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Overwatch is so frustrating for me


Thanks for being the type of player that makes me want to throw my computer out the window while playing comp against a 6 man team
I make a point of consistently only playing my bad heroes now, so the matchmaking should eventually drop me so far into potato league that I'm a useful team member with those heroes at that level of play. Either people playing with me belong to potato league themselves and have no grounds to complain, or they should be complaining about the matchmaking.

I have no interest in trolling, just getting reasonable matchups. If I had some other way of getting them, I'd do that.


beware of playing mystery heroes, you might end up finding too many heroes you like playing

Yeah this is how I feel now. Sometimes I get a roll that's not useful for the team at the moment (another Mercy right in the middle of a big push) but all of the characters are fun and interesting for me at this point.


I make a point of consistently only playing my bad heroes now, so the matchmaking should eventually drop me so far into potato league that I'm a useful team member with those heroes at that level of play. Either people playing with me belong to potato league themselves and have no grounds to complain, or they should be complaining about the matchmaking.

I have no interest in trolling, just getting reasonable matchups. If I had some other way of getting them, I'd do that.

How do you say you only play your bad heroes and not consider it trolling.

Are you trolling us right now?


The biggest problem with the game is a LOT of the playerbase attempts to main a single character, at least in the lower levels, and refuse to play as a team. This is not how you play Overwatch.

yeah i'm level 92, but when the matchmaking groups me up on attack and i see a level 7 Widowmaker i just cringe.


That's actually pretty good.

Good to know-thanks. Maybe it's more my frustration then of being in public games with no one else working as a team.

That's not bad at all, you're about on average or on track to being above average shortly if you keep it up! Upload some videos, one of you winning and one of you losing (same time frame if possible), that way we can see what went right and what went wrong.

Will do when I get some time-thanks!
Don't worry so much about your K/D or DPS, it doesnt mean much in this game. Stick with your team, play your role and you'll do better; it's really that simple.


It's funny,
On the days I just feel like I got placed with crappy players,
I always get humbled after the match when I realize I'm the one that brought the team down (low stats)

I'm a force to be reckoned with most times, but some days I just suck!
I make a point of consistently only playing my bad heroes now, so the matchmaking should eventually drop me so far into potato league that I'm a useful team member with those heroes at that level of play. Either people playing with me belong to potato league themselves and have no grounds to complain, or they should be complaining about the matchmaking.

I have no interest in trolling, just getting reasonable matchups. If I had some other way of getting them, I'd do that.

You're the problem.
I only find the game fun and not try-hard when in a 6-queue with friends for quickplay or arcade mode. Anything else, especially ranked, just seems to bring the worst out of myself and everyone else. It doesn't help that Blizzard is pushing the game as their next big e-sport title.
-Pick Lucio.
-Turn on heal.
-Sit behind teammates.
-Hold R2 in the general direction of the enemy.
-Keep spamming R1 (or whatever your button is for heal boost) off cooldown.
-You're now more useful to your teammates than 90% of the people they play with,


Huh, interesting, you described my experience with Battleborn, in fact on my autopsy of why BB failed i always put some blame on how in Overwatch "You can just play and no matter how bad you are you will still be helping the team and will win more often", i feel like the only way you can hinder your team in OW is to actively and intentionally troll.

I recommend playing the mystery mode in Arcade, which respawns you as a different character every time you die, that way you get insight on each character and will make it easier to understand them or find new characters to suit your play style.
It sounds like you placed pretty high, just shy of plat rank which is slightly above average.

My main piece of advice would be to start by getting good with 1 hero that suits your play style/feels good, like just spam using them until you're super comfortable using them in any situation.

Then, I would try and get good with one hero in each category type (offense, defense, tank, healer). This will give you the flexibility you need in case someone insta locks your "main". Then try and get good with maybe a couple more and rotate.

Other than that, map knowledge and communication help tremendously. Its all practice, practice, practice after that.


-Pick Lucio.
-Turn on heal.
-Sit behind teammates.
-Hold R2 in the general direction of the enemy.
-Keep spamming R1 (or whatever your button is for heal boost) off cooldown.
-You're now more useful to your teammates than 90% of the people they play with,

This is basically exactly what I do as Lucio. I'm healing the team non-stop, but they ain't doing shit.


This is basically exactly what I do as Lucio. I'm healing the team non-stop, but they ain't doing shit.

-Pick Lucio.
-Turn on heal.
-Sit behind teammates.
-Hold R2 in the general direction of the enemy.
-Keep spamming R1 (or whatever your button is for heal boost) off cooldown.
-You're now more useful to your teammates than 90% of the people they play with,

This is an absolutely awful way to play Lucio.


-Pick Lucio.
-Turn on heal.
-Sit behind teammates.
-Hold R2 in the general direction of the enemy.
-Keep spamming R1 (or whatever your button is for heal boost) off cooldown.
-You're now more useful to your teammates than 90% of the people they play with,

Terrible. You are not bopping any enemies. I pretty much always use it when its up.


Just don't ignore speed boost, it is crucial for running away from enemy ults and getting your team back to the objective after respawn.

I'm not a very good Lucio, but I'm learning there's more to it than that. Speed boost isn't just for running away and getting to the point quickly. It's for gaining an advantage in team fights and picking off fleeing remains of an enemy team after winning a team fight.

You know what's more terrifying as a support than a Reaper chasing after you? A Reaper who's faster than you.
Anyone who said 'Roadhog' is a smartass.


Mystery Heroes is dat crack. I'm someone who can't stick with 1 character very long, even if I'm very good with him/her. Switching it up is a great way to learn the in's-and-out's of other heroes (something a video can only help so far). So when the game first launches, you find your favs and learn the game around them, then slowly adjust to other roles. And the best part about the mode is how it forces a change up, meaning you aren't ALWAYS stuck being the support or the tank or the _____, like in QP or Comp. And if you're good, you'll last long enough on your character to charge up that Ult and push the offense/save the defense.
This is an absolutely awful way to play Lucio.

As someone who plays a lot Lucio, and does so in an aggressive and infuriating manner (thanks Stanky), I'd still rather have someone who does nothing but stand around with heal aura on than yet another Widow/Hanzo double team that contribute nothing but toxic complaints and an early quit.
i feel like the only way you can hinder your team in OW is to actively and intentionally troll.

Or just not knowing your character. It's frustrating playing with Soldiers that won't deal with a Pharrah, or a McCree refusing to do deal with a genji or tracer etc. Mercy's that are more occupied with using their damage buff than actually healing etc. Or just flat out refusing to play another character for proper team comp because they're bad with Hanzo and want to play him anyway. Oh, and people refusing to group and mindlessly running into an objective alone just to die repeatedly. There are a myriad of ways you can hinder your team in OW. I see this shit in ranked daily even in high diamond where I am now.

-Pick Lucio.
-Turn on heal.
-Sit behind teammates.
-Hold R2 in the general direction of the enemy.
-Keep spamming R1 (or whatever your button is for heal boost) off cooldown.
-You're now more useful to your teammates than 90% of the people they play with,

Depends on the map. You should still be trying to do some damage and bop people off the map if possible. If the map doesn't allow that use wall ride to get to higher parts of the area where you can still heal without being targeted too much.


I would recommend spending some time with Zenyatta next. Since you're familiar with Lucio and Mercy, you know how to heal teammates, now just add his offense and you can be very deadly. Just be careful because you're more squishy, so you may want to hang behind your teammates a lot.

Also, see if you like 3v3. I found that 3v3 can be a great way to become acclimated to new heroes because you get a better feel of how your abilities work and when to use them without the pressure of 6 players after you.
After reading through most of this thread I've gone back n forth from feeling like I'll just return the game before I open it and get in over my head... To thinking, "I can do this!" Lol

Thing is, I don't have a ton of time to devote to mastering the intricacies of a complex shooter right now...I was under the impression Overwatch is an "easy, pick up n play" experience. I can't count on my fingers n toes how many times I read that this would be the ideal game to introduce someone to their first 1st person shooter...(so had been thinking if I like it maybe I'll get my fiancé into it too)... But based on this thread it sounds very complex. Don't get me wrong, I love chess and normally adore games that set up a semi-complex chessmatch/rock-paper-scissors dynamic. But that isn't what I thought I was getting with this game.

Hmmmm. My fave shooter so far this gen is the 1st Titanfall(bought but haven't played TF2 yet). Fave last gen was the Left 4 Dead series. After reading everything in here I'm leaning towards keeping Overwatch (XB1) and starting out slow...maybe watch some YouTube vids... And take it from there...but am wondering if this was a huge mistake.... Lol
Imagine being at Grandmaster and realizing nothing's really changed from the lower ranks. You have better players, sure, but for the most part you still have just as many matches where people just don't do anything or coordinate or even attempt to play the game. You just get steamrolled - or worse, take turns steamrolling each other to a draw.

Thing is, I don't have a ton of time to devote to mastering the intricacies of a complex shooter right now...I was under the impression Overwatch is an "easy, pick up n play" experience. I can't count on my fingers n toes how many times I read that this would be the ideal game to introduce someone to their first 1st person shooter...(so had been thinking if I like it maybe I'll get my fiancé into it too)... But based on this thread it sounds very complex. Don't get me wrong, I love chess and normally adore games that set up a semi-complex chessmatch/rock-paper-scissors dynamic. But that isn't what I thought I was getting with this game.

At the lower ranks - and in quick play - the game is fairly simple as far as the actual shooting aspects of it go. It's an "Easy to learn; hard to master" kind of affair.
This is an absolutely awful way to play Lucio.

Depends on the map. You should still be trying to do some damage and bop people off the map if possible. If the map doesn't allow that use wall ride to get to higher parts of the area where you can still heal without being targeted too much.

Terrible. You are not bopping any enemies. I pretty much always use it when its up.

You guys missed the point to my post. Of course for higher level players that is a bad way of playing Lucio because you're ignoring the most unique aspect of his kit, the speed boost which can ferry people across choke points, and other features such as being able to push people off maps or wall riding to high spots to stay alive.

But you have to understand the OP's issue. OP stated quite clearly that he is not very skilled at the game and feels that he isn't contributing much to the team. The strategy I gave is an entry level strategy (we all have to start somewhere) that almost anyone of any skill level can do and have a positive input to the team through constant healing. It's a starting point to improve from.

Is that how Lucio should be played? No.
Is it using Lucio's full capabilities? Absolutely not.
But it is still better than OP picking some of the other healers who require more skill or picking a character like Soldier or Mcree who require far more aiming to be a positive influence on the team? IMO yes.

This is basically exactly what I do as Lucio. I'm healing the team non-stop, but they ain't doing shit.

Unfortunately there is nothing you can do about that. I've played in Masters tier with different healers and have had similar feelings to that a lot of times. That's just how the game is. You and your teammates will just get outclassed from time to time. I guess it just happens less at higher levels of play.

If you're coming in gold with healing and making the board end game, you've made a significant contribution to the team. But if the teammates don't perform, there's not much else you can do. That's not to say you can't get better at the game even in a losing effort though. For example If you're getting better at surviving for longer with Lucio turning on speed boost from time to time to get out of trouble then you're definitely improving with the character.
I play on PC so not sure what the differences are but make sure to customize your controls in the options menu for the heroes you use. Going off PC from what I remember (I did this a long time ago) turn on that you don't have to hold button down for healing(this is good for Widowmakers scope activation as well). Also activate that you don't have to directly look at someone to fly to them, I think that was an option as well. I would say it very difficult to carry a team as Mercy if every one is just kinda fucking around and quick play is primarily to do that for anyone who plays competitive. Play more competitive you'll get better teammates hopefully and learn a hero from every class in quick play so you provide help to the team if your hero is already taken. Also learn who counters who so that you can take care of problems that are on the other team.

I would say these heroes are petty straight forward to learn:
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