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PlayStation 4 Sales Surpass 7.0 Million Units (April 6th), 20.5M Software (April 13)

Handy Fake

That's true but I didn't say anything about non-exclusives running poorly on PS4 so I'm not sure why you brought that up


Well, technically speaking you're talking about system sellers. If I was offered a game I wanted on two systems (for the sake of argument, just being in the market for a console), I would buy the system that ran it best. Ergo, having a multi-plat title that ran better on one system would be a system seller for that platform.

If we're going to get bogged down in pedantry arguments. ;)


In case some posters like Gucci Messiah don't realize, we're not in the NES/Sega Master System era to the Dreamcast/PS2/Gamecube/Original Xbox era anymore in where exclusives matter & in which they were system sellers. They're now considered bonuses.

The multiplats have simply taken over. And if you have a system that's more powerful than the other console, then it's a bonus, as multiplat titles will always play better on that certain console than on the other console.
You and him, him and you, take a look at the top 10s and break free from the "only exclusives matter" mindset.


People are buying PS4s (and Xbox Ones) to play those games, and the games to come.

How exactly do you "only exclusives matter" from this:

He has a point, there's not a lot of exclusive software for the system people are just dying to play.

The main reason people buy a console is for exclusive software they can't get anywhere else. Halo moves boxes. Mario moves boxes. Uncharted moves boxes. Why do you think MS/Sony try to obtain exclusive DLC? To differentiate their 3rd party version of the game and attract consumers to their business. Putting on blinders and pretending that exclusive software doesn't matter needs to stop.


Uh, you do realize that the #1 reason why people buy a console is the games, right?

To play games...and to play those games (multiplatform or otherwise), they're choosing PS4 because it facilitates playing games at a better fidelity at an affordable pricepoint. Get over it.

You struggling to reconcile with that notion that people are telling you doesn't make them fanboys.
Uh, you do realize that the #1 reason why people buy a console is the games, right? If most multiplats come to both systems, what distinguishes them? Oh yeah, the exclusives. You can say "b-but 3rd party games run better on PS4!" but that has nothing to do with my point. All I'm saying is that there aren't enough exclusive titles to make people rush out and buy a box. PS4 doesn't have a Halo, GTA 3, or Mario 64.

It's weird how you twist me saying PS4 has no system selling exclusives this early in the life cycle into "PS4 haz no gamez." Control yourself.


you are trying to quantify the question as to how ps4 can sell a lot of units and using only one parameter as the deciding factor?

get out of here. the point is, it has games. the multiplats are there to sell the system to the consumer, not to distinguish it from the competition. you may think that's one and the same, but no.

no, ps4 does not need an exclusive to sell the system. as shown by the charts, the highest-selling ps4 games are multiplats.

"is ac4 on ps4? yes. let me buy a ps4. does it also have nba 2k14? yes? what about bf4? yes? okay, give me that ps4."
you are delusional if you think that's such a minority.

The Llama

How exactly do you "only exclusives matter" from this:

The main reason people buy a console is for exclusive software they can't get anywhere else. Halo moves boxes. Mario moves boxes. Uncharted moves boxes. Why do you think MS/Sony try to obtain exclusive DLC? To differentiate their 3rd party version of the game and attract consumers to their business. Putting on blinders and pretending that exclusive software doesn't matter needs to stop.

Its really not though. For some people, definitely. We know those games most systems. But to most people, it doesn't matter. It's more of a "I have an Xbox, and this new Halo game looks awesome so I'll buy it!" thing.
In case some posters like Gucci Messiah don't realize, we're not in the NES/Sega Master System era to the Dreamcast/PS2/Gamecube/Original Xbox era anymore in where exclusives matter & in which they were system sellers. They're now considered bonuses.

The multiplats have simply taken over. And if you have a system that's more powerful than the other console, then it's a bonus, as multiplat titles will always play better on that certain console than on the other console.

They still matter,also multiplats were all over the place in the snes era too. Also a cumulative of exclusives matter as well.PS did a good job with this each gen and that helps.
Most people don't really care much about exclusives though (with some rare exceptions that become big system sellers; things like Halo).

You really think most people don't care about exclusive software? You know, Zelda, Mario, Smash Bros, Pokemon, Uncharted, The Last of Us, Halo, Gears of War, Fable...those are just a few of the best selling franchises from last generation but people don't care about them, right? They don't influence console purchases?

Alright then.
And when all consoles play those games what do you think the deciding factor is? Box art?

Why do you get a new phone? Why do you get a new television? Why do you get a new anything? Your old phone still placed phone calls, still took pictures, still did whatever the heck you were doing with whatever apps you were running, but you ran out and got the new [whatever] anyway because your contract ran out and the new thing was new and "better."

People have been with their old phones consoles for a long time. The new phones consoles are here, and they're running out to get them. Because they're new, and they're "better."

As for the deciding factor, it's the price, features, and friends (should not be overlooked), same as always. Some of those features are exclusive games, surely. But most aren't.


All i know is the PS4 is the more powerful console, delivers me the best and smoothest hardcore games experience, and the road to which they got here is paved with roses and wonderful consumer goodwill, where as MS tarnished the fuck out of themselves, greedy fucks. Perception killed the 'bone. Now they working like motherfuckers to get it back and they may just fail.

Handy Fake

All i know is the PS4 is the more powerful console, delivers me the best and smoothest hardcore games experience, and the road to which they got here is paved with roses and wonderful consumer goodwill, where as MS tarnished the fuck out of themselves, greedy fucks. Perception killed the 'bone. Now they working like motherfuckers to get it back and they may just fail.

I'd jump in front of a bullet for you.
To play games...and to play those games (multiplatform or otherwise), they're choosing PS4 because it facilitates playing games at a better fidelity at an affordable pricepoint. Get over it.

You struggling to reconcile with that notion that people are telling you doesn't make them fanboys.

This is amazing. I've not mentioned multiplatform performance but people keep bringing it up and beating their chests over it. PS4 is the more powerful system, that's common knowledge, I never even hinted otherwise. Not sure why I need to 'get over it' like I'm sitting here bashing Sony. I made a one sentence long post saying that PS4 doesn't have exclusives people are dying to play this early in the life cycle and get jumped on by console warriors lol.

I'd be careful with your next post. Can't help but feel you're treading very thin ice.

What do I need to be careful for? Going against the dominant opinion? I haven't broken any of the ToS or anything like that. All I did is make a post saying the PS4 doesn't have any exclusive software people are dying to play. I didn't attack the system or any poster in particular so I'm not sure why you're back seat modding.


*Not replying to anyone in particular*

Lets just say hypothetically, that the same games were available on X1 and PS4. There are no exclusives.

Why on earth would anyone pick the system that cost more and was less powerful.

Handy Fake

This is amazing. I've not mentioned multiplatform performance but people keep bringing it up and beating their chests over it. PS4 is the more powerful system, that's common knowledge, I never even hinted otherwise. Not sure why I need to 'get over it' like I'm sitting here bashing Sony. I made a one sentence long post saying that PS4 doesn't have exclusives people are dying to play this early in the life cycle and get jumped on by console warriors lol.

I answered this previously.


Awesome, loving my ps4 at the moment with all these recent releases and there is quite a bit to keep me occupied for awhile. Looking forward to seeing some first party reveals.


*Not replying to anyone in particular*

Lets just say hypothetically, that the same games were available on X1 and PS4. There are no exclusives.

Why on earth would anyone pick the system that cost more and was less powerful.

For the better controller of course.

DS4 for me

People need to find a way to downplay the success.

Edit: Which is hilarious since we just got out of this


Holy cow.
This is amazing. I've not mentioned multiplatform performance but people keep bringing it up and beating their chests over it. PS4 is the more powerful system, that's common knowledge, I never even hinted otherwise. Not sure why I need to 'get over it' like I'm sitting here bashing Sony. I made a one sentence long post saying that PS4 doesn't have exclusives people are dying to play this early in the life cycle and get jumped on by console warriors lol.

You should definitely keep calling the people who oppose your position warriors and fans, that will get you far.

Playing big multiplatform games at a better fidelity than the last generation is probably by far the largest reason people are buying the system.

The Llama

You really think most people don't care about exclusive software? You know, Zelda, Mario, Smash Bros, Pokemon, Uncharted, The Last of Us, Halo, Gears of War, Fable...those are just a few of the best selling franchises from last generation but people don't care about them, right? They don't influence console purchases?

Alright then.

You think Nintendo sold all those Wii's because of Zelda and Mario? Then why is the Wii U selling so poorly? Exclusives do matter, but they're not what sells most consoles. They sell some (a very good amount, tbf), but not to the extent you seem to think so. I just don't think the average consumer is deciding between a PS4 and XB1 and thinking "what would I rather play, Halo or Uncharted?" Its more like "what are my friends buying? what costs less? which one have i heard is better?"
How exactly do you "only exclusives matter" from this:

The main reason people buy a console is for exclusive software they can't get anywhere else. Halo moves boxes. Mario moves boxes. Uncharted moves boxes. Why do you think MS/Sony try to obtain exclusive DLC? To differentiate their 3rd party version of the game and attract consumers to their business. Putting on blinders and pretending that exclusive software doesn't matter needs to stop.

The highest selling Halo on 360 was, what, maybe 10 million units? Xbox 360 sold 80 million. The highest selling Gears, maybe 7, 8 million? The highest selling anything else exclusive on 360, what was it?

Exclusives aren't unimportant, but the average Xbox 360 owner did not own a Halo, did not own a Gears of War. They just didn't. The average PS3 owner never touched Uncharted, never came close to The Last of Us. These titles are important, but their importance is far over-emphasized among multiple console owning, forum dwelling, hardcore gamers. The average gamer isn't quite so concerned.


You really think most people don't care about exclusive software? You know, Zelda, Mario, Smash Bros, Pokemon, Uncharted, The Last of Us, Halo, Gears of War, Fable...those are just a few of the best selling franchises from last generation but people don't care about them, right? They don't influence console purchases?

Alright then.

Look, if exclusives were the only things people cared about the Wii-U wouldn't be dying right now.

Something sells systems. Sometimes it's exclusives, sometimes it's just plain old multiplatform games. This time it appears to be the latter.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
For the people that keep thinking the Xbox One is nearly at 6 million. A little common sense would tell you otherwise. Microsoft said they sold 3.1 million Xbox One buy the end of 2013. NPD numbers for Jan/Feb were:

Jan: 143K
Feb: 248K

I very much doubt the UK and the few European countries the X1 is available in are matching the monthly NA sales. So let's say they're at least selling half as many console in Europe as they are in NA.

Jan: 72K
Feb: 129K

Add up everything and you get about 3.7M across both regions by the beginning of March. For the Xbox One to be at 6 million units sold, Microsoft would have to sell close to 2.3 million consoles in March. The numbers in Europe don't seem to support such a massive up tick in sales, so it would have to come down to NA to sell most of those consoles. Does that seem in any way likely to anyone?
Really impressive.

Doesn't feel like that to me at the moment, spend more time to on the Xbox the last couple of months due to the libraries since launch. I haven't bothered with it much since completing Infamous.

Infamous just came out on March 21st, it hasn't even been out a month yet...


*Not replying to anyone in particular*

Lets just say hypothetically, that the same games were available on X1 and PS4. There are no exclusives.

Why on earth would anyone pick the system that cost more and was less powerful.

Two reasons:

* Brand loyalty
* Online friends also owning that platform
The spin, oh God the spin! Lol I could season my chilli with this salt.

To the poster who mentioned no system sellers like Halo and Mario 64, should the PS4 have a game like that? Would it make it sell better than it already is? Can you even sell better considering limited stock.... And the greatest irony is that those "system sellers" is that the consoles sold like shit.


This is amazing. I've not mentioned multiplatform performance but people keep bringing it up and beating their chests over it. PS4 is the more powerful system, that's common knowledge, I never even hinted otherwise. Not sure why I need to 'get over it' like I'm sitting here bashing Sony. I made a one sentence long post saying that PS4 doesn't have exclusives people are dying to play this early in the life cycle and get jumped on by console warriors lol.

So what are you trying to prove with this point in the light of one of the fastest selling consoles in history?


I haven't broken any of the ToS or anything like that.

I made a one sentence long post saying that PS4 doesn't have exclusives people are dying to play this early in the life cycle and get jumped on by console warriors lol.

I didn't attack the system or any poster in particular so I'm not sure why you're back seat modding.

Calling people "console warriors" because they don't share you opinions and making passive-aggressive insults against others violates ToS.


This is amazing. I've not mentioned multiplatform performance but people keep bringing it up and beating their chests over it. PS4 is the more powerful system, that's common knowledge, I never even hinted otherwise. Not sure why I need to 'get over it' like I'm sitting here bashing Sony. I made a one sentence long post saying that PS4 doesn't have exclusives people are dying to play this early in the life cycle and get jumped on by console warriors lol.

What do I need to be careful for? Going against the dominant opinion? I haven't broken any of the ToS or anything like that. All I did is make a post saying the PS4 doesn't have any exclusive software people are dying to play. I didn't attack the system or any poster in particular so I'm not sure why you're back seat modding.

The thing is, that even disregarding all of the other arguments regarding what exactly sells consoles...

You are still wrong.

Killzone has sold more than 2 million copies a while ago, which means it had a very healthy attach rate, while Infamous reached one million units faster than any of the previous ones on a much smaller userbase. People DO want to play these games.
The highest selling Halo on 360 was, what, maybe 10 million units? Xbox 360 sold 80 million. The highest selling Gears, maybe 7, 8 million? The highest selling anything else exclusive on 360, what was it?

Exclusives aren't unimportant, but the average Xbox 360 owner did not own a Halo, did not own a Gears of War. They just didn't. The average PS3 owner never touched Uncharted, never came close to The Last of Us. These titles are important, but their importance is far over-emphasized among multiple console owning, forum dwelling, hardcore gamers. The average gamer isn't quite so concerned.

How can you make the assumption that the average 360 gamer didn't own those titles when not accounting for the used game market? Are digital downloads also included in your numbers? Reaching at least 1/8th of your userbase is impressive in itself, I can't think of anything in the modern era with an attach rate of over 15-20% that didn't come bundled. I could be wrong though.

Exclusives matter or else Sony and MS wouldn't even bother with first party games. It isn't like the early 1990s where you've got games like Super Mario World and Sonic swaying purchasing decisions but that element still exists.


All i know is the PS4 is the more powerful console, delivers me the best and smoothest hardcore games experience, and the road to which they got here is paved with roses and wonderful consumer goodwill, where as MS tarnished the fuck out of themselves, greedy fucks. Perception killed the 'bone. Now they working like motherfuckers to get it back and they may just fail.

For me it's simply that PS4 is the most powerful console, has good value with PS+ and Sony has 3 gens under their belt of delivering great gaming for an entire gen (both 3rd and strong 1st party) all the way until the new machine comes out, none of the other platform holders have been that consistent. I didn't buy my PS4 at launch for any one title, I bought it knowing that Sony will deliver over the course of the gen far more consistently than either MS or Nintendo.


Ah, okay. Wonder why that is?

Hehe, naw. It's a joke that occurred when this user was saying he was seeing PS4's everywhere in New Zealand, and specifically mentioned how a store got like 20 units in and still hadn't sold out days later.

He posted a link to the twitter of the store, thinking it proved his point. Except the twitter message itself suggested that the shipment was a rarity, and so people should run out and get the PS4 - and when we counted the PS4 boxes in the image, there was upwards of 60 units. So they only had 20 left out of that order even if his account was true, after a day or two of sales.

Edit: Jesus Christ, my mind must have blanked, I'm like a billion pages late to this explanation lol


For the people that keep thinking the Xbox One is nearly at 6 million. A little common sense would tell you otherwise. Microsoft said they sold 3.1 million Xbox One buy the end of 2013. NPD numbers for Jan/Feb were:

Jan: 143K
Feb: 248K

I very much doubt the UK and the few European countries the X1 is available in are matching the monthly NA sales. So let's say they're at least selling half as many console in Europe as they are in NA.

Jan: 72K
Feb: 129K

Add up everything and you get about 3.7M across both regions by the beginning of March. For the Xbox One to be at 6 million units sold, Microsoft would have to sell close to 2.3 million consoles in March. The numbers in Europe don't seem to support such a massive up tick in sales, so it would have to come down to NA to sell most of those consoles. Does that seem in any way likely to anyone?

Not even close to 6 million.
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