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Official Xbox Live Arcade Thread

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Blazing Birds, that XNA badmington game is 800 points? hope it has a good demo.

Looking forward to checking out Gel too, Gastronaught is a great studio.


The Secret Of Monkey Island Coming To XBLA


Yes, it's been an awfully long time, but it appears that The Secret Of Monkey Island is coming back, and to the Xbox 360.

The German USK rating board has revealed that The Secret Of Monkey Island - Special Edition is on its way. This was the very original Monkey Island game, from all the way back in 1990. As for what makes it a Special Edition is currently unknown -- could they be re-doing the graphics? Could the game possibly have a voice cast?

The rating suggests that Activision might have some involvement in the project, but most likely this is simply Activision Europe rating the title for LucasArts, as they are the European publishing arm that LucasArts use. We can only assume this is an Xbox Live Arcade title, but there is a slim chance that this is a retail retelling of the original too.

Source: German USK Rating Board.


GAF's Ed McMahon
Im tempted to buy it. Gonna go try the demo i guess.

They need to release Windjammers on xbla. I have been playing it at a friend's house on his neogeo, still awesome :D


I totally forgot it was a Wednesday today!

My whole ritual before work has been ruined :lol

I think it was the fact there was no threads for these, (grr... Shard ;) )

Really interested in both of these, gona try and hurry up this meeting so I can get back and check them out.


Gowans007 said:
I totally forgot it was a Wednesday today!

My whole ritual before work has been ruined :lol

I think it was the fact there was no threads for these, (grr... Shard ;) )

Really interested in both of these, gona try and hurry up this meeting so I can get back and check them out.

I made one, you didn't look for it.


Gave Gel a shot - looks really nice, definitely has some great design going for it. Shame it'll probably be horribly overloooked.
Gowans007 said:
I totally forgot it was a Wednesday today!

My whole ritual before work has been ruined :lol

I think it was the fact there was no threads for these, (grr... Shard ;) )

Really interested in both of these, gona try and hurry up this meeting so I can get back and check them out.
I thought it was tuesday this morning, I think the TF2 update thread has thrown me out of loop.
SapientWolf said:
I want this game so badly. I even have a quote on the official web page. It was getting tons of praise from the gaming press and then it just disappeared for almost a year. I hope it gets the attention it deserves when it finally gets released.
i noticed your quote a while back, cool stuff. Rocket Riot really does look fantastic and should be a refreshing take on the twin stick shooter. it has the potential to be the next big thing on XBLA.


Rlan said:
Gave Gel a shot - looks really nice, definitely has some great design going for it. Shame it'll probably be horribly overloooked.

got gel, someone make a thread please. it is awesome!


Shard said:
I made one, you didn't look for it.

let me never doubt you again Shard.

Just checked out Blazing Birds, I had a lot of fun tho I will need to friend to play against.

I don't think it will have a massive lasting appeal but for 400points I might bite just for a one off set of games.


News Update: More Details Uncovered on Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition


LucasArts planning Secret of Monkey Island re-release
Official details expected at E3 in two weeks
Written by the AG staff — May 20, 2009
8 - view comments

LucasArts is resurrecting its seminal Monkey Island adventure game franchise with a re-release of The Secret Of Monkey Island on Xbox 360. A game titled "The Secret of Monkey Island - Special Edition" was revealed today through a posting on the German USK game ratings board.

Sources have also independently (though unofficially) confirmed the existence of the project to Adventure Gamers, and indicated that it will be a downloadable game on Xbox Live Arcade rather than a retail Xbox 360 release.

Official details are expected at the Electronic Entertainment Expo, which will be held on June 2 - 4.

The Secret Of Monkey Island is the first game in the Monkey Island series, originally released on floppy disk in 1990 for Atari ST, Macintosh and PC. It is unknown whether the Special Edition will feature up-scaled graphics or entirely new artwork to take advantage of the Xbox 360's High Definition resolution.

It appears LucasArts has recently taken a renewed interest in its older intellectual properties. In February, LucasArts revealed that the upcoming Nintendo Wii action/adventure game Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings would feature the adventure game classic Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis in its entirety as an unlockable bonus.


INTERVIEW: Strawdog Studios


May 20th 2009 at 16:49 by Ben Parfitt

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INTERVIEW: Strawdog Studios

Since forming in 2003, Derby-based Strawdog made its mark on the games scene with Xbox Live and PSN outing Geon. Its latest title, Xbox Live arcade outing Space Ark, is due out soon.

We caught up with business development director Dan Marchant to discuss creative freedom, iPhone, digital distribution, piracy and more…

CG.biz: You’ve spoken before about the desire to be making ‘fresh’ games. Have new content channels such as Xbox Live and iTunes made this easier now than it used to be?

DM: Digital distribution is certainly allowing developers greater creative freedom. Many more developers are able to self-publish (so their concepts don't have to pass a publisher submission process which favours rehashed ideas). Also, when publishers are involved, they are now more willing to take creative risks (due to the lower budgets and zero stock risk).

Perhaps it might seem easy on the outside with the proliferation of distribution channels and opportunities but the fundamentals remain the same, namely that the game has to be bankable and have a place in the market. You also have to overcome the business challenge of where the money comes from to develop the game.

CG.biz: We tend to regard Xbox Live, PSN and WiiWare as one mass digital console publishing platform, but are there any key differences between the services that can lead to a preference for releasing on one as opposed to another?

Strawdog Studios are platform agnostic as a developer. There are technical and business differences between all the digital platforms but I don't think any of them are extreme enough to make any platform a real stand out favourite. Wiiware and iPhone are both very open platforms, which is great, but as a result they suffer with a lot of poor quality shovelware.

XBLA and PSN are more restrictive which may seem bad but on the plus side some of the trash gets filtered out, which is better for the gamers and the developers.

CG.biz: Apple’s App Store has been dubbed the saviour of indie development. Is that realistic?

It is certainly easier to develop and self-publish for than some other digital platforms but from a business point of view that freedom generates a whole new set of problems such as getting your game noticed in a crowded market. Consequently developers need to embrace new skills such as marketing and PR if it's going to develop into a sustainable/predicable business model.

We have all read the stories of the guys who made hundreds of thousands of dollars in a single month but those people can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

There are over 25,000 apps available and most of those have struggled to make a few thousand dollars, let alone hundreds of thousands. Greater freedom means more competition and the openness of the platform means that many of the developers are hobbyists releasing free or very very cheap games. There have been several apps in the top 10 that make you scratch your head and wonder how and why they got there. It's becoming clear that price as well as polish are key ingredients to success.

CG.biz: In your view, how big a problem is piracy for iPhone games publishing?

Is piracy rampant? Yes. Is it a problem? Only to a limited degree. We don't view every pirate copy of a game as a lost sale. If people can't find a pirate copy of a particular game then a few may buy it but most will just download something else instead. These people want stuff for free and don't care that someone worked to make it. We're interested in getting our games out to as many people as possible and if some punters who download a pirate version of our game like it, and evangelise to others, that can't be a totally bad thing.

CG.biz: Have you had a chance to look at Google Android platform yet? If so, what do you think?

We've had a look at Android and are interested in getting our products onto the platform. Our iPhone game Turbo Duck will make it's way onto other smart-phones in the future but we haven't started that process yet as we are focusing on Space Ark for XBLA.

CG.biz: Is boxed triple-A console development still as appalling to devs as it once was?

I am sure the idea of developing a triple-A game is appealing to many developers but I am not sure the business model is particularly appealing any more. The size of budgets needed mean that the publisher will expect to own your game (and possibly a chunk of your studio too) and the deals are skewed in favour of the publisher so they pocket the lions share of the profits. I am sure that there will continue to be studios who want to work on those projects but there are also a growing number who want the creative and business freedom that smaller self-published digital titles bring.

CG.biz: Do you think you’ll ever develop another product for boxed release?

Actually we have just finished a Wii version of Geon which will be sold boxed at retail. Going forward there are several publishers that Strawdog Studios want to work with (on publisher owned IP) and some of that may well be boxed. We also want to develop our own games and license the boxed versions of those to interested publishers.

CG.biz: Tell me about Space Ark – what’s the most exciting part of the project for you guys?

A really interesting aspect of the project is having the opportunity to design a focused product that explores different game mechanics. The game takes some inspiration from Arkanoid/Breakout and the challenge for us was to create a product that evolves the concept without breaking it. These small digital games put a real demand on the development team to create concentrated game play which can be replayed and layered without becoming repetitive.

It's also great working within a small team environment where everyone has real input, you can see individual team members taking real ownership of the game and pride in what they create.

CG.biz: Why have you gone for Xbox Live with Space Ark? And will more platforms follow?

It is primarily a timing and relationship issue. Xbox Live Arcade was the first digital distribution platform we worked on back in 2007, when we developed Geon. During that project we built a great relationship with Microsoft and it was actually back then that the Space Ark concept was first generated. We hadn't finished our first PSN title yet so Microsoft was the logical choice to pitch the game too. They were very supportive and gave us concept approval to publish the game on the Xbox Live Arcade at which point all we needed was the finance to develop the game.

Raising investment is a project in itself and, although we started before we submitted the concept to Microsoft, it took over a year to finally get all the funding in place so that we could start the development.


Achievements: Yosumin! LIVE


There are 12 achievements with a total of 200 points.

Crafty Cleaner 10
Create one full Yosumin (a set of all the yosumin on the screen).

Web Warrior 10
Play Online Battle Yosumin! mode once.

Man of Mystery 10
Earn one secret bonus.

.1-Minute Man 15
Clear a stage within 8 seconds.

Hip to be Square 15
Make five square sets in a row.

Consecutive Cleaner 15
Make two or more full Yosumin! in a row.

Legendary Linker 15
Make 30 or more continuous chains in a single stage.

Ten to the Power of Fun 10
Play Online Battle Yosumin! ten times.

Pentagenerian 25
Clear 50 stages of Endless Yosumin! mode (continues allowed).

Nine-digit Ninja 20
Score 100,000,000 points.

Heavyweight Boxer 20
Clear a total of 100,000 yosumin.

Yosumaphiliac 35
Clear Yosumin! Battle mode within 13 minutes without continuing.



Bounce Becomes Space Ark
Arkanoid meets pinball for XBLA.
by Daemon Hatfield

May 20, 2009 - Last year IGN unveiled the teaser trailer for an upcoming Xbox Live Arcade game called Bounce. It's been a while since we heard anything about the arcade game, but it's still on track and has undergone a name change. Bounce is now known as Space Ark. Developer Strawdog Studios describes it as a mix of Rainbow Island, Arkanoid, and pinball.

A black hole is destroying the galaxy, and the only ones who can save us are a space-faring group of animals called the Arkonauts. Players must bounce (hence the previous title) the Arkonauts into the air and collect the DNA left behind by the obliterated inhabitants of decimated planets. By doing so, they can repopulate the universe. The game is made up of 180 levels, five worlds, five mini-games, and 24 playable Arkonauts.








1 vs 100 US beta date announcement by tomorrow
For those of you south of the 49th that have been seething towards America's hat for not being able to play in the 1 Vs. 100 beta on XBLA, your time to shine shall soon be known. The 1 Vs. 100 twitter page has made an update stating that the start date for the American Beta will be appearing within the next 24 hours. Could be today, could be tomorrow. Who knows!

Those of you who haven't been able to partake in the festivities, you will definitely want to jump in on this. It's free and is a hell of a lot of fun. The game takes place live and gives players the chance to win real prizes, ranging from arcade titles to MS Points. Although, you don't actually get to win any prizes in the beta, it's still fun seeing what you could have walked away with.

We'll keep you posted when the announcement on the start date is offcially made!


Achievements: Wallace & Gromit Episode 1: Fright of the Bumblebees


Act 1: Breakfast Wrangler 20
Complete Act 1.

Act 2: Ton o' Honey 20
Complete Act 2.

Act 3: Buzz Cutter 20
Complete Act 3.

Act 4: Queenly Bearing 20
Complete Act 4.

Get Cracking 15
Hear Wallace say this phrase in four of its instances.

Snail Whisperer 15
Give the entire cast a glance at a gastropod.

Crack Shot 15
Get through the "shooting gallery" without missing a target.

Bee Pleaser 15
Offer the bees inside of the Pollenator every type of flower.

Yee-Oww! 15
Get stung by three different bees.

No Go Gorgonzola 15
Make it through Act 3 without touching the Gorgonzola.

Mmm... Cheese 15
Eat this episode's "mystery cheese".

Memory Lane 15
Find an object from Wallace and Gromit’s first movie.[/QUOTE]


Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment Announces a Hybrid Offering for PLAYSTATION 3: Game and Film in One Package - Watchmen: The End is Nigh, an Action-Packed Game, and Watchmen: Director’s Cut

Episodic Street Brawler Based on ‘Watchmen’ Film Available in Multiple Formats for All Gamers

BURBANK, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment has announced that the Watchmen: The End is Nigh videogame, based on the Watchmen film, will be offered in a retail Blu-Ray Hi-Def game and film hybrid, as well as additional retail and downloadable formats in North America. Watchmen: The End is Nigh Part 2, the second of two long-form, episodic action games will be released in conjunction with the Blu-ray Hi-Def and DVD of the Watchmen: Director’s Cut in July 2009.

Providing Watchmen fans with a variety of purchase options, the game will be offered in the following formats.

* Watchmen: The End is Nigh The Complete Experience is an innovative, retail Blu-ray Hi-Def game and film hybrid which will include Watchmen: The End is Nigh Parts 1 and 2 and the Watchmen: Director’s Cut on Blu-ray. This new cut of the action-packed blockbuster includes an additional 25 minutes of footage not seen in theaters only available on Blu-ray and DVD. The two-disc collectible set will also feature exclusive artwork in a premium package. The game will be playable on the PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system which can also play the Blu-ray disc of Watchmen: Director’s Cut.
* Watchmen: The End is Nigh Parts 1 and 2 will now be available for the first time as a single game available for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft.
* Watchmen: The End is Nigh Part 2 will be available for download on Xbox LIVE® Arcade for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and for PlayStation®Network.

Watchmen: The End is Nigh Part 1 was released in March 2009 as a downloadable game for Xbox LIVE® Arcade for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, Windows PC via download and on the PlayStation®Network.

Developed by Deadline Games A/S, Watchmen: The End is Nigh is a hardcore mature action brawler featuring bloody visceral combat in settings which are reminiscent of the film. Watchmen: The End is Nigh Part 1 takes place more than a decade before the film’s main story, delving into the partnership of urban vigilantes Rorschach and Nite Owl before the hero-banning Keene Act. In Part 2, the duo team up again as Rorschach contacts Nite Owl to help solve the case of a missing girl, Violet Greene.

Patrick Wilson and Jackie Earle Haley, stars of the Watchmen film, also lend their voices to the respective roles of Nite Owl and Rorschach in both episodes of Watchmen: The End is Nigh. Both Rorschach and Nite Owl are playable characters and each features distinct combat abilities, as well as a collection of each of their own unique finishing moves — such as Rorschach’s Rage and the technical prowess of Nite Owl’s Owlsuit.

Watchmen: The End is Nigh features a split screen co-op multiplayer option in addition to a single-player experience with an A.I. partner. Staying true to the tone of the film on which it’s based, Watchmen: The End is Nigh features stunning graphics in moody settings mixed with brutal combat. Players can take on as many as twenty enemies at the same time in bloody, street-fighting gameplay action. The game contains nine chapters, built around events referenced in the film, allowing for hours of intense gameplay.


Watchmen is a complex, multi-layered mystery adventure movie set in an alternate 1985 America in which costumed superheroes are part of the fabric of everyday society, and the Doomsday Clock—which charts the USA’s tension with the Soviet Union—moves closer to midnight. When one of his former colleagues is murdered, the outlawed but no less determined masked vigilante Rorschach uncovers a wide-ranging and disturbing conspiracy with catastrophic consequences for the future.

Warner Bros. Pictures and Paramount Pictures present, in Association with Legendary Pictures, a Lawrence Gordon/Lloyd Levin Production, a Zack Snyder Film, Watchmen. The movie stars Malin Akerman, Billy Crudup, Matthew Goode, Carla Gugino, Jackie Earle Haley, Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Patrick Wilson. Watchmen is directed by Zack Snyder and produced by Lawrence Gordon, Lloyd Levin and Deborah Snyder. The screenplay is by David Hayter and Alex Tse, based upon the graphic novel co-created and illustrated by Dave Gibbons and published by DC Comics. Herbert W. Gains and Thomas Tull are the executive producers, with Wesley Coller serving as co-producer.

About DC Comics

DC Comics, a Warner Bros. Entertainment Company, is the largest English-language publisher of comics in the world and home to such iconic characters as Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and the Sandman. These DC Super Heroes and others have starred in comic books, movies, television series (both animated and live-action) and cyberspace, thrilling audiences of all ages for generations. DC Comics’ Web site is located at www.dccomics.com http://www.dccomics.com/

About Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, a division of Warner Bros. Home Entertainment Group, is a premier worldwide publisher, developer, licensor and distributor of entertainment content for the interactive space across all current and future platforms, including console, handheld and PC-based gaming for both internal and third party game titles.

About Deadline Games

Deadline Games is a video game developer based in Copenhagen, Denmark, and has been developing video games since 1995 and employs a staff of more than 60. For more information please visit: http://www.deadlinegames.com.

WATCHMEN and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © DC Comics. (s09)

Microsoft, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox LIVE, and the Xbox logos are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies.


Trials HD Coming To XBLA?

It appears that the popular indie PC game Trials 2 may be making its console debut in the form of Trials HD, according to the Korean Game Rating Board.

Trials 2 is a physics based puzzler revolving around a motorcycle. Using acceleration, gravity and precision aiming players must try to get through tens of levels. Just check this video of the PC version.

There has been no official word for the game coming to the Xbox Live Arcade, but considering the previous examples of Garou: Mark Of The Wolves and Tower Bloxx Deluxe also appearing on the Korean GRB we're confident that this is accurate.

Source: Korean GRB - Trials HD(트라이얼스HD)


Played a bit of the trial of Gel today. It was better than I expected, actually. It's an action, puzzle game where your a little ardvark dude who goes around and tosses blocks, once you toss four of the same colors they jiggle and slowly start to dissapear, your goal is to clear all of the blocks in a level. The challenge comes in an overtly simple combo system. Baisicly the game defines combos as using an already jigling block and using it to clear more rows. This is fun, and it's nice that you don't have to plan your combos ten moves ahead like in most puzzle games. Unfortunatly the game seems way too frustrating for me, in puzzle mode, I reached a point where the soloution of the puzzle was essentially "Take these blocks back and fourth really fast" and just kinda gave up. (It sounds simple but trust me it's not.) The action mode was even more relentless forcing you in level two too make rather complicated combos before a truck crashes into your gel blocks.

Overall it seemed like a fun idea, but one that would frustrate me to no end.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
I really hope BF1943 comes out during the week of E3. What a fuck awesome LIVE arcade game that would be, not to mention the rumored Perfect Dark Arcade.

Perfect Dark + 1943 = best week of XBLA ever.
I was wondering, does Ticket to Ride still have an active community? I love the demo, but I'm not sure it's worth buying if no one's playing.


Man, I've got to start playing Sam & Max. Can't in good conscience get W&G until I've finished that.

Nice price, though. At 1200 I might not have been interested.

Secks4Food said:
I was wondering, does Ticket to Ride still have an active community? I love the demo, but I'm not sure it's worth buying if no one's playing.

I don't know if it ever did. But to tell the truth I've enjoyed it despite never playing online.


nyprimus2 said:
I like how HoopWorld is still in the OP as a launch window release.

LOL. Talk about falling off the face of the earth. Whatever happened to that game? The screenshots looked nice enough....



'Tecmo Bowl Wii' On Hold, But 'Tecmo Bowl' Hitting Xbox Live Arcade In Early 2010
Posted by Patrick Klepek - Tuesday, May 26, 2009 12:53 PM

'Tecmo Bowl' Wii 'On Old,' But 'Tecmo Bowl' Hitting Xbox Live Arcade In Early 2010When Tecmo announced Family Fun Football for Wii last Friday, one question ran through my head: what happened to Tecmo Bowl Wii? Gamers (including myself) loved the old school DS update released last year, but we haven't heard anything about the Wii version since it was announced by Tecmo back in 2007.

The bad news? Tecmo has confirmed to me that Tecmo Bowl Wii is on hold, replaced by Family Fun Football. The good (better!) news? Tecmo Bowl is coming to Xbox Live Arcade early next year.

"As much as we’d like to say this [Family Fun Football] is a completely different game, it did start out as the 'Tecmo Bowl Wii' project," a Tecmo spokesperson told me this morning. "However, given the recent trend on the Wii and its target audience, Tecmo made a business decision to switch the project into a family oriented football game. So then what happens to Tecmo Bowl? For now, we're focusing on bringing Tecmo Bowl to the Xbox LIVE Arcade [in] early 2010."

No details are available on Tecmo Bowl for Xbox Live Arcade, but we expect more to be revealed at E3. For gamers looking forward to Wiimote-enabled Tecmo Bowl, however, you'll have to keep waiting.

"The Tecmo Bowl Wii [project] is indefinitely on hold," said the same spokesperson.

Even though Tecmo Bowl on Wii sounded like it had potential, downloadable Tecmo Bowl (hopefully with online multiplayer) sounds much, much cooler. Good move, Tecmo!

Read more: http://g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/6...ive-Arcade-In-Early-2010.html#ixzz0Gf9PAKBm&B
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