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Paragon Open Beta Thead | PC x PS4

Looks like v42 ripped away the fun from Co-Op for me

I've noticed since the update that you hadn't been posting as often. I was thinking, "oh no the update killed GraveRobber!"

I agree that chests are completely worthless now, for us that have been playing awhile at least. I know that Epic will change things over time but it just kinda stinks right now.

Ploid 3.0

New hero teaser. Drongo


I really hope they can get the balance down its kinda fun just messing around but man the lack of any sort of midgame really hurts. Its always early game then instantly late game. Like I don't even really understand what kind of game Epic is trying to make anymore... :(


It pisses me off how much they nerfed Revenant, jesus christ. He does almost no damage compared to Sparrow, Twinblast and Murdock. His speed is so pointless, it's hilarious. I shouldn't have over half of the speed gems filled and still shooting at almost the same speed as when I equipped the first one.

It's also almost impossible to win a 1v1 w/ Rev when it's you vs a melee hero. By the time you actually get a decent card they can already destroy you. Countess with the 1 - 2 combo, Wukong + Sacred Alchemy will wipe you out with Wukong taking no damage, Kwang and his health will almost always outlast yours, Khaimera is Khaimera, Kallari is crazy fast, etc.
In v41 I would Destroy, atleast 15 games a game and under 10 deaths. Could take on any hero no problem, now it's just meh.

Rev is almost as rare as Zinx in v42.....


It pisses me off how much they nerfed Revenant, jesus christ. He does almost no damage compared to Sparrow, Twinblast and Murdock. His speed is so pointless, it's hilarious. I shouldn't have over half of the speed gems filled and still shooting at almost the same speed as when I equipped the first one.

It's also almost impossible to win a 1v1 w/ Rev when it's you vs a melee hero. By the time you actually get a decent card they can already destroy you. Countess with the 1 - 2 combo, Wukong + Sacred Alchemy will wipe you out with Wukong taking no damage, Kwang and his health will almost always outlast yours, Khaimera is Khaimera, Kallari is crazy fast, etc.
In v41 I would Destroy, atleast 15 games a game and under 10 deaths. Could take on any hero no problem, now it's just meh.

Rev is almost as rare as Zinx in v42.....

This has to do with the no mid game thing. The issue is that rev can be really good early for like 10 mins but then he just falls off a cliff. The power curve is completely broken.


This has to do with the no mid game thing. The issue is that rev can be really good early for like 10 mins but then he just falls off a cliff. The power curve is completely broken.

It's ridiculous, Narbash is a better carry than Revenant and he's a support lmao! It is definitely broken. The Aurora nerf sucks too, her ult is weak af now. and her ice ring only lasts like 2 seconds. I don't understand how Countess' ult can kill you instantly but Aurora's ult can barely take down 1/4 of someones health lol.



I've seen 'pro' carries complaining about the same thing with the other characters. They're so squishy end-game that some have started building tank ADC which is you know.... weird.


It pisses me off how much they nerfed Revenant, jesus christ. He does almost no damage compared to Sparrow, Twinblast and Murdock. His speed is so pointless, it's hilarious. I shouldn't have over half of the speed gems filled and still shooting at almost the same speed as when I equipped the first one.

It's also almost impossible to win a 1v1 w/ Rev when it's you vs a melee hero. By the time you actually get a decent card they can already destroy you. Countess with the 1 - 2 combo, Wukong + Sacred Alchemy will wipe you out with Wukong taking no damage, Kwang and his health will almost always outlast yours, Khaimera is Khaimera, Kallari is crazy fast, etc.
In v41 I would Destroy, atleast 15 games a game and under 10 deaths. Could take on any hero no problem, now it's just meh.

Rev is almost as rare as Zinx in v42.....

Epic, look at this.


My group was able to kill Wukong by using 2 stuns and ults by Dekker and Narbash (even though Dekkers is useless against him and many others) and a fully powered Murdock shooting the crap out of him, it felt like bullying but also so good.

Probably impossible to achieve without communication tho
I haven't played in almost a week and I must say... I don't feel like I'm missing anything.

I don't have people yelling at me about my KDA even though I do the most damage and take the most objectives. I don't have to worry about draft dodges. I don't have to worry about people hating on my Sparrow when they wanted a "better" carry.


I haven't played in almost a week and I must say... I don't feel like I'm missing anything.

I don't have people yelling at me about my KDA even though I do the most damage and take the most objectives. I don't have to worry about draft dodges. I don't have to worry about people hating on my Sparrow when they wanted a "better" carry.
Yeah playing without a group is hell. I usually get yelled at by my carry because i didnt save 'em as support but y'know, without mana i cant do nothing. Just another reason why people in this thread should start teaming up.

I'm definitely done solo queueing.
Well, I've been playing a lot and I feel a lot better about the game than when v42 arrived. There's still so much balance to do but I think I'm starting to understand how things work in this version.

... that and I got tired and made a deck for Countess lol. Anyway, she's more incredibly easy and effective to use than op, I know how to counter her even before I've used her but I understand why people consider her op.

I feel more annoyed by Wukong and the Iggy, Wukong does feel op in the long term, Iggy is just super annoying.

Also, I'm at a point where I don't miss wards anymore, weird.

My biggest problem is still the quantity of minions and how quick enemy heroes respawn, if I lose tier 1 tower it's really hard to take their's because I have to kill the enemy, clear several minion waves and by the time I get to the tower I'll be ganked or the killed enemy come back and I probably have zero mana and less health than before.


Well, I've been playing a lot and I feel a lot better about the game than when v42 arrived. There's still so much balance to do but I think I'm starting to understand how things work in this version.

... that and I got tired and made a deck for Countess lol. Anyway, she's more incredibly easy and effective to use than op, I know how to counter her even before I've used her but I understand why people consider her op.

I feel more annoyed by Wukong and the Iggy, Wukong does feel op in the long term, Iggy is just super annoying.

Also, I'm at a point where I don't miss wards anymore, weird.

My biggest problem is still the quantity of minions and how quick enemy heroes respawn, if I lose tier 1 tower it's really hard to take their's because I have to kill the enemy, clear several minion waves and by the time I get to the tower I'll be ganked or the killed enemy come back and I probably have zero mana and less health than before.

I used to play sparrow, greystone or gideon.. after 42 my elo was in a death spiral...
then i got tired an started playing Countess and Wukong

The Wins have started Pouring in lol..
Wukong i just unfair endgame ... 1v4 easily...

Im gonna wukong my way into Gold league
From now on I will only play the OP flavors of the month


People should get banned for not doing shit because you won't surrender. Literally pisses me off. Even worse when we lose the tower before the inhibitor, like are you serious!? Ready to quit already, lawd....
I played 3 games last night and finally found a card build that turns me mostly invincible with Wukong. In my first game, it took the entire team attacking at once burning two ultimates to take me out. I know he's getting a nerf to his escape tools (mostly his long distance jump, I'm assuming) but it won't matter if I can just run into any given character and not take damage.

I was also able to max out Agility and Vitality before most of my team was able to max any given single skill.
Wouldn't mind seeing Wukong also get more mana drain. Something like his ultimate being a toggle and clones costing mana.

Honestly, a toggle like with Zinx would make him a little more fair. It would also require him to invest some of his gold into Mana instead of it just dumping into Agility.

Ploid 3.0

This is how my game looks currently, on purpose!

Paragon grind, multitasking, not much resources used up playing it and afking when I know I'll get the win. Have the map poking out when I'm on other windows to notice if things ware headed south.

The long road to Pepper Potts Rescue armor. I wonder why they didn't keep the halo over the chest illuminated like every other skin for Muriel.


I really wish Aurora didn't exist.

hi roadhog

So this character is Roadhog because he has a gas mask? Drongo is very clearly inspired by Mad Max.

Drongos aoe silence is a game changer.

For sure, he's the first hero with that type of aoe, Riktor is the only other person with a silence I believe, and his is single target and he has to run up to you. Drongo's has way more utility both offensively and defensively. Countess looking to ult you, throw it at your feet. Muriel looking to ult out, throw it at her, silence iggy as your jungler comes in so he doesn't set off those annoying ass turrets lol. And don't even need to touch on its usefulness in team fights. His kit overall is really good. Slow, knockback, silence, stacking radiation burst damage. Can't wait to play him.

Ploid 3.0

So this character is Roadhog because he has a gas mask? Drongo is very clearly inspired by Mad Max.

Roadhog also inspired by Mad Max. Australian (both, paragon character has the accent it seems), Junk gear (both), sound like they are talking behind a gas mask (both). This one even have a video that shows it's Mad Max influence. Roadhog wasn't the first to do it, though I can see if people are just saying it reminds them of Roadhog's style if they aren't used to the world of Mad Max.

How did Pyro sound in TF2? Masks.

Drongo uses gas, so at least it makes sense for him to have a full face mask.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
So I bought Grux Rank 11 unlock.

750,000Rep Gone.
1 Gold Key which turned out to be shitty Banner (Glampoint, 700 coin one)

So I've been playing casual 1-2 games a day and the Rep wall is still insane
My Grux is like 1500XP from hitting Rank 11 Level 5, my Rep collecting so far total is roughly 20,000 from matches. Still haven't gotten daily quest to give Rep one and my Daily Reward Rep bonus 100,000 is due on fucking Tuesday

Seriously why add 99 Ranks?
Should've just bumped it up to 15-20.
At least you know the Rep Grind doesn't look so bad.

They seriously are thinking this game is LoL in its longevity, that have the Ranks and Grind be so long, locked behind time gates and paywalls

Just utter baffling. 1 Mastery Token per week alleviates the stress by a little, but those should be given 2-3 every week, not 1 total. Get 1 from Vault for 60 Stars. 1 through Daily Rewards every 7 days. 1 through Quests replacing the x10 bonus stars for a day every week. Then at least you give some breathing room to everyone.

3 tokens at least when stockpiled let players jump from Hero to Hero at their leisure

Right now your shoehorned into 1 Hero per role and asked to grind, nay slave away till you can overcome the gates

I even pleaded in Reddit thread, talking to the community leader. They kept saying my vision didn't line up. When they were the ones forecasting and giving us this vision
Called Rep requirement normal cause we used to call Rep useless

Tone deaf, I swear.

As I stated in that thread "It took us a year+ to become Repillionaires and a week to be one Repeasants". They think people will pony up $5 every Rank till 99, they must be out of their goddamn mind.

Bring on Destiny 2, I'll let my cons rot till Christmas when they'll do sale and buy whatever is cheap.

They lost me mostly to the bullshit but they doubles downed on the buffoonery, don't even want to communicate or participate with them


I spent some of my coins, roughly 6000 (Still have 34,895 remaining) of them lol (got Magma Grux, Rogue Sparrow + Kallari, Lich Queen Aurora and Robo-Iggy & Scorch)
Bought 10 keys (got Novaborn Greystone... The Pink Variation of fucking course. Everything else was meh)


So I bought Grux Rank 11 unlock.

750,000Rep Gone.
1 Gold Key which turned out to be shitty Banner (Glampoint, 700 coin one)

So I've been playing casual 1-2 games a day and the Rep wall is still insane
My Grux is like 1500XP from hitting Rank 11 Level 5, my Rep collecting so far total is roughly 20,000 from matches. Still haven't gotten daily quest to give Rep one and my Daily Reward Rep bonus 100,000 is due on fucking Tuesday

Seriously why add 99 Ranks?
Should've just bumped it up to 15-20.
At least you know the Rep Grind doesn't look so bad.

They seriously are thinking this game is LoL in its longevity, that have the Ranks and Grind be so long, locked behind time gates and paywalls

Just utter baffling. 1 Mastery Token per week alleviates the stress by a little, but those should be given 2-3 every week, not 1 total. Get 1 from Vault for 60 Stars. 1 through Daily Rewards every 7 days. 1 through Quests replacing the x10 bonus stars for a day every week. Then at least you give some breathing room to everyone.

3 tokens at least when stockpiled let players jump from Hero to Hero at their leisure

Right now your shoehorned into 1 Hero per role and asked to grind, nay slave away till you can overcome the gates

I even pleaded in Reddit thread, talking to the community leader. They kept saying my vision didn't line up. When they were the ones forecasting and giving us this vision
Called Rep requirement normal cause we used to call Rep useless

Tone deaf, I swear.

As I stated in that thread "It took us a year+ to become Repillionaires and a week to be one Repeasants". They think people will pony up $5 every Rank till 99, they must be out of their goddamn mind.

Bring on Destiny 2, I'll let my cons rot till Christmas when they'll do sale and buy whatever is cheap.

They lost me mostly to the bullshit but they doubles downed on the buffoonery, don't even want to communicate or participate with them


I spent some of my coins, roughly 6000 (Still have 34,895 remaining) of them lol (got Magma Grux, Rogue Sparrow + Kallari, Lich Queen Aurora and Robo-Iggy & Scorch)
Bought 10 keys (got Novaborn Greystone... The Pink Variation of fucking course. Everything else was meh)

The "grind" doesn't exist. It was never supposed to. The point of the new change is to make it so you're never "done" with a hero you like to play. Before I wouldn't touch heroes that I had at level 10 because I didn't want to "waste" XP. I would've done the same at level 15 or 20. The background XP system affected my hero choices and team composition. That's not healthy for a MOBA.

Now you can keep playing whichever heroes you want and never worry about leaving XP on the table. Your hero choice is fully based on your position and counter-picking to challenge the enemy picks. Like a MOBA should be.

This is a competitive MOBA, not a loot shooter. The background grind stuff was never supposed to be the focus.
The "grind" doesn't exist. It was never supposed to. The point of the new change is to make it so you're never "done" with a hero you like to play. Before I wouldn't touch heroes that I had at level 10 because I didn't want to "waste" XP. I would've done the same at level 15 or 20. The background XP system affected my hero choices and team composition. That's not healthy for a MOBA.

Now you can keep playing whichever heroes you want and never worry about leaving XP on the table. Your hero choice is fully based on your position and counter-picking to challenge the enemy picks. Like a MOBA should be.

This is a competitive MOBA, not a loot shooter. The background grind stuff was never supposed to be the focus.

Grave doesn't play PVP. He plays PVE.

When the competitive aspect has little/no effect on your gameplan, all that's left is the grind.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
The "grind" doesn't exist. It was never supposed to. The point of the new change is to make it so you're never "done" with a hero you like to play. Before I wouldn't touch heroes that I had at level 10 because I didn't want to "waste" XP. I would've done the same at level 15 or 20. The background XP system affected my hero choices and team composition. That's not healthy for a MOBA.

Now you can keep playing whichever heroes you want and never worry about leaving XP on the table. Your hero choice is fully based on your position and counter-picking to challenge the enemy picks. Like a MOBA should be.

This is a competitive MOBA, not a loot shooter. The background grind stuff was never supposed to be the focus.

As stated by others I'm PvE oriented, half the community base is in the same predicament

Epic went out of its way to let you play the MOBA casually and earn rewards. We dont bother with PvP due to this. No reason to ruin 9 others fun, when most in PvE are XP and rewards oriented players, so most of the time you get 4 like minded players.

Problem is XP gets locked out once you hit cap, Did you know Epic is devious enough to show once you hit cap, any XP you were suppose to gain for the hero is lost. It's shown in Red Colors. Then you cant even pre-purchase next rank, So if your 500 to next Ranks and say earn 3000xp through time and bonus, 2500 is removed and 500 given for you to reach cap. Pay that Rep, now start @0 again, not 2500 into the level.

Do you see the stupid shit they've added

As you stated XP wasted in PvP which shouldn't matter right?. you stated Mastered Heroes where sidelined due to cap, problem is now Heroes are capped at Ranks, you can not get enough Rep to earn Ranks above 10 in a feasible time
So say your Rank 10 Level 10 Hero will get capped, no reason to play them, cause all xp wasted until you unlock/prestige the Rank

Now do you see the dilemma.

Ploid 3.0

Yeah, I sure won't play anyone at a rank cap, especially unlocked characters (currently needing the crazy amount of rep). It seems kind of messy.

I just got my Muriel Iron Man skin. Wondering if I should unlock someone's rank 1 mastery for that token in case I get Muriel to rank 10 to use it to go to 11 (probably not worth it at all).

I now wish I bought more masteries. I had no clue it was 500,000 rep for each rank. I thought that price was for rank 1-10, holy crap!

Maybe they could store exp gained on the capped character that you get to spend on that character after you unlock the next rank or get their mastery? Latent exp if you will.

"Hmm I really like Wraith, I gained 3 latent ranks on him. I should spend the X amount of reputation to unlock those ranks and get the rewards."

Edit: I hope there are plans to make the chests interesting to open. Going to sit on them until something good is changed.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.

They stated chest are what the want them to be

Cards and Gems, with Diamond giving Loot Crate Key chance, while the others chest within a chest bonus.

Nothing to change it to Rep, Coins, and other goodies

So most Chests are getting stockpiled for future use
Just like Rep was gonna be worth using, problem us you made a "useless" currency into a "Premium" overnight

They go that cards are beingade and introduced later, but again after stockpiling so many Chests and you earn all the new cards and Gems again then

It's like this vicious cycle of either being to free with stuff, then flipping the script going the complete opposite route by gating everything

That pendulum swing is just too swift from side to side and the players necks are on the board

They eased the first 4 Ranks to 25,000Rep for Rank 1 going forward with each Rank going up in prices 3 fold, but by Rank 5, guess what your stonewalled with 500,000Rep again

The Token for Rank unlock is good, but gated to 1 is still too little.
You need to give some away to get people playing

The thing is no one is ever going to Rank 99 Level 10 all Heroes. Hell getting to that with just one requires absurd amount of time, paying access to Rank with real money, cause currency of tge game is not in your favor

Right now it takes Roughly 4 Ranks of Paying $20 to get enough for a Hero for 1 Rank unlock for Rep.
Kind of ridiculous no?

4:1 ratio, you can't earn 750,000 in time for next Rank with a Hero, pay the 500 coin fee and by the time you amass enough you could get it down to 3:1 with Boosts, Token drops it to 2:1

Ploid you getting Destiny 2?
Hope to see you in that universe Guardian

My stockpiling is moving on from Paragon and Fortnite, to going back home and playing with The Darkness, my Light needs to be re-rarned yo!


Ploid you getting Destiny 2?
Hope to see you in that universe Guardian

My stockpiling is moving on from Paragon and Fortnite, to going back home and playing with The Darkness, my Light needs to be re-rarned yo!

When D2 comes out, I'll stop playing Paragon/Fortnite for a while. Will only log-in for the daily reward.


As stated by others I'm PvE oriented, half the community base is in the same predicament.

I imagine this change is to shift some of that half of the community into the PvP mode the game is designed around. The background grind in Paragon is one of the most blatant skinner boxes around. There's really nothing there (and there never has been), it's just a way to monetize the game without forcing players to buy heroes.

Epic clearly wants this to be an esport. Having half the community mindlessly pressing buttons for digital +1's doesn't help their bottom line. 😉

Ploid 3.0

Ploid you getting Destiny 2?
Hope to see you in that universe Guardian

My stockpiling is moving on from Paragon and Fortnite, to going back home and playing with The Darkness, my Light needs to be re-rarned yo!

I might, I'm not much of a FPS player, but with Dragon Age MP dead I may as well go for the next PVE RPG Loot like game out there. Even if it's FPS.

I saw that you played FOrtnite and I was about to buy the early access, but the only one I'd want is the version that gives me access to a lot of storage, and I'm not sure if I'd like the game enough to do that yet. I'll wait until it's launched, then buy the storage if I like it enough, like Marvel Heroes PC, and Guild Wars 2. I'm a pack rat.

When D2 comes out, I'll stop playing Paragon/Fortnite for a while. Will only log-in for the daily reward.

Ok, this Destiny game is sounding pretty loved. Hmm.


Oh my god

I just one-shotted Morigesh at full health with Countess using her Ult. 😢😂

I wanted to see for myself if the stories were true that she would become Jesus Christ with Red Zone.

Wow. This is so crazy, I felt bad. I will post the video soon.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
I saw that you played FOrtnite and I was about to buy the early access, but the only one I'd want is the version that gives me access to a lot of storage, and I'm not sure if I'd like the game enough to do that yet. I'll wait until it's launched, then buy the storage if I like it enough, like Marvel Heroes PC, and Guild Wars 2. I'm a pack rat.

Ok, this Destiny game is sounding pretty loved. Hmm.

Don't get Fortnite. I got it free trading away an extra PSVR digital bundle code for it. I did put in $20 for the upgrade, due to me enjoying the honeymoon phase, but that shit went out real quick.

Game does certain things right. The Husks, gunplay, the environment, things of a games ambience that make you want to play it. Then you have the things it does wrong, and does them wrong on such a huge F2P scale like never seen before.

Everything is locked behind Loot llamas, everything is RNG on top of RNG on top of RNG. Game starts out fresh, but quickly grind, time, and pay walls come to fruition... Hey where have I seen Epic now use this tactic somewhere else, hmmm...
Your hamstrung by so many currencies and then what you really may want will most likely never earn

Put it this way, there were like 5 devs teams creating their vision of Fortnite and all got smushed together in the end to make a whole vision. Too many cooks in the kitchen is an understatement

Best you get it for free someone or trade. Not worth the $40 or $60 in physical. By the time this goes f2p, it will be fine tuned due to early access users being their true QA. By then at least you'll have me come drop you Uber Loot and resources so youll always have a head start ala Borderlands shenanigans

I imagine this change is to shift some of that half of the community into the PvP mode the game is designed around. The background grind in Paragon is one of the most blatant skinner boxes around. There's really nothing there (and there never has been), it's just a way to monetize the game without forcing players to buy heroes.

Epic clearly wants this to be an esport. Having half the community mindlessly pressing buttons for digital +1's doesn't help their bottom line. 😉

Esports lol, they said they internally play tested this build for months, yet, you see how broken some of the Heroes are. That it's taking them the 3rd week to address it
This game is trying way too hard to catch up to the big boys, they were doing their own thing and prospering, yet changing every 6 months, balance updates every 9 weeks!. The head Dev thought it was a logical timeframe to doing this.

By the way PvE I bet puts more money into this game by buying skins of Heroes they like and want to bring out their inner-fashionista
That's why there always saying pve getting more modes, to keep the base playing, cause they know we are chunk of that player population

Sick of Wukong, Kalleri, and the vampire. Wukong is just ridiculous with his ability to smash 3 ppl once he has the clones.

That's Epic for you, could you imagine waiting another 6 weeks of this bullshit for a balance patch, if we went by their timelines

Game would lose players quick every week, well they will soon cause the Behemoth that is Destiny 2, gonna suck away a lot of games playerbases.


Gas mask and the voice.

Just about every character with a gas mask sounds like that, because of the gas mask. Helghast in Killzone, the two operators in Rainbow 6 with gas masks, even Bane from Dark Knight had a similar effect though his was a bit exaggerated.

In any case, I'm looking forward to this new hero. I haven't been playing nearly as much as I was before the patch, hopefully I enjoy him as much as I think I'm going to and hopefully the graphical update is out sooner rather than later. Is there a date for that?


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
In any case, I'm looking forward to this new hero. I haven't been playing nearly as much as I was before the patch, hopefully I enjoy him as much as I think I'm going to and hopefully the graphical update is out sooner rather than later. Is there a date for that?

Guessing Mid-September with next Hero release, so 3 weeks from this coming Tuesday

So September 19th most likely, can be 12th to as the earliest or 26th the latest

Thinking 19th with, Graphics Update to Monolith + Hero be it new or readjusting someone or more older Heroes kits + Balance patch again
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