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OH TEH NOES. Wii *does not* come with component cable!


Azelover said:
I'm not entirely sure what that means, but by the reaction here it doesn't seem good. As long as it has that cable with the three color thingies I'm happy. But if it's one of those really old NES-type ones then that would be really disappointing.


Yes, it will have the "three color thingies." Unfortunately, it won't have the five color thingies.

Ranger X

That's gay if they don't sell it with component cables. It's not even of question of HD or not, normal TV are component now and composite is dying.


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
Ristamar said:

Yes, it will have the "three color thingies." Unfortunately, it won't have the five color thingies.

Good, that's better. I'm not exactly buying a Wii particularly for the audio visual experience, so as long as it doesn't go farther back than that I'm pretty cool with it.


Professional Schmuck
Honestly it's kinda disappointing because I just got a flatscreen 27" SDTV (used from my sister) that I look forward to playing on until HD flatscreens come down in price a bit. The "3 color thingies" will get me by, but I will definitely upgrade to the component (the 5 color thingies) when they become available.

That being said, there's only two things that could stop me from playing Twilight Princess on my Wii before the year is out. One of them is death, the other is God himself. Lack of component cables might be a "doh!" but it's not a deal breaker, honestly. I've been looking forward to this for far too long to cry about something I didn't have in the first place.
chase said:
Nintendo is shameless.
Eh, I never would have expected it except for the CNet report, but that got my hopes up. It's always been presented as an SD basic A/V system so component cable would be pretty surprising.


Error Macro said:
No, I don't mean those. In fact, I said "official" right there in my post. LOLOLOLOL

Do you have a source for the $60.00 price for the official cables then? I haven't seen anything other than that price for the Mad Catz for any component cables, so it's easy to think you were referring to those.



on no! no component cable!? how much does that make the total cost of the wii now? $1491 ?

(can't we use our existing cables from the Snes/N64/GC ? And if so, aren't then nintendo doing YOU a favour?)
DCharlie said:
on no! no component cable!? how much does that make the total cost of the wii now? $1491 ?

(can't we use our existing cables from the Snes/N64/GC ? And if so, aren't then nintendo doing YOU a favour?)

Your existing cables can't be used. Matt over at IGN confirmed this
With all of the confusion and misdirection surrounding Nintendo these days I wouldn't be surprised to find out that I've been assigned to a battalion in Iraq after having had purchased a Wii.


DCharlie said:
on no! no component cable!? how much does that make the total cost of the wii now? $1491 ?


Dcharlie said:
(can't we use our existing cables from the Snes/N64/GC ? And if so, aren't then nintendo doing YOU a favour?)

[Ari Gold] No you can't! Take that bitch! You want to hug it out?[/Ari Gold]
Why is this news even remotely surprising? A Nintendo representative I spoke with stated that approximately 1% of their userbase use component cables, so not including these cables was expected.


Mrbob said:
[Ari Gold] No you can't! Take that bitch! You want to hug it out?[/Ari Gold]


"What if I told you had to buy a new component cable? Is that something you might be interested in?"
SpeedRazor said:
Do you have a source for the $60.00 price for the official cables then? I haven't seen anything other than that price for the Mad Catz for any component cables, so it's easy to think you were referring to those.


Not offhand, mate. This was supposedly from some accessory price list.

edit: It appears you were correct! They must be 3rd party, a la Mad Catz. It was on some Gamestop list. Me = owned.



Rhazer Fusion said:
Why is this news even remotely surprising? A Nintendo representative I spoke with stated that approximately 1% of their userbase use component cables, so not including these cables was expected.

thats only because we couldn't buy them!

edit: **** its one thing to not support HD, but why must those of us with decent AV equipment have to suffer?


Shin Johnpv said:
Blame that on people like Mad Catz who will charge an arm and a leg for that shit, look at Monster Cables Component Cables for the Xbox and PS2 they were 50 - 60 dollars hell they wanted something like 30 bucks for a 6ft optical cable

I'd bet money on nintendo first party Component cables being 20 - 30 bucks

just like MS and Sony's were and yet Monster and others charged even more
Electronic cables must be one of the biggest markups for consumer products. They charge ridiculous amounts for something that is cheaply mass produced. It's a complete ripoff.

Which is why Nintendo should include component as standard. The cost for them to include proper cables is negligable.

But that's not good business is it? Nintendo sees how much profit is made from selling cables so they want their share of the pie. Selling cable accessories is an easy way to make some big cash. The big loser...the consumer.
Rhazer Fusion said:
Why is this news even remotely surprising? A Nintendo representative I spoke with stated that approximately 1% of their userbase use component cables, so not including these cables was expected.

Nothing like a Nintendo rep to dole out the "facts" :lol
Rhazer Fusion said:
Why is this news even remotely surprising? A Nintendo representative I spoke with stated that approximately 1% of their userbase use component cables, so not including these cables was expected.

You make something available only by mail, and it only sells to 1% of your base? Shocking.


G-damnit. I'm so sick of buying expensive after-market cables for a decent picture.

It's shameful for any next-gen system to include composite cables only. My Atari 800 back in 1984 used composite cables. 1984 is a long ass time ago Nintendo. >_< At least S-Video and component cables should become the standard now.

Wii ain't gonna cheap afterall. <_< But I still will get one ASAP.
beermonkey@tehbias said:
You make something available only by mail, and it only sells to 1% of your base? Shocking.

Yeah, we've heard this arguement before, when they removed the digital out from Gamecube. I bet that 1% of users who buy component cables from nintendo.com is higher than the percentage of users who buy controllers from nintendo.com.


flinging feces ---->
I'm starting wonder why, more and more, the system is 250.

No component (the least they could provide us with was 480p-)
No Hardrive
No DVD Playback
No high definition
Not more powerful than xbox (and if it is, just by a little)
Not less than 200
Not coming out before PS3....
Not going to have an easy to use online system (friend codes)

What is Nintendo doing? I'm confused as hell. I'm still going to get one, but....., now I'm less excited. Anyways.....yeah.

Seth C

drohne said:
i dunno -- when i overpay for games and accessories on 360 i'm like "well, if this is the cost of state-of-the-art gaming, i'll reluctantly pay it." what do you say for wii? i swear wii makes dramatically less sense now that pricing information has come out -- it's one thing to build a deliberately underpowered console so you can sell it at mass-market prices right away, and it's another thing to build a deliberately underpowered console and then make it pretty expensive anyway.

Thank you. I was really only interested in the Wii because it seemed like a bargain. A cheap distraction, hopefully with some games I want to play. I know Nintendo fans have been going crazy over the way some of the games look, and Zelda does look great...for a Gamecube game. It's all about perspective I suppose. Still, the thing is completely inferior A/V technology. It should be priced accordingly, and when it was I was exicted about purchasing one. Now, the appeal is gone.

I'm just not paying $300 (system plus component cables) to play Wii, and I am certainly not playing the thing over composite on my 51" HDTV. Hell, I refuse to play anything over composite on my HDTV. $250 was already more than I wanted to pay and more than I felt it was worth. The knowledge that it only costs about $200 in Japan (what I wanted and expected to pay) only reinforces the feeling that it is a rip off at anything higher.

Rhazer Fusion said:
Why is this news even remotely surprising? A Nintendo representative I spoke with stated that approximately 1% of their userbase use component cables, so not including these cables was expected.

So they are satisfied with their current userbase that left them in third place in the US? Way to reach for the stars, Nintendo. :)


I'm gonna have so much fun playing Zelda on my brand new Wii on November 19. The introductory town that leads to that first mini-quest, suddenly opening into the main game, giving me an idea of just immense and awesome the whole experience will be. Tooling around Hyrule on Epona, doing kick-ass side quests for bottles and new swords, waggling away.

I hope you guys have as much fun bitching about cables and specs.

Orin GA

I wish I could hat you to death
***Waits for the "God dam it, I bought a component cable after all thread" when zelda wii is released*** :lol
Yeah, I understand what all of you say in this theread, but there is not an image, a press communicate, SOMETHING that say clear with which cables will be sold the Wii ?

I mean, even the fact that Wii is region-locked come form this stupid Yarnton that 90/100 knows nothing at all.

EDIT: I searched in Nintendo uk and Nintendo Deutschland and it is confirmed that Wii will support even here in Europe Composite, Component and S-Video. More as I found something.
Game Informer said:
After yesterday's big Wii news from Nintendo, a few questions remained. Namely, how much is the classic controller going to cost? And what kind of video cables will be included in-box with the Wii? Today we spoke with a Nintendo rep to get the final answers.

The classic controller will be available on day one for $19.99 (same price as the Nunchuk attachment). So far, there are no deals in place resembling the one in Japan where you can purchase a certain number of Wii Points and get a free classic controller.

As far as cables go, the Wii will only include standard AV cables. Nintendo has said that Wii is compatible with component and S-video cables, but declined to give any details as to what cable options will be available at launch.

Mor as it happened.


I don´t care much because the only free slot for Wii I have in my TV is S-Video.

But Nintendo is pretty dumb on this, composite is not even ok even in shitty TVs. Now, with everybody getting HDTVs like they are going out of fashion, people would understand how terrible can be composite image on that televisions (I tried to test a GC through composite in a Bravia and was beyond terrible).

The region locking is so terrible that is not even funny, but is even more terrible seeing how can be two differents voices in the same company who claims totally opposited thing.

Sorry, but I get into "putted down" ones train. I will still get it soon, probably this year and 100% sure it will be an american or maybe japanese system. But I think Nintendo could have done the launch somewhat better (still they have managed it better than Sony),

Seth C

Orin GA said:
***Waits for the "God dam it, I bought a component cable after all thread" when zelda wii is released*** :lol

I never owned an N64 or Gamecube, so you'll be waiting for a long, long time for any similar message from me...haha. They can either include it at launch or I'll wait until I can get both for under $200 (I'm willing to pay the $50 extra at launch to get in on the fun of a system launch). Pretty simple, really. That's how much the thing is worth to me, so I won't pay more.

jax (old)


its not even the fact that its not included that annoys.

its THE FACT that their bloody component cables cost so much damn money.

and has to be procured from weird ass channels like online or something. I had to order mine from Nintendo online (For gamecube)

milk milk milk


Jealous Bastard
the best part is when people act like every instance of potentially detrimental news was the single "make-or-break" element in their decision to not buy a wii.

"i heard wii is made from synthetic polymers that are 7.3% less durable than the xbox360."
"no wii for me then."


I would bang a hot farmer!
beelzebozo said:
the best part is when people act like every instance of potentially detrimental news was the single "make-or-break" element in their decision to not buy a wii.

"i heard wii is made from synthetic polymers that are 7.3% less durable than the xbox360."
"no wii for me then."
Holy shit is this true? I'm not buying it now!
I certainly didn't expect them to include component cables, they obviously don't believe it's that big of a part of the market that wants them (evidenced by the later model GCN's not having the port).

But, i think the disapointment for me stems from the fact that, when i pop in some of my cube games, they'll actually look worse! And considering the already marginal improvement in graphics, maybe even some Wii games too.

At least component is in at all, i had my worries considering it was stripped from GCN.
Im sure that if you search around this forum, you re gonna find people proclaiming "deal - breakers" for many different things, at the same time.

Gafforumer33: "Wii Sports Bundle? That's it im out"
(2 minutes later) Gafforumer33: "250? no way im buying this"
(2 hours later) Gafforumer33: "What? region lock? i had placed my order, but now, screw u nintendo!"
(2 days later) Gafforumer33: "What? no composite? Im not interested anymore, u lost me at launch, see you when its 50 bucks, lorlosz"

The most annoying thing with these announcments is how noone seems to know anything. Its possible that many sites misreported, and were on the weekend now so well have to wait a couple of days before its clear. But anyway, i expected that im gonna have to give away some extra money for cables and stuff, in the launch rush i think i might be even tempted to buy some stupid remote pouch or smth


Jealous Bastard
i buy so much useless crap anyway. i can just cut back on my useless crap purchases for a couple of months, and boom, these extras are a non-issue.
i buy so much useless crap anyway. i can just cut back on my useless crap purchases for a couple of months, and boom, these extras are a non-issue.

Tell me about it. I think im gonna buy more crap with wii than all the previous consoles i had. At least the console is affordable ;-)

jax (old)

How much would it have cost nintendo to include component? $5?

This is a money grab situation. I guess you guys don't feel it because you don't have a HDtv. I got one and when I did, I had to upgrade my xbox+gc cables. (I still played ps2 on the standard tv though).

This really is disgraceful. 6 years? After gc and we're still going to have to use composite?


dyls said:
I'm gonna have so much fun playing Zelda on my brand new Wii on November 19. The introductory town that leads to that first mini-quest, suddenly opening into the main game, giving me an idea of just immense and awesome the whole experience will be. Tooling around Hyrule on Epona, doing kick-ass side quests for bottles and new swords, waggling away.

I hope you guys have as much fun bitching about cables and specs.

Well we only need to bitch a couple extra weeks, since the Wii game you will be playing on Nov 19 is coming out on the GC Dec 11. With superior control. If you can get past Nintendo's cluster**** decisions on both versions.

Zelda is a whole issue alltogether. Nintendo pretty much decided to gimp both versions. On the Wii version I get widescreen but not superior control. On the GC version I get superior control but not widescreen. Thanks, Nintendo. If the Wii version let you use the classic controller I would be pumped for it.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
And the 1Up team said Sony is having ****ing problems with their pre-launch commucation.

It's happening with Nintendo too. It happens at every launch.


wtf? Is this true? They can not even include effin' S-Video cables with that? Is there an optical out on here either?

This is rightfully so pissing off a lot of ppl... myself included... they should have the all-in-one rig in there... this is annoying the hell out of me, and pushing back further and further when I will pick one up... I was ok paying $400 + Live for a 360... I'll be ok paying $600 for my PS3 + HDMI cable... but damnit, I won't pay $300 to get a Wii up and running by my standards of properness...

I'm not sure how "big" the diff between HDMI and Component is, so I'm not sure if it's a necessity (though I'll buy it anyways)... but I know the diff between Composite and Component is huge... I knew Ninty hates everyone with new TV's when they were saying no HDTV, but damn, Composite cables? Ef-dat...

If someone is thinking the Wii is a bargain, but then know they have to purchase this cable, which I'm sure Ninty will charge $30-40 for, it's putting it dangerously close to a vastly more powerful console, with HD capability...
Not to change topics, but I'm still sore over the No 5.1 deal. Is the DSP completely incapable of processing Dolby Digital? I mean, the xbox could pull it off in game. It just makes such little sense to support Pro Logic II, which is alot less common (my receiver only does Pro logic, DD 5.1, and DTS). I was hoping for a component cable ala 360 with an optical out.

I think this is alot more an issue than whether Nintendo gives you a component cable with the Wii. Still, that and no region lock would have really been a great way to thank their hardcore fans who still have a bad taste in their mouth from the Gamecube.


gketter said:
Your existing cables can't be used. Matt over at IGN confirmed this

Do you have a link for this or something? I can't find it... I thought there was a glimmer of hope there for a second to be able to use them... :(


I would have liked 5.1 optical (or even coax)
I would have liked component cables in box
I would have liked DVD playback
I would have liked region-free
I would have liked a free browser
I would have liked a free second controller with the system
I would have liked a free game with the system
I would have liked a free online network
I would have liked a bnch of VC games at launch
I would have liked a steady stream of VC games after launch
I would have liked a bunch of interesting apps for the Wii
I would have liked a bunch of games at launch
I would have liked more games soon after launch
I would have liked a nearly global launch
I would have liked if the Wii was less that $200
I would have liked it if Nintendo launcheded in North America first
I would have liked it if Nintendo included a free TV with my Wii
I would have liked Nintendo to include a free surround sound system with my Wii
I would have liked if the Wii was less that $149
I would have liked 5 hookers and lucid dreams with my Wii

Get over it. Buy the cables. Pay for the browser. Use ProLogic II. Stop trolling.

If the Wii isn't for you, then there's more for the rest of us.
Please GAF, don't buy the Wii. I don't want to see a single game, accessory, or system out of stock, hard to find, or in short supply, only to find GAF hating on every tiny thing they don't like about their new Wii. I don't want to hear about how GAF has made the worst decision ever and will be returning their Wii next week and buying a PS3. I don't want your hands on impressions and top 10 reasons why "Waggle just doesn't do it for me.". I don't want to see people quoting Drinky Crow's post so I have to see them even though he's on my ignore list. I don't want to read lies about 40% of Wii units are failing, or how the white Wii clashes with the rest of your entertainment equipment.

I'm getting my Wii, my games, and my accessories, on day 1.
I have 9 weeks.
I'll simply put a few more hours in at work.

Maybe GAF should do its chores and ask mommy and daddy real nice for a Wii and accessories instead of spending their time complaining about every little thing. And if GAF doesn't want a Wii, then it should save up for the PS3.

Or take the easy way out.

eBay - Buy It Now: $1000
Wii + accessories
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