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Person of Interest was one of the best shows on TV. Why have you not watched it yet?

Superficial change =! Character Development

There's more to Reese's character than simply him being converted from a homeless man into an asset. He has elements of a tragic hero who carries his guilt and anger with him throughout the years (one of the reasons why he became homeless) and that affects him in many ways: Spoiler for those that didn't watch 1x21 - Many Happy Returns
feeling like he had nothing to live for after Jessica's death, and then exacting vengeance against the person responsible for her death. It's because of what happened to Jessica that Reese gets triggered over any mention of domestic violence to the point of nearly breaking his moral compass.
. And that's not getting into why Finch chose him in the first place.

I was actually able to get past this, but you have to admit they kind of rushed this part. Which is especially crazy considering that this is not 13 episode/season show.


"Told you, pay you back all at once"


I finished the season and DAMN IT!!!!!!


I only started watching this after season 2 ended and a friend recommended it to me. Watched it weekly after that. What a ride.

But yeah, the biggest problem is the slow start. The "Monster of the Week" episodes do feel different enough to be interesting, but aside for a few small scenes, the first 6 episodes are just that: Monster of the Week episodes. Episode 7 is the first episode that shows that there is actually more going on. Imo, this is where the show really starts.

I would really recommend everyone to watch these 7 episodes, and if they really feel nothing by this point in time, they should drop it, imo. But if you stick with it, the show only becomes more crazy as it goes on.


I was actually able to get past this, but you have to admit they kind of rushed this part. Which is especially crazy considering that this is not 13 episode/season show.

He was a Ranger until September 11th, then spent nine years as a super-assassin and two months as a bum, you really think it should have taken him longer to start kicking ass?

Plus, I mean, while he's a great asset he's still a wreck of a human being and largely remains so throughout - that's kind of a running theme with Team Machine, how they're all far too fucked up to live in the world they're so dedicated to defending. Almost like that's the point, or something.
Did you like Psycho Pass?

PoI is like Psycho Pass only the second season is *better than the first*

Damn, reading this is pushing me into giving it another go. I enjoyed the first ep well enough but avoided the show because of the time commitment. Psycho Pass is one of my favorite shows so this comparison resonates with me.
I was actually able to get past this, but you have to admit they kind of rushed this part. Which is especially crazy considering that this is not 13 episode/season show.

Rushed how? Development wise I already disagree on, but if you're talking in terms of skill, then Reese military career spans nearly his entire adult life (from US military to CIA). It makes sense that he would kick so much ass considering his skills already are developed by the time POI begins.
Need to post some of this shows great use of licenced music. Spoilers big and small obviously.

1x03 Massive Attack - Live with me

2x12 The Who - Eminence Front

2x16 The Kills: Future Starts Slow

4x11 Glitch Mob Fortune Days

And even though its kind of become the generic "I feel sad song" the show managed to make use of Johnny Cash's cover of Hurt not seem like ham fisted cheese


And more I could keep posting.

Also not music but I just remembered the ending of episode 4. That shit was cool.



Rushed how? Development wise I already disagree on, but if you're talking in terms of skill, then Reese military career spans nearly his entire adult life (from US military to CIA). It makes sense that he would kick so much ass considering his skills already are developed by the time POI begins.

It's also established in his very first scene as a bum that despite his best attempts to destroy himself he is still an ass-kicking machine. His training is so ingrained that it's never gone away, despite his best attempts. He's wasted and broken and still automatically has a grip so strong that it freaks out the dude on the train. Hence Finch mentioning that Reece has been considering other suicide options. All that happens when he starts working is that he stops drinking, and has a wash and a shave.
It really can't be stated enough how good the characters in this show is, take Fusco for example who in any other show would have been relegated to comedy relief, over the course of the show proved just why he's a detective


Even after watching a few scenes from the show labeled as "Best scene evar!!!" it reminds me too much of something between Law & Order and Scandal. Just not my type of show, but I can see how people in the CBS demo would love it.


Even after watching a few scenes from the show labeled as "Best scene evar!!!" it reminds me too much of something between Law & Order and Scandal. Just not my type of show, but I can see how people in the CBS demo would love it.


It isn't anything like those shows.
Even after watching a few scenes from the show labeled as "Best scene evar!!!" it reminds me too much of something between Law & Order and Scandal. Just not my type of show, but I can see how people in the CBS demo would love it.

The scenes are well shot for sure, but they lack a lot of impact without knowing the backstory and motive of the characters involved. Basing your opinion of the show on clips is like pulling quotes from a book, then pretending you know the story of the whole book

Furthermore, you have seemingly formed an opinion of the ahow'a fanbase based just on clips. Like I said to others, I respect choosing not to watch the show. However, casually throwing it's fans under the bus and labeling them "the CBS demo" is bad form.


The scenes are well shot for sure, but they lack a lot of impact without knowing the backstory and motive of the characters involved. Basing your opinion of the show on clips is like pulling quotes from a book, then pretending you know the story of the whole book

Eh, I can tell from the visual style, acting, and subject matter that I wouldn't be into the show. Same way I can view any show for 5 minutes and know whether I want to see more or not.

Furthermore, you have seemingly formed an opinion of the ahow'a fanbase based just on clips. Like I said to others, I respect choosing not to watch the show. However, casually throwing it's fans under the bus and labeling them "the CBS demo" is bad form.

It's not a knock against anyone. It's the same way a show on CW wouldn't fit on CBS.


Eh, I can tell from the visual style, acting, and subject matter that I wouldn't be into the show. Same way I can view any show for 5 minutes and know whether I want to see more or not.

It's not a knock against anyone. It's the same way a show on CW wouldn't fit on CBS.

It actually didn't fit on CBS, that was the reason it was ultimately cancelled. It deviated way too far from what their viewership wanted.



So intense and funny. I'll have to watch it a second time, one day.

I may forget a lot about this show in time but this episode made watching it all worth it and is memorable on its own.

Too bad the start of the series doesn't live up to it later rise in quality, as it took a while for the main story to begin, but at least what seemed 100% random and procedural ends up being properly used for the story later on.
Watched it for something like 2 and half seasons on Netflix. Didn't like it. It's not even one of those "I was so hyped for it from reputation that it didn't live up to it" things. It was just boring. None of the characters interested me. Both male leads lack any charisma. Action was middling. Plot didn't grab me.

If other people enjoy it, more power to them. Enjoy the ride. Just not for me I guess.


Perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane.
Did you like Psycho Pass?

PoI is like Psycho Pass only the second season is *better than the first*

Bruh, I literally just watched the first episode of Psycho Pass for the 3rd time.


thanks to this thread i gave POI a try since s1-3 are on netflix.
now i´m trying to decide if i should hold out till seasons 4 and 5 are there as well, or just buy them on amazon video...
great show indeed!
thanks to this thread i gave POI a try since s1-3 are on netflix.
now i´m trying to decide if i should hold out till seasons 4 and 5 are there as well, or just buy them on amazon video...
great show indeed!


I am glad you are enjoying it. I am not sure I could hold out too long with how season 3 ended knowing there are new episode out there to be watched. Season 4 has some of my fave episodes of the show, and what I think is a lot of people favourite - "If-Then-Else" (Episode 11).


I am glad you are enjoying it. I am not sure I could hold out too long with how season 3 ended knowing there are new episode out there to be watched. Season 4 has some of my fave episodes of the show, and what I think is a lot of people favourite - "If-Then-Else" (Episode 11).

yeah, think i know what you´re talking about...
bought s4,since it was only 9€
also, your OP was really well done in convincing me to watch it!


It's an amazing show. High budget, sleek, tight and action packed. I even really enjoyed the first season and episodes...I loved how quickly it was all set up and they started kicking ass. And throughout the show the characters evolve so much, even the characters you start out hating...you end up falling love with. Great show.
I love SVU even though it is on NBC. I gravitate towards HBO type stuff. Will I like POI?

I dont think Westworld would have turned out as good as it did without Jonathan Nolan spending 4 years on POI first if that helps.

I am not sure what makes a show a HBO show, but POI always feels like it is progressing towards something instead of just existing. I feel like too many network shows exist to fill a time slot, and leave any advancement solely for season finales, but POI always felt like it was going somewhere episode to episode.

I have little to no idea about SUV, as I never saw a full episode of the show. From what I know about SUV, POI is not comparable to that type of show
It's not available on any of my subscription services and VPNing Netflix is pretty awful, but I just saw seasons 1-5 were 33€ on iTunes here. Bought!
I dont think Westworld would have turned out as good as it did without Jonathan Nolan spending 4 years on POI first if that helps.

I am not sure what makes a show a HBO show, but POI always feels like it is progressing towards something instead of just existing. I feel like too many network shows exist to fill a time slot, and leave any advancement solely for season finales, but POI always felt like it was going somewhere episode to episode.

I have little to no idea about SUV, as I never saw a full episode of the show. From what I know about SUV, POI is not comparable to that type of show

I guess my point was network vs premium cable shows. Network shows tend to have boundaries. I brought up SVU because I enjoy that show despite it being on network tv.


I have the habbit of watching a episodes and then losing interest for various reasons.

- The Walking Dead (watched the first season, lost interest)
- Game of Thrones (one episode... nah...)
- American Horror Show (two episodes...)
- Breaking Bad (first episode...)

I've tried!


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Mostly because it's on CBS and I don't trust IMDB user ratings at all.

Honestly? Because it was on CBS so I just assumed it was your typical lowest common denominator network trash.

I watched the first two seasons when they originally aired. Then I gave up because I generally stopped watching that type of show.

It's a CBS crime procedural, man. It's mac and cheese. Netflix and HBO have more steak and lobster on the menu than I can eat.

If I'm ever physically incapacitated for months, and I have to stay at home but can't work, then maybe.
this is where Ive always been at on the show.

And I listen to sports talk radio during the day and the station is owned by CBS so they would advertise the show, and whoever did the audio pulls needs to be fired cause if the show is as good as you guys say it is they pulled some horrible, wooden, delivery. And thus i never watched it.

I have the habbit of watching a episodes and then losing interest for various reasons.

- The Walking Dead (watched the first season, lost interest)
- Game of Thrones (one episode... nah...)
- American Horror Show (two episodes...)
- Breaking Bad (first episode...)

I've tried!

its entirely possible you have bad taste.


Thanks Neogaf for telling me about this show. Im on the second last episode and I really don't want this to end.

It's one of the best shows I've ever watched.


One of the best shows on TV, so many classic episodes and the ever impending threat of the big bad was present even in the more 'monster of the week' episodes. Brilliantly written too, the writers were always weaving in call backs to earlier seasons and episodes. Such a shame people write it off because they think it's just a procedural show. Can't wait to watch it all again.


Finished the Series and I am bawling my eyes out. My God they knew how to hit the feels. What an amazing piece of tv


Finished the Series and I am bawling my eyes out. My God they knew how to hit the feels. What an amazing piece of tv
Yep that scene with Finch and the other character was powerful as hell. Amazing show that won't ever get the recognition it deserves because of CBS. I think it has more episodes in the top IMDb lists than any other top show yet it feels like noone watched it

Trying not to spoil for people who haven't seen


thanks to this thread i gave POI a try since s1-3 are on netflix.
now i´m trying to decide if i should hold out till seasons 4 and 5 are there as well, or just buy them on amazon video...
great show indeed!
S4 and S5 are on Netflix already.


I want to get into this show but the clips I've seen kind of make it look generic. I love shows like Fringe and I feel that The Blacklist ranges from solid to sometimes great. I love sci-fi and good storytelling.

Can someone link me to a video/trailer or two that will potentially sell me on this show?


I had to drop shows as there was too many to watch and I regret dropping this one. It was an easy decision at the time as the show was placed at 2am on a Thursday.


If Then Else is one of the greatest hours of TV I have ever watched and probably will ever watch. I can't recommend the series enough.
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