackdown, Forza 2, playing Blue Dragon, still have to get Halo. . . Mass Effect out soon. . . . . I still want to get SPM and Zack and Wiki. . . oi

But this game seems to good to put on hold
Well... I just played it through the first star at EB Games and I can't believe how gorgeous it really is. It seems fun enough so far and I already died a couple times, which is good. I can't say too much more yet, since I've only put in about an hour so far, but I'm loving it all so far. I do wish there was full VA, though. Sunshine had bad VA, but I'd rather have that than nothing at all.


Super Member
Baryn said:

Is Nintendo World Store doing something special with Super Mario Galaxy on the 12th? A midnight launch? Anything?
According to the new NP[citing the Phantom Hourglass launch article], yes. There is also one for Smash Bros. which will obviously be delayed.


HAL_Laboratory said:
Just got home from work -- any info about 1st day sales in Japan? Lines? Anything???

no lines at all, vast quantities of the game still on shelves

according to one person who visited various shops


MisterHero said:
According to the new NP[citing the Phantom Hourglass launch article], yes. There is also one for Smash Bros. which will obviously be delayed.

Man, if only other game stores were doing this.
Amir0x said:
no lines at all, vast quantities of the game still on shelves

according to one person who visited various shops

Hmm... I was really hoping to see this game create chaos in Japan on launch day.

So I guess there's 2 scenarios:

A) the game is a flop / no-one cares
B) Nintendo successfully produced enough copies to meet demand


MisterHero said:
Are the 700,000+ pre-orders being fulfilled?

This number is a retail pre-order #. This is what stores ordered in anticipation of demand: they order these numbers by various market indicators, including pre-order numbers, but it does not indicate how many people pre-ordered the game itself.

To directly answer your question, every one of those 700,000 pre-orders were fulfilled when they were shipped to retailers since they are the ones who pre-ordered it.


Super Member
Amir0x said:
This number is a retail pre-order #. This is what stores ordered in anticipation of demand: they order these numbers by various market indicators, including pre-order numbers, but it does not indicate how many people pre-ordered the game itself.

To directly answer your question, every one of those 700,000 pre-orders were fulfilled when they were shipped to retailers since they are the ones who pre-ordered it.

Oh okay.

*starts seeing the clouds, stars and heavens falling*



Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
HAL_Laboratory said:
Hmm... I was really hoping to see this game create chaos in Japan on launch day.

So I guess there's 2 scenarios:

A) the game is a flop / no-one cares
B) Nintendo successfully produced enough copies to meet demand

Considering Nintendo most likely shipped upwards of 700K, a sell out on day one would have been absolutely exraordinary.


oh, just to add - i saw NOTHING of this game at all besides one TINY vid out of the corner of my eye in Tsutaya.

So EVERYTHING about this game has been a total and utter surprise to me. I knew ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and i think that's helped the ZOMG factor a fair bit.

As per Amirox : haters owned and i'm only just scratching the surface.

Eteric Rice

I suspect this will be a game that sells over time, rather than quickly. Nintendo will probably advertise the hell out of it in the meantime.

I got to play it today btw. It was awesome, but I think the TVs at Gamestop suck because it was jaggy as hell. :O


DCharlie said:
As per Amirox : haters owned and i'm only just scratching the surface.

Pretty much! I know, how cliche is it, but really the best way to describe it is just to say it's unrelentingly fun. It's nothing but fun. If you play games for fun, forget all the criticisms and how seriously we all probably take games for a moment, then you will no doubt love Super Mario Galaxy. It is rainbows and unicorns and the first raindrops on the misty irish countryside, or the smell of freshly baked cookies in a just opened bakery. The first time the Israelites tasted mana from God before they became bitter asswipes. Light, flight, blackholes, journey, love, adoration, hope, more verbosity that implies positivity, hyperbole justified.

In short it's WHY YOU PLAY GAMES™, and I think it's gonna be a real shame the first time someone makes the expected 'backlash' thread. Nobody could top that cynicism.


force push the doodoo rock

I was just thinking, it's nice to play a game like this on a console. Seems like, game after game of cynical genre pieces about one gritty comic book character esque guy shooting up the bad guys, something like a platformer is extreeeeeemely refreshing.


why even bother trying to say whether it's the best this or that ever

when i play it, just for a few minutes, i honestly don't care about coming to neoGAF to give the game some arbitrary label. I just think "wow, this is so great. Man the game just shot me out of a star past spaceships and yoshi and penguins and dry bones and rainbows. This is... so great."

I think my mind temporarily becomes mush, kinda reminiscent to that sorta warm feeling you get about thirty minutes after you pop a sleeping pill, but right before you fall asleep. Just peace. I'm digging into my drug analogies people, the GAME DEFIES CLASSIFICATION. BUY IT BECAUSE YOUR FACE WILL MELT FROM THE FUN.


Amir0x said:
why even bother trying to say whether it's the best this or that ever

when i play it, just for a few minutes, i honestly don't care about coming to neoGAF to give the game some arbitrary label. I just think "wow, this is so great. Man the game just shot me out of a star past spaceships and yoshi and penguins and dry bones and rainbows. This is... so great."

I think my mind temporarily becomes mush, kinda reminiscent to that sorta warm feeling you get about thirty minutes after you pop a sleeping pill, but right before you fall asleep. Just peace. I'm digging into my drug analogies people, the GAME DEFIES CLASSIFICATION. BUY IT BECAUSE YOUR FACE WILL MELT FROM THE FUN.

Well, I won't need to buy it, but I can't wait for my copy to get here. And I dunno. I guess I'm just addicted to comparisons. :lol
Amir0x said:
why even bother trying to say whether it's the best this or that ever

when i play it, just for a few minutes, i honestly don't care about coming to neoGAF to give the game some arbitrary label. I just think "wow, this is so great. Man the game just shot me out of a star past spaceships and yoshi and penguins and dry bones and rainbows. This is... so great."

I think my mind temporarily becomes mush, kinda reminiscent to that sorta warm feeling you get about thirty minutes after you pop a sleeping pill, but right before you fall asleep. Just peace. I'm digging into my drug analogies people, the GAME DEFIES CLASSIFICATION. BUY IT BECAUSE YOUR FACE WILL MELT FROM THE FUN.

They should really advertise the face melting capabilities more.
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