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Overwatch gets Summer Games update (new mode in Weekly Brawl, new skins/etc)

I don't even play Overwatch but that is the nitpickiest nitpick ever!

Is this a real post

Thanks, you can call it I dont like it. Good you enjoy it though.
BTW Its not meant to be, I hate Overwatch because they did this, its just, i dont like that in a character design, full stop, I understand theres some people that like it, but be damned if cant state I dont like it, I will still enjoy playing the game, but I would not mind If i dont get that character skin now.


A little bit shady but god damn this is a fucking genius way to keep people playing/make a ton of money.

If this is the compromise to keep the free content coming quickly and consistently for years on end, then go for it Blizz.

Also, thank you mods for keeping the thread updated while I slept.

I don't know man, having limited-time items only available through loot boxes is awful. The only way to get them all is to play like crazy until 8/22...or buying boxes. If this wasn't for limited time I wouldn't care, but otherwise that's bullshit. I don't want future content to be available for a limited amount of time.


Dupes in loot boxes are honestly one of the few instances in all of Blizzard's decision making where it feels like their mind isn't in any way thinking about the customer. In all of their other monetization efforts, even when their asking prices are premium, it always feels like the value they bring to the table more than satisfies me and makes me feel like the money I give them is reciprocated above and beyond in enjoyment and replay value.

The dupes in loot boxes feel like an arbitrary restriction blatantly designed with only one thing in mind, and it feels like disrespect toward their customers that have already given them a premium price for a multi-only shooter. Being able to buy boxes with real money as an option for those with the extra money or who don't want to spend the time required, feels perfectly fair. It's just when I get boxes filled with 75% dupes and a white spray, it just feels petty, coming from a company who I'm so used to having the most respect and providing the most value for their customers, far above anyone else in the industry.


Nothing quite like making limited items only obtainable through RNG. This is mobage tier.

Nothing wrong with RNG items. Nothing wrong with limited items. Everything wrong with combining the two.


Thanks, you can call it I dont like it. Good you enjoy it though.
BTW Its not meant to be, I hate Overwatch because they did this, its just, i dont like that I that character design, I understand theres some people that like it, but be damned if cant state I dont like it.

I can't even see any fingernails in those pictures.


Considering that they are only available for a very limited time period, and apparently you dont even get a guaranteed summer item if you dont pay for the box, not really. You could play 24/24 until the end of this and not get a single thing you want. Its not a reasonable suggestion.
From the way I understand it you get at least one summer item from every summer loot box, which if I'm understanding this whole thing correctly - are the only loot boxes in the game until the summer games event is over.
I don't know man, having limited-time items only available through loot boxes is awful. The only way to get them all is to play like crazy until 8/22...or buying boxes. If this wasn't for limited time I wouldn't care, but otherwise that's bullshit. I don't want future content to be available for a limited amount of time.

As I said it's definitely a bit shady. Limited time does suck, I guess it will feel really cool to earn one though? I don't love it, but if this is the compromise than it could be worse imo. But I would also expect Halloween and Christmas stuff to be limited. When they add just 'normal(?)' new skins to the game I'm sure they will be permanent, and able to be bought with saved up coins. And then 4 or 5 times a year we'll do stuff like this.

BUT. If I miss out on my Santa Claus Roadhog with a candy cane hook then I'll be furious.

BTW, when do these officially go live? I don't want to earn any loot boxes until then.


Thanks, you can call it I dont like it. Good you enjoy it though.
BTW Its not meant to be, I hate Overwatch because they did this, its just, i dont like that in a character design, full stop, I understand theres some people that like it, but be damned if cant state I dont like it, I will still enjoy playing the game, but I would not mind If i dont get that character now.

But Tracer is love, Tracer is life. Don't matter what nails or skin
Surely if these items inflate the numbers on your Hero Gallery screen, making them unattainable after a limited time is a bad idea. People like seeing their numbers go up and thinking about how it is possible to complete the set. Once the deadline has been crossed, there's irreparable damage done to this aspect of the game. People will know they can't fill their list out completely any more, and this in turn affects the temptation to buy extra loot boxes. I guess they are hoping that the people who care will buy crates within the next few weeks.

If they're still looking for other short-sighted, bad ideas, maybe they can make in-game currency expire too while they're at it. That'll affect those currency hoarders who are waiting for future skins.


As I said it's definitely a bit shady. Limited time does suck, I guess it will feel really cool to earn one though? I don't love it, but if this is the compromise than it could be worse imo. But I would also expect Halloween and Christmas stuff to be limited. When they add just 'normal(?)' new skins to the game I'm sure they will be permanent, and able to be bought with saved up coins. And then 4 or 5 times a year we'll do stuff like this.

BUT. If I miss out on my Santa Claus Roadhog with a candy cane hook then I'll be furious.

BTW, when do these officially go live? I don't want to earn any loot boxes until then.

Oh you just know the Halloween and Christmass themed skins will be limited time and then the new colours (blues) when they add the new character will be buyable and around forever.


Im amazed people are defending this and are actually comparing it to the RNG/Cosmetics the game already has, its not the same and these Cosmetics are even worse then the system we already have, there is no reason other then pure greediness from Blizzard.


You could also just play more.

I already play as much as I can, but you know, I also have to work and do some social life. And considering this is also available until the 22nd, you are only garanteed to get one Olympic item and legendary skins are the harder to get, I'll probably won't get what I want, even if I played hours a day.

Blizzard could also stop being greedy and let me use my fucking coins on the skin I want. Coins are there to buy cosmetic items, so why not on these?


As someone that's usually cool with RNG cosmetic stuff... I'm not a fan of limited edition items.

Especially since it's not like we have a ton of skins already.


For you.
From the way I understand it you get at least one summer item from every summer loot box, which if I'm understanding this whole thing correctly - are the only loot boxes in the game until the summer games event is over.
Thats slightly better, but it still has the same issue: the vast majority of those drops will be sprays and voice lines. And then duplicates of those sprays and voice lines.


Sprays, avatars and voice lines should have always been unlockable either via achievements or by other means that arent loot boxes. Theyre making this shitty business practice even worse knowing youll get stuck with more of them.


Holy shit they aren't even subtle about this being event for pushing people to pay up more €s. Large set of new stuff that is available for very limited time [2 weeks I hear?] and only available through loot boxes, no access to new stuff through in-game credits. People who can't no life and push tens of hours in next few weeks when skins land are fucked without paying up some more.

Scummy as hell, imo.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
Overwatch is turning into what I feared. Months later and still no new maps or game play types and only 1 hero that probably was ready to go before launch. Yet dam sure new buyable show up fast! Thanks blizzard, next time make your free to play game free....
Oh man they dropped the ball on Tennis Mercy, should have given her the Nike Nightgown that the current tennis pros are wearing.


Unconfirmed Member
For me this is just making an awful loot system worse. I think I'll just trade the game in for whatever I can get. I don't want to support this stuff anymore.
Surely if these items inflate the numbers on your Hero Gallery screen, making them unattainable after a limited time is a bad idea. People like seeing their numbers go up and thinking about how it is possible to complete the set. Once the deadline has been crossed, there's irreparable damage done to this aspect of the game. People will know they can't fill their list out completely any more, and this in turn affects the temptation to buy extra loot boxes. I guess they are hoping that the people who care will buy crates within the next few weeks.

If they're still looking for other short-sighted, bad ideas, maybe they can make in-game currency expire too while they're at it. That'll affect those currency hoarders who are waiting for future skins.

The game already has that. There was a Noire Skin for Widow that you could only get through pre-order. AFAIK the only way to get it now is to buy a code off eBay. I think this is a little shady though. Obviously the items are cosmetic and don't matter but the fact you can't get them with coins obviously means they want people to buy more loot boxes during this small timeframe. I dunno how I feel about that.


To be fair it doesn't actually take that long to level up. And playing well hardly affects it at all. You can be playing badly and still level up once or twice every session.
Levelling up is so easy in this game. I've gone from, like, 70 to 90 in a week.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Not a fan of this, it's just a way to force people to buy boxes.


Unconfirmed Member
The game already has that. There was a Noire Skin for Widow that you could only get through pre-order. AFAIK the only way to get it now is to buy a code off eBay. I think this is a little shady though. Obviously the items are cosmetic and don't matter but the fact you can't get them with coins obviously means they want people to buy more loot boxes during this small timeframe. I dunno how I feel about that.

I don't mind limited time items as such but I can't support the idea that it's only possible to get them through gambling.


This is good because I'm close to lvl 100. :eek:

Was thinking same. At least I can try my hand at RNG because I'm not going to pay into their real money gambling system even if I want new skins. Fuck promoting shit like this by paying € for it.
Disappointing and shitty that you can't just buy with in-game currency. Since this is limited time anyways I'm sure a lot of semi casual players would have bought loot boxes for a chance to get something. Wity this they might be making slightly more money, but they are also just pissing on the "you can get everything for free" promise they originally made.
I wonder if there'll be stages with lakes and rivers full of dead bodies and fecal matter, to give it a nice Olympics 2016 feel.


Disappointing and shitty that you can't just buy with in-game currency. Since this is limited time anyways I'm sure a lot of semi casual players would have bought loot boxes for a chance to get something. Wity this they might be making slightly more money, but they are also just pissing on the "you can get everything for free" promise they originally made.

You can. After new stuff lands you just need cut back on stuff like sleeping, working, eating or doing anything else than OW so you can grind enough hours and levels to beat RNG.
Limited time, RNG based items can be a bit frustrating if you wanted some specific skin but it's only cosmetic stuff so I can't find any reason to be angry about this.


Junior Member
Overwatch is turning into what I feared. Months later and still no new maps or game play types and only 1 hero that probably was ready to go before launch. Yet dam sure new buyable show up fast! Thanks blizzard, next time make your free to play game free....

Some of the recent patch changes especially on console are terrible too, far too extreme changes. Support overall so far has been disappointing.
I'm still waiting for an explanation of how painting your fingernails is a fetish.

Not painting them, but if someone finds it super attractive, well that could be a fetish (theres a lot of normal things that can be a fetish, as its something I dont find really attractive I call it antifetish for me, but maybe Im taking the word out of context). I just dont like it, while I understand A LOT of other people do (its a very normal thing to do after all). I dont think is that hard to understand.
I also dont really mind that design of Tracer existing, like some people here think, I know other people will enjoy it, I do not, but it will not alter my enjoyment of the game, i would even use it probably if I get in in one of the boxes, as a part of the fingernails I like the rest of the design. In fact, one of the things I most like in Overwatch is designs are so different so many different people with different interests can have something they like.

Seems I have learned my lesson of not stating my opinion of something I dont like when its so normal for other people, or at least not being that dramatic while doing it, though.


Singlet Reinhart is sexy. It's like they go on Pixiv to make new skins.

Limited time and real money makes this a no-no. Don't have the money to waste on random stuff like that.
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