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PC gamers - Post your mouse


G5. Sucks cock compared to Mx518, but the MX518 plastic shell was god awful, and broke on me. I never took the right time to find a comfortable sensitivity on my G5 with fps games, so I use default now because I don't give a shit. I still drop bombs against kids who think they are good.


Razer Mamba

Best mouse I've used in my life.

This and agreed


NeoGAF's smiling token!
kamspy said:
A good $40-$90 Logitech or Razer mouse has a "first party controller" feel. Regular lifestyle mice feel like cheap $6 Pelican second player joints.

But Razer has objectively superior side buttons.

For me it's the build quality more than the uber high DPI and crazy USB polling speed.
When you put it like that, I completely understand.
Crunched said:
For me the main three benefits are laser precision, button location, and ergonomics. Most gaming mouse are shaped to conform to a person's hand. The MX Revolution is especially comfortable. The MX 518 I use is more precise for gaming (possibly due to the Revolution being wireless), but it's too small for me to use for extended periods of time. My hand gets cramped holding it. On the flip side, I like the buttons on the 518 more; being able to adjust sensitivity on the fly is a godsend in FPSs when moving from a spray-and-pray to a precision weapon.
Adjusting sensitivity on the fly does sound useful and I guess the buttons are for bindings for specific actions/weapons?


That's funny this MX518 everybody is talking about, looks almost identical to my MX500 w/o the ugly skin.


I would like to get a mouse with a few more side buttons, but the only one I can seem to find out there is that crazy Razer Naga with 12 buttons.


MX Revolution on my desktop
VX Revolution on my laptop

I don't play very many fast paced games, so wireless works fine for me.


Kabouter said:
I don't play very many fast paced games, so wireless works fine for me.

Outside of shooters I don't mind using a crappy Logitech Wave laser mouse. I tend to play everything but shooters on an HDTV sitting in a recliner. It's decent for most games I play.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Bravo_Jade said:
I wish this topic included keyboards. I'm looking for one but can't decide.

Just go wired because once again, wireless just ain't fucking worth it if you ask me. Logitech made me believe that.


gokieks said:
G5 SE. MX518 is a good mouse, but once you get used to having the tilt wheel, you can't go back.

I've never used the tilt wheel in windows but it was useful for additional buttons in games. I do miss that. I would assign the buttons including the tilt buttons to keyboard keys then reuse them with the ctrl, alt, shift. Virtual 15 buttons for World of Warcraft.

The only issue I had is some of the mouse buttons not registering as fast as the left and right click. It seemed like there was a limit on how fast I could push them. I couldn't figure out if it was software, a hardware limitation, or something wrong with the physical buttons.


Stallion Free said:
Just go wired because once again, wireless just ain't fucking worth it if you ask me. Logitech made me believe that.
Made me believe the opposite :lol

MX5500/MX Revolution allow me to game 20 feet away from my TV with virtually no input lag. I've had the connection drop literally once in the past six months. I love my m&k.


Shnookums said:
Logitech G5



^^^ This. Great mouse, better specs than MX518 and comes with adjustable weight tray. Although if you look for it today Logitech replaced it with the G500 model.


I'm in the MS Intellimouse Optical camp. Like the simple shape, placement of the side buttons, and the feel of the scroller/scroll button.
Shnookums said:
Logitech G5


I have this same one. No complaints, except the Razer's side buttons are better for gaming, as a previous poster stated. I like the ability to customize the weight.

I previously had a G7. About a year in, it started de-syncing from time to time, and the battery swapping grew from a mild nuisance to a serious annoyance as the battery life and my patience grew shorter.


Hail to the KING baby
surprised not to have run across it yet here (at least in the images) but:

used to have a g5

both really nice mice though they feel very different

Metalic Sand

who is Emo-Beas?
Using a copperhead. Worst and best mouse ive used. while it worked it was awesome but for the past 6 months its been crapping out, Razers driver system is so shitty but i love there products otherwise.


Is there a good wireless version of the MX518 or something close?

I've been considering getting one, but the fact that it's wired is a dealbreaker.


Just bought a G9 for $40...

XizerX said:
Is there a good wireless version of the MX518 or something close?

I've been considering getting one, but the fact that it's wired is a dealbreaker.

The G7.


If you're like me and love the precision/build quality/buttons of Razer mice but find the Logitech ones more comfortable, you should check out the Razer Imperator.


It's Razer's latest mouse. I've been using it for about a month now, and so far it seems to have the awesomeness of my old Diamondback but the comfort of my old 510. The side buttons are adjustable so you can move them to be in a more comfortable position too. Combined with a Destructor mousepad and it is just amazing.

On top of the two side buttons it has 2 DPI adjustment buttons (that can be reprogrammed to anything) and the mouse has onboard memory so it can store all your macros and game profiles.


XizerX said:
Is there a good wireless version of the MX518 or something close?

I've been considering getting one, but the fact that it's wired is a dealbreaker.

No such thing as a good wireless mouse IMO. I don't feel like dying because my mouse gets interference and decides it wants to run off to one side, or it loses sync or something. Thats not even mentioning the batteries. More trouble than it's worth.

I've been using the same logitech G5 series 1 for close to 5 years. Damn thing is a tank.


Hail to the KING baby
iamblades said:
No such thing as a good wireless mouse IMO. I don't feel like dying because my mouse gets interference and decides it wants to run off to one side, or it loses sync or something. Thats not even mentioning the batteries. More trouble than it's worth.

I've been using the same logitech G5 series 1 for close to 5 years. Damn thing is a tank.
none of that's ever happened with me with the sw x8. no lag either or any performance issues whatsoever.


iamblades said:
No such thing as a good wireless mouse IMO. I don't feel like dying because my mouse gets interference and decides it wants to run off to one side, or it loses sync or something. Thats not even mentioning the batteries. More trouble than it's worth.

I've been using the same logitech G5 series 1 for close to 5 years. Damn thing is a tank.

You realize wireless technology has come a long way, right? Wireless mice are pretty reliable now... a wired mouse is just a placebo these days. Not to mention the fact that a good one should have batteries that last for months.

Even in shooters like Counter-Strike: Source where a ridiculous response time is required I haven't really noticed a difference in precision when comparing modern wired and wireless mice. The human brain just cannot process those extra few ms fast enough for it to make a real difference. It's certainly not worth the inconvenience of having to drag a cord around.


relies on auto-aim
coopolon said:

MX518. Awesome mouse for the price. I recently started gaming on my laptop again (older games), and I just couldn't live with my crappy generic mouse anymore and bought a second MX518.
Using this presently because....
Revolutionary said:
MX Revolution

Shocked I'm the only one using it so far.
I was using this but side wheel crapped out (again) so they sent me...
Leatherface said:
I've had the older one now for like 4 years (MX Laser). The battery still charges fast and lasts a LONG time. I don't know how they do it.

I can't wait to pick this one up. Love these mice. :D
...a Logitech PERFORMANCE MX. The MX Revolution is not made anymore.
I really liked that side wheel. And those side buttons. Mad comfy.

But I actually feel like the MX518 is... better. Makes my hand feel icky though. (I did not notice any issues AT ALL while gaming with the MX Rev. It is a really nice mouse)
So now I have a Performance MX sitting in a box and my 518 here (was on sale) and I don't know what to do.


Microsoft Sidewinder X8. Best Gaming mouse Ive ever used. 3 independent DPI buttons. And the odd thumb button placement feels so right, I thought it would be weird at first but it was completely natural. It's kinda ugly, but the size and shape are perfect for my large hands. Unlike the multiple Razer mice I uses up until the Lachesis...

Which was the mouse that I upgraded from after it crapped out on me after the first firmware update they released for it. Razer wouldn't budge on the need for a receipt to repair it, so I went back to my Razer Copperhead for a short period before snagging the X8 when it came out.

Logitech makes some fine mice as well. The G5 is my laptop gaming mouse.


Bah there's such little options for left-handed gaming mice, I ended up with a sidewinder mouse because it was the only symmetric one I saw at the store.


AstroLad said:
surprised not to have run across it yet here (at least in the images) but:


Been using it for 4 months or so, great so far. I picked it up for 40 bucks after my G7 clanked out and it's been serving me very well.
Logitech RX250.

I'm using this mouse because my old MX1000 broke a few months ago and I can't find a good replacement. The MX518 is just ugly, same with all the Razers. I can't stand this look that comes with a gaming mouse. They look like cheap chinese toys. Is it that hard to design a decent mouse without bling-bling LEDs and an illuminated logo?

I guess I'll buy a Logitech Performance Mouse MX.



CrunchyB said:

I've been using my Logitech BD58 for a very long time :) About 9 years! Second mouse I ever bought!

Haha, I've been using this one just as long. It's only barely starting to give me trouble. Well, aside from how it likes to do 3 clicks per middle button hit..


AstroLad said:
surprised not to have run across it yet here (at least in the images) but:

used to have a g5

both really nice mice though they feel very different
I also have a MS Sidewinder x8 mouse, I like it a lot.


formerly nacire
alba said:
Got the optical version, not too keen on the laser stuff :p

I cant tell the difference with the Ikari. Best mouse I've owned. All of the mamba fans here make me want to try one though. My friend had an older razer, but not sure which one. It was pretty nice.
Big Ass Ramp said:
This is what I'm using. man these mice are built like tanks.

Yeah, I still have that Microsoft mouse as my backup mouse, it's one of the most reliable hardware product they put out. I replaced it with Logitech MX Laser mouse because I want a wireless but the battery stop charging about a year ago so I replaced it with MX518. I didn't realize how heavy that Lasermouse was, I guess I must have gotten used to it playing WoW so much then.

To the guy that do not like the "holes" design, you can get one at Target that are just solid metallic red design (I assume it's Target exclusive). I got it when it was on sale for around $30.00, best gaming mice!
Logitech G9

After the brief adjustment time from my old MX510, I have come to really like it. The mouse itself is great and comfortable with the small grip. The software is how you switch "modes" is great too. On my mouse now I have one regular option, one where the side mouse buttons are keyboard keys (for games that don't support side mouse buttons), and one with no acceleration. That, in addition to speed switching, makes almost any game I play feel comfortable. It's even great for things like Wolfenstein (the new one) or Vice City PC where the Y-axis speed is different than X; it is easy to alt tab out of the game and drop/raise it as I need to.

I'd still like to see Logitech advance this and the MX510 style. I know they released the G500 in that style a while back. One thing I liked about that was that it seemed to have three side mouse buttons.

I never understood why two seemed to be the limit for side buttons on "gaming" mice. I've seen all purpose mice with more, console mice solutions with four (to match PS3/360 face buttons), and that Razer mouse with a number pad. Since I play PC and console games a lot, I'm used to letting my right thumb getting more action. I'm sure they can work out a layout that works.

edit: see that Logitech Performance Mouse MX posted above. Four side buttons on there.
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