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Paragon Open Beta Thead | PC x PS4


does anyone have some info for how power relates to attacks now? like whats the scaling? what is an acceptable amount of power to have on a offlaner at 26 minutes

Same for Armor

i look at some cards but I just have no idea what is an acceptible amount of stat i should be aiming for.


I enter a lobby and instantly hover over Phase (Level 5). A party of two enters and one of them tells me to pick a different hero because supposedly only they are allowed to play support (Level 1 Decker). I still choose Phase when it's my pick and they report me for "sab". Okay?
They were probably tryna carry/support together usually when that happens I'd just concede as in most cases if they are together they could likely coordinate better.
So with HotS as my primary "MOBA", I actually like the general speed increase of the Dawn patch; my preferred MOBA time is probably 25-30 minutes so it's kind of in my wheelhouse. But i'm wondering if a lot of the complaints about how the game gets too lethal too quickly has to do with the Ults coming online way, *way* earlier than before the patch? It seems like LV5 might be too early now to have the Ults unlock.. that's like... what... 5-7 minutes in for most chars now? It seems like Ults should be coming online more like at a minimum of 10 minutes. Seems like you shouldn't be getting Ults before the first set of towers even goes down.


I've reinstalled the game and gave it a try. I was Serath on the offlane and it was...

..super boring.

I wasn't even bad. I had a good farm, I could actually, meaningfuly participate team fights, it's just something is missing. Something that was there before, it's just isn't anymore.

The most frustrating is that I don't know what, but I'm definitely not having fun.


Did they do an emergency patch to fix the dreadful OP heroes like Wukong, Countess, and that guy that reminds me of Gazlowe on HOTS? Until they do that, I am not touching this game.

Countess can kill a Sparrow in 2 hits, which is ridiculous.


Did they do an emergency patch to fix the dreadful OP heroes like Wukong, Countess, and that guy that reminds me of Gazlowe on HOTS? Until they do that, I am not touching this game.

Countess can kill a Sparrow in 2 hits, which is ridiculous.

Countess still OP. Hoping the next patch brings the nerfs.
I know you think that you might be good as Aurora, but the OP Countess solos 3 vs 1 easily.

2 vs 1? You are feeding me kills as Countess.

The point of a Shadow Dancer Countess is to never even see her coming or vanish instantaneously if things get trippy. Shadow dancer also gives you a really good Move Speed for a whooping 17 seconds, even if you slide away, I only activate this card, to easily catch up so I can be within range to teleport to you and 2 to 3 shot you thanks to the crazy Mana regen gems.

Hanging out with a team of 2 or 3 still guarantess your death, friend.

You better hope you have a good Kallari in your team when you find the Countess that I'm talking about.

And I will pray for you that you don't pick Aurora lol.

Right... I haven't met a Countess yet that made me shit my pants. Yeah sure, Dark Tide does loads of damage and if she does get an Ult off my HP will be very low. But shes going to pay for it with her life or I'm going to get away. All of my abilities are escapes. Trust me when I say I'm getting away from nearly every Countess. Plain and simple. Lots of people suck ass as Countess, theres a few good ones. She's not to be feared unless its one of those few good players.


GAF Madden 2006 Season 1 NFC Champ
Right... I haven't met a Countess yet that made me shit my pants. Yeah sure, Dark Tide does loads of damage and if she does get an Ult off my HP will be very low. But shes going to pay for it with her life or I'm going to get away. All of my abilities are escapes. Trust me when I say I'm getting away from nearly every Countess. Plain and simple. Lots of people suck ass as Countess, theres a few good ones. She's not to be feared unless its one of those few good players.

Actually I almost never get hit with Countess's ult because Aurora's clone if timed right, which isn't hard to do will take ult damage.

Ploid 3.0

I really need a double exp weekend or something. Even though I can consistently get 30-50 minute matches against AI it still feels like it takes forever to move through the rank segments. It would probably feel better if the chests didn't seem blank for me, or if I needed cards. I'm mainly shooting for rival skin for Muriel at this point. I don't think I want any of the others, and I don't have Sevarog.


I really need a double exp weekend or something. Even though I can consistently get 30-50 minute matches against AI it still feels like it takes forever to move through the rank segments. It would probably feel better if the chests didn't seem blank for me, or if I needed cards. I'm mainly shooting for rival skin for Muriel at this point. I don't think I want any of the others, and I don't have Sevarog.

Agreed... Chests are silly now.. no one cares about upgrading cards as the AI isn't difficult enough to warrant increased stats and the reward for beating the AI is?? Nothing?

They need to rework chest rewards, because getting a card that I already have 200 copies of... Isn't rewarding at all


Agreed... Chests are silly now.. no one cares about upgrading cards as the AI isn't difficult enough to warrant increased stats and the reward for beating the AI is?? Nothing?

They need to rework chest rewards, because getting a card that I already have 200 copies of... Isn't rewarding at all

Yeah, total agreement there. I haven't bothered opening any chests since the first day of the patch because I just don't see the point. Unless they start offering a low tier of skins, banners, recolors, etc, I don't see caring about the loot treadmill anymore. The weekly roulette spin is the only thing giving out real rewards anymore, and even then people wound up with junk doing weeks with larger prize pools. We'll see if they keep the weekly loot limited to 4 rewards for September.
Yeah, total agreement there. I haven't bothered opening any chests since the first day of the patch because I just don't see the point. Unless they start offering a low tier of skins, banners, recolors, etc, I don't see caring about the loot treadmill anymore. The weekly roulette spin is the only thing giving out real rewards anymore, and even then people wound up with junk doing weeks with larger prize pools. We'll see if they keep the weekly loot limited to 4 rewards for September.

Well, that's actually why I open chest: Gold chest give a small chance of earning a diamond chest (it happens from time to time like 1/10 or less), diamond chest give a small chance of earning a Loot Key.

Loot Vault give skins, emotes and stuff so... that's the incentive in open them but yeah, most of the time it's for nothing.


Well, that's actually why I open chest: Gold chest give a small chance of earning a diamond chest (it happens from time to time like 1/10 or less), diamond chest give a small chance of earning a Loot Key.

Loot Vault give skins, emotes and stuff so... that's the incentive in open them but yeah, most of the time it's for nothing.

Yeah, the loot crates are worth opening. However, I have about 10 keys with no crates to open. So even the ultra rare drop would do me no real good.

Ploid 3.0

Yeah I now have 7 loot keys, bought one loot crate because I got tired of waiting for no drop during random games. In two days I'll have about 2 or 3 more keys, I forgot which one the last daily for this final calendar I'm currently on is.
Yeah I now have 7 loot keys, bought one loot crate because I got tired of waiting for no drop during random games. In two days I'll have about 2 or 3 more keys, I forgot which one the last daily for this final calendar I'm currently on is.

I had a lucky streak of loot boxes from games and keys from daily log ins. Ended up with 8 all together. And actually got good stuff!

Ploid 3.0


I have so many pink colored skins. Thankfully I have Bronze Steel which I really like. Though I guess I'll use this anyway since the skills are supposed to look different.

What is it with all the pink? Makes me think of MMO games with gear of dishonor (noob gear that look embarrassing).

Also, v.43 drops on the 19th of September along with visual overhaul and major hero/card/economy/attribute balancing.

(That's when I'm going back)

Another visual overhaul? Didn't we just get one?

Maybe now some of the heroes will have some expressive faces. Twinblast finally got one recently, now the likes of Dekker and Sparrow could use one too!
Anxious to see if Shinbi gets any changes. I think she is good where she is at.

Countess needs a slight nerf to ability damage, Wukong just needs a new Ult all together as his clones make is a nightmare for anyone to try to defend and they absolutely should NOT help him damage structures. Kallari needs 1 second added on to her slow dagger and I think she will be fine. Iggy's turrets early game are too effective vs heroes.

Oh, and slow the attack speed down some. It's just ridiculous.


Agreed... Chests are silly now.. no one cares about upgrading cards as the AI isn't difficult enough to warrant increased stats and the reward for beating the AI is?? Nothing?

They need to rework chest rewards, because getting a card that I already have 200 copies of... Isn't rewarding at all






Another visual overhaul? Didn't we just get one?

Maybe now some of the heroes will have some expressive faces. Twinblast finally got one recently, now the likes of Dekker and Sparrow could use one too!

The visual upgrade that was originally intended to land with v.42 was postponed and it will land with v.43 in September.
I need people to play with. I can't keep playing with these scrubs! I keep seeing people choose dumb characters for dumb roles and when somebody mentions something they claim to be an expert. It never fails that they end up at 2/10 or something. I need a team and this game is driving me nuts.

PSN: PaulKersey
Epic ID: VinceMajestyk

The End

Agreed... Chests are silly now.. no one cares about upgrading cards as the AI isn't difficult enough to warrant increased stats and the reward for beating the AI is?? Nothing?

They need to rework chest rewards, because getting a card that I already have 200 copies of... Isn't rewarding at all

Yep, even the occasional 10 gold or 5k rep would make the chests way more worthwhile.
If you are in a draft and see someone pick Wraith mid, just forfeit or leave. It's over.

I don't think there is a worse single pick for s role than that. He is God awful with absolutely no wave clearing ability, no burst, cant push a lane any better than a Narbash...he is a decent support but as a mid, your team is finished and you should be reported for sabotage.

Yes, I have reported players for sabotage for picking Wraith mid. I think it's that obvious, and if someone picks him they are doing it to lose intentionally.


I haven't really played since Sept last year. Starting to get back into this but I need recs for Phase loadouts with the current card/gem system.

I've been enjoying her I'm just not sure how she should optimally be built.


I haven't really played since Sept last year. Starting to get back into this but I need recs for Phase loadouts with the current card/gem system.

I've been enjoying her I'm just not sure how she should optimally be built.

I just build Regen, find the competent player on my team and tether to them for the match. Phase regenerating lots of health and Mana and blinding fools makes for a happy carry.

My build is the card that gives you gold for harassing, then whatever health or Mana Regen aura cards I have.


Last day I gave Gideon another try. I played turtle, close to tower and countering assassins with arcane dancer late game. Actually I had quite the fun.


nice, Epic must have been collecting data since the start, so enjoy your OP team of Countess, Iggy, Kallari, Wukong, Twinblast lol

Grim.exe is a better Carry than TB at the moment.

His bubble is more handy in this burst damage meta and his ult and slow is crazy.
Anxious to see if Shinbi gets any changes. I think she is good where she is at.

Countess needs a slight nerf to ability damage, Wukong just needs a new Ult all together as his clones make is a nightmare for anyone to try to defend and they absolutely should NOT help him damage structures. Kallari needs 1 second added on to her slow dagger and I think she will be fine. Iggy's turrets early game are too effective vs heroes.

Oh, and slow the attack speed down some. It's just ridiculous.

Agreed on Countess and Wukong needing nerfs. I main Iggy, so I refuse to accept that he is OP lol. I think it is insane that Wukong clones can damage structures, but Iggy turrets CANNOT attack towers. One of those things can at least be destroyed while the other just does the damage without any way to stop it. It is nuts.

TLDW; (Work in progress)

It took 2 - 3 months of internal playtest before testers really "got" the new system. They expect it to click with us in the same way.

You know what most enemies run, right? So why don't you run something to counter it, or throw them off guard? But then they know that you know what they planned on doing, so they run something to counter your counter to what they're originally running. Bamboozle the heck out of people to win!

Balance Changes: V42.3

Keep posting feedback; It's always useful
Buffs to Gideon and Wraith; damage and useability. More scaling.
"I loved when Kallari killed me." She's overperforming and people are still adapting.
No more free, cheap vision. They're cutting off our addition.
Hey man, you got any more of those... wards?

Kallari is getting nerfed
Counter build to shut down certain heroes for now
Data doesn't support the idea that Countess is OP. If she's behind, she's "useless"supposidly. Use Gag Order
Wukong's passive is giving him too much gold. His escapes are too good; expect nerfs.
Domain of Stillnes doesn't effect minions... interesting.

Play weird stuff, people. Tank Shinbi is a "thing"

Iggy getting damage and health nerf. Don't tell Tolls.

Kwang Nerf

Additional, smaller changes

Shadow Dancer nerf

Card updates and bug fixes

Vision: "Vision..."

"Vision is the ability to see the map."
"Stealth Detection is the ability to see invisible things."
Stealth countering stealth may go away at some point. For now, it's a thing.

"Emotionally damage the enemy Countess by getting Vision!" (Insert PSA ::thumbsup::)

Better vision in Growth and Knowledge, but maybe not stealth detection

Everybody wants vision, but nobody wants to buy it. JUST DO IT. Put them in your decks.


Visual Update coming soon

Chris is a seat-stealer and Mooney is late to things, apparently. Next Flair: Mooney's Watch

20 Hero changes by December. Streamlining and speeding things up. Aurora abilities will come out faster, for example.

Steel's charge may be different in an "interesting way."

The game may feel rough and awkward. It will be fixed. Get out of your comfort zone and try stuff out


That feeling when you look for a deck and realize most builds out there aren't great so you make your own and it works. Getting the hang of v42. Just need to get my main back because the alts are gem deficient.

I'm almost completely satisfied with where wards are right now. Very scarce and even when you have one it has to be used smartly. The decision to carry one is far more weighty than the obviousness of taking one in the old system.

Responding before completely reading the patch notes and...
Everybody wants vision, but nobody wants to buy it. JUST DO IT. Put them in your decks.
lol, yup.
Play weird stuff, people. Tank Shinbi is a "thing"

I hope players are given time to experiment before stuff starts getting hammered down. Very hard to strike the right balance between letting a player base develop counter play and handing them the tutorial tools to do so.
Data doesn't support the idea that Countess is OP. If she's behind, she's "useless"supposidly. Use Gag Order


I don't understand why the game tells me to build Aurora for intellect. I always do better with her when she's swinging that sword at a billion miles an hour, with her abilities being the icing on the cake. Isn't that how she's supposed to be used? Instead the game's recommended deck seems to think her abilities are her main ways of dealing damage.


I don't understand why the game tells me to build Aurora for intellect. I always do better with her when she's swinging that sword at a billion miles an hour, with her abilities being the icing on the cake. Isn't that how she's supposed to be used? Instead the game's recommended deck seems to think her abilities are her main ways of dealing damage.
I always used to put a good amount of attack speed on her as well when I was building her to try to get as much hits in while they are locked down by CC.


I always used to put a good amount of attack speed on her as well when I was building her to try to get as much hits in while they are locked down by CC.

That's EXACTLY what I build for. Hell, even her stats are weighted more towards basic attack power over ability (and that's the reason why I built her for attack speed). Glad to see I'm not the only one.

It's also great news that she'll be getting faster casting abilities. The increased speed of the game has made playing her feel even better, but it just made her casting time even more noticeable.


That feeling when you look for a deck and realize most builds out there aren't great so you make your own and it works. Getting the hang of v42. Just need to get my main back because the alts are gem deficient.

I'm almost completely satisfied with where wards are right now. Very scarce and even when you have one it has to be used smartly. The decision to carry one is far more weighty than the obviousness of taking one in the old system.

Responding before completely reading the patch notes and...

lol, yup.


I hope players are given time to experiment before stuff starts getting hammered down. Very hard to strike the right balance between letting a player base develop counter play and handing them the tutorial tools to do so.

No disrespect to you personally but these types of responses are why Epic is having issues with a big portion of their fan base. They are so dismissive. First off the best vision cards are locked to order which are the wards because of their affinity system (which actually works against the type of game they are trying to turn Paragon into). Secondly even if I have access to wards late game when they are even more important throwing them on limits your build potential even more it's hard enough dealing with crazy assassin's that can kill you 1 - 3 shot. Third there is no way you can say that the way warding is now is good with all the buffs they did to stealth like gameplay there needs to be at least a little more in the way of warding a happy middle ground if you will.

As an aside tank Shinbi was a thing before v.42 sylphin put a video up of it a couple weeks before the patch and many Shinbi players were playing that way prior.


I hate the player community..
Boasting before the game and spamming chat to claim a lane...
Then completely feeding during the game...
Then when I die.. they spam Good Job...
And after losing the game they want to report me for being Toxic... sigh



No disrespect to you personally but these types of responses are why Epic is having issues with a big portion of their fan base. They are so dismissive. First off the best vision cards are locked to order which are the wards because of their affinity system (which actually works against the type of game they are trying to turn Paragon into).
We obviously need other affinities with wards. Not all of them.
Secondly even if I have access to wards late game when they are even more important throwing them on limits your build potential...
That's the point.
Third there is no way you can say that the way warding is now is good with all the buffs they did to stealth like gameplay there needs to be at least a little more in the way of warding a happy middle ground if you will.
Warding right now is in a complicated (interesting) spot. Early game you want to be warding lanes that the enemy can approach you from. Mid-Late game you have to have a defensive ward for the assassins that start rolling in. We're closer to where they need to be than the previous environment where it was ultra safe to ward everything, still have an extra ward to kill Kalari and still had slots to build anything you could want.

I wouldn't be surprised to see cards like Shadow Dancer get an eventual nerf anyway after or when Kalari gets hers.


We obviously need other affinities with wards. Not all of them.

That's the point.

Warding right now is in a complicated (interesting) spot. Early game you want to be warding lanes that the enemy can approach you from. Mid-Late game you have to have a defensive ward for the assassins that start rolling in. We're closer to where they need to be than the previous environment where it was ultra safe to ward everything, still have an extra ward to kill Kalari and still had slots to build anything you could want.

I wouldn't be surprised to see cards like Shadow Dancer get an eventual nerf anyway after or when Kalari gets hers.

Yeah but when you have certain characters that are over tuned at this point in the game release then the issues with regards to giving up something for warding get compounded.

I still think every affinity needs a ward option they cost gold now so Epic can balance it that way. Every time you buy a ward the price increases with the Order wards being cheapest and not increasing in price and other wards costing way more as time goes on. Plus they can choose whether an affinity gets more than one ward at purchase.

For Example: Order cost 1000 and you get 2

Death cost 3000 and you get 1

There are plenty of ways they can go about the balance as long as the wards aren't as overwhelming as before. I just feel like players shouldn't feel like there isn't a way to counter their opponent because they didn't have the right affinity prior to starting.

I agree that its better that there aren't wards everywhere like before that wasn't great that it felt like a necessity and a lot of the wards were actually being used as counter wards instead of for their intended purpose.

Ploid 3.0

I hate the player community..
Boasting before the game and spamming chat to claim a lane...
Then completely feeding during the game...
Then when I die.. they spam Good Job...
And after losing the game they want to report me for being Toxic... sigh


Recently I've been noticing the Good Job command after I kill someone. It kind of gets on my nerves, and I realize it can't be sarcastic because I'm playing solo.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Looks like v42 ripped away the fun from Co-Op for me

No reason to earn Chests cause Cards and Gems are useless, no way in hell I'm putting ungodly amount of Rep into leveling up 120 Cards

The Grind is too fucking strong now
The XP and Rep adjustments are bullshit.

Before we had too much Rep, now it's the complete opposite
Like no fucking middle ground

You would think with 99 Ranks things would be more fast but the gates placed are just to heavy to deal with

This is now looking like Fortnite spilled over their F2P mechanics and infested Paragon
I've been playing Fortnite a lot and the cards/Gems is just like filler trash to make it look like your earning something
Here have your 20th Jungle lifesteal gem or here is your do 0.3 more with a 0.2 reduction gem with random stats thrown in

Yeah the 3 card system sucks, now your shoehorned more into playing 1-2 styles to feel adequate

Attack Speed is stupid broken, I had Yin @25 Agility with Attack Speed card that was an active, her animation was just janky as fuck whipping away so fast, that I cleared 2 waves with my cleave ability before my Creeps showed up

Sucks I'm stuck playing Heroes I'm not really Jonesing to play
All my Rangers + Grux are capped, that 750,000 Reputation unlock feels too daunting
I'm 25,000Rep away that I can unlock 5 of the 6 for Rank 11
If I even try to do that, get 5/6 Mastered Heroes unlocked, I'm @0 Rep
Or if 1 Hero, 5 Rank Unlocks maybe 6 total before I deplete out

This game with videos of 1-Shotting people, broken everything,looks like Paragon is done for me

Destiny 2 on the Horizon, would have murdered my Paragon time exponentially, but would still get in1-3 games in a day, now, at this moment I don't want to play this broken piece of shit game

Y'all enjoy, I'll lurk the thread, but my posting in here and playing is done.


Right... I haven't met a Countess yet that made me shit my pants. Yeah sure, Dark Tide does loads of damage and if she does get an Ult off my HP will be very low. But shes going to pay for it with her life or I'm going to get away. All of my abilities are escapes. Trust me when I say I'm getting away from nearly every Countess. Plain and simple. Lots of people suck ass as Countess, theres a few good ones. She's not to be feared unless its one of those few good players.

Stop with the overconfidence lol and allow me to demonstrate you.

This Countess does a Pentakill BY HERSELF.

And 1-shots anyone with her Ult.

Starts at 4:12


She is and I'll say it again, the most broken heroe on this update by far. People are sleeping on her because everyone is focusing on Wukong's shields or Kallari's okay damage.

I have done a 3 vs 1 myself and won comfortably with a Lifesteal gem.

But Countess benefited the most from this new update. She is unkillable and you can't get away from her lol.


Then allow me to demonstrate you.

This Countess does a Pentakill BY HERSELF.

And 1-shots anyone with her Ult.

Starts at 4:12


She is and I'll say it again, the most broken heroe on this update by far. People are sleeping on her because everyone is focusing on Wukong's shields or Kallari's okay damage.

But Countess benefited the most from this new update.

What a mess


Deleted from rage and re-installing for v43. Wu's escape is laughably OP. I don't even attempt to engage him even in a 2v1 because you're not going to kill him. Kallari is incredibly obnoxious, etc. I trust Epic though and realize they acknowledged these things already.
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