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OH TEH NOES. Wii *does not* come with component cable!


Mrbob said:
Keep laughing. Doesn't change the fact the Wii has become the polar opposite of what Nintendo wanted to accomplish.

Wrong, it is the complete embodiment of everything Nintendo wants to accomplish. But that did not jive with what you would have liked that to be or what you took their words to mean for you as a consumer. Different things, those.
The more and more we know about the launch, the more it seems the Wii launch isn't really a good launch. I mean, you'd be better off waiting for a few things like online, cables... maybe even a pricedrop...
alr1ghtstart said:
So let's see for their "affordable" system:

1x Wii Console $250
1x Component cable $30 (I hope at the most)
1x Game $50
1x WiiMote/nunchuck $60
$390.00 + 7% tax


I was totally ready to buy one too. :(
people are still doing this ^?

hey welcome to every console launch ever.


SuperPac said:
Wrong, it is the complete embodiment of everything Nintendo wants to accomplish. But that did not jive with what you would have liked that to be or what you took their words to mean for you as a consumer. Different things, those.

Didn't Nintendo say the system would be affordable? $300+ for a system is not 'affordable'. Even the cheapest SDTV sets have component inputs on them.


skip said:
people need to stop focusing their anger about the price of gaming on just one company, regardless of who it is, and start getting angrier with the industry at large.

they're ALL out to screw us with accessories and microtransactions. every last one of 'em.

Agreed, and that's exactly why I will laugh. Last year it was "Microsoft is screwing us with accessory prices!" Now it's "Nintendo's making us bend over!" Sony is going to do the same thing, and yet somehow people are shocked by it all. That's what makes it so ridiculous. It's as if no other previous console has ever made you pay for a high-end video cable before.


hyperbolically metafictive
i dunno -- when i overpay for games and accessories on 360 i'm like "well, if this is the cost of state-of-the-art gaming, i'll reluctantly pay it." what do you say for wii? i swear wii makes dramatically less sense now that pricing information has come out -- it's one thing to build a deliberately underpowered console so you can sell it at mass-market prices right away, and it's another thing to build a deliberately underpowered console and then make it pretty expensive anyway.
drohne said:
it's one thing to build a deliberately underpowered console so you can sell it at mass-market prices right away, and it's another thing to build a deliberately underpowered console and then make it pretty expensive anyway.

Mrbob said:
Didn't Nintendo say the system would be affordable? $300+ for a system is not 'affordable'. Even the cheapest SDTV sets have component inputs on them.
Wii isn't 300+, though. Startup costs are 250 in the US. Everything else, is an accessory and/or a luxury. It kind of sucks, I admit, but to get that console up and running playing a game is 250.


This generation has been one cluster**** after another.

GoldenEye 007 said:
Wii isn't 300+, though. Startup costs are 250 in the US. Everything else, is an accessory and/or a luxury. It kind of sucks, I admit, but to get that console up and running playing a game is 250.

Sure if you want it to look like complete crap. 480i on an hdtv is garbage.

Kumiko Nikaido

I can forego a copy of Wii Sports in favor of including a composite/component hybrid cable instead.

You hear that, Nintendo!??? Make it so!!!

Neo Child

Amir0x said:
But it can DANCE

Oh hey Amir0x, aint seen you post much since the Wii3 crap. Too many posts/threads I think.

What do you think of the Wii now? Overall, anything changed since your 'pre-wii3' thoughts?


in the worst ****ing case scenario i know a place who probably can make me a component cable for wii, but it's not something i want to go through. I am not playing Zelda on crappy cables when I got a brand new HDTV.
TheDuce22 said:
This generation has been one cluster**** after another.

Sure if you want it to look like complete crap. 480i on an hdtv is garbage.
*shrugs* Doesn't matter. You're playing the game. It kind of sucks, like I said before, but shit happens.


TheDuce22 said:
This generation has been one cluster**** after another.

Sure if you want it to look like complete crap. 480i on an hdtv is garbage.

Don't forget that even on SD sets (which all have component inputs), using a component cable gives you a much sharper picture as well.

Like **** they are 60 bucks too. Proprietary cables ftl.


PantherLotus said:
"On GAF, There is no such thing as an emotion between unadulterated excitement and bloodlusting anger"

or something like that. it applies here.

True. Watching the Wii-drama here at GAF for the last few days has been real comedy gold. :D
Mrbob said:
Don't forget that even on SD sets (which all have component inputs), using a component cable gives you a much sharper picture as well.

Like **** they are 60 bucks too. Proprietary cables ftl.
I agree. MadCatz is on crack, hopefully Nintendo branded cables will be in line with the GC price, which were 30-40, right?
drohne said:
i dunno -- when i overpay for games and accessories on 360 i'm like "well, if this is the cost of state-of-the-art gaming, i'll reluctantly pay it." what do you say for wii? i swear wii makes dramatically less sense now that pricing information has come out -- it's one thing to build a deliberately underpowered console so you can sell it at mass-market prices right away, and it's another thing to build a deliberately underpowered console and then make it pretty expensive anyway.

I usually find drohne's posts inflammatory... but this one makes complete sense
drohne said:
i dunno -- when i overpay for games and accessories on 360 i'm like "well, if this is the cost of state-of-the-art gaming, i'll reluctantly pay it." what do you say for wii? i swear wii makes dramatically less sense now that pricing information has come out -- it's one thing to build a deliberately underpowered console so you can sell it at mass-market prices right away, and it's another thing to build a deliberately underpowered console and then make it pretty expensive anyway.
i think it's pretty plausible that Nintendo aren't expecting the Wii to go mass market at this price. Look at it this way, if there are 4 million gamers willing to pay this price at launch, why not launch it at that price? once there's enough to go around drop the price down for the more mainstream people to start picking it up once brain training wii, nintendogs wii and animal crossing wii (or whatever) comes out.

Wii will be the first to a main stream price. i wouldn't be surprised if it's sales are big for launch, slow for a while and then slowly start to grow much as the DSs did.

all hypothetical stuff that may or may not happen, but i wouldn't be surprised if it was what nintendo are thinking.
citrus lump said:
Yes, just look at all the 3rd party component cables out there for Nintendo's previous console. ;p

because for the 100000000000000000000000000000th time Gamecube component cables had a dac chip in the cable, hence why no 3rd parties bothered to make one since it wouldnt have been the simple use 50 cents worth of materials and package and sell it for 30 bucks profit they usually get

that is not the case with the wii and we've allready had confirmation of 3rd party component cables

****ing hell people need to chill the **** out and stop being so damn ****ing ignorant


I don't know about you guys but I'll be getting the cheapest 3rd party cable I can find. Whoever sells them for $15 (or less) is gonna make a shitload.

*prays that there are cheap cables*


Eh I'm skipping the launch. I was hoping a Mario platformer would make launch but the lineup right now looks blah. Overall I'd have payed 50-100 dollars more if this machine could dance with the other two next gen. consoles. visually. When I buy a machine at launch eye candy is one of the things I look forard to. Sorry Nintendo,you're put on hold to the lineup of games looks abit better then.
Mrbob said:
Like **** they are 60 bucks too. Proprietary cables ftl.

Blame that on people like Mad Catz who will charge an arm and a leg for that shit, look at Monster Cables Component Cables for the Xbox and PS2 they were 50 - 60 dollars hell they wanted something like 30 bucks for a 6ft optical cable

I'd bet money on nintendo first party Component cables being 20 - 30 bucks

just like MS and Sony's were and yet Monster and others charged even more

this shit isnt new people you're all acting like this is the first time this has ever happened didnt any of you buy ****ing component cables last generation or did you all just start buying them now
one thing I do find funny is how MS is probably thanking their competitors for making them look good :lol

not saying the 360 is an incredible bargain or anything but there seems to be a new perception of "hey, the 360 ain't so bad after all" now that the other two prices have been announced. For Nintendo it's like "you want me to pay how much for that old technology!?!?" and for Sony it's "you want me to pay what for all that advanced technology I'll never use???"

at least, until the next microtransaction pops up!


Shin Johnpv said:
Blame that on people like Mad Catz who will charge an arm and a leg for that shit, look at Monster Cables Component Cables for the Xbox and PS2 they were 50 - 60 dollars hell they wanted something like 30 bucks for a 6ft optical cable

I'd bet money on nintendo first party Component cables being 20 - 30 bucks

just like MS and Sony's were and yet Monster and others charged even more

this shit isnt new people you're all acting like this is the first time this has ever happened didnt any of you buy ****ing component cables last generation or did you all just start buying them now

Is this a blast from the past? Are we still in 2001? Component is standard connection on all TVs. Heaven forbid we actually start demanding companies to keep up with the times. If Sony doesn't include component cables with the PS3 I'll be pissed off about that too.


Ok i wasnt all that upset by the $250 pricepoint. However that was when it was thought to include component hybrid cables, now trhey are charging for it on and already fairly expensive console(for what you get) it lacks the value incentive if 1 end up buying Wii i would much prefer they take out wii sports include component and perhaps start using demos to help sell games ala ms/sony.

wii = 400aud($250 us), component cable, mabye 50 aud(30-40 us), and a game or two prob zelda and excite truck and this little console has hit the premium 360 price point in australia and i just cant see the justification to pay that amount for what we are recieving. This day and age component cables are a mus,t most people dont have a hdtv sure but im sure plenty have a component input which will give the best picture quality and 480p signal the reality is it wouldnt have cost nintendo much if anything at all to make the cable so they bone us with no hd and then with no quality sd picture(out of the box) at the moment untill definite prices and launch are revealed in aus im sitting on the fence for now. :(


SantaC said:
so they're shipping december 1st when Wii is Shipping November 19th? That means no component cables at launch maybe :((((((

I assume (hope) Nintendo will be selling their own cables at launch.

Also, it could be a place holder date and/or price. They don't have much more information other than the price. No pictures or anything else.


SpeedRazor said:
I assume (hope) Nintendo will be selling their own cables at launch.

Also, it could be a place holder date and/or price. They don't have much more information other than the price. No pictures or anything else.

hope you're right.
Just got another answer. Apparently, despite the various reports coming in, the final answer regarding region encoding is that both the Wii system and Nintendo software will indeed be region encoded.
Chris Remo said:
Just got another answer. Apparently, despite the various reports coming in, the final answer regarding region encoding is that both the Wii system and Nintendo software will indeed be region encoded.


don't ask me for codes
Chris Remo said:
Just got another answer. Apparently, despite the various reports coming in, the final answer regarding region encoding is that both the Wii system and Nintendo software will indeed be region encoded.


Funky Papa

Chris Remo said:
Just got another answer. Apparently, despite the various reports coming in, the final answer regarding region encoding is that both the Wii system and Nintendo software will indeed be region encoded.
Of ****, that's just great.

Unless I have to buy the system or I get it for free I doubt it will grace my home until it reaches the €100 barrier. All companies try to rape you, but this is way too much. Enough is enough, Nintendo.


Chris Remo said:
Just got another answer. Apparently, despite the various reports coming in, the final answer regarding region encoding is that both the Wii system and Nintendo software will indeed be region encoded.



don't ask me for codes
Chris Remo said:
Just got another answer. Apparently, despite the various reports coming in, the final answer regarding region encoding is that both the Wii system and Nintendo software will indeed be region encoded.

Actually this still isn't clear. Does that mean it's region encoded because all games are region encoded, or that it allows for region encoding but not all games will be region encoded (per publisher discretion).


it's looking more and more like I'm gonna put off my Wii purcase till Mario Galaxy hits.

Just got another answer. Apparently, despite the various reports coming in, the final answer regarding region encoding is that both the Wii system and Nintendo software will indeed be region encoded.

Who told you that?


I think it would be funny if people who were like "Great, screw Nintendo/Sony/MS; there's no way I am buying their system now" on forums were banned for life from owning the system they denounced.

Anyway, I love Nintendo. I was at EB yesterday and they had *free* Nintendo "livestrong" bracelets in black and pink. I took them and then today when the pinball machine at work (Whitewater) broke, I used them to replace the broken rubber bands around some of the kickers, and they work awesome.

I also love Sony because I got a free demo PSP game at EB on the same day.

Microsoft? Ahem?


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
I'm not entirely sure what that means, but by the reaction here it doesn't seem good. As long as it has that cable with the three color thingies I'm happy. But if it's one of those really old NES-type ones then that would be really disappointing.
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