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Oh wow - the Amiga is 25! AMIGA APPRECIATION THREAD

Philthy said:
Yeah, you had one of these then.



YES! I had one of these! Glad to know I'm not losing my mind in my old age. I remember hooking the Amiga up to my massive (at the time) TV in the living room and my parents kicking me out because they wanted to watch the news :lol

Another thing I have fond memories of is the speech synthesizer that came with the Amiga OS. I used to write completely moronic stories with Sesame Street characters saying a bunch of curse words and then the computer would say it back and I laughed untill I cryed. Plus the program was obviously made to be used with the English language but I didn't know how to speak english at the time and hearing that robotic voice trying and failing miserably to speak Portuguese was hilarious. Kids entertain themselves with the oddest things :D


Noone remembers Perihelion? That T-RPG was just absolutely extraordinary! A masterpiece!

And there was also Gods, Dune, Speedball 2, Sensible soccer, Cannon fodder, Superfrog, Full contact, Lotus esprit turbo challenge, elite, Armour Geddon, Epic, Leander, Shodow of the beast, Beneath a steel sky, Moonstone, Battle isle, Kick off, SWIV, Disposable hero, Z-out, X-out, Unreal, Lionheart, Zool, Risky woods, Assassin, Alien breed, Stunt car racer, Vroum, Formula one grand prix, Supercars, ...

god I spent so many nights and days on my Amiga 500 and 1200....

Some kind of golden age ofr videogames imho (or was it the golden age of my whole life? erg...).


SmokyDave said:
Mmm, Super Skidmarks.


Next to the Domark F1 game (insane sense of speed), this was my most played Amiga racer.
Vrooom was a Lankhor game (french studio) and published by Domark (I think that'S the one you're talking about).

The sound in the tunels was AMAZING at the time!

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Strummerjones said:
Then you've got Turrican 2, which features almost pixel perfect rip offs of two levels from Kaneko's Air Buster.

I loved their games back in the day (and most still stand up now), but geez guys, come up with your own ideas for a change!
Turrican 2 is awesome enough even without those two side scrolling levels, which were by all means the lowest points of the game anyways. So even if it's true that copied their layout from some other game, who cares really.


Anyone who owned an Amiga knew about the piracy that was rampant on the system. Lemmings being released well before the release date made national news, for example.

One gem that I thought was hilarious is when developers started to do clever ways to circumvent piracy.

Leander, for example, was cracked, distributed by all the big names the day of release. Only to find out later that on a later level, there is a set of platforms to jump over. One of them was missing if the game found it was cracked. Cracking teams all had egg on their faces and scrambled for a quick fix. It made life rather annoying from that point on because crackers had to play through the game just to see if it worked.

Anyone a fan of Flood or the James Pond games? They were extremely fun platformers. Flood had a really unique art style that I was obsessed with at the time. I drew nothing but flood inspired artwork for months.
I hope someone has mentioned D/Generation before - one of the best action adventure games on the platform, and a game that just begs for a remake.


Philthy said:
Anyone who owned an Amiga knew about the piracy that was rampant on the system. Lemmings being released well before the release date made national news, for example.

One gem that I thought was hilarious is when developers started to do clever ways to circumvent piracy.

Leander, for example, was cracked, distributed by all the big names the day of release. Only to find out later that on a later level, there is a set of platforms to jump over. One of them was missing if the game found it was cracked. Cracking teams all had egg on their faces and scrambled for a quick fix. It made life rather annoying from that point on because crackers had to play through the game just to see if it worked.

Anyone a fan of Flood or the James Pond games? They were extremely fun platformers. Flood had a really unique art style that I was obsessed with at the time. I drew nothing but flood inspired artwork for months.

I know that I played Flood, but I don´t really remember it. My interest in it back then was that it was one of Bullfrogs first games.
Fularu said:
I have played (and finished) both Turrican II and Aero Blaster, the games came out merely months apart. You'll have to show some evidence here because I don't remember the flying stages in T2 to be really that inspired by AB, more like a wink to Katakis (especially since the first one has a "Katasis lives" banner.

Ok, it took me waaay longer than I expected, but I did just that! I wasn't completey right however, it's not TWO levels, but only one level that is "borrowed" from Air Buster (I haven't played Turrican 2 in over a decade, give me a break!). It's also far from an exact copy (Air Buster has a few enemies on the level and you can shoot, and it breaks up the fast bits with some normal pace bits), but the basic concept and parts of the level are identical. To be specific, I'm talking about the last space ship level in Turrican 2 (level 3-3), and the second level of Air Buster.

Turrican 2 is the top game, Air Buster is the bottom one:



Start of the level. I always wondered what those green things were meant to be in Turrican 2. They're in fact giant versions of the little green rock formation things at the start of the level in Air Buster.



The level proper. In both games the screen starts scrolling extremely fast, and you have to dodge up and down to avoid crashing into the walls.





Things get harder. The pathway splits into two, then four. Going certain routes rewards you with bonuses.



Boss battle. Both games open out into a larger area, and then the screen scrolls round and round in a distinctive circular motion as the bosses attack. Both ball-like enemies start spewing bullets at you, as bosses are wont to (Turrican's boss has much more interesting attack patterns though, splitting in two and trying to crush you).

The art style is different (the Turrican ship is the one from Katakis, of course), but it's pretty obvious the idea for the Turrican level came from playing Air Buster, and things like the green rocks are direct references to it. Youtube videos would make things more obvious, but my quick look for Air Buster videos only seemed to have half the second level, and no boss. Sorry for the long post.


Strummerjones said:
You're really stretching. The round boss is a typical boss of that aera. Hell in that case AB ripped off TF3 on a few levels, which itself ripped off R-Type on a few other levels which ripped off Gradius and so on.

You're trying to find similarities where there's mostly coincidence if you really dig for it.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Sega games arcade ports to Amiga were generally pretty bad. Out Run and Turbo Out Run weren't really good for example. I'm pretty sure Turbo Out Run ran no more than 20-30FPS even.

One Sega arcade port was made far and away better than the others though - Super Hang On. It was probably as close to the arcade as it was humanly possible given the hardware differences. I have very fond memories playing this game on Amiga, one of the few arcade ports I can say that for:


It's really too bad that youtube can't show just how smooth the game was (it was really rock solid 60FPS) The impression of speed in this port was really well preserved from the arcade, and almost certainly better than in Genesis version (which also had really crappy sound, or better said Amiga version had really awesome engine sound effects in particular, which I think easily sounded better than in arcade even)

Still, no game of this kind was done better on Amiga than Lotus Turbo Esprit 2:
But I'll be damned if Super Hang On wasn't even more enjoyable to play - or at least as much.
VoteForPedro said:
Sorry if I turn this into a bit of an Image dump but this thread got me reminiscing and looking for old games that I've long since forgotten. Some of my faves I'd like t share with you guys.


I loved these games so much, plus everything by the Bitmap Brothers was ace!

Edit: Rainbow Islands image was way too big

I fondly remember all of these, but dont think i got past the start of blues brothers.

Also i still remember the infinite lives cheat for Toki - TOKIBUNGIWASHER

Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker (Archer McLean)
Yes, fantastic game. Incredibly charming, and although Hustle Kings (with the Snooker upgrade) is close and looks fantastic, it has very little of the playfulness and charm, something that would have been easy to add. If you didn't do anything for too long little flies would appear on your screen buzzing around realistically, or the balls would get eyes and mouths and start making faces at you. I still play this occasionally on STeem now, and the simulation is still great and smooth too. From what I hear though Hustle Kings' upcoming Move support is actually pretty good, and if that works for me, that'll make the game a new classic that will have amazed me as much as Archer McLean's version. If so, it took a crazy long time to get there.

F1 Grand Prix (Geoff Crammond)
Amazing game wasn't it? It had damage, and fantastic AI. Sure it looks like crap now, but the damage and AI, functionally, still hold up today actually. The way that an AI driver could make a mistake somewhere in front of you halfway a full 70 lap race, losing his rear, spinning out, and causing a chaos, just amazing. The only game I've kept the manual of. I still have it somewhere. There are no decent current gen F1 games available that match it, and I'm very skeptical about that changing anytime soon.

Surprisingly few shout-outs still of classics such as Gods, Xenon 2: The Megablast, Populous 1+2, Blood Money, etc. Even the absolutely crazy game Blood Money, and yes, Warhead. Ah, there were so many great games. Best music in a game for me was probably the Skulls and Bones pinball table ... those who've played it will know what I mean instantly. :) I played that to death too, loved the table back then.
Fularu said:
You're really stretching. The round boss is a typical boss of that aera. Hell in that case AB ripped off TF3 on a few levels, which itself ripped off R-Type on a few other levels which ripped off Gradius and so on.

You're trying to find similarities where there's mostly coincidence if you really dig for it.

It's not coincidence, it's the exact same concept, and extremely similar level layout. The boss bit in particular is extremely apparent if you see them both in motion, as they have exactly the same unusual background effect. It's definitely, 100% inspired by Air Buster, and it's not just some lame "all shoot em ups are like this" coincidence as you are suggesting. Try actually playing both levels and you will definitely see what I mean.


ScHlAuChi said:
For you Amiga Freaks, theres a nice remix site:

Thx a lot, mate!

Maastricht said:
... F1 Grand Prix (Geoff Crammond)
Amazing game wasn't it? It had damage, and fantastic AI. Sure it looks like crap now, but the damage and AI, functionally, still hold up today actually. The way that an AI driver could make a mistake somewhere in front of you halfway a full 70 lap race, losing his rear, spinning out, and causing a chaos, just amazing. The only game I've kept the manual of. I still have it somewhere. There are no decent current gen F1 games available that match it, and I'm very skeptical about that changing anytime soon.
It was an amazing game, indeed!
I remember playing with two friends of mine every second weekend (in line
with the F1 championship). Each of us were practicing the hell out of the
next track and saved his qualifying and race settings for the weekend in
question. We met together, did the qualifying and a full race afterwards.
And all this for a whole championship. We had our own penalty system. For
example, if you crash into someone you had to pay 1 DM (about 60 US-cent at
that time), damaging a spoiler would cost 2 DM, and so on. The races were
thrilling! I think we took it to the maximum. xD I still have the box and
the manual at home, from 1991!


Philthy said:
Anyone a fan of Flood or the James Pond games?

I loved Flood. To bad even Molyneux seems to have forgotten about it.

Some more games I loved:

Chuck Rock and it's awesome title theme

Night Shift


Oil Imperium

Virus (and Zeewolf, which was inspired by Virus, not Desert Strike!)

Cruise for a Corpse


By the way, if you haven't been: http://hol.abime.net/
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