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Person of Interest was one of the best shows on TV. Why have you not watched it yet?

That's the thing, it isn't mediocre, it's actually pretty damn good. And thats before you even get to the serialized elements.

And the show isn't a procedural. Not in the normal sense. it's more of a hybrid: procedural/serial similar to Lost where the procedural elements set up the world and characters more than just giving the main cast something to do each week with little to no consequences or development.

Like the Op said, the procedural situations that happen early in the show get referenced later in the series. So in the grand scheme its closer to a serialized show.

I imagine the suits running the network would only greenlit a procedural when the show runners had something much more ambitious in mind, so they disguised their serial show as a procedural in order to get the ball rolling and on the air.

By the second half of season 1, things start kicking into high gear and by the time you get to season 3 and 4 it's full on serial with off episode sprinkled throughout to release or ratchet the tension.

Someone will have to explain to me how the below things in first few episodes are not even worse than mediocre? This is just horrendous writing. It's probably good time to recycle my post from the time when I gave this show a chance. It actually made me angry.

1. In one of the first few episodes there's a scene where woman changes her clothes in a car for absolutely no other reason than to confuse the viewer. Also in the same episode nobody is considering a chance that you can make copies of the recorded audio. Also did they "decode" the audio as well? Seems like it would be very difficult to do.
2. In an episode where the main character is on the ferry, the viewer is aware of what's happening way ahead of the show. Which is OK in most cases, but here information is given directly to the main character and it takes forever for him to figure it out. This makes that character seem really stupid.
3. Whole pharma episode is insane. Don't get me wrong, I believe that pharma companies could do shady shit, but there's only so much they could get away with. The fact that certain person doesn't listen to the whole audio recording before making very specific call is ridiculous.
4. In first few episodes there are numerous cases where the main character shows up just in time to save someone. Once again, that's OK technique, but it's way overused here. Instead of interesting resolutions we just going to have the guy show up conveniently.
5. I'm OK with the setup of the show. It's OK that it isn't realistic, but it's crazy how fast the main character transitions from drunken bum to a superhero. That's just bad character development.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Show is fucking dope. Emerson is a god damn treasure as always, and once Root becomes a major character the show just turns up to 11 and never comes back down.


I only watched it up to season 3 episode 4 i think, eventually gave up found it too episodic.

They need to find a good villain that reoccurs through out the season like root but more prominent throughout the season.


Oh, it kicks into overdrive eventually

This is one of the greatest shows I've ever watched.

I've watched the whole thing, beginning to end, many episodes many times.

It's literally one of the greatest shows that aired on TV and stories told on television.

I actually cried at the end of the series. Amazing cast, story-telling, themes, action, music, everything. Some of the greatest heroes and villains to grace live-action medium.

I am not speaking in hyperbole.
I'll stick with it, but the show sure is taking its time to get great.

Awesome show. To anyone without an attention span who gave up on this too soon, sorry.
Takes some balls to accuse people of having no attention span just because they don't want to watch like 22 episodes of a really plodding and uneven season before the show kicks into high gear (and promptly sputters to low gear again shortly after).


Considering the episodic nature of the show, i would have thought it would be great for people with low attention spans.

In some ways it demands an ability to store disparate information to bring it up in the future. It isn't too onerous, but there are people that don't have the attention span to be able to wait for a payoff.

Those that do, get to experience some amazing payoffs.
One thing this thread has taught me is that it is very hard to convince someone otherwise when they are set in their ways and have a previously formed opinion.

I fully understand the "Too much TV" reasoning - that is logical. There are many great shows out there. Also, I also understand people just not liking a show - I never liked the Sopranos, and I know that is weird.

However, seeing people deciding the show is one thing, when told by many it is another, but continuing to stick to their original opinion is kinda weird. I guess CBS are so known for one style of show, that when they offer something a bit different it is hard to take notice. I felt the same about Nikita when it first aired on The CW - but at the time that show as a step above everything else on the network.
It was great the first two years but went downhill after the carter-hr story in season 3, hit an especially low point in season 4
One thing this thread has taught me is that it is very hard to convince someone otherwise when they are set in their ways and have a previously formed opinion.

I fully understand the "Too much TV" reasoning - that is logical. There are many great shows out there. Also, I also understand people just not liking a show - I never liked the Sopranos, and I know that is weird.

However, seeing people deciding the show is one thing, when told by many it is another, but continuing to stick to their original opinion is kinda weird. I guess CBS are so known for one style of show, that when they offer something a bit different it is hard to take notice. I felt the same about Nikita when it first aired on The CW - but at the time that show as a step above everything else on the network.

I don't think it's a fair assumption. In fact I think it's other way around. I had no idea what this show was, I gave it a chance because GAF praised it and I absolutely hated it. I think people who are convinced that this show is good just don't remember first few episodes well enough. I would watch 20 episodes of CSI before watching those episodes again. At least CSI knows what it is.
Probably the best show I've watched.

I only watched it up to season 3 episode 4 i think, eventually gave up found it too episodic.

They need to find a good villain that reoccurs through out the season like root but more prominent throughout the season.
Season 3 is where it hits it's stride and is the best season. Root has one of the best arcs on the show. The end of her story is sad but also fitting for her character. Also there are multiple recurring villains and multiple story arcs/villians that last full seasons. Some last multiple seasons. The unexpected pregnancy, unexpected constant schedule changes for PoI and unexpected cancellation took a toll on the last season and a half of the show. While it was an amazing ride the second half of S4 and S5 teetered a little after the amazing ride of the 2nd half of S2 to 1st half of S4.
Just watched the first episode because of this thread. Didn't grab me.

And Jim Caviezel seems an odd choice for that role.


Show just needs a kneecap counter in the corner.
Considering the episodic nature of the show, i would have thought it would be great for people with low attention spans.

The show demanded viewers pay attention, and rewarded them if they did. For example it hardly ever ran a "previously on..." for most of its run if I remember right, you just had to know who people were and why they are there.

The show also ran many scenes from the point of view of The Machine - which evolved from a McGuffin to offer typical CBS "_____ of the week" stories, into a complex character in its own right. When seeing things from that the point, you could see The Machine's idea of what was happening in a scene based on the visual language used. Here is a simple version of that....


Also, Season 2 had a lot of these...


...which sometimes flashed on screen for one or two frames. I won't explain these here, but it is a good explain of the show rewarding people who pay attention, and not watch with a smartphone and or laptop distracting them


I don't think it's a fair assumption. In fact I think it's other way around. I had no idea what this show was, I gave it a chance because GAF praised it and I absolutely hated it. I think people who are convinced that this show is good just don't remember first few episodes well enough. I would watch 20 episodes of CSI before watching those episodes again. At least CSI knows what it is.

No. I think it is a fair assumption.

I don't think anybody denies the way the show sets the scene. Problem is that others that didn't watch the rest of the show are dismissing the comments made by the people that *actually watched the show*.
Literally finished my binge watch of it a couple of days ago.

Why just now? Wasn´t popular (i think) in europe so i didn´t know about it. Saw the thumbnail on Netflix and it looked like a generic CSI/CIS/whatever show. And boy was i wrong.

I loved it. I almost wanted to skip work so i could watch more episodes a day lol. As for the comparison with Breaking Bad in regards to quality i can agree with that. Though i think it´s most similar to Burn Notice. Just with legit excellent writing.

I can´t recommend the show enough to anyone who hasn´t seen it yet. Watch it.

By the second season he really sold me that he should play Batman asap.

Lol, in the beginning of the show i though he was some copy of Christian Bale. Love him though now.
No. I think it is a fair assumption.

I don't think anybody denies the way the show sets the scene. Problem is that others that didn't watch the rest of the show are dismissing the comments made by the people that *actually watched the show*.

Were these idiotic things at some point explained?! If there's payoff for these you might be right. I still would not give a chance to the show but at least I would understand your point...

1. In one of the first few episodes there's a scene where woman changes her clothes in a car for absolutely no other reason than to confuse the viewer. Also in the same episode nobody is considering a chance that you can make copies of the recorded audio. Also did they "decode" the audio as well? Seems like it would be very difficult to do.
2. In an episode where the main character is on the ferry, the viewer is aware of what's happening way ahead of the show. Which is OK in most cases, but here information is given directly to the main character and it takes forever for him to figure it out. This makes that character seem really stupid.
3. Whole pharma episode is insane. Don't get me wrong, I believe that pharma companies could do shady shit, but there's only so much they could get away with. The fact that certain person doesn't listen to the whole audio recording before making very specific call is ridiculous.
4. In first few episodes there are numerous cases where the main character shows up just in time to save someone. Once again, that's OK technique, but it's way overused here. Instead of interesting resolutions we just going to have the guy show up conveniently.
5. I'm OK with the setup of the show. It's OK that it isn't realistic, but it's crazy how fast the main character transitions from drunken bum to a superhero. That's just bad character development.


I found the first season pretty dull overall and didn't bother with it after that.

Maybe I'll try again at some point.

PK Gaming

The show is absolutely godlike

  • Fun and intriguing procedural episodes
  • An overarching plotline that kicks ass
  • Superb leads (Finch is one of the best TV protagonists in years)
  • Great characters overall. Very memorable
  • Genuinely good romance
  • The best damn series finale ever
Favorite show of all time


The show is amazing, the problem is the first season. 20+ very dull episodes are a hard sell, and even the beginning of season 2 is not really special. But after that it is phenomenal. Ideally, somewhere someone is making a recap so people can skip season 1.
I have and I agree that it's pretty neat. I feel like it dragged on a bit too much at times though, like during most of season one.

I wish the advent of AI and some of the other themes that come up in this show were more common themes in tv shows. It's not a very populair topic which I find odd considering the times we live in.



So I'm catching up on Season 5. I couldn't watch it live since real life got in the way and I'm watching it on Netflix. Made it to episode 10.

Damn it.
Out of curiosity, I watched the pilot. So it's Quantum Leap, without the quantum leap. Meh. I don't watch much TV, but I do like to put something on when I'm eating. Maybe I'll try a few more episodes.
Out of curiosity, I watched the pilot. So it's Quantum Leap, without the quantum leap. Meh. I don't watch much TV, but I do like to put something on when I'm eating. Maybe I'll try a few more episodes.

It might be weird to compare the two shows, but I see what you mean about Quantum Leap - they get information sent and someone has to be saved. There are similarities there even though the show's have very different themes. However POI evolves and expands on it core ideas the further it goes. If Quantum Leap had those comparable threads in it's episodes, I would say none of them ever met. POI gets all the threads and makes a big knot that is fun to play with and unravel.
I watched a few episodes of the first season and found it too episodic.
Yeah my parents watched the show and I would catch glimpses of it in the first season. I thought it was one of those csi/ncis shows that CBS loves. However, I was wrong it is so much more than that. I happened to see the S2 mid-season finale and it caught my interest and I started watching it after that. Almost every episode and person of the week ends up coming back into play later in the series.
It changes a lot later on.

Really good show, great ending as well.

I would not say it changes, it just evolves. The back half of S1 evolved from ideas introduced in the first half. Season 2 evolves from what they introduced late in S1... and so on. Then at some point the show evolves episode to episode. I guess the really big change the show brings is that it ups its pacing the further it goes.

When people ask I can never pick a point where the show "gets good," it is more a continuing evolution of the actors, and writers becoming more competent, and trusting the viewer enough to go some wild and interesting places.


Unconfirmed Member
I did watch!

I just haven't finished it yet. Stopped somewhere in S3 I think, and I haven't gotten around to watching the rest.


Were these idiotic things at some point explained?! If there's payoff for these you might be right. I still would not give a chance to the show but at least I would understand your point...

1. In one of the first few episodes there's a scene where woman changes her clothes in a car for absolutely no other reason than to confuse the viewer. Also in the same episode nobody is considering a chance that you can make copies of the recorded audio. Also did they "decode" the audio as well? Seems like it would be very difficult to do.
2. In an episode where the main character is on the ferry, the viewer is aware of what's happening way ahead of the show. Which is OK in most cases, but here information is given directly to the main character and it takes forever for him to figure it out. This makes that character seem really stupid.
3. Whole pharma episode is insane. Don't get me wrong, I believe that pharma companies could do shady shit, but there's only so much they could get away with. The fact that certain person doesn't listen to the whole audio recording before making very specific call is ridiculous.
4. In first few episodes there are numerous cases where the main character shows up just in time to save someone. Once again, that's OK technique, but it's way overused here. Instead of interesting resolutions we just going to have the guy show up conveniently.
5. I'm OK with the setup of the show. It's OK that it isn't realistic, but it's crazy how fast the main character transitions from drunken bum to a superhero. That's just bad character development.

You're nitpicking, because your mind is made up and you want to dislike it.

I could make complaints of similar nature to just about any piece of media. You can do it, but these problems are completely missing the point of why people think the show is good.
I got about part way through season 3, I believe...
Carter had just died
. The show really didn't hold me. It felt a little formulaic after awhile. Oh look, the person they thought they were supposed to help is actually the bad guy... again....
I liked the over all story but there was just way too many filler "problem of the week" episodes. It might have worked better with a shorter episode count each season.
Though the addition of
definitely made the show better.
I got about part way through season 3, I believe...
Carter had just died
. The show really didn't hold me. It felt a little formulaic after awhile. Oh look, the person they thought they were supposed to help is actually the bad guy... again....
I liked the over all story but there was just way too many filler "problem of the week" episodes. It might have worked better with a shorter episode count each season.
Though the addition of
definitely made the show better.

Well the show tells you in the intro that the number [Person of Interest] that comes up is a 50/50 chance of them being the victim or perpetrator.

They are either going to be good or bad.
It's like complaining...Oh look, the person they thought they were supposed to help is actually the good guy again.
You're nitpicking, because your mind is made up and you want to dislike it.

I could make complaints of similar nature to just about any piece of media. You can do it, but these problems are completely missing the point of why people think the show is good.

My mind is made up BECAUSE of these things. I was really excited to see it. And I love procedurals. I even loved Monk!


My mind is made up BECAUSE of these things. I was really excited to see it. And I love procedurals. I even loved Monk!

Here you're complaining about procedural elements that don't quite line up. Yet then you're calling it unfair that we are defending the series' quality on the basis of its serial elements, not so much its procedural ones.
I binge-watched it last summer and loved it. Rare that a crime/thriller series should have such a touch of melancholy. I developed an insane crush on Harold Finch.
My only 2 gripes with the show.

S1 is slow before everything clicks.

Final season felt rushed because it was only half a season. IMO I was happy with the number of seasons but I just wish they had more time to build up the end.

Seasons 2 and 3 are some of the best TV of the last 15 years.
Here you're complaining about procedural elements that don't quite line up. Yet then you're calling it unfair that we are defending the series' quality on the basis of its serial elements, not so much its procedural ones.

Monk is even worse with these elements. That's not the point I'm making. Monk is not pretending to be anything more than fun procedural. Person of Interest (beginning of season 1) is like Monk without all the stupid jokes that make it sort of entertaining to watch. I think you are forgetting how ridiculous beginning of POI was. Literally there's an episode where no one thought that it's possible to copy audio! How am I supposed to watch that and not yell at my screen? :)


Takes some balls to accuse people of having no attention span just because they don't want to watch like 22 episodes of a really plodding and uneven season before the show kicks into high gear (and promptly sputters to low gear again shortly after).

Compliment taken, they're like 2 ripe cantaloupes.
Season one and two were kinda meh for me but it really starts to shine after that. Ended up being one of my all-time favorite shows and I was devastated when it came to a close.
I only watched it up to season 3 episode 4 i think, eventually gave up found it too episodic.

They need to find a good villain that reoccurs through out the season like root but more prominent throughout the season.

You stopped just before the best part of season 3 (and arguably of the entire show), and Season 4 and 5 pretty much rectified the issue you had.

5. I'm OK with the setup of the show. It's OK that it isn't realistic, but it's crazy how fast the main character transitions from drunken bum to a superhero. That's just bad character development.

Superficial change =! Character Development

There's more to Reese's character than simply him being converted from a homeless man into an asset. He has elements of a tragic hero who carries his guilt and anger with him throughout the years (one of the reasons why he became homeless) and that affects him in many ways: Spoiler for those that didn't watch 1x21 - Many Happy Returns
feeling like he had nothing to live for after Jessica's death, and then exacting vengeance against the person responsible for her death. It's because of what happened to Jessica that Reese gets triggered over any mention of domestic violence to the point of nearly breaking his moral compass.
. And that's not getting into why Finch chose him in the first place.
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