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Oh wow - the Amiga is 25! AMIGA APPRECIATION THREAD


I had a 1000, a 2000, and a 3000.

I worked at the online retailer "Go Amigo!" for a while. Well, it wasn't really online back then. People, like, called on the phone to order. Crazy, I know.

My avatar is Stunt Track Racer. I used a null-modem cable to hook my A2000 to the A1000 I had hooked to my Sony XBR (RGB input!) television in the living room. It was mind blowing.

Enjoyed Blood Money, Carrier Command, Populous, Lemmings, and F-18 Interceptor a lot. Spent endless hours messing around with 3D graphics in Imagine.

I never saw that cat demo before today.
For years I've tried and failed to find the theme music from WARHEAD by Michael Powell. Can anyone help?

EDIT: nm I think I just found it :lol


my dad still plays his amiga 1200 DAILY

he doesnt want to try ps3/360, he only likes Amiga and Boulderdash, he has like 300 different ones or some shit hahaha

he also loved henry's house and oils well

i remember loving Chuck Rock as a kid

Dude, are you wearing a Ringmail?!?


I never owned an Amiga (not even it's nemesis the Atari).

I remember trying to save up for it but the price was beyond my (and my family's) reach.

Thanks for the painful memories Gary... *sob*.

EDIT: What was that pre-Wipeout alike game? Powerdrome or something?

Wow, just looked it up. I remember it looking beautiful at the time!


Douchebag. Yes, me.
BrainZEROX said:
My first open world game: Midwinter

And my first game: Armour Geddon from Psygnosis
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5CrZ2Gu_rA (couldn't find anything else than an Atari sequence to illustrate boooo...)

Another great one: Thunderhawks from Core Design

Oh the memories... ;_;

Your first game was Armour Geddon? Wow. That was hands-down my favorite Amiga game.

Playing it system-linked was astounding, and nothing came close to it until Doom's release.

Imagine a full 3d world where you could pilot a bomber, a tank and several other vehicles. Each player would then construct a base, and direct the action from a top-down RTS-like map. You could then jump into any of the vehicles and take direct control in first person.

It was RTS years before Dune II, and it was a 3D sandbox game a decade and a half before the 3D sandbox.

I played that game for months with my friends who had amigas. We'd get together on a weekend and serial link our amigas and play for 24 hours straight.


One of the best home computers of all time!!! Such a wonderful platform for gaming I miss Psygnosis so much!
Now i feel old and nostalgic, well done and happy 25th Amiga!

Although i was an Atari guy and still have my Falcon and Jaguar quite a few of my friends had Amigas and i have fond memories of late night drinking and coding sessions on the Amiga. We'd have two Amigas in the room an A600 one of my mates used to write fruit machines in AMOS with and an A1200 hooked up to a sequencer and a bunch of synths we used for 3D & music. All night. We'd be terribly drunk at the time of course :)

I bought the Eye Candy dvds a few years ago and a lot of the demos still look great and when you realise how good they were to get what they did. It still entertains me especially when you hear about how they cheated some effects, really creative.

Armour-Geddon, Falcon, Stunt Car Racer. Good times.
FlyinJ said:
Your first game was Armour Geddon? Wow. That was hands-down my favorite Amiga game.
Yes. I got an Amiga 500 pretty late in september 1991. I tested a demo of the game on a friend's Atari ST and the game really grabbed me. I bought the game with my Amiga and spent many hours to try to collect the pieces of the nuclear bomb and, finally, I could blow this evil computer up. If I remember correctly, a short CG sequence was the reward.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Warhead was just so amazing. I can't even quantify what is it about that game, but it was just unbelievably fascinating. Every other space combat game after it, to this day, felt like crap in comparison.



Lord Error said:
Warhead was just so amazing. I can't even quantify what is it about that game, but it was just unbelievably fascinating. Every other space combat game after it, to this day, felt like crap in comparison.


Still my favourite "space-sim" to this day. The ambiance craps on everything else.


CGI bullshit is the death knell of cinema
I still have an Amiga 500 and a Amiga 2000. They still work as well :).

Ahh good memories.
Man I loved my Amiga. Spent so much time playing it that my folks had to take the power transformer and hide it until I'd done my homework. My fondest memories are probably of Operation: Stealth, Another World and Flashback, although it was also where I played all of the original Sierra adventure games like the Quest series' and Larry games.

I used to get Amiga Format every month for the cover disk. The Atari vs Amiga rivalry was my first introduction into the world of fanboyism. One time they slammed Terminator 2 because John Connor hacked an ATM with his Atari and totally ruined their suspension of disbelief.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Gorgon said:
Still my favourite "space-sim" to this day. The ambiance craps on everything else.
Yeah, there was this utterly militaristic no-nonsense approach to everything in it. From the design of the ship (because really, what's the point of making an aerodynamic looking fighter ship in space) to the way controls worked to the way displays and HUD looked and worked. On top of it, the game really knew when to push and when to show restraint. In many ways it was like an Alien (the movie) of video games.

Gary, I think you need to start making the Warhead script. It needs to be done, and you can make it work.


Lord Error said:
Yeah, there was this utterly militaristic no-nonsense approach to everything in it. From the design of the ship (because really, what's the point of making an aerodynamic looking fighter ship in space) to the way controls worked to the way displays and HUD looked and worked. On top of it, the game really knew when to push and when to show restraint. In many ways it was like an Alien (the movie) of video games.

Gary, I think you need to start making the Warhead script. It needs to be done, and you can make it work.

Yep. My feelings too. The practical, no-nonsense design of the ship is one of the things I most like about the game. I also liked how the game conveyed an almost complete ignorance regarding the nature of the enemy (you only know some basic stuff), why they were attacking and so on. And the music....so good.

What a trully great game.


Amiga 500 with 1Mb expansion for the win.

Treasure island dizzy


Guy Spy


Black Magic, fuckawesome game. Spent hours with it playing with my father

Levels 1-5

Levels 6-10

Hybris Incredible music!


North and South


Treasure Trap. Never knew what was going on this game :lol


Ports of Call, fuckawesome as well. My father used to play for the whole night with 2 friends.


Axel's Magic Hammer



Ubersnug said:
Ah the Amiga. Quite possibly the best gaming experience i have ever had. In fact, alot of its back catalogue has still to be surpassed in terms of achievements and innovation.

*looks lovingly upon his Amiga 1200 and CD32*

Now, who remembers Walker?

Yeah, I remember Walker. :) As far as I recall you had to use the mouse to aim. It was interesting at the time.


I never had an Amiga :( Always tried to compensate for it by getting as much Amiga-ish stuff for PC as possible :lol

Bitmap Brothers and Psygnosis/Psyclapse were always good for that, though they never came close to porting their games as well as they came out on Amiga. Tracker music will always have a big place in my heart for that. Thank you Amiga (and Star Control 2).

Spitz said:
That was a great time i had the most fun with my friends in the Demo Scene. I miss those Christmas Partys in Denmark the most. And the Demo Scene raised a lot of good people for Developers like Remedy or IO Interactive.
Oh, the demoscene! What I would've given "back then" to go to a party in Europe and mix it with guys like Future Crew :lol

I <3 James Pond. So smooth, so many colors. All conversions to other platforms either ran or looked a lot crappier, such as the awful-looking Genesis/Mega Drive port.

CecilRousso said:
We must not forget Wings - a true classic. I would pay a lot to get a modern remake of that game. The diary, the high score list among the pilots and the way the game let you continue with a new pilot after one had died was great fun. I still haven´t seen any worthy successor to it.
Wings was top notch. Aside from graphics (obviously), it's one of the few old games I think I could happily play again now.

Edit - On the topic in general... I had an A500 and an A1200. A friend of mine had an A600, which always seemed like the odd machine out. Was tempted by a CD-32 but I think I was a little too poor to get one.

I still remember my monstrously spacious 270mb HDD, which fitted flush with the casing on the (left?) side of the machine. Of course, most things wouldn't install, and it cost a fortune, but it didn't matter, because I was the only one I knew who had one! :lol


Oh AMIGA how I love(d) thee..
I have one (500) in my garage, but need a new PSU.. any ideas??

also some sort of converter to a vga cable for video output would be awesome..
Why do I remember Ninja Rabbit so well? :( I remember PANG! being massively sweet on my Amiga 1500 next to Dizzy of course. Fire and Ice was pretty rad, Chaos Engine, Theme Park, James Pond, the Monkey Islands, Toki all blew my mind and I also have fond memories of a game where I was a super-hero bulldog with blue gloves who went around Hollywood film sets?

I also remember loving Ninja Rabbit for some reason despite it's terribleness (maybe due you to simultaneously being a ninja and a rabbit?) and an Elf based fighting game...
Bert said:
Loved my 500+, I was never allowed a console just a "real computer" and it gave me my love of gaming. Remember some weird domino based quavers tie in game, the comic relief sleepwalker game, bitmap brothers, sensible software, amazing adventure games, and hours spent making animations in Deluxe Paint. Breaking numerous Bug joysticks with wagglomania.

I remember thinking the CD-32 would conquer all, staying home to play diggers and microcosm for hours.

I would kill for a modern games system with games that diverse and high quality. Oh those were the days before First Person Shooters killed gaming innovation. :(
The quavers game was push over if I recall right.

Loved my 500+ to bits but hated that big thing that plugged into the back as mine always came loose and turned it off.

Captain Planet is one of my most vivid and fond memories of my childhood, I never did get that far I don't think I beat the earth level with the elephants. If I remember right it was fire (with the yellow spaceship) then water with a sub then wind then earth and I never got further. Damn nostalgia kicking in now.

The game seem huge at the time but I can visual the first level now and it wasn't that big at all


Alien Breed, North and South, Xenon series, Pegasus, Speedball, GODS, Lotus Challenge II, Super Cars II

So many fantastic games. Happy Birthday!


Banstick Emeritus
I still have 2 of my Amiga 500s and a couple of 2000HDs as well. Plus monitors. I was the biggest Commodore fanboy around, camping out at a friend's house just to mess around on his Vic-20, then I got a Commodore 64 of my own. I remember the first time I saw an Amiga game - it was Psygnosis' "Barbarian", playing at some rinkykdink computer shop in West Edmonton Mall. As far as I was concerned, it was over from that day forward.

Anyone remember the NewTek demo with the Art of Noise' "Paranoimia" as the soundtrack? :D


I endorse this thread or product.

While it didn't have the success in America it enjoyed in Europe, the Amiga's legacy is still being felt in the industry today. A lot of the games already mentioned in this thread were made by people who got their start on the Amiga and are now heavyweights in the industry. The programmer of The Killing Game Show was one of the founders of Bizarre Creations, and of course Peter Molyneux got his big break on the Amiga.

*goes off to hug his 500 and 600*


Junior Member
First computer was a commodore 64.

Next computer was an Amiga 1000.

Followed that up with an Amiga 1200

For their time, they were unmatched.
Looking back at it, without hindsight, it is pretty shocking that with the sole exception of the Macintosh none of these closed computers lived on. What would a modern day Amiga be like?
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