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Place your bets: Age of Ultron vs The Force Awakens

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The teaser for The Force Awakens looked great, but honestly at this point Star Wars is such an unknown quantity, and Abrams' last film looked good on the surface but when you begin to analyse it at all it was a hot mess. I just hope The Force Awakens is more logical and cohesive, although I have to admit that he had the space adventure style locked down pretty well with those two films.

On the other hand I'm amazed at what a well-oiled machine Marvel has become; they've done a really good job of getting the right creative folk in charge and I thought The Avengers was excellent, so I'm confident Whedon will knock it out of the park again.


Avengers is one of my least favorite Marvel movies, and even though they've seemingly added some non-lethally boring villainous forces to the cast this time I doubt it will be a great movie. Star Wars almost certainly better considering the efforts the producers are making. Abrams is not really all that important to whether the movie works or not.

At the box office? I'll go with Star Wars, though Avengers will undoubtedly make dirty money globally.


Age of Ultron will do crazy numbers and probably turn out pretty good like most recent Marvel movies.

But it's no Star Wars - that movie will be a freaking event this year.

As for the movie quality: dunno.
Which movie do you think will make the most money? The Force Awakens

Which movie do you think will be the better film? The Force Awakens

If they were both released on the same day, which would you go see first? The Force Awakens

Do you think there is any other 2015 film that will remotely come close to the money these will make? Or maybe even a video game? No

Which are you more excited about being in Kingdom Hearts? I have never cared about Kingdom Hearts, although I've been told I should. I have two big blind spots when it comes to gaming: FPS and RPG. I suck at FPS and I get irrationally impatient with RPGs. There are exceptions to both, and Kingdom Hearts seems like it should have been one of those exceptions, but nope.


Age of Ultron will do better and be better. I really enjoyed Abrams Star Trek movies, and his other stuff, but I don't see Star Wars doing better than Marvel's biggest film. They're killing it right now, and deservedly so.


Avengers for all 5 Qs, but I really don't give a shit about JRPGs like KH.

Marvel puts out great movies. I have no doubts AoU will be amazing, but I think Star Wars may end up being just as good.

As for who will "win"? I'd give Avengers the slight nod. The MCU is just a more proven, current commodity right now. Star Wars will still do great.

Disney stay winning.


Might as well write this down so I can brag or eat crow in January 2016.

Box-office: Avengers ($1.4 billion) > Star Wars ($1.2 billion)

Review scores: Star Wars > Avengers


People underestimating that Star Wars draw. Star Wars hasn't had a new film in almost 10 years, and the new film happens to be a direct sequel to one of the most highly recognized trilogy's of all time. It's going to draw in old fans, young kids, current fans, and all walks of life who want to say that they "saw it."


People underestimating that Star Wars draw. Star Wars hasn't had a new film in almost 10 years, and the new film happens to be a direct sequel to one of the most highly recognized trilogy's of all time. It's going to draw in old fans, young kids, current fans, and all walks of life who want to say that they "saw it."

2008 wasn't ten years ago.
It's gonna depend on the quality of either movie. Repeat viewings will dictate box office performance. If the new SW film knocks it out of the park, I'd place my bets there. If it's a dog, then it's Marvel all the way. Either way Disney are going to be rolling in that cash.


The same people who watch Marvel will watch Star Wars and then some. TFA is going to rival Avengers and it would be unsurprising if it was more successful:

  • No real competition other than Mission Impossible (so big opening weekend and long legs)
  • Harrison Ford and Co. are icons themselves, and Disney will promote them right. Crystal Skull nearly had $500million from international crowds in 2008 and that's just from seeing Ford dressed as Jones on the big screen
  • Disney Marvel machine
  • Millennial moviegoers ("nerd" culture is pop culture especially at the movies, the same people who watch Avengers and Avatar will be seeing Star Wars)
  • Record-breaking trailer hits
  • $billion in revenue annually from merchandise without a blockbuster film since 2005
  • Won't cannibalize theaters like AotC did with digital sound IIRC
  • Already a pop culture sensation before the iPhone and globalized social media (it's a smaller world now)

Star Wars is strong domestically and internationally. The potential is there for Star Wars to be a mega movie event rivaling the biggest hits. It is a brand and a global pop culture hit that is like none other in theaters, and I think the same moviegoers that watch Iron Man 3 and Avatar will be interested in Ep7, and we have indicators like record-breaking trailer hits and billion dollar annual revenue to show how strong and unique the Star Wars brand is compared to even other blockbusters.


Yea I'll say the only other movies that will even touch those 2 will be Jurassic World and the dark horse Fast 7

and even then, the drop off in payout will be huge before those 2 are even close


Avengers has a bunch of great movies preceding it to hype it up.

Star Wars had three shit movies before it from a decade ago.

Episode III was preceded by two awful Star Wars movies, and it still made 850 million in 2005 (well over a billion adjusted for inflation).

Episode III was a sequel to the poorly received Attack of the Clone and The Phantom Menace and is a billion dollar level film. The Force Awakens is a sequel to Return of the Jedi with the return of Han, Luke, and Leia.

If Episode III did a billon+ worth of ticket sales...then The Force Awakens is looking at 1.5 bil, minimum.
Episode III was preceded by two awful Star Wars movies, and it still made 850 million in 2005 (well over a billion adjusted for inflation).

Episode III was a sequel to the poorly received Attack of the Clone and The Phantom Menace and is a billion dollar level film. The Force Awakens is a sequel to Return of the Jedi with the return of Han, Luke, and Leia.

If Episode III did a billon+ worth of ticket sales...then The Force Awakens is looking at 1.5 bil, minimum.

Wow such logic.

Avengers made a billion so Avengers 2 will make 2 billion, amirite?
Yea I'll say the only other movies that will even touch those 2 will be Jurassic World and the dark horse Fast 7

I dont think JP will make the splash the original did. CGI is common place now. The plot will no doubt be a repeat. Unless they do a planet of the apes ending. Im sure itll be financially successful but it wont come near star wars or avengers.


Star Wars
Ultron (I lost all faith in SW and Abrams for different reasons)
Star Wars : /, honestly I would probably wait on both, the lines would be horrendus.
Nothing will top either of them, but if one could it would be Jurrasic World


A part of me really wants to say Star Wars, but JJ Abrams couldn't save Star Trek so what does that bode for modern science fiction films, with GotG being the exception of course? I love science fiction, but I think modern audiences are more likely to favor Age of Ultron and other superhero films.

This is quite literally the most ridiculous thing I've ever read.

"couldn't save Star Trek". Wow.


My gut tells me Star Wars and it's because of Avengers. Let me explain myself...

So Avengers wasn't big just because of Avengers. It was big because of the MCU build up to it. Avengers is like the finale to a five movies series with the big pay off at the end. I've loved everything we've gotten after but I don't feel it all feeds into eachother like the original movies did and considering how big Avengers was, it probably doesn't need too. If anything, Infinity War will be the next everything comes together and nukes the box office moment, imo. Ultron will do crazy money, don't get me wrong. it will do CRAZY money.

Star Wars, on the other hand, is a complete continuation of the saga. You have the old faces, the torch passing, no prequel stuff, the excitement is high. It's got that generational thing going for it and I think people are excited and will become more so as we move closer to it. We also have a population now trained by Potter. MCU, LOTR, etc. to not only be ready for a series of films but a series of interconnected films. So depending on how Star Wars fares, I think it can beat it. It's going to be the test bed for everyone's else's attempt at the MCU and if it's even feasible to go after it. DC and Warner Bros. better be watching closely.


Yea I'll say the only other movies that will even touch those 2 will be Jurassic World and the dark horse Fast 7

and even then, the drop off in payout will be huge before those 2 are even close
This has been annoying me for a while. It's Furious 7, not Fast 7. It's not just you, but it is a pet peeve


1. Star Wars, easily. There's a much bigger userbase. From small children to grandparents, everybody will want to watch the new Star Wars.

2. Probably Star Wars, but I don't really know tbh. Both movies will be very enjoyable to watch, but good and enjoyable aren't always the same thing. I really enjoyed GotG and The Winter Soldier, but wouldn't put them on any best-of lists.

3. Depends on which one my friends are going to see first.

4. Nope, Disney will basically rule the world at the end of this year.
Might as well write this down so I can brag or eat crow in January 2016.

Box-office: Avengers ($1.4 billion) > Star Wars ($1.2 billion)

Review scores: Star Wars > Avengers

I'll get in on this: I think you've got Avengers in the right ballpark, but I'm putting Star Wars at 1.6 bil, with 550 of that coming domestically.

it's gonna be REEEEEAL close. I'm not saying one's going to blow out the other at any rate.

Don't forget, there's still Bond and Hunger Games to contend with. Maybe Jurassic Park rounding out the top 5.


Upside, inside out he's livin la vida loca, He'll push and pull you down, livin la vida loca
Which movie do you think will make the most money?
The Force Awakens

Which movie do you think will be the better film?
Age of Ultron

If they were both released on the same day, which would you go see first?
I'd have to flip a coin D:

Do you think there is any other 2015 film that will remotely come close to the money these will make? Or maybe even a video game?
The final Hunger Games movie is releasing next year and that one is very likely breaking $1B, but I don't expect it to be "close" (I can see both TFA and AoU sailing past $1.5B)

Which are you more excited about being in Kingdom Hearts?
I don't really care much for KH
The point is even with awful films with characters no one likes Star Wars baseline is 1 billion. This on the other-hand has a lot more well liked characters and setting.

When did Star Wars make 1 billion? That's right, never.

Edit: Nm phantom menace did 1 bil, but Avengers did 1.5 bil and Iron Man 3 did 1.2bil. sooo


Which movie do you think will make the most money?

Going by the numbers, I'd probably say Avengers.

Which movie do you think will be the better film?

Here is hope Star Wars will be the best film. But if I had to place a bet, Marvel seems to have already figured out how to make a nice Super Hero movie, so... I'm conflicted, but I'd say Age of Ultron. But the thing is, since George Lucas is not directing this film, we might end up with the best Star Wars since The Empire Strikes Back.

If they were both released on the same day, which would you go see first?

Star Wars, most definitely.

Do you think there is any other 2015 film that will remotely come close to the money these will make? Or maybe even a video game?

Unless I'm missing something, no.

Which are you more excited about being in Kingdom Hearts?


Well, I guess the real winner is Disney.



Avengers is in no way doing less than the 1.5 billion the first one made. I was a guarantee before GOTG it might break 2 billion after the fact.
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