The problem with the concept of an Okami sequel (and I'm skeptical this'll be anything of the sort) is that it's enormously difficult to find developers capable of making really, really good grand-scale action-adventure games. And even moreso within Capcom now, I'd imagine, that they've frittered away such talent in this genre (and in RPGs) and have dedicated themselves all but entirely to pure action games.
I've always thought it'd be wondrously cool of the folks who did Capcom's 2D Zelda games would make a similarly-styled 2D Okami game, but that's not likely, either, and my understanding is that most of them aren't even at Capcom anymore. So you'd need to have a game outsourced to someone else... I wonder at the prospects for quality.
But I doubt anything will ever happen, anyway.
Flying_Phoenix said:
^^^Outside of GAF most people say that the Wii controls are vastly superior to the PS2 ones, especially with the brush.
The phrase "outside of GAF" is not wholly encompassed by the Go Nintendo comments section.