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Overwatch is so frustrating for me

Its all abount fundamentals. I play on PC, and from a technical point, Im not the best. In fact I use a controller+ Mouse combo rather than using a Mouse/Keyboard. Yet I managed to get in the top 1-5% in season 1, and 3300 diamond in season 3. Certainly not pro, but i suffice.

While my aiming isnt perfect, my understanding of teamwork, and my job are sound. I understand that communication and teamwork trumps the lone soldier trickling in. I understand who to focus fire on first, and who to avoid.

A lot of what it is is simply being smarter than your opponent.


It's really not.

The player base is too stupid and inattentive to play the game at anything but a casual level.

There's so many people who never switch characters on competitive, run a team without a healer, use ults to kill one player, quitters, no mic players.. it's really terrible on console.
I play comp in the high platinum / low diamond range and my team mates are usually fine. I could imagine it being painful in the lower ranks, though.
I haven't seen this advice posted yet so apologies if it has been said.

When you die, figure out why you died and try to fix it. Watch the kill cam. Maybe you were out of position (out in the middle of the map), maybe you could have been standing behind the Reinhardt shield, maybe you ran straight at an enemy and made it easy for them to shoot you. Sometimes there might be a factor out of your control (a Reinhardt randomly charges as you are turning the corner and he pins you, tracer pulse bombs one of your teammates and they run into you etc...) I'd say 95% of the time, you could have done something differently to avoid being eliminated.

Always evaluate what happened and then try to correct the mistake. You won't right away, but it you repeatedly see yourself doing something wrong and call yourself on it, you should begin to learn from your mistakes.

I still do this after I die and it still helps me a lot. It's not about being negative or hard on yourself, it's about finding small details that can help you improve greatly.


Not sure if anyone mentioned it yet, but a drill you can do to improve aim is to start a practice game with you vs six Anas, only headshots, skirmish mode, 0% cooldowns, and then start getting as many headshots as you can. Ana can't headshot with her gun so you'll take no damage, leaving you free to take your time. I did only ten minutes a day with McCree before play session for a week and I saw my aim rapidly improve. I like doing this on Nepal because the spawn is pretty tight, but any map will work.

Another version of this is vs six Lucio, makes hitting them super hard. You can also mix in one Lucio with five Anas to make them move faster if it's too easy.


No matter who I play as-and I always strive to be a team player and help out-the enemy player is ALWAYS onto me, always seems to do more damage than I do with their class and always seems to take a whole hell of a lot more damage than I can take.

I really wish I could enjoy myself while constantly losing but again at the same time I feel like I never get a chance to learn anything. The only thing I learn is that the enemy is always better than me.
The matchmaking is garbage in competitive mode and much worse in any other mode. I just got matched in the season brawl against someone at 3400 SR and I just did my placement matches to land at 2000.
From here on out, until the other modes have at least equally good matchmaking to comp, I'm just going to use comp as my "quickplay". If I feel like playing Genji or Widow or McCree and end up going 1 elim 10 deaths three matches in a row, so be it. It's on Blizzard's designers until they fix their shit.
The general rule of thumb in most online shooters is when you died, you made a mistake. Sure many people have honed superior twitch reflexes over time and you may be behind. But, they aren't killing you when you're crouched behind a wall in safe part of the map with no line of sight. They're killing you while you're in the game, and they're killing you because they are exploiting your mistakes.

For OW, its all about knowing your class role and also your skill level. Many classes have no business being on the front line or near it. Many no business in the rear. But in addition to that, most of the time I die its because I did something stupid. Pushed a bit further than I should have, didn't check my six, didn't reload and ran out of ammo in a duel, etc etc..

Of course sometimes you just get your ass handed to you. But most, most of the time it's actually your own fault you died. So the trick to getting better is to first understand its you not them and that in fact you actually do control the outcome and your performance in game. You can fix this immediately by simply remember these 2 magic words ....

Do Less

Do less, until you can do more. Stay back, don't turn that corner, don't take on 2 guys yourself, hell don't even take on 1 guy yourself even. You'll notice you live longer, and you'll start to adapt and over time you'll fine yourself actually starting to then ...

Do More.

Best of luck


I thought I'd simply chime in and say, when I realized I could heavily increase my aiming speed, I got a lot better. The defaults are too slow.


Once you master the aiming sensitivity it gets a lot better. I do a lot better with all offense abilities now.

Now if only there was a work around for the loot boxes lol.
Play on PC. Game is not designed for Console players

Lol shit post? The game is fine on all platforms, thats why it recieved positive reviews on all platforms...additionally its possible to enjoy the console version more so then the pc version despite if or if not the game originally intended to have a console release. The problems the OP is describing are clearly not issues with gameplay...he loves everything about the game and how it plays ands just wants to be better. My advice, find friends/others to play with, communicate and learn from experience.


I haven't played in about 4-5 months now, but does the game have any sort of matchmaking for casual players that are terrible at the game and will never be any good at it? I enjoyed playing this with friends for the most part, but we would lose seriously 9 times out of 10, sometimes more. Even if I was playing with one friend and we were matched up with 4 other people our teams would still lose just about every game. That kind of turned me off the game a bit since I enjoyed the variety in characters and the gameplay but I know I'll never be any good at the game so losing 10+ times in a row stops being fun after awhile, especially in that Payload mode where sometimes we would lose after like a minute and a half. Is the game still pretty punishing to scrubs?


I feel the pain... I was a hero in the beta, but just couldn't find my rhythm in the full game. It contributed to my stopping playing it (combined with how hard it became to earn boxes).


I haven't played in about 4-5 months now, but does the game have any sort of matchmaking for casual players that are terrible at the game and will never be any good at it? I enjoyed playing this with friends for the most part, but we would lose seriously 9 times out of 10, sometimes more. Even if I was playing with one friend and we were matched up with 4 other people our teams would still lose just about every game. That kind of turned me off the game a bit since I enjoyed the variety in characters and the gameplay but I know I'll never be any good at the game so losing 10+ times in a row stops being fun after awhile, especially in that Payload mode where sometimes we would lose after like a minute and a half. Is the game still pretty punishing to scrubs?

You would be playing ranked with your skill level. But ranked is cancer sometimes(more then some on low ranks). There is that


You would be playing ranked with your skill level. But ranked is cancer sometimes(more then some on low ranks). There is that

Honestly, I don't even think I've unlocked ranked play yet. I have just been playing non-ranked and getting rolled constantly. Is it like a war of attrition where I just have to power through non-ranked against people far better than I until I unlock ranked play where I'll finally be matched up with fellow terrible players?


I don't understand your mindset OP. Sounds like you are not having fun.... why play it? Life is too short to waste your time on a game you find frustrating. Chalk it up to it's just not for you and find a new game.


could never
It's the easiest FPS I have ever experienced, to the point of being mindnumbingly boring like SWBF was.

I understand you like a lot about the way it looks but if you are getting highly frustrated with it there's more to life than feeling like that tbh. Play games that make you happy.


Honestly, I don't even think I've unlocked ranked play yet. I have just been playing non-ranked and getting rolled constantly. Is it like a war of attrition where I just have to power through non-ranked against people far better than I until I unlock ranked play where I'll finally be matched up with fellow terrible players?

You could also try some arcade modes. People are generally less serious playing them.

That said, even (or especially) at low skill levels matches can be one sided. One dude playing a tank or a healer well can mean one side gets rolled. Team composition is also a factor, even if everyone sucks having the right heroes can make a huge difference.
I don't know about that but I do know that the population is a lot lower. It seems like no one is on XBL playing in the early AM just after midnight. That's when I have usually tried to play and I can only get into two of the modes in Arcade. I've only won one match in Arcade ever too and that was the current CTF mode. I played quite a few of the Mei's Snowball mode and didn't ever win a single time. There's free loot boxes sitting there waiting but I can't win to save my life. I either can't get into a match because no one else is playing or I do manage to load one up and it is all people who are really skilled.

This surprises me because i keep hearing how popular Overwatch is and how it holds its value for that reason. This doesn't give me a lot of confidence about keeping the game. I picked it up on deep discount for Xbone but haven't opened it yet. If the player population is truly that bad on console I may take it back before the return window expires.

Hmmm... Any other console / Xbone players care to chime in?


I don't like this video. The uploader is basically making fun of the low ranked people.

Honestly that video makes me want to play with people that play like that. It's no fun playing multiplayer games where everyone on the enemy team is a noscoping headshot god where they have 1k games played on whatever specific hero they like to play.


I don't understand your mindset OP. Sounds like you are not having fun.... why play it? Life is too short to waste your time on a game you find frustrating. Chalk it up to it's just not for you and find a new game.

Because I enjoy the game-and I want to get better. Super simple.


Learn heroes you like and practice. Mess with the controls until the heroes feel right. Play with people you know to coordinate.


I got the game and fell in love almost immediately, despite not really enjoying the beta. What I did differently when I bought it was watch a YouTube vid on the hero I intended to use. Just search for tutorial on that heronand there are several vids about 5 or so minutes in length. Watching a video made a huge difference. Suddenly I was playing to a heroes strength instead of trying to make them fit my play style. Granted, there are still heroes I'm just not that good with (Shout out to all the Mercy's that know when to run away and rush back for the revive), but for the heroes I regularly use, I'd say I'm decent.

Also, Overwatch is so team focused that sometimes youll lose just from poor team comp despite switching your hero to best suit the team.


It sounds like you're trying to be a team player (which is good) and filling whoever the team needs. This sounds nice, and it does help in that you're probably offsetting someone else on your team from going on tilt when he doesn't see an exact 2-2-2 or 3-1-2 that he's looking for, but at the same time, you're hindering your own improvement by doing this.

One of the earliest things you want to learn to get better at a competitive game (and this applies heavily to RTS and MOBAs as well) is to focus, and have one, two at most, go-to heroes that you play, consistently, game after game, for each role. In MOBAs that number can be 3-4 per role, but with the size of OW's roster, you probably want to really focus on the one or two heroes per role that you think you do best with, and just play them consistently (at least in competitive).

Playing a hero over and over again is how you separate your skill from all of the other players at lower ranks that are doing the shuffle thing too. It makes you more and more comfortable with everything you can provide to the team, everything you can get away with, turns your combos into muscle memory, gets your cognizant of your spots on the map, your team synergies, and any advanced techniques your hero might have.

I don't know. I think the best advice is to get at least proficient with the top meta heroes, because you'll be expected or need to fill them out from time-to-time. Every once in a while, the entire team will be stubborn and won't fill in a particular role, and I find myself forced to switch sometimes to fill the gap because, when I don't, we usually lose (I mean, sometimes we lose when I do switch too of course, but more often when I'm stubborn too we get steamrolled than pull off a win).

Ana is still the best character in the game. I'm not even a very good Ana but the burst heal is still preposterously good and the rest of her tool kit incredibly strong. Reinhardt, at least in Platinum, is still underestimated or just underutilized for his nearly universal utility. I mean, everyone knows Rein is good, but it's actually almost frighteningly simple that in many situations, you're better off just replacing tank A or tank B with Rein if you don't already have one.

And... I could keep going for a while, but the heroes I recommend being able to play are Soldier, Pharah, Mei, all the tanks minus Winston, and all the supports minus maybe Mercy. For the tanks, learn Zarya and Dva last. For the supports, learn Ana first and then the rest whenever.

Soldier's the best hitscan. Pharah's good for checking out stuff and if people can't aim. Mei's invaluable for blocking off chokes, holding points, and defending in general. Rein for the above. Roadhog for being able to get picks by himself. Zarya for helping foolhardy teammates >_> (but is tough to use). Dva for blocking/eating attacks and poking out of place entrenchments. Ana for the above. Lucio for the AOE heal and speedboost (which is tough to communicate briefly how useful they are), Zen for helping divers, destroying things at long-distance because he has no falloff, and prioritizing targets. Symmetra because she's a dumb character who builds fantastic supports ults stupid fast and has really annoying turrets.

A big part of it all is learning some characters are really strong on certain maps. Any map with a primary choke with no or a far alternative should have a Mei on defense for at least that point. Maps with easily defensible positions for Sym ults, like Anubis B or Hanamura B, would benefit allot from a Sym (probably). Conversely, be ready to run Pharah or Dva to scope out a defense's setup on popular first point Symmetra maps. If the enemy's running a Pharah or a Bastion, you might want to swap Lucio for Zen to focus him down.


What I dislike most about it, is that when I played with friends I got ranked higher than them, and can no longer play with them. So either they win a bunch of games, or I lose a bunch just in order to play with them. I understand the system, just don't like watching all my friends playing in a comp match, and me sitting on the sidelines.


That's how I feel about fighting games. Just takes practice. Each match isn't always gonna be an improvement over the last but you will inevitably get better
The biggest problem with the game is a LOT of the playerbase attempts to main a single character, at least in the lower levels, and refuse to play as a team. This is not how you play Overwatch.

Really, the game is significantly more fun if you can get a group of at least three people going, ideally more. Then you know you can actually do some coordination, get a working composition going, guarentee communication (use a mic whenever humanly possible in this game), and actually play as a team. You will do a lot better and have a lot more fun. Solo queue is basically flipping a coin in regards to having toxic teammates or not. Eliminate that possibility as much as possible.

You can be an amazing individual player, but if you're teamed up with toxic ones it doesn't matter - you lose.


This surprises me because i keep hearing how popular Overwatch is and how it holds its value for that reason. This doesn't give me a lot of confidence about keeping the game. I picked it up on deep discount for Xbone but haven't opened it yet. If the player population is truly that bad on console I may take it back before the return window expires.

Hmmm... Any other console / Xbone players care to chime in?
overwatch has been in the top 10 most played Xbox games. Matchmaking for competitive always takes a long time even when it first launched


The biggest problem with the game is a LOT of the playerbase attempts to main a single character, at least in the lower levels, and refuse to play as a team. This is not how you play Overwatch.
You certainly should play as a team and do your best with what you're playing.

But how exactly are you supposed to learn to play characters you are bad at if you don't "main" them? The matchmaking is shit even when sticking to a single character. I don't see how I'm ever going to get a reasonable match with my weaker characters if I play my stronger ones in between.

Maybe the game should have casual modes where you lock a character before getting into a game, so it's able to match you based on your strength with a particular hero.
You certainly should play as a team and do your best with what you're playing.

But how exactly are you supposed to learn to play characters you are bad at if you don't "main" them? The matchmaking is shit even when sticking to a single character. I don't see how I'm ever going to get a reasonable match with my weaker characters if I play my stronger ones in between.

Maybe the game should have casual modes where you lock a character before getting into a game, so it's able to match you based on your strength with a particular hero.

To be clear, I'm saying that a lot of players play only as a single character, and refuse to play anything else regardless of team composition, the enemy team composition, or if something isn't working. This is very frustrating for that player's teammates.


i have this feeling with call of duty but not with overwatch. I play a lot of support classes and I feel that I matter to the team. try some support classes


Do what other people do when they find the game hard: Play Hanzo or Widowmaker. Then you can experience the meta game of sniping snipers while not actually helping your team. Just make sure you turn your chat off first.

Also, when someone asks you to change your character, make sure you're either completely silent or refuse and when they dig further you MUST reference the fact that "its just quick play bro get over it"

Seriously though, the only way you'll get better is to keep playing. When I found a character particularly annoying I made an effort to learn them, and now I play Roadhog, Reaper, Bastion, Mei, Reinhardt, Pharah, Junkrat, and I am able to heal as Mercy, Lucio and Ana when needed. If you're playing alone you're gonna have a bad time though. Groups of up to 4 seem to be the best because you tend to win the pug lottery, and if you don't your friends on mic can balance out the terrible. Groups of 6 are as bad as solo queue, especially in comp. You tend to end up against people who are trying to make careers out of the game.


You certainly should play as a team and do your best with what you're playing.

But how exactly are you supposed to learn to play characters you are bad at if you don't "main" them? The matchmaking is shit even when sticking to a single character. I don't see how I'm ever going to get a reasonable match with my weaker characters if I play my stronger ones in between.

Maybe the game should have casual modes where you lock a character before getting into a game, so it's able to match you based on your strength with a particular hero.

Go to QP, get your ass kicked for a while until your hidden QP ranking drops far enough so that you're in potato bracket, and go. Competitive's the best Overwatch has when it comes to matchmaking. I have no idea how the other modes' matchmaking are concocted but QP's... workable. Either way, at least you'll have plenty of time to practice. >_>

Some of your experience will have to come from competitive on new characters because 'lol QP comps', but you can still learn a fair bit from just playing a character against humans.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Good ways of making Overwatch not frustrating :

Play with a friend(s).
Don't touch Competitive mode.
Don't take the game too seriously. If someone want to play Widowmaker or Torb on Attack and that make you lose a round/game, fine. Just deal with it and move on to the next round/game.


The matchmaking is garbage in competitive mode and much worse in any other mode. I just got matched in the season brawl against someone at 3400 SR and I just did my placement matches to land at 2000.
From here on out, until the other modes have at least equally good matchmaking to comp, I'm just going to use comp as my "quickplay". If I feel like playing Genji or Widow or McCree and end up going 1 elim 10 deaths three matches in a row, so be it. It's on Blizzard's designers until they fix their shit.

Thanks for being the type of player that makes me want to throw my computer out the window while playing comp against a 6 man team


Gold Member
Yeah, I honestly think that Overwatch is the "easiest" game in which to not only hit someone, but learn your role as well.

Its not like Rainbow 6 Siege. A totally different approach.
Character swapping is the key to finding your groove in Overwatch. There's a character for almost every playstyle, you just need to spend enough time with each character to find who works for you and then you'll excel.

When I played the Beta, I immediately clicked with Tracer but I was completely useless as Widowmaker for example. In the final game, I always performance well with Mei, Tracer, Reaper, Genji and Bastion but ask me to play any other character and I'm as useless as a heat lamp in a desert.
Its incredibly hard to tell someone what to improve on without really knowing what their talking about, I'd suggest play a few games and record them, then upload them somewhere and link it here, and I bet a lot of us could tell you exactly where your going wrong. You gotta know the extent of your characters usefulness and like any game thats multiplayer heavy, exploit weaknesses. and yes, physical raw skill is a thing, but if the game feels bad I'm guessing your not winning a whole lot, something is not right. Because I'm a solid gold player, probably won't advance higher than that casually, and I'm not that good either.


Gold Member
No way to really help without seeing you actually play. Maybe consider streaming a few games while a GAFer who's pretty good at the game watches?
Also check to see if your playing on a PC or not, if not I would suggest taking your console of choice and throwing it into the Trash spending 40 bucks on the PC version, that should fix any technical issues.
I found it hard at first as it's objective-based and I was running around like I was playing team deathmatch in Call of Duty. Once you get in to the groove it's great, though, and surprisingly easy to do well, I thought.
Checking in-just finished my season placement matches and it gave me 2423.

That's not bad at all, you're about on average or on track to being above average shortly if you keep it up! Upload some videos, one of you winning and one of you losing (same time frame if possible), that way we can see what went right and what went wrong.
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