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PlayStation Experience Event 2014 - 20 Years of gaming memories distilled


Umm... That was legitimately a really nice show. Probably better than any of the E3 shows. Well rounded and just solid. It fizzled off at the end but I enjoyed it and am excited about quite a few things. I honestly can't believe there is this much complaining.

...but lol at Square Enix. Oh well.
This should also be a learning moment to not take all these posters who tease shit so seriously.

I had low expectations and didn't let they ridiculous level of "hype" get to me. I enjoyed the keynote. It was like E3 in December.


He touched the black heart of a mod
I hope we can have a little discussion after things settle down a bit about what really constitutes a "Megaton".


I've got a few things to say

1: Fuck Jaffe for talking so much. I don't care about your shit games anymore.
2: Fuck you Square-Enix for completely draining the sauce of my body by putting three images of FFVII and then feeding us more bullshit instead of giving us what we want
3: Fuck you Konami for working "so hard" on giving us Suikoden on Vita instead of doing something people could actually play
4: Fuck you Atlus for managing to only redo a title (Persona 5) since the 'reveal' of the game

and last but definitely not least:

5: Fuck you GAF for hyping me up so much for this fucking piece of shit event. 0/10 Worse than PS3 E3 2006


No one to blame but yourself brah'. Hype has been co-opted as a marketing tool to push preorders and brand loyalty. Tune out and instead be surprised for once.

As someone who stayed the hell out of this thread prior to the show, This was pretty damn good showing with a lot of great looking titles that I'll never find enough time to play.
It's not that I have inherent mistrust of people, but putting your faith in insider leaks, rather than having modest expectations of companies that have continously proven that 'megatons' are a massive rarity in this business?

If you went in thinking that a company is going to load one event with 5 events worth of megatons, that was a flawed perception to begin with.
So wait... this conference sucked because of what? If Phil Spencer tweets, "GAMES GAMES GAMES," everybody goes nuts. Sony just showed a bunch of games and it is instantly garbage? Makes no sense. No, the ending wasn't the best thing, but you can't deny the variety shown.


Bro, how is a PS3 game a megaton? lol
Because SEGA have been complete dick heads with their handling of the yakuza series and absolutely everyone had given up hope on them releasing yakuza games outside of japan. This announcement implies that they will be willing to bring yakuza games to the US in the future. So the new Yakuza game for PS4 is now inside the realm of possiblity of getting released over here.


If you say that conference rocked and lived up to expectations you are lying to yourself 100%.

Maybe... Just maybe people had different expectations? :O SHOCKING NEWS PEOPLE HAVE DIFFERENT EXPECTATIONS.

I didn't expect and "gigatons" and some UC4 footage a new feature for Bloodborne, Bastion that I will rebuy and tons of other stuff.


You guys set yourselves out for disappointment with insane expectations. This was much better than E3 for me personally.

Also yeah fuck SE, for a second there I was flabbergasted that it was actually happening.


Honestly... for show that their are doing for the first time which isn't E3 or any of the other big gaming conferences, this was decent.

My biggest problem was how they hyped a lot of things out of nowhere just to reveal a letdown seconds later:

- "I love persona 5": Then doesn't even show a damn screenshot and just confirmes what most people already knew

- "We know you love FF7!!": ..... so here is the Ps1 (or, well, PC) version on Ps4... yay?

- Several Sony Guys walkinga round with a shirt featuring Kratos, Santa Monica gets on stage to show a "beloved" franchise coming to Ps4: ....aaaand it's a new game in the Fat Princess world (hey, I like fat princess, but it's now what I expected).

I'm just dissapointed that the best announcement was Yakuza 5 coming to Ps3. I mean, I'm REALLY happy about that but it's a shame that a year into current gen the most surprising announcement is a Ps3 game
I've got a few things to say

1: Fuck Jaffe for talking so much. I don't care about your shit games anymore.
2: Fuck you Square-Enix for completely draining the sauce of my body by putting three images of FFVII and then feeding us more bullshit instead of giving us what we want
3: Fuck you Konami for working "so hard" on giving us Suikoden on Vita instead of doing something people could actually play
4: Fuck you Atlus for managing to only redo a title (Persona 5) since the 'reveal' of the game

and last but definitely not least:

5: Fuck you GAF for hyping me up so much for this fucking piece of shit event. 0/10 Worse than PS3 E3 2006



someone do a big writeup of all the games shown
i feel like i already forgot a bunch of stuff cuz they showed so many


The rage is unbelievable. Its a December event, the first event of its kind, and revealed just enough so Sony don't blow their load for e3 next year.

Get a grip.


Anyone saying this was underwhelming is nuts. I went from kind of let down lately with Sony to excited again. So many cool and interesting things shown.


The Awesome: Uncharted 4, Bloodborne, Free Garden Warfare, GAF Shoutout

The Good: No Man's Sky, Drawn to Death, Street Fighter

The Meh: Vast majority of the show

The Ugly: Destiny (please stop talking about this game, we all know how mediocre it is now) and the FF7 troll.

Also, really annoyed with the insiders. I kept hearing how something was supposed to dwarf the SF5 exclusitivity and got nothing of the sort. Where was the Square RPG? Deus Ex? Ending was somewhat anti climactic. Some presenters did a pretty poor job. Boyes was good though. Overall, decent showing just for Uncharted and Bloodborne.


GAF way over hyped this event lol. Didn't hate it though. Too many indies. No Man sky looks sooooooo good. I don't care if there's 0 game play I still want it.


I think the industry and GAF as a whole needs to re-think on the term "megaton".

Aside from SFV nothing in that conference qualified as a megaton.

Yakuza 5 being a bigger deal than SFV exclusive.... Laughing my fucking ass off!
TLG is dead guys. If we ever see it again, it'll mean they restarted it. If they were actively working on it with a real intention to release, we woulda gotten SOMETHING here or at E3 2014

Yeah the "still in development " is just probably concept stages from scratch now they shot their load early.....trying to muster something back up.....=]


So what the heck was that Emagon thing?

Also, the thing EA would announce that nobody would guess is free games? That's not all that unprecedented right?


I thought it was a great press conference. A lot of new game announcements and a few real surprises like yakuza 5 and Day of the Tentacle remastered. Everyhting we saw was something new (for consoles). Until Dawn looked fun in a horror adventure kind of way too.


enjoyable presentation overall.


- uncharted 4 looked okay, but didn't blow me away. I'm sure people who like UC games will be happy. also appreciate long gameplay rather than a bunch of bullshit and cutscenes.

- bloodborne is going to be a classic. show stealer.

- still holding out hope for the order, but good lord what is with the camera angles and melee moves? if you're going to have a melee QTE, basically, check how naughty dog does it and keep the fucking camera a bit more consistent and connected rather than just cutting the camera to various cinematic angles. seriously, fuck off.

- I had no idea The Forest was looking so good. I checked it out briefly when it first came out in early access. Apparently it's come a long way.

- no man's sky continues to spark my imagination, but I have to hold out judgement until they actually dare show us what the actual game is. for the immense hype and any number of teaser trailers, we still haven't seen what you actually do in the game or what that actually looks like, or what the players even look like.

- disappointed at no capcom announcement other than SF5.

- I don't know how or why david jaffe got a spot on stage for this, but if you're going to have a man child in a tshirt act like a 14 year old on stage, and then show us his game that appears made by a 14 year old, can you put it somewhere in the middle rather than ending the show on it? what is that?


that was an experience all right

next time keep the hype train reserved for E3 where it belongs, anything else will come as a pleasant surprise then
It was okay. I think I'm probably going to stop watching these conferences though and just wait for the trailers afterwards. Every Sony conference has those "hey look at all these cool indie console exclusive games we have!" for like 30 minutes in the middle and it just saps any interest I have out of the later part of the conference. They really need to learn to balance things out more. Also Uncharted 4 didn't really interest me that much and that was probably the biggest part of the conference, ah well.
Whole conference was meh

I still have no idea what No Mans Sky is about.

So you fly to a planet, walk around, and then fly to the next??

They have said multiple times. You start far from the center of the galaxy. Goal is to reach center of the galaxy, something is happening there(we dont know what). You must explore planets to get resources to help you make your way there. They said it can take 50+ hours to reach the center


If you say that conference rocked and lived up to expectations you are lying to yourself 100%.

Do you mean sane person expectations , or "I spend too much time on GAF and believe everything random people on the internet tell me" expectations ?
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