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Outlander - Season 2 - Saturdays on Starz

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Hunky Nostradamus
I'm hoping the final line of the episode ("I think we'd better go") was supposed to be funny, because I found it absolutely hilarious. It felt like a scene of out of Quentin Tarantino movie

That was a great way to end the episode, for sure.

And Mary is part of the squad now! I love it. All the best people from France are getting added.

Now we just need Louise and her pet monkey!
Just got to see the episode. Pretty good. I'm liking the king (or at least the actor's performance).

The horse chase was a little ... trotty. Didn't seem like they were in an all-out gallop to escape. And then of course we have yet another contrived split of Jamie and Claire. As someone said earlier in the thread, I'm glad it didn't last long. These fake kidnappings are getting tedious.

The Sandringham part was done quite well. What an oily creep of a man. Really satisfying to see him get what was coming to him.


Hunky Nostradamus
The penultimate episode is tonight!

The Hail Mary

Jamie pulls out all stops in an effort in turn the Jacobite army away from impending slaughter, while Claire comforts the ailing Alex Randall; and Alex devises an outrageous plan to save his child's mother.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Only half way through the episode but Claire is stretched pretty thin with caring for dying people.

Everything with Black Jack's lineage is finally making sense. Went down pretty much how I expected since they introduced his brother's relationship with Mary. It just had to be a marriage of obligation.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Their last chance at actually changing the result of the battle, and history continues to march on and ignore their interference.

Black Jack's reaction had my jaw on the ground. At this point you wouldn't think anything he does would be even remotely shocking, but that last scene with him was unsettling.

Season finale is 90 minutes. I can't wait. I hope we get more of "present" day Claire and what has been going on since she left. I thought they would be dropping more hints throughout the season, but it has been pretty sparse.

No new episode next week? I'm seeing places report the season finale as airing on July 9th, which would make sense since next week is the 4th of July weekend.


Hunky Nostradamus
Black Jack's reaction had my jaw on the ground. At this point you wouldn't think anything he does would be even remotely shocking, but that last scene with him was unsettling.

Same. I was completely taken by surprise. Who could have predicted that he would start beating on his beloved brother's face as soon as he died? :p

Season finale is 90 minutes.


No new episode next week? I'm seeing places report the season finale as airing on July 9th, which would make sense since next week is the 4th of July weekend.

Uuuurrggh. I thought the finale was next week. I forgot about 4th of July weekend.
Black Jack's reaction had my jaw on the ground. At this point you wouldn't think anything he does would be even remotely shocking, but that last scene with him was unsettling.

The Frey's were right to lock him up.

Anyway, yeah, that was shocking. But it was another rape-free episode, so there was that.
Regarding time travel:

So sure, Claire doesn't have a history of having read sci-fi and thinking about it, but it seems to me to be completely clear at this point that the future is written, nothing Claire can do will change it. Just having shown up in the past would have butterfly-effected the heck out of things, given how often she's been specifically involved in life-and-death matters with people tied to Frank's bloodline and the day-to-day choices of the rebellion.

a) Is there any chance that Claire actually figures it out?
b) Will the series ever change its stance on this, and does Diana Gabeldon actually have this view, or has that just been convenient to the plot so far?


a) Is there any chance that Claire actually figures it out?
b) Will the series ever change its stance on this, and does Diana Gabeldon actually have this view, or has that just been convenient to the plot so far?

There's actually two "companion" books that go into a lot of the ancillary material (remember, there's almost 20-something books; the main Outlander series, a second series dealing with a related character, a graphic novel, etc.). In one of them there's actually an exchange of e-mails where that comes up.

The short version is (spoiler tagged, just in case, but not really plot spoilers);
Yes, but it depends on what. Big things (battles, major events, etc.) are hard to change because there's so many moving parts that just knowing things will happen, or even exactly how they will happen, isn't enough. She uses an example of stopping an assassination and even the simple act of "stop person x from being killed" is still nearly impossible. She goes on to say that small events (those that only a few people know of or are involved with) can absolutely be changed, because those are the kind of events a single person's influence can change. She gives an example that they couldn't prevent the Jacobite Rebellion, but she can tell Jamie's sister to plant potatoes so they'll have food stockpiled and be spared the worst of the famines to come.

Edit: Probably not a satisfying answer, but there it is. As to whether she figures it out, I believe so, yes... eventually.


Hunky Nostradamus
The season finale is tonight!

Dragonfly in Amber

The Season 2 finale flashes forward to the present, where Claire reveals the truth to her daughter, Brianna, while in the 18 century, the Battle of Culloden arrives and Jamie pulls out all stops to save his loved ones.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Watched it this morning because I knew I wouldn't have much time tonight.

Good episode, way more 1968 story than I expected. I dare say the vast majority of the episode was in the "future." The discussion about creating a paradox by stopping Gillian was nice. The only thing that fell flat for me was the ending. It was like waiting 90 minutes for Claire to catch up with the audience. We didn't really know Jamie has survived already, but come on! I was expecting something a little more titillating, like Jamie just showing up in 1968 or the entire group getting taken back.

I also expected the justification for Claire going back to be way stronger. It made sense, but it's just hard for me to swallow that they'd both go along with conclusion instead of just running off somewhere. Going off how the season opened, I thought that they barely survived part of the battle and it was an absolute last resort.

I rarely complain about accents, but Brianna isn't an American. I don't know who the actress is but no way that's an American accent. It's very overdone and generic. It's the type of accent you get from watching TV not being around Americans. Small overall complaint but it detracts from her performance as a US viewer.

All in all, I liked Season 2. Glad I didn't have to binge it in one day like Season 1. Binge watching is nice for quick resolution, but it gives very little time for letting the episode marinate in your brain.
Peter MacNee and Diana Rigg (The Avengers)!

Edit: Once they got back to Scotland, the season picked back up for me. I really was bored with the setting and the setup in France. I get the historical significance of it, but it bored me. Solid finale. I liked the way they pulled it together, had Brianna and Roger digging into the history of it to force Claire to reveal the truth.

A couple of nitpicks. I agree about Brianna's accent. She doesn't sound like she grew up in Bawston. Also, Claire's gray streak seemed a bit more apparent earlier in the episode than it did near the end. Just felt odd to me.

Okay, so now that we're two seasons in, waaaaay back in the pilot episode, there was a scene where Frank is looking out the window of the inn he and Claire are staying in and there's a guy in highlander garb standing out in the dark near the fountain. Are they ever gonna tell us who that was?

Edit 2: Oh shit.
She told Vulture that the figure will be explained and that the reveal will likely be "the last thing in the last book," but she said that she has shared the identity of the Highlander with showrunner Ronald D. Moore and actor Sam Heughan. "But they're the only people who have or will see it until we get to that book," she teased.
Watched it this morning because I knew I wouldn't have much time tonight.

I rarely complain about accents, but Brianna isn't an American. I don't know who the actress is but no way that's an American accent. It's very overdone and generic. It's the type of accent you get from watching TV not being around Americans. Small overall complaint but it detracts from her performance as a US viewer.

What's funny about that is the priest's adopted son said "that was the worst accent I've ever heard" to her in the episode. Ageing makeup is always horrible, but I let it slide. This season started a little slow but it finished so strong for me. Can't wait for the future!


Hunky Nostradamus
That was a really interesting episode filled with quite a few unexpected moments - Dougal being killed by Jamie and Claire, Geillis murdering yet another husband (!), and the dude from the future being the descendant of Geillis and Dougal.

I also didn't expect so much of the episode to take place in the 1960s (although I did know the 60s were coming since that's literally the first chapter of the second book
aka the only chapter that I've read
). I'm also a little surprised that they decided to not show the Battle of Culloden, seeing as how the entire series had built up to that moment, but I suppose we could end up seeing it in flashbacks next season.

All in all, a good finale to a good season.

I rarely complain about accents, but Brianna isn't an American. I don't know who the actress is but no way that's an American accent. It's very overdone and generic. It's the type of accent you get from watching TV not being around Americans. Small overall complaint but it detracts from her performance as a US viewer.

I knew something sounded off with her accent but I couldn't quite pinpoint just what exactly was wrong with it. I looked up the actress and it turns out she's from the UK, so it was definitely one of those "basically, but not quite" American accents that you sometimes hear from British actors.

Ageing makeup is always horrible, but I let it slide.

I thought future Claire looked great.


This was the most emotionally powerful episode of TV I've seen in a long time. It feels like the series was always meant to built up to this moment since its inception. Jesus christ. Are we sure this isn't the finale? Because it feels in every way like one.

P.S. Claire ages very well lol

I don't mind Brianna's accent. She grew up in America but her parents spoke British, so I chalk it up to that.


This was the most emotionally powerful episode of TV I've seen in a long time. It feels like the series was always meant to built up to this moment since its inception. Jesus christ. Are we sure this isn't the finale? Because it feels in every way like one.

P.S. Claire ages very well lol

I don't mind Brianna's accent. She grew up in America but her parents spoke British, so I chalk it up to that.

Husband and I almost didn't recognize Claire the first time they showed her. Going by the time line, she's about 48-50? She looks perfect.

Loved the finale, although I assumed I would get a little teary-eyed and I didn't. I thought the final scene was a tiny bit rushed. If I'd learned what Claire just learned, there is no way I'd be able to keep my composure - maybe we'll get a little bit of that next season.

I really can't wait for what they've got in store for us over the next couple of years.
This was the most emotionally powerful episode of TV I've seen in a long time. It feels like the series was always meant to built up to this moment since its inception. Jesus christ. Are we sure this isn't the finale? Because it feels in every way like one.

P.S. Claire ages very well lol

I don't mind Brianna's accent. She grew up in America but her parents spoke British, so I chalk it up to that.

I certainly caught a case of feels and yeah, I could live with explaining away the accent with that. Definitely not a series ender since it was announced that the show was renewed for season three and four at the start of June.

I was slightly disappointed we didn't get a Geillis/Claire interaction.
Husband and I almost didn't recognize Claire the first time they showed her. Going by the time line, she's about 48-50? She looks perfect.

Loved the finale, although I assumed I would get a little teary-eyed and I didn't. I thought the final scene was a tiny bit rushed. If I'd learned what Claire just learned, there is no way I'd be able to keep my composure - maybe we'll get a little bit of that next season.

I really can't wait for what they've got in store for us over the next couple of years.

This. I turned to my wife and said, "Holy shit, he didn't die at the battle? Wouldn't you just drop dead right there if you learned you'd left and for the last 20 years he'd been alive in the past?"

Edit: And yet we couldn't get a Geillis/Claire interaction. Otherwise, Geillis would have recognized Claire in the past.


That was a really great finale. I admit the show convinced me Jamie was gone, throughout much of the episode I was wondering what the next seasons were going to be about. Bout Brianna and NuScottishGuy? A whole new cast? lol. I think I gave the show too much credit. :p It did the most obvious thing in the world.

I don't get it though. Is 50 year-old Claire gonna bump uglies with Jamie? I guess they could go the highly convenient route of Claire going back to the same age she was in the past when she travels through the stone again. Going by what the show did at the end, I'm almost sure that's gonna happen. :p I almost want to go to wikipedia or something and get spoiled and see WTF's gonna happen.

I think this could've been nice a show finale, final twist aside. Overally, this season wasn't as strong as the first one, and there were times where I was pretty bored, but they still got me for the next one.

edit: Read an interview with a producer and got accidentally spoiled. I guess
20 years will also have passed in Scotland when Claire goes back huh? And something about Jamaica, too. Man I don't like how the producer just dropped dem spoilers outta nowhere.


I think this could've been nice a show finale, final twist aside. Overally, this season wasn't as strong as the first one, and there were times where I was pretty bored, but they still got me for the next one.

My wife and I are both of the opinion that the second book (which is basically Season 2) is the weakest of the series. Her favorites are the third and fourth and based on what I read (I have a hard time sticking with stuff when it comes to reading) she's not wrong. The third and fourth season, if they follow the books, will sort of let up on the "We have to change history!" element and move more towards "we need to just stay the fuck out of history's way."

Sorry you got spoiled, though there's obviously a lot of stuff that happens beyond what you read.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I'm glad they just put a touch of grey in Claire's hair and didn't go overboard with the old age makeup. I'll admit that I made a "She looks great for her age" joke during the episode, but I think plastering makeup on her long term would be distracting.

Good for Claire, holding that torch for 20 years. Although that makes me think life with Frank in America was pretty mild in the bedroom. No mention of a second child...


Good for Claire, holding that torch for 20 years. Although that makes me think life with Frank in America was pretty mild in the bedroom. No mention of a second child...

He mentioned earlier this season that he was sterile, so that was never going to happen anyways. It was one of the reasons he was willing to raise Brianna as his own.

Also, (minor book spoiler)
he cheated on her quite a bit after she came back, he had half a dozen mistresses. Claire knew and let it go on, some of them even asked her to leave him since he refused to divorce her, for Brianma's sake.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
He mentioned earlier this season that he was sterile, so that was never going to happen anyways. It was one of the reasons he was willing to raise Brianna as his own.

Also, (minor book spoiler)
he cheated on her quite a bit after she came back, he had half a dozen mistresses. Claire knew and let it go on, some of them even asked her to leave him since he refused to divorce her, for Brianma's sake.

I completely forgot about that!
That tidbit from the book doesn't surprise me. Can't really blame him, Claire basically checked out. Hard to imagine her going back to a happy marriage with Frank, even after leaving for America.


My wife and I are both of the opinion that the second book (which is basically Season 2) is the weakest of the series. Her favorites are the third and fourth and based on what I read (I have a hard time sticking with stuff when it comes to reading) she's not wrong. The third and fourth season, if they follow the books, will sort of let up on the "We have to change history!" element and move more towards "we need to just stay the fuck out of history's way."

3rd and 4th are indeed my favorites. I award you 2 husband points.

I agree with what you said about the theme changing a bit. From what we know of Claire after two seasons, I think she's smart enough to have learned her lesson about trying to change the "big picture" after trying and failing with the Rebellion. She tried to mess around with Mary Hawkins and Alex Randall, and she failed spectacularly with Culloden of course. But on the small scale, how many people did she help with her medicine that would have died otherwise?

I'm glad they just put a touch of grey in Claire's hair and didn't go overboard with the old age makeup. I'll admit that I made a "She looks great for her age" joke during the episode, but I think plastering makeup on her long term would be distracting.

Good for Claire, holding that torch for 20 years. Although that makes me think life with Frank in America was pretty mild in the bedroom. No mention of a second child...

Can you imagine what that was like - for the both of them? That's heartbreaking in the context of what she just learned. I'd lose my shit.
3rd and 4th are indeed my favorites. I award you 2 husband points.

I agree with what you said about the theme changing a bit. From what we know of Claire after two seasons, I think she's smart enough to have learned her lesson about trying to change the "big picture" after trying and failing with the Rebellion. She tried to mess around with Mary Hawkins and Alex Randall, and she failed spectacularly with Culloden of course. But on the small scale, how many people did she help with her medicine that would have died otherwise?

Can you imagine what that was like - for the both of them? That's heartbreaking in the context of what she just learned. I'd lose my shit.

Given Frank looks exactly like Black Jack, I imagine just kissing him was a challenge. Sleeping with him? I'm going to wager not a lot of missionary position.


Good ending to a kind of slow season.

I also got spoiled for next season by an article. I thought it would be safe to read a review of the past season and not get spoiled for the next.
Just finished the season this evening. I ended up liking it even more than the first. Very great finale, bookending everything nicely.


Hunky Nostradamus
Outlander Taps Aussie Actor to Play Lord John Grey in Season 3

The Starz drama has cast Australian actor David Berry to play the pivotal role in Season 3, which is slated to bow sometime next year.


The cabler describes Lord Grey as “a steadfast and honorable British subject, torn between a finely-honed sense of familial duty and a strong moral compass of right and wrong. He is boyishly handsome with an upper class rearing — the consummate gentleman. However, a scandal from his past has relegated Lord John to an undesirable position as governor of a desolate prison in Northern Scotland.”


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Fergus! Finally a character I recognize. Haha


Hunky Nostradamus
Newcomer Cast as Laoghaire's Daughter Marsali

Outlander has cast another pivotal role ahead of Season 3, tapping British newcomer Lauren Lyle to portray Laoghaire’s (Nell Hudson) high-spirited daughter Marsali, TVLine has learned.

The 18-year-old character, whose importance to the story grows as Diana Gabaldon’s books go on, has a rebellious and romantic mind of her own. She knows what she wants and she goes after it — reputation and propriety be damned.


Currently reading (actually listening the audiobook) of Voyager, so I'm finally able to judge the castings :)

Looking good so far....Happy to see Joe Abernathy is in. I wonder if (Season 3 spoiler)
they'll have the actor also playing the ancestor as they did with Randall


Hunky Nostradamus
Season 3 will premiere sometime this September.

“Separated by continents and centuries, Claire and Jamie must find their way back to each other. As always, adversity, mystery, and adventure await them on the path to reunion. And the question remains: When they find each other, will they be the same people who parted at the standing stones, all those years ago?”


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
September? Jeez, this was a nice Spring show for me. That sucks. I'm guessing the late air date is to avoid having to split the season into two parts again?


Hunky Nostradamus
“While ‘Droughtlander’ will last just a little longer, we feel it is important to allow the production the time and number of episodes needed to tell the story of the Voyager book in its entirety,” said Carmi Zlotnik, President of Programming at Starz. “The scale of this book is immense, and we owe the fans the very best show. Returning in September will make that possible.”

“With the scope of the production and all of the intricate details that go into the Emmy-nominated sets and costumes, we had to make sure everything is kept to the high standard of the previous seasons and Diana Gabaldon’s beautiful story,” said Steve Kent, Senior EVP Programming at Sony Pictures Television. “We’re so proud of the incredible work that Ron and the Outlander team have done.”

Production on Season 3 began in September and will wrap in June.

In March, production and filming on the current season moves from its home base in Scotland to Cape Town, South Africa, to shoot sea voyage scenes on the former sets of Starz’s original series Black Sails.

I was about done with this show at the end of S1, but my wife likes it-- S2 was so-so, until it got pretty awesome in the second half. I'm definitely back on the train.
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