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OH TEH NOES. Wii *does not* come with component cable!


we asked matt atwood, pr for NoA, about the component/composite hybrid yesterday, and he couldn't clarify one way or the other, because they're still apparently not sure what the deal is.

let's all chill.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Mashing said:
That sucks, but for me... it's not big deal. I have the Gamecube component cable which will work with the Wii. Unless I'm mistaken. The A/V port looks indentical anyway.

Nope - the GC component was a DAC cable. Not the same.


(tiny rollercoaster)
GoldenEye 007 said:
Things are very confusing right about now. I really wish the industry had some real investigative reporters. They're simple questions to ask, really. Pose a straight question, then get an answer. If an answer is vague or confusing, press them again. If they refuse, then call them on it publicly. More of that is needed in the news part of the industry.
That's exactly what I did. I asked, and got a straight answer, which I posted on GAF. I don't know if it qualifies as "investigative" but it's a pretty clear cut answer.


Son of Godzilla said:
This is pretty much a giant non-issue. You can play widescreen with composite, so why would anyone care?

PS My GC Component cables better ****ing work.

I hope the same, but Wii doesn't seem to have the slot that you put in the GC component cables... and GC component cables don't have the audio out either.

I am actually surprised that Nintendo actually went ahead and changed AV slot finally. I believe this AV slot was same in N64 and GC, and was thinking this will carry on to Wii as well.


*drowns in jizz*
Wow, this and the region-free shot down today. Unbelievable. I suppose I should have looked to reason and realized it was too good to be true. Damn clueless NOA spokespeople.

This guarantees 90% of people will use composite connections, even if their TV supports component. Considering the significant visual output between wii and the other systems, they could have softened the blow by throwing in component.


skip said:
we asked matt atwood, pr for NoA, about the component/composite hybrid yesterday, and he couldn't clarify one way or the other, because they're still apparently not sure what the deal is.

let's all chill.
2 months until launch and they don't even know what is shipping with the system. :lol


This is a giant issue

Composite looks like blurry n64-o-vision on any big display. I know that Nintendo manchilds love to talk about 'gameplay being more important than graphics' but there's a frigging limit.


Who cares guys? It's all about the fun! And following the Nintendo theorem of inverse relationship between technology and fun the Wii must be the funnest console EVER.


lachesis said:
I hope the same, but Wii doesn't seem to have the slot that you put in the GC component cables... and GC component cables don't have the audio out either.

I am actually surprised that Nintendo actually went ahead and changed AV slot finally. I believe this AV slot was same in N64 and GC, and was thinking this will carry on to Wii as well.

Why did they change the AV slot if the audio is the same as in the GC? Fat lot of sense that makes.


Wow. This week's been crazy.

Nintendo announcement coming!! YAY!! I'm so happy!!
$250?!!! WTF???
$60 controllers????
Zelda's in December???!!!

Ooooohhhh! Look at all those great Nintendo games though. YAY!

What do mean no component cable?! ARRGGH!!

I feel bipolar. No wait. I don't.
Would it have killed Nintendo to put out a detailed press release descibing what comes with the system at their Megaton events?


It's too easy to get the words component and composite mixed up that any of these conflicting reports could be wrong. Until I see it on an official list provided by Nintendo, I'm expecting it to not come with component or even a dual composite/component cable. I'll be pleasantly surprised if it does, but I'm not setting myself up for disappointment like apparently everyone else is.

But either way, jesus people... calm the **** down. Nintendo has not murdered your first born. So you have to buy another cable. I'm sure Mad Catz will sell you one for $10.
ronito said:
Wow. This week's been crazy.

Nintendo announcement coming!! YAY!! I'm so happy!!
$250?!!! WTF???
$60 controllers????
Zelda's in December???!!!
No DVD playback???!!!
Not region free???!!!


Ooooohhhh! Look at all those great Nintendo games though. YAY!

What do mean no component cable?! ARRGGH!!

I feel bipolar. No wait. I don't.



Man, there's been so much conflicting information on the Wii. It's sad when you have NoA and NoE saying totally opposite things.


marvelharvey said:
So they can sell you a Wii cable?

I guess so. Man, I swear I'm going to get on a plane one day, fly to Japan and bitchslap some punks.

Nintendo is like the smartest, dumb company in the world.


bish gets all the credit :)
marvelharvey said:
So they can sell you a Wii cable?

they should be different. GC's component cable had a digital to analog converter in it, which is why they were expensive. Wii's cable to just feature analog video.

Funky Papa

TelemachusD said:
Would it have killed Nintendo to put out a detailed press release descibing what comes with the system at their Megaton events?
That'd erode the fun and sink GAF.

SuperPac said:
But either way, jesus people... calm the **** down. Nintendo has not murdered your first born. So you have to buy another cable. I'm sure Mad Catz will sell you one for $10.
You know, for being a cheap console the thing is getting more expensive with every minute. Then again I am leaning towards the Wario64/Amir0x side.
Drakken said:
Man, there's been so much conflicting information on the Wii. It's sad when you have NoA and NoE saying totally opposite things.

It's typical when you have NoA and NoE saying totally opposite things. :p
Chris Remo said:
That's exactly what I did. I asked, and got a straight answer, which I posted on GAF. I don't know if it qualifies as "investigative" but it's a pretty clear cut answer.
I see.... well, thanks for the work!

Still, this isn't the only thing to change like this. There are lots of other things that are just put out there in a clumsy manner. Part of it is of course the company's fault, but at the same time, there should be more people there to weed through some of the confusion and/or bullshit. It seems a lot of sites(mainly the big ones) and people(though not all) are in a permanent kiss-up mode regarding game companies.

And in Nintendo's defense of the c|net article, it was never actually confirmed there and Nintendo never made an announcement. So, there was no lying there at all.
Drakken said:
Man, there's been so much conflicting information on the Wii. It's sad when you have NoA and NoE saying totally opposite things.

Not believing shit until there is a press release at this point.
Side note: They must be using component cables for all those demo kiosks at the events on the LCD widescreens right? So they've got something probably, I just hope it's availably readily on day one.
For all the people saying "composite is fine lolz!" I hope you know that everyone with a tv over 30 inches hopes you burn. After watching some DVD's with component cables, hook that shit back up with composite and tell me there isn't a noticeable difference. Composite is atrocious for large screens.


If that cable truly ends up being so difficult or expensive to persue, I think I'm just going to go ahead, eat my words, and get an Xbox 360. This shit is getting a little old now..


Funky Papa said:
That'd erode the fun and sink GAF.

You know, for being a cheap console the thing is getting more expensive with every minute. Then again I am leaning towards the Wario64/Amir0x side.

Last gen gaming ftmfw.

Amir0x isn't on our side either, he's on the out of control consumerism side


bish gets all the credit :)
AlanHemberger said:
For all the people saying "composite is fine lolz!" I hope you know that everyone with a tv over 30 inches hopes you burn. After watching some DVD's with component cables, hook that shit back up with composite and tell me there isn't a noticeable difference. Composite is atrocious for large screens.

hell I noticed a drastic difference on my old 27" SDTV. No digital audio or component = so 90's Nintendo.


hyperbolically metafictive
on the model of their revolutionary "sell you the controller in two installments" strategy, nintendo will be selling two component cables -- red, blue, and left audio channel for $30, green and right for another $20. it's just giving users more choices: a lot of games don't use green or the right half of the soundspace anyway.


Why are people believing NOE over NOA? NOA doesn't know much, but NOE knows NOTHING. Oh wait, I know why, it gives trolls another good chance to bitch.

And as for the no-region free thing, we already had confirmation besides Kaplan. Gamespot talked to a rep.


after a lengthy exchange of cryptic e-mails, a rep finally confirmed that Kaplan's words regarding regionless first-party titles and potentially regionless third-party titles were indeed correct: "[The] Wii will be region-free."
alr1ghtstart said:
hell I noticed a drastic difference on my old 27" SDTV. No digital audio or component = so 90's Nintendo.
It's not "no component," it just doesn't have the cables in the box. Xbox 360 Core doesn't either, but obviously it supports it.


drohne said:
on the model of their revolutionary "sell you the controller in two installments" strategy, nintendo will be selling two component cables -- red, blue, and left audio channel for $30, green and right for another $20. it's just giving users more choices: a lot of games don't use green or the right half of the soundspace anyway.

I support this initiative.


bish gets all the credit :)
Chris Remo said:
It's not "no component," it just doesn't have the cables in the box. Xbox 360 Core doesn't either, but obviously it supports it.

whoops, worded incorrectly. Still no digital audio = so 1990's Nintendo. :(


Chibbi Brady said:
Skip, you guys didn't happen to ask anyone about the region coding did you?

we thought about it while we had him on the phone, but I figured "hey, perrin kaplan said yes", so that was confirmation enough. I missed the denial by NoE though, who exactly said it wasn't, and how did they say it?
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