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Overwatch is so frustrating for me


I love nearly everything about Overwatch. The design, the aesthetics, the characters, the controls, the levels and gameplay-I even like the reward of getting loot boxes.

However I just really suck at the game and it's frustrating. I just feel like I'm never getting better and I never really learn from my losses. And boy are there losses.

No matter who I play as-and I always strive to be a team player and help out-the enemy player is ALWAYS onto me, always seems to do more damage than I do with their class and always seems to take a whole hell of a lot more damage than I can take.

I really wish I could enjoy myself while constantly losing but again at the same time I feel like I never get a chance to learn anything. The only thing I learn is that the enemy is always better than me.

It's highly competitive-I get that. But how can I ever get better and really enjoy myself?

PS4 player by the way
Try playing against the AI on hard difficulty.

Also maybe watch some streams on Twitch to watch other players and see what they do. The ones with the most viewers are usually the better skilled players.


ya dig, op?


Know when to back off when shit gets hairy. Learn the maps. Learn some effective counters to enemy heroes that become "your responsibility."

I play Pharah alot, so if I see a Bastion, that is always my job, in addition to clearing enemies off a point with a quick shot.


Spam games; forget about rating. As you spam more games, you will eventually climb (Faster if you're better than the rating you're at, and slower if you belong where you are).


Unconfirmed Member
I love nearly everything about Overwatch. The design, the aesthetics, the characters, the controls, the levels and gameplay-I even like the reward of getting loot boxes.

However I just really suck at the game and it's frustrating. I just feel like I'm never getting better and I never really learn from my losses. And boy are there losses.

No matter who I play as-and I always strive to be a team player and help out-the enemy player is ALWAYS onto me, always seems to do more damage than I do with their class and always seems to take a whole hell of a lot more damage than I can take.

I really wish I could enjoy myself while constantly losing but again at the same time I feel like I never get a chance to learn anything. The only thing I learn is that the enemy is always better than me.

It's highly competitive-I get that. But how can I ever get better and really enjoy myself?

Are you playing on PC or Console? If you're on PC I heard that if you practice tracking A.I. targets like Ana with your mouse in custom games helps. If you're on console, try tracking with and without aim assist on and see what feels better for you. The reason everyone seems to be doing more damage than you is usually due to them being better at tracking.

If you're on console and you see someone with an insane amount of tracking and headshot management that seems impossible on console, then they are most likely using a XIM4 Mouse&Keyboard attachment.
It can help to know which heroes are hard counters to the character you're playing and vice versa. Another thing I've learned is that unless you're the greatest thing since white bread or you have to get onto a point to counter the capture/extend overtime you're better off traveling with a fellow team mate as opposed to courting a 1 vs 6 situation. This is coming from someone who recognizes that they are mediocre at best and rarely leaves quickplay/arcade.


Learn health locations and stick to your team like a magnet. Also practice disengaging with characters like Soldier.


Stop trying to be as much of a team player and stick to lower skill floor heroes.

Mystery Heroes is very good for teaching you who you're good with.
What character(s) are fun for you to play as?

Maybe you're being too offensive and need to switch to support or be one of those jackholes who randomly fires everywhere and still gets kills like Junkrat.

Seriously, if you're dying a lot then pick someone with self healing abilities and/or shit-ton of health.


Play Arcade Mystery Heroes and learn more about the heroes.

Also, who do you like to play as so we can give you some tips?

Lucio and Mercy work well for me because I'm support.
Soldier 76 seems to be the only offense character I'm decent with.

I'd like to be better with D. Va or Bastion at the least to have some variety.

Hanzo or Gengi? Forget it-I'm awful.

Also-I'm on console.

Permanently A

Junior Member
I have mediocre aim but strong game sense. Aim is something that takes a LONG time of dedicated practice to improve. Game sense can be picked up within a week. Learn:

  • What heroes counter who?
  • Which heroes are meta?
  • Which heroes aren't meta, and why aren't they?
  • Watch comp games, and see how they synergize ultimates.
  • Answer every "I wonder if..." question you might have.
  • Explore maps by yourself in custom games. Did you know the final attacker spawn on King's Row has an exit on the right? Do you know where every health kit is?
  • Watch streamers and see how they play heroes. You will pick things up you would have never thought of. For example, I often see D. Va players hold Defense Matrix in response to a High Noon. But the correct response which many don't even know is possible, is to hold Defense Matrix and DIVE towards the McCree to completely neutralize his ult. Its not immediately obvious that you can Defense Matrix while flying around.
  • WHEN is the best time to use my ultimate? What ultimates synergize best with mine?
  • What ultimates does the enemy team have? Example: playing Reinhardt, it is IMPERATIVE that you know whether you can play fast and loose when the enemy Rein has no shatter, and when to play defensesive and bait out the shatter.
  • Is my hero the BEST pick possible given my current team's composition?
  • Should I commit to this fight, or retreat and regroup? Unless you are highly advantaged in terms of hero selection and personal skill, you should usually follow the numbers. If you are a man down, back off and play defensively as possible, doing whatever you can to prevent the enemy from snowballing their advantage. Conversely if the enemy team loses a member, its time to push your numbers advantage as far as possible.
you can't really get better just playing alone. even if you aren't DAT junkrat, in your team there's always going to be DAT junkrat who ruins your game every time.


Let other people play DPS and tank classes so that when you start losing you dont feel as terrible.

Unless you wanna play Soldier cause hes so easy to use that anybody can get good with him.


I have mediocre aim but strong game sense. Aim is something that takes a LONG time of dedicated practice to improve. Game sense can be picked up within a week. Learn:

  • What heroes counter who?
  • Which heroes are meta?
  • Which heroes aren't meta, and why aren't they?
  • Watch comp games, and see how they synergize ultimates.
  • Answer every "I wonder if..." question you might have.
  • Explore maps by yourself in custom games. Did you know the final attacker spawn on King's Row has an exit on the right?
  • Watch streamers and see how they play heroes. You will pick things up you would have never thought of. For example, I often see D. Va players hold Defense Matrix in response to a High Noon. But the correct response which many don't even know is possible, is to hold Defense Matrix and DIVE towards the McCree to completely neutralize his ult.

Great response-thank you. This is exactly the stuff I need to learn.

Streamers are tough for me because I find so many YouTube personalities annoying but I guess I'll bite the bullet.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Are you playing on PC or Console? If you're on PC I heard that if you practice tracking A.I. targets like Ana with your mouse in custom games helps. If you're on console, try tracking with and without aim assist on and see what feels better for you. The reason everyone seems to be doing more damage than you is usually due to them being better at tracking.

If you're on console and you see someone with an insane amount of tracking and headshot management that seems impossible on console, then they are most likely using a XIM4 Mouse&Keyboard attachment.

The reason to use Ana for target training is to set the game to headshots only, as Ana can't do headshots, so you have targets that you can kill, but can't kill you.


Lucio and Mercy work well for me because I'm support.
Soldier 76 seems to be the only offense character I'm decent with.

I'd like to be better with D. Va or Bastion at the least to have some variety.

Hanzo or Gengi? Forget it-I'm awful.

Also-I'm on console.

Grab soldier and aim for the enemy head.
Try lowering the mouse sensitivity.
Are you playing solo or with a group? It's sooo much better with a group, especially with voice chat. Easier to coordinate and play better.

What platform are you playing on? You are welcome to play with me or other GAFfers, I'm on PC.

Besides that, like others said, watch streams for strats and practice. Check out the r/OverwatchUniversity subreddit for advice.


Are you playing on PC or Console? If you're on PC I heard that if you practice tracking A.I. targets like Ana with your mouse in custom games helps. If you're on console, try tracking with and without aim assist on and see what feels better for you. The reason everyone seems to be doing more damage than you is usually due to them being better at tracking.

If you're on console and you see someone with an insane amount of tracking and headshot management that seems impossible on console, then they are most likely using a XIM4 Mouse&Keyboard attachment.


Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Lucio and Mercy work well for me because I'm support.
Soldier 76 seems to be the only offense character I'm decent with.

I'd like to be better with D. Va or Bastion at the least to have some variety.

Hanzo or Gengi? Forget it-I'm awful.

Also-I'm on console.

If you've been trying to get better with D.Va and Bastion, that could explain why you feel singled out. Bastion and D.Va definitely stand out on the battlefield as targets to be dealt with quickly, so it'll feel a bit more like the whole team is gunning at you. Reinhardt is the same way.
Are you playing on PC or Console? If you're on PC I heard that if you practice tracking A.I. targets like Ana with your mouse in custom games helps. If you're on console, try tracking with and without aim assist on and see what feels better for you. The reason everyone seems to be doing more damage than you is usually due to them being better at tracking.

If you're on console and you see someone with an insane amount of tracking and headshot management that seems impossible on console, then they are most likely using a XIM4 Mouse&Keyboard attachment.

If this was the case the "kill cam" would make it obvious that the player is using a mouse.

Permanently A

Junior Member
Great response-thank you. This is exactly the stuff I need to learn.

Streamers are tough for me because I find so many YouTube personalities annoying but I guess I'll bite the bullet.

I am adding more points as I think of it. I also despise obnoxious YT personalities but streamers tend to be more lowkey as most can't keep up a fake persona for long hours. For extremely good gameplay I would recommend both aimbotcalvin and a_seagull. Calvin has incredible communication skills, aim, and positive demeanor. Seagull is highly talented on characters like Genji and has very friendly streams. DSPStanky is a one of a kind Lucio player that takes Lucio to incredible heights. There is an informative and entertaining streamer for each and every hero.
Lucio and Mercy work well for me because I'm support.
Soldier 76 seems to be the only offense character I'm decent with.

I'd like to be better with D. Va or Bastion at the least to have some variety.

Hanzo or Gengi? Forget it-I'm awful.

Well, the plus side to the two characters you aren't good at is that they're popular (so everyone else will want to play as them) and that most of the people that choose them outside of competitive generally aren't that good with them.

Bastion is actually a harder one to play as most people have wised up and practiced killing that character in particular. He was pretty hated during launch.

D. Va is fun to play but try to keep in mind that her damage needs to be done at point blank range. Try to abuse her huge health pool and if things look like they're going south boost away so you can find a health pack.


Unconfirmed Member

This device allows you to connect a Mouse and Keyboard to your PS4 or Xbox One. It causes me much rage/salt when going for higher ranks in console Overwatch. You'll usually see Hanzos, Soldiers and McCrees using it and it is immediately noticeable of a difference compared to controller aim when watching a kill cam or potg.

If this was the case the "kill cam" would make it obvious that the player is using a mouse.

It very much does. Since the device is technically legal and doesn't hack the PS4 console you can't really report it. It is rather annoying to deal with though.
If you have trouble tracking targets also consider looking into input lag being part of the issue. Console + tv may suffer the most. On PC vsync can cause it.

Outside of that continue to play and practice. I started on Mercy and actually found it the most relaxing to play because you're only expected to heal. You'll start to recognize players out of position or when you yourself are out of position. Later I put time into DVa while she was OP but even after the nerf I find her very effective. Just takes time.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Great response-thank you. This is exactly the stuff I need to learn.

Streamers are tough for me because I find so many YouTube personalities annoying but I guess I'll bite the bullet.

I absolutely don't want to sound like I'm spamming my youtube account, because honestly the last thing I want is to be a youtuber. I main D.Va and Lucio. I share my matches on another forum where my friends and I talk and share strategy, so I just have a ton of console D.Va matches with no talk at all. Again, not asking for attention, or anything at all. If you want to watch them, they're here.

edit: The big thing with D.Va after the nerf is that you'll need your healers much more than you did before. I used to use her as a sort of sniper hunter and flanker, but she's more vulnerable now. These days, I stay on the payload, or the objective and basically try to assist. I try to keep an eye out for who my teammates are trying to kill and assist. D.Va's guns are useless at long range unless someone else is also firing on them. You can get a lot of kills by just paying attention to what your teammates are shooting at. You're there to block stuff and 'steal' your teammate's kills. When you get knocked out of your mekka, start backing away from the fight, and take aim at the nearest enemy tank, as they are easy to hit, and they'll charge up your 'mech call' fastest.
I feel you, OP.

I have terrible vision and have a hard time playing shooters but love everything about Overwatch. I lose nearly every match and it gets frustrating. I'll never get much better either on account of my eyes just can't see what I'm doing. Ah well.
Blah this is exactly why Im glad I never bought it. I really liked Rocket League too but everyone was just better at it than me and it got too frustrating.


Great response-thank you. This is exactly the stuff I need to learn.

Streamers are tough for me because I find so many YouTube personalities annoying but I guess I'll bite the bullet.

Ugh I agree about streamers- I wouldn't waste your time listening to them.

My advice is LISTEN TO ALL THE AUDIO CUES while you're playing.

There is SO MUCH information that is conveyed by the audio, like about who is ulting & the heavy footsteps that indicate an enemy is near.


It sounds like you're trying to be a team player (which is good) and filling whoever the team needs. This sounds nice, and it does help in that you're probably offsetting someone else on your team from going on tilt when he doesn't see an exact 2-2-2 or 3-1-2 that he's looking for, but at the same time, you're hindering your own improvement by doing this.

One of the earliest things you want to learn to get better at a competitive game (and this applies heavily to RTS and MOBAs as well) is to focus, and have one, two at most, go-to heroes that you play, consistently, game after game, for each role. In MOBAs that number can be 3-4 per role, but with the size of OW's roster, you probably want to really focus on the one or two heroes per role that you think you do best with, and just play them consistently (at least in competitive).

Playing a hero over and over again is how you separate your skill from all of the other players at lower ranks that are doing the shuffle thing too. It makes you more and more comfortable with everything you can provide to the team, everything you can get away with, turns your combos into muscle memory, gets your cognizant of your spots on the map, your team synergies, and any advanced techniques your hero might have.


I have mediocre aim but strong game sense. Aim is something that takes a LONG time of dedicated practice to improve. Game sense can be picked up within a week. Learn:

  • What heroes counter who?
  • Which heroes are meta?
  • Which heroes aren't meta, and why aren't they?
  • Watch comp games, and see how they synergize ultimates.
  • Answer every "I wonder if..." question you might have.
  • Explore maps by yourself in custom games. Did you know the final attacker spawn on King's Row has an exit on the right? Do you know where every health kit is?
  • Watch streamers and see how they play heroes. You will pick things up you would have never thought of. For example, I often see D. Va players hold Defense Matrix in response to a High Noon. But the correct response which many don't even know is possible, is to hold Defense Matrix and DIVE towards the McCree to completely neutralize his ult. Its not immediately obvious that you can Defense Matrix while flying around.
  • WHEN is the best time to use my ultimate? What ultimates synergize best with mine?
  • What ultimates does the enemy team have? Example: playing Reinhardt, it is IMPERATIVE that you know whether you can play fast and loose when the enemy Rein has no shatter, and when to play defenseless and bait out the shatter.
  • Is my hero the BEST pick possible given my current team's composition?
  • Should I commit to this fight, or retreat and regroup? Unless you are highly advantaged in terms of hero selection and personal skill, you should usually follow the numbers. If you are a man down, back off and play defensively as possible, doing whatever you can to prevent the enemy from snowballing their advantage. Conversely if the enemy team loses a member, its time to push your numbers advantage as far as possible.

The only really good post but it's made by a dude with a junkrat avatar, I'm conflicted now
Some good advice in this thread! I'd also say get on a headset if you're not on one. Honestly the game is so much easier and more fun when you can communicate effectively with your team. Even if you're not a big chat person (I'm definitely not), you can call for help, call out enemy locations, etc. It'll greatly improve your experience.


I absolutely don't want to sound like I'm spamming my youtube account, because honestly the last thing I want is to be a youtuber. I main D.Va and Lucio. I share my matches on another forum where my friends and I talk and share strategy, so I just have a ton of console D.Va matches with no talk at all. Again, not asking for attention, or anything at all. If you want to watch them, they're here.

edit: The big thing with D.Va after the nerf is that you'll need your healers much more than you did before. I used to use her as a sort of sniper hunter and flanker, but she's more vulnerable now. These days, I stay on the payload, or the objective and basically try to assist. I try to keep an eye out for who my teammates are trying to kill and assist. D.Va's guns are useless at long range unless someone else is also firing on them. You can get a lot of kills by just paying attention to what your teammates are shooting at. You're there to block stuff and 'steal' your teammate's kills. When you get knocked out of your mekka, start backing away from the fight, and take aim at the nearest enemy tank, as they are easy to hit, and they'll charge up your 'mech call' fastest.

Thank you. I'll sub to the channel and watch.
Genji is a pub stomper. Either get good at him, or get good at stopping him with Mcree/Roadhog. If you're around gold in skill, get good at pharah as she is the skill roof got that range.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
I hear ya fam. Career high like 2463 on PS4, just can't bust through.

I feel like the only way forward is to form up a legit team. I can't even believe I'm on season 3 and watching matches fail still before they start because of team comp.

People want to make ad-hoc teams with the new R1 feature, then you wait four minutes to match up with some squad with matching avatars, your new team rolls with four DPS one healer and you as the only tank, and suddenly it feels unfair that you would be penalized for quitting, because you already know you've lost.



Do you play competitive? I would imagine if you lose enough in that mode you'd eventually get matched with and against players as bad as you.


Do you play competitive? I would imagine if you lose enough in that mode you'd eventually get matched with and against players as bad as you.

I played some of season 1-and in trying to play my ranking matches now for season 3. I figure I'll get losses but I'd like to eat some golden guns.
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