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Overwatch is so frustrating for me


This game has it's own caste system. I main Torb and Mercy. It's hilarious how I can play an awesome game as Torb and nobody will give me a vote, but play a mediocre game as Mercy and everyone is my best friend.
Overwatch is not nearly as accessible as people make it out to be.

I respect the brilliance of the design, but it's extremely competitive and is not "that game" that will make a convert out of people who don't generally enjoy competitive MP.

It just wasn't for me, despite my desperately wanting to like it. So I get you OP. Unfortunately, the "get good" mentality applies and is the only way to really getting anything out of the game.

Any game that is MP only is going to require you to win more than lose in order to have fun. And that's why the "GOTY" title for Overwatch baffles me.


A big part of OW is learning who to steer clear of when you're playing as a particular character. I'm guessing that's what you're missing out on.

I respect the brilliance of the design, but it's extremely competitive and is not "that game" that will make a convert out of people who don't generally enjoy competitive MP.
I know quite a few people who normally don't like FPS games who love OW, actually.


Practice your aim before worrying about the metagame. Something some players do in Overwatch to practice aim is they play a private match as McCree against Ana bots with the headshots only setting enabled. You can also practice aim on aimbooster.com.

Once you're satisifed with your aim look up videos on youtube to learn more about the metagame, I recommend Skyline as a starter.


-Find a main
-Play the fuck outta that shit and just enjoy
-Be good at only that one person
-learn macro level like map awareness and match ups
-apply to other heroes


Lucio isn't a bad pick to learn the basics while contributing.

Zenyatta is pretty easy to play as well.

Same with Reinhardt. Just move forward with the shield wheb you confront the enemy. Don't charge ahead if you're going to find yourself surrounded. Use the firestrike or whatever if you're not facing a lot of direct damage.

The trick is to spend every other game as a character you really suck as in order to round out the experience. Pharah is a good balance. AoE damage, easy exits, and her repulsor ray or whatever the fuck can keep enemies away or propel her the heck out of Dodge.


Overwatch is becoming frustrating to me too.
I keep getting matched with people out of my skill level, or groups of 4-5 people who queue together and my team has 2 at most.

Great stuff

Permanently A

Junior Member
The only really good post but it's made by a dude with a junkrat avatar, I'm conflicted now

Hahaha, my playtime on Junkrat is actually pretty low. I just like the picture a lot because it reminds me of Hisoka.

Do you struggle with the aiming?

I find the game frustrating on PS4 because of the controls. I've tried every setting and sensitivity but nothing feels right. Meanwhile, jump onto Titanfall or Destiny and the controls feel like magic.

Not sure what it is but I would recommend trying it on PC (if you're not already)
Mystery heroes is a great mode to practice new heroes on.

Instead of being insta-killed by crack shot Hanzos or Roadhogs or whatever, the odds are a lot better you're facing someone not playing their best character.

I got tolerable with Hanzo, McCree, Mei and Ana that way, as well as improving a lot on some others.
I get frustrated solo queuing competitive and getting teamed up with folks who don't even know how the characters work our how to push a payload.
I still feel the same way OP; I often make stupid mistakes and feel basically useless even though I'm having fun. Nothing like seeing your death count reach double digits in one match 😅.
I've gotten a little better by staying in Arcade mode and forcing myself to play as every character with mystery mode. Although would mystery mode kindly stop giving me goddamn Hanzo multiple times in a row; makes me want to jump off the map to get a new character.


Neo Member
What system do you play on OP? If you're on PC, there's a ton of things that can totally help you out that are quite easy to do (if you're not doing them already). These are tips from someone who is fairly good at FPS's (Was Global Elite in CS:GO, and nearly top 500 the last two seasons in Overwatch):

1. Lower your mouse sensitivity. This is one of the biggest tips that I can give anyone. If you need to buy a bigger mousepad, buy one. Lowering your sensitivity is the first step to getting better aim and ensuring that you finish your kills. Also, if you can learn to aim with your arm instead of your wrist, this is a huge step in the right direction.

2. Make sure that you're not getting FPS drops. I have a 120hz monitor, but if you have a 60hz, you may be able to keep most settings fairly high and never drop below 60 FPS. Dropping FPS will immediately lower your reactions/precision. It's more noticeable than you may think.

3. Learn the characters that you're best with, and focus on them first. Don't try to be a jack of all trades. If anything, get really good with one type of DPS, Defense, Tank, and Support. If your aim is bad with McCree but better with Soldier and someone already picked Soldier, pick someone else to fill the team while still helping them.

4. Use teamwork and a mic. Yes, you will get someone being rude one out of every ten games, but most of the time if you're nice, others will be too. If you have to, mute someone who is being rude and report them. However, a team communication has a MUCH MUCH higher chance of winning than one that isn't.

5. Positioning. This is almost more important than aiming. Never be in a spot that you can be killed if you're caught off guard. Know where your healers are. Always try to keep high ground. Run if you're losing a fight. There's so many little things like this that separate ok players from great players, and great players from top players.

Hope these help!
Now that arcade mode is a thing I've totally stopped worrying and just play arcade and quickplay. My rank is so low in competitive that there isn't a community to be toxic towards me. My experience seems so different than the people who complain about the toxicity of Overwatch's community, I've invited and gotten quite a few invites to friend up with people from successful random teams and "clicking" with people in 3v3 and 1v1, I'd say about 75% of my Overwatch time is pretty chill and fun.


I get frustrated solo queuing competitive and getting teamed up with folks who don't even know how the characters work our how to push a payload.

I was in a game last night where the enemy teamvey nearly got the payload to the Target. By a miracle we killed the team and got them off the payload. I jump back on top of the payload to start moving it backward-and every one else on my team just runs away-leaving me all by myself to push it back. The thing was inches from the checkpoint.


OP I like to think I am VERY good at casual play but would be VERY bad at competitive play, to the point where I don't even bother with it.

Play casual. Have fun. Learn over time. The game is a joy to play, even if you have a round where you get fucking stomped. Don't worry about being a "benefit to your team." After enough play, you will always be a plus. Just enjoy yourself, win or lose. That's what keeps me playing.

when am I gonna get that fucking mei skin fuck


Play Arcade Mystery Heroes and learn more about the heroes.

Also, who do you like to play as so we can give you some tips?

This, Mystery Heroes is great for learning all the classes because it forces you out of your perceived comfort zones. There is also some level of forgiveness there. Losses seem easier to take
I will say learn enough about team comp and be flexible to the point that you're not actively working against your team. Its one thing to "main" a character, but another to insist on being Widowmaker every single game because she's your main.

Mystery Heroes helped me with this, both learning not to lean on anyone too heavily, and figuring out out how to play as some of the heroes I'd neglected.

And turn down that mouse sensitivity.
When I started playing Overwatch I was in the same place. My career high in S1 was 73. My career high this season is 3650.

Thumb skill is something you develop over time. Game sense you can learn from study and practice.

https://youtu.be/cKUoM-AMktE Watch this video to get started and watch a ton of this guys content. It's made me a significantly better player. There are other people but the point is find resources that know more than you and absorb all the knowledge you can.


OP I like to think I am VERY good at casual play but would be VERY bad at competitive play, to the point where I don't even bother with it.

Play casual. Have fun. Learn over time. The game is a joy to play, even if you have a round where you get fucking stomped. Don't worry about being a "benefit to your team." After enough play, you will always be a plus. Just enjoy yourself, win or lose. That's what keeps me playing.

when am I gonna get that fucking mei skin fuck

I have a very hard time with the losses. I need to mentally get over that. The end of match theatrics just make me fume when my team loses and I just wish Ill will on the winning team.


Neo Member
I'm going to disagree with the people telling you to play Mystery Heroes. You're not going to get any practice facing actual team comps or setups. You'll also waste time playing too many different characters and not marginally improving your skill with any particular one. I'd recommend Quick Play and then focusing on a few characters that you'd like to improve with. This way you'll be play against people playing normally and doing everything you can to get better in actual scenarios.
I have a very hard time with the losses. I need to mentally get over that. The end of match theatrics just make me fume when my team loses and I just wish Ill will on the winning team.

Are you featured in the opposite teams POTG often? It can be irritating when your death is part of the highlight reel.


Hey, i'm a fellow lucio main and i know how frustrating can it be when you seem to lose all games, OW was my first fps and i also play on console, so i think i can help a bit :)
First of all, quickplay is nice when you are not used to more serious matches, but the truth is that that game mode is complete anarchy and you'll probably not be able to make the best use of lucio/mercy there, the problem is that in comp there is a high risk of tilting since everyone is so damn serious, sou you'll have to learn to chill, not worry about ranks and just play the game, which can be a challenge on its on, but it's worth it
I used to take a lot of my time watching videos and trying to learn game sense... look for youtube channels such as your overwatch and unit lost(though the last one is not respectful enough to my second main so you can pass) if you need help with wallrides, jamie allegro's channel is awesome too, i'm not posting all links because i'm on my mobile, but you should look it up.
For console lucio you NEED to change your control bindings if you wanna aim and wallride at the same time, i use L1 for jump, X for crossfade and l3 for the boop, use whatever you feel more confortable with, i'd also up the sensibility to 50 and enable backwards wallriding so you can stay alive longer
Lately, though, i've found a channel called skyline on youtube, the guy has some low number of views but his videos are just awesome, im posting this one as an example: https://youtu.be/_vDLt38qGmk
This dude gave me the best advice for improving my games and ranking up: have fun.
Whenever you're feeling you're not good enough, chill, your progress will show up as long as you're playing, as a support you shouldn't look at your damage but at every life you save and at the assists you get, your positioning and awareness are going to improve in time, you cannot rush this process tho, but don't panic, tilting helps no one in your team and if you're not having fun you should just rest a bit :)


I have a very hard time with the losses. I need to mentally get over that. The end of match theatrics just make me fume when my team loses and I just wish Ill will on the winning team.
You can get Play of the Game even when you're on the losing team!

Overwatch is all about understanding that it's not about winning, but about contributing. If you lose but get 4 gold medals, you're killing it.


Tagged as I see fit
What helped for me was watching people who were good at the game and not being super aggressive and trying to stick with other team members.

YouTube is pretty useful here. Search for "How to be a good <character name> and you'll get all sorts of helpful videos.


overwatch is actually designed to carry you through, instead of rewarding player skill. This is why theres teamplay, ultimates, and hard hero counters.

Blizzard does the same with Heroes Of The Storm, its their gameplay formula


How do I find my skill? I'm nowhere near gold-maybe aluminum.

You have a 54% win rate in quick play. That's about the typical win rate of anyone who solo queues. It's honestly fine. Was destiny your last mp FPS? Forget everything you know about it (or any of the other existing mp FPS games). You need to learn the nuances of each character, you cannot 1v1 every character with any character, which is what we are all accustomed to.


Overwatch is not nearly as accessible as people make it out to be.

I respect the brilliance of the design, but it's extremely competitive and is not "that game" that will make a convert out of people who don't generally enjoy competitive MP.

It just wasn't for me, despite my desperately wanting to like it. So I get you OP. Unfortunately, the "get good" mentality applies and is the only way to really getting anything out of the game.

Any game that is MP only is going to require you to win more than lose in order to have fun. And that's why the "GOTY" title for Overwatch baffles me.

I disagree, my 10 year old sister picked up overwatch and got me into it. It's very accessible and straight forward.



You should play a lot of Mystery Heroes to find out who suits you best.

Solider 76, Lucio, Mercy and Roadhog are good starting points in my opinion.


What would you say is your main deficit? If it is aiming I would suggest to work on heroes where aiming matters less i.e. Rheinhardt, Winston, Mercy, Junkrat and to a lesser degree Lucio. Keep an eye on your positioning, try not to be too far away from your team unless you are a flanker.

The game is not fun, period.
Wow, so edgy and cool.


I honestly have no idea what this means.

You play more = you get better = start to climb eventually. If a person did bad on his/her placements or just went on a super unlucky streak but is better than the current tier he's in, the climb will be a lot faster than someone who actually belongs there.
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