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Play Nintendo - Announcing Nintendo @ E3 2014

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
You really should listen to me a bit more on this.
I mean, granted, it's just my opinion... but of course gaming press is going to be negative about it, because they are being cut out of the conversation. When you start promoting and talking through 'owned channels,' then you get the traffic. You're basically taking traffic away from press outlets, and letting consumers participate without their lens.

The press hasn't been kind to them for awhile, so this let's the main messaging get out to potential purchases through Nintendo's rose-tinted view. The sad part is, it works, but it mostly has to happen because of the vitriol the media is giving them in the first place. It's a cycle, just look at all the negativity today in what should be a big win for 'core fans,' since they are actively being called to take part in experiencing something that was typically reserved for elite access press.
1. It's 2014. Winter 2014 in game release terms is November or December. Winter 2014 is not in 2015
2. Sakurai is one man, the leader of a huge team. He injured his hand, he is not sick. Just because he injured his hand does not mean work stops.
3. Bayonetta 2 is still pegged for summer launch.

I... actually agree with you for once. Anyone who doesn't agree with you is an idiot.


Yeah, but can he really say for sure that Nintendo's poor sales are a direct result of doing a prerecorded video instead of a live conference last year? Seems silly.

I agree, I highly doubt the Wii U's failures were due to the prerecorded nature of their E3 conference, but I'm sure as hell it didn't exactly help...
Sakurai said the game will be launched in winter. He adds 2014 but winter begins on December 21. Do you seriously think they will release it the 21?
Besides Sakurai is sick and cannot work quickly. He is very meticulous.

I bet we will have the smash bros U in february. The game of christmas for U will be Bayo 2.

Nintendo is not THAT stupid to think that Bayonetta should be their big holiday game.

You need to rethink these things.

They have done dumb shit before but that's the funniest thing I have seen in some time.
Since when is E3 attended by or shown to anyone with simply a passing interest in the market? What, are there supermarkets that showed their shoppers the feed from live Nintendo conferences that won't show the subdued events out of principle?

Yeah you have never been to a E3. The hub of excitement that is generated by the show can absolutely spread to mass market. When they showed Gears of War for the first time on stage I remember being in LA and everyone was taking about that game. The live reveal + word of mouth spread like crazy. My cousin who only buys consoles for Madden knows about upcoming games because of the coverage during and after E3. It bleeds into mass market publications and news formats because the live conferences generate excitement.


Now, they need to schedule at least three of these events in particularly bad parts of one or two major cities. Think about the press coverage that Smash Bros will get if a knife fight breaks out at a Best Buy in Chicago or Michigan.

pls, the whole of detroit makes the bad parts here in Chicago look like paradise


Sakurai said the game will be launched in winter. He adds 2014 but winter begins on December 21. Do you seriously think they will release it the 21?
Besides Sakurai is sick and cannot work quickly. He is very meticulous.

I bet we will have the smash bros U in february. The game of christmas for U will be Bayo 2.

When companies say winter they pretty much always mean november, december. Smash is coming in late nov you can count on it. Why else would they have a big wiiu tourny and have playble demos at best buy. It's not getting pushed back.
When your desperately trying to gain traction with the mass market and not the nintendo fans with Zelda tattoos how in the world does a subdued conference make sense.

The mass market at large doesn't watch presentations live. They read about it and then watch a recording later. They look up the important details and notable moments because people usually don't have time for 1 to 2 hours to watch a presentation that includes numbers and other content that aren't aimed at consumers. A presentation is entirely scripted and rehearsed, so there really is no difference if it's aired live or not as long as it is generally exciting to consumers.

On the other hand, the Invitational is a competition; an unscripted event where anything goes. Of course that's going to be a live event with actual fans physically present.


I agree, I highly doubt the Wii U's failures were due to the prerecorded nature of their E3 conference, but I'm sure as hell it didn't exactly help...

If they announced the same lineup of games at a live presser last year, nothing would have changed. They still would have had to compete with two long-overdue console announcements, and they didn't show up with anything that was going to deflect hype away from them. The content is the problem, not the delivery method.


Hmmm, whaddya know: if you try and show people that you don't need to pander to the press, you get bad press coverage. Didn't see that coming.


You really should listen to me a bit more on this.
I mean, granted, it's just my opinion... but of course gaming press is going to be negative about it, because they are being cut out of the conversation. When you start promoting and talking through 'owned channels,' then you get the traffic. You're basically taking traffic away from press outlets, and letting consumers participate without their lens.

The press hasn't been kind to them for awhile, so this let's the main messaging get out to potential purchases through Nintendo's rose-tinted view. The sad part is, it works, but it mostly has to happen because of the vitriol the media is giving them in the first place. It's a cycle, just look at all the negativity today in what should be a big win for 'core fans,' since they are actively being called to take part in experiencing something that was typically reserved for elite access press.
All this.



Did not see this... thanks for sharing this image too. Helps quell so woes I had. =)
He's right, anyone who says that E3 press conferences have little to know meaning didn't watch Sony's last year.

The Anti-DRM/Used games portion was hugely successful for their brand and image going forward. Just seems like another misstep for Nintendo in a long list of them... :/

Sony had an incredible stroke of luck with the Microsoft pro-DRM fiasco in their E3 presentation. It has directly contributed to the predominance of PS4 in the Western retail market.

But Nintendo's recent E3 conferences have contained marketing backfires...both to consumers and to the E3 audience.

First in 2011 Nintendo barely had any material to show for Wii U and resorted to displaying tech demos.

And in 2011-2012, near-silence from the audience when various announcements were name-dropped (like the Wii U name, the surprise Nintendo Land reveal, etc.) took the momentum out of their conferences.

What's the point in paying so much money for a press conference if the audience is going to subdue its impact on the average consumer? There is a reason why Microsoft hired plants to cheer in the Xbox One reveal presentation. It's because that raw audience reaction elicits excitement...and a near-silence audience reaction does the opposite.


Question to you guys:

Would you rather have Nintendo go all out on this Smash Bros tournament and set it up nicely in the Nokia theater or have them do a Live conference there and half ass the tournament?

Dont say both. Just dont.
No... What have you done, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?!?!!!

HYPE! Can't wait!

Nintendo has repeatedly said that Bayonetta 2 will hit 2014.

There is an extremely good chance that we will get another trailer, a release date, and maybe a playable demo at this E3 conference.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Nintendo has repeatedly said that Bayonetta 2 will hit 2014.

There is an extremely good chance that we will get another trailer, a release date, and maybe a playable demo at this E3 conference.

It is also slated for summer in Japan.


Neo Member
1. It's 2014. Winter 2014 in game release terms is November or December. Winter 2014 is not in 2015
2. Sakurai is one man, the leader of a huge team. He injured his hand, he is not sick. Just because he injured his hand does not mean work stops.
3. Bayonetta 2 is still pegged for summer launch.

They also said DKCTF is a christmas 2013 game but everybody knows when it was released.

Sakurai takes his time and develops with a team he doesn't know entirely. Add also the fact he has to make a 3DS version before.
It is too much for a injured guy who used to work very slowly.
We will see.


You really should listen to me a bit more on this.
I mean, granted, it's just my opinion... but of course gaming press is going to be negative about it, because they are being cut out of the conversation. When you start promoting and talking through 'owned channels,' then you get the traffic. You're basically taking traffic away from press outlets, and letting consumers participate without their lens.

The press hasn't been kind to them for awhile, so this let's the main messaging get out to potential purchases through Nintendo's rose-tinted view. The sad part is, it works, but it mostly has to happen because of the vitriol the media is giving them in the first place. It's a cycle, just look at all the negativity today in what should be a big win for 'core fans,' since they are actively being called to take part in experiencing something that was typically reserved for elite access press.

This is good. The press monkeys are fuming because they aren't getting what they want basically.


I like that they're promoting it as a once a year special "digital event" as opposed to a usual direct. Makes it more hype that it's something new with more surprises just for E3.


Sony had an incredible stroke of luck with the Microsoft pro-DRM fiasco in their E3 presentation. It has directly contributed to the predominance of PS4 in the Western retail market.

But Nintendo's recent E3 conferences have contained marketing backfires...both to consumers and to the E3 audience.

First in 2011 Nintendo barely had any material to show for Wii U and resorted to displaying tech demos.

And in 2011-2012, near-silence from the audience when various announcements were name-dropped (like the Wii U name, the surprise Nintendo Land reveal, etc.) took the momentum out of their conferences.

What's the point in paying so much money for a press conference if the audience is going to subdue its impact on the average consumer? There is a reason why Microsoft hired plants to cheer in the Xbox One reveal presentation. It's because that raw audience reaction elicits excitement...and a near-silence audience reaction does the opposite.

Well that's a broader issue Nintendo is facing besides just live conferences. You need compelling content for them to be successful.

Them opting out again is almost admitting or waiving the white flag like last year that they don't have a compelling enough lineup to warrant a live press conference to compete with their competitors.
No press conference again? Focusing heavily on Smash Bros giving off the impression that they have nothing else to show? Yep, they're going to disappoint again.


El Capitan Todd
You really should listen to me a bit more on this.
I mean, granted, it's just my opinion... but of course gaming press is going to be negative about it, because they are being cut out of the conversation. When you start promoting and talking through 'owned channels,' then you get the traffic. You're basically taking traffic away from press outlets, and letting consumers participate without their lens.

The press hasn't been kind to them for awhile, so this let's the main messaging get out to potential purchases through Nintendo's rose-tinted view. The sad part is, it works, but it mostly has to happen because of the vitriol the media is giving them in the first place. It's a cycle, just look at all the negativity today in what should be a big win for 'core fans,' since they are actively being called to take part in experiencing something that was typically reserved for elite access press.

Thank you for summarizing my opinion. It baffles me how we, gaf users, are whining about them skipping a communication filter. As if quality, contents and effort for us in that communication would be weaker, while looking at the whole stuff planned is maybe the opposite


I wonder if we'll see SMTxFE or Yarn Yoshi in some form. Yarn Yoshi was definitely playable, so I think we'll see it in some form at E3.
You really should listen to me a bit more on this.
I mean, granted, it's just my opinion... but of course gaming press is going to be negative about it, because they are being cut out of the conversation. When you start promoting and talking through 'owned channels,' then you get the traffic. You're basically taking traffic away from press outlets, and letting consumers participate without their lens.

The press hasn't been kind to them for awhile, so this let's the main messaging get out to potential purchases through Nintendo's rose-tinted view. The sad part is, it works, but it mostly has to happen because of the vitriol the media is giving them in the first place. It's a cycle, just look at all the negativity today in what should be a big win for 'core fans,' since they are actively being called to take part in experiencing something that was typically reserved for elite access press.
People should really pay attention to what John is saying.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
No press conference again? Focusing heavily on Smash Bros giving off the impression that they have nothing else to show? Yep, they're going to disappoint again.

I like how Nintendo actually doing something right marketing wise is turned into a negative.
Yay! Now they'll have new games to show that weren't revealed beforehand ^_^ Excluding Hyrule Warrior/legend? Of course lol I hope they show FE x SMT, epic yoshi and dragon marked for death.


Question to you guys:

Would you rather have Nintendo go all out on this Smash Bros tournament and set it up nicely in the Nokia theater or have them do a Live conference there and half ass the tournament?

Dont say both. Just dont.

Personally, the former. Because the fact that we're getting a Smash tournament of all things in the fucking Nokia Theater is an incredibly big deal from a community perspective. That kind of word-of-mouth can go a long way, and if they pull this off well this could easily be a massive marketing move.

We'll get the presentation and the games no matter what, but this is an incredible idea to push a promising title into the forefront.


No press conference again? Focusing heavily on Smash Bros giving off the impression that they have nothing else to show? Yep, they're going to disappoint again.
I wouldn't say that; it's more like Smash is probably the only thing in demo stages (at least that they can announce at this point), and, considering MK8 comes out like a week before, Smash would be the hugest game at E3 regardless, except for maybe Pokemon Z which again can't be announced yet and will most assuredly be heavily present with some demo booths.




Yup, this shows Nintendo's influence is waning in the industry and doing stuff like this (not having a conference) surely will hasten the newer generation of people forgetting what Nintendo is. People already do not consider Nintendo a console company since the Wii. The name brand and prestige of the Nintendo name is diminishing faster than ever.


You really should listen to me a bit more on this.
I mean, granted, it's just my opinion... but of course gaming press is going to be negative about it, because they are being cut out of the conversation. When you start promoting and talking through 'owned channels,' then you get the traffic. You're basically taking traffic away from press outlets, and letting consumers participate without their lens.

The press hasn't been kind to them for awhile, so this let's the main messaging get out to potential purchases through Nintendo's rose-tinted view. The sad part is, it works, but it mostly has to happen because of the vitriol the media is giving them in the first place. It's a cycle, just look at all the negativity today in what should be a big win for 'core fans,' since they are actively being called to take part in experiencing something that was typically reserved for elite access press.

Harker laying down that truth.
Sony had an incredible stroke of luck with the Microsoft pro-DRM fiasco in their E3 presentation. It has directly contributed to the predominance of PS4 in the Western retail market.

But Nintendo's recent E3 conferences have contained marketing backfires...both to consumers and to the E3 audience.

First in 2011 Nintendo barely had any material to show for Wii U and resorted to displaying tech demos.

And in 2011-2012, near-silence from the audience when various announcements were name-dropped (like the Wii U name, the surprise Nintendo Land reveal, etc.) took the momentum out of their conferences.

What's the point in paying so much money for a press conference if the audience is going to subdue its impact on the average consumer? There is a reason why Microsoft hired plants to cheer in the Xbox One reveal presentation. It's because that raw audience reaction elicits excitement...and a near-silence audience reaction does the opposite.

That should have been a wake up call!
Well that's a broader issue Nintendo is facing besides just live conferences. You need compelling content for them to be successful.

Them opting out again is almost admitting or waiving the white flag like last year that they don't have a compelling enough lineup to warrant a live press conference to compete with their competitors.
Nintendo easily had the best playable software line-up of the three companies last year, so yeah. Opinions though.
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