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PlayStation Vita Japanese Launch Thread. "APOCALYPTIC!" says concerned Nuclear Muffin

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Those are some unfortunate sales numbers but I think it will be ok, never great, but ok. Very curious to see how the US sales pan out. It all feels familiar, Sony's new policy seems to be 2 steps forward, 4 steps back, 3.5 sideways and stubbed toe.
I think (or at least hope) that the Vita will do a lot better here than in Japan. Either way though, the device itself is incredible, I just hope people will be receptive to it (I am sure that a Call of Duty game will help with that when it comes out.)


For games that suspend internet functions, yes, they reconnect (if that is really what is happening) almost instantly as soon as you press the PS (home) button.

Also, the gyro theory for suspending internet functions seems to be correct, but odd given that LoA suspends them and has no gyro features whatsoever (unless I just didn't realize it).
I posted something similar a few pages back but maybe no one reads my posts :(

Pretty sure the "network features disabled" stuff as well as the brightness limiter in some games is because Sony is enforcing a power budget on games, so the battery doesn't drain out too quickly. The system can probably turn on or off each of its features at will, and it is up to the developers to figure out how best to allocate it. So for Uncharted, it's probably running the CPU and GPU at higher clocks. In Mingol, when you go into AR Mode or use the gyro aiming, maybe turning the gyro + camera on is enough to put it over budget and disable the network...

Edit: These limitations don't seem to be lifted if you are plugged in. Probably so you don't play Uncharted while plugged in for an hour and wonder why your battery hardly charged...there could also be thermal limits as well, Uncharted makes the console slightly warm after playing for a while, that + battery charging at the same time could overheat the console...

Also, add me if you like, I'm playing on my Japanese alt account: ArgyleJP

One more thing, is anyone else getting occasional weird results from near? It occasionally geolocates me someplace 5000 miles from where I was...(the same place every time), so I've seen stuff like "23000 miles traveled today" :p


is Ridge Racer running at native res? Any AA in the game? I am really disappointed how that game is turning out, if it was 60 fps, lots of content and native res it would have been a system seller probably.

For me at launch its Virtua Tennis 4 and if Wipeout 2048 is better then Ridge I may grab it too.
Sony should really consider cutting back on their first party support for the Vita and shifting some of that money toward securing exclusives. They don't have anything that they're going to develop internally that will produce the numbers that some established third party games will. The Vita isn't the PS3 and they need to learn that sooner rather than later.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Sony should really consider cutting back on their first party support for the Vita and shifting some of that money toward securing exclusives. They don't have anything that they're going to develop internally that will produce the numbers that some established third party games will. The Vita isn't the PS3 and they need to learn that sooner rather than later.

In Japan, yeah. But what resources are they really expending there? What's it cost to make Patapon?
In Japan, yeah. But what resources are they really expending there? What's it cost to make Patapon?

Kill some Western projects also. They need to get some major franchises on the system. LBP and Uncharted aren't going to cut it. And that goes for the West also. An exclusive FF or Kingdom Hearts would be a bigger deal than either of those.


I think (or at least hope) that the Vita will do a lot better here than in Japan. Either way though, the device itself is incredible, I just hope people will be receptive to it (I am sure that a Call of Duty game will help with that when it comes out.)

I doubt COD will help it at all. People don't want handheld COD, they want console COD.
I doubt COD will help it at all. People don't want handheld COD, they want console COD.

Yeah, but if they manage to make it so that way the 2 games feed into the same leveling progression that could be really huge. CoD fans get real crazy when they want to hit that Prestige before their friends, and if you tell one that they can level up while they are away from their house I think that is a big draw.
Yeah, but if they manage to make it so that way the 2 games feed into the same leveling progression that could be really huge. CoD fans get real crazy when they want to hit that Prestige before their friends, and if you tell one that they can level up while they are away from their house I think that is a big draw.

COD strategy RPG plz. or COD TCG.
Yeah, but if they manage to make it so that way the 2 games feed into the same leveling progression that could be really huge. CoD fans get real crazy when they want to hit that Prestige before their friends, and if you tell one that they can level up while they are away from their house I think that is a big draw.

Huh? You can't replicate the console COD controls on Vita so it'd have to be a spin off of sorts as no one would play a straight port of the PS3/360 game with crappy controls.
why not?

backtouch for l2 r2
touchscreen buttons for l3 r3

The hell? Have you ever even played COD? Back touch for L2/R2 would be extremely awkward/unintuitive at best and touchscreen for sprinting/melee would be unplayable. That's why a straight port of the 360/PS3 version wouldn't work and they'd need to create a spinoff so people playing the game wouldn't feel they're getting the tard version of the game due to controls.


Why are you guys even talking about Call of Duty in this thread? The best selling entries of that series sell like 200k in Japan, and a handheld edition is only going to do worse.


That's "Dr." dofry to you.
I would actually probably play a CoD themed Full Spectrum Warrior type thing.

Uuuuu, that was a good game. Would so love to play it again.

About the sales numbers everyone seems to be talking about here.
I don't worry about the Vita, at all and I have said it a few times already in GAF. The console already proved its worthiness to me and of course more games will be there later. Just give it time.

Now, to all other Uncharted players, did you use the motion controls for aiming or just sticks? I want to compare experiences. I had a hard time trying to play with just the stick on my second play through. So damn hard to adjust when I know I could easily do better with motion.


The hell? Have you ever even played COD? Back touch for L2/R2 would be extremely awkward/unintuitive at best and touchscreen for sprinting/melee would be unplayable. That's why a straight port of the 360/PS3 version wouldn't work and they'd need to create a spinoff so people playing the game wouldn't feel they're getting the tard version of the game due to controls.
How do you mean with spinoff?

I dont think that it will be a straight port though, it will probably be something that we saw back in the PS2 days (CoD 2: Big Red One just to take one example). But the gameplay stuff etc. will be just the same, so it doesnt change much regarding the controls and gameplay etc.
The hell? Have you ever even played COD? Back touch for L2/R2 would be extremely awkward/unintuitive at best and touchscreen for sprinting/melee would be unplayable. That's why a straight port of the 360/PS3 version wouldn't work and they'd need to create a spinoff so people playing the game wouldn't feel they're getting the tard version of the game due to controls.

Keep X pressed to run. Double back tap for melee, left back push to aim.

There, I fixed it.


An blind dancing ho
Sony should really consider cutting back on their first party support for the Vita and shifting some of that money toward securing exclusives. They don't have anything that they're going to develop internally that will produce the numbers that some established third party games will. The Vita isn't the PS3 and they need to learn that sooner rather than later.

Kill some Western projects also. They need to get some major franchises on the system. LBP and Uncharted aren't going to cut it. And that goes for the West also. An exclusive FF or Kingdom Hearts would be a bigger deal than either of those.

SSX,you most than anyone know they will never do that, we saw Sony for years now losing games that were "connected" to PlayStation systems from the beginning like mad ,and not "countering" any Microsoft of Nintendo "bid deals" they have and did absolutely nothing on PS3, and I think same thing will happen to Vita, the fact there is lack of announcements on Vita on the japanese magazines and that Gundam is the biggest third party game on Vita so far can tell you a lot of things on Sony position and strategy here, For now the only thing they can do is pray that somehow Vita/3DS turn like PS3/360 situation with multiplat games,This is not doom and gloom post, but Sony of today is not that Strong money heavy Sony of the PS1/2 era.

And remember Sony as a group of companies and not just SCE have serious money problems, they don't have the luxury of Nintendo to go and get the top and most popular IPs, and giving huge amount of money- when you have money issue- for some other company to secure video games will not be an option or even acceptable for the top shareholders at Sony when you have software makers of yours.

What SCEJ ( and SCEWWS in general) should have done years and years ago is making more popular IPs and keep them healthy, but they didn't, they killed most of their IP especially the ones that have potential to be bigger IPs in Japan ( Legend of Dragon, Omega Boost, Alundra, Motor Toop for an example) instead of making them bigger and more popular franchises and it show now how they worth nothing without third party publishers.


That's "Dr." dofry to you.
The hell? Have you ever even played COD? Back touch for L2/R2 would be extremely awkward/unintuitive at best and touchscreen for sprinting/melee would be unplayable. That's why a straight port of the 360/PS3 version wouldn't work and they'd need to create a spinoff so people playing the game wouldn't feel they're getting the tard version of the game due to controls.

Well, even though this is the Japanese launch thread I think it's ok to touch CoD, as there is not a lot new stuff coming from the launch games that much anymore. And it's only a short derail anyway.

I think CoD would work, and could use some extra buttons on the front touch screen too like in the resistance video it nothing else. People will complain about it, but it would work. Resistance and Uncharted both use the 'drag grenade icon to throw' which would work for CoD. Regarding back screen being unintuitive I have to disagree. Just leave only two functions in there divided left and right. Should work. Aiming and shooting has to be R and L as that is the most common way. Improve aiming with motions controls and you get better shooting mechanics.

I don't want a straight port as I don't like CoD games starting from CoD 2 forwards, but I would love to see how a fully fledged CoD game would be on a hand held. It would work as Uncharted has proven already that Vita can do a lot.

Edit: I seem to say 'would work' a lot.


That SFC with Final Fantasy VI in the background makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.
In other news, I just caved in and ordered a Vita + Uncharted.
For games that suspend internet functions, yes, they reconnect (if that is really what is happening) almost instantly as soon as you press the PS (home) button.

Also, the gyro theory for suspending internet functions seems to be correct, but odd given that LoA suspends them and has no gyro features whatsoever (unless I just didn't realize it).
Thanks for the info. Basically a no issue (for me) then.


you have to rely on devs to push it out even though they have a schedule to hold themselves.

I figure Vita will have some nice numbers when its released in US though.

True but Sony is going against Nintendo here and still taking it easy. Pump money into something epic that gaming fans will gobble up. Hardware is already covered as tech goes but the software needs a finishing combo to guarantee a high percentage of hardware will be moved. The console is touted to be very easy to bring games over from it's big brother and we've seen proof of that. It feels like a Grace Chen PSN release.

On another note with all the stuff I've bought from BB this holiday season I'm switching my preorders from the other guys and use those accumulated points for a fantastic discount at launch.


In Japan, yeah. But what resources are they really expending there? What's it cost to make Patapon?
Gravity Daze is a SCEJ nope?
I doubt COD will help it at all. People don't want handheld COD, they want console COD.
To name an example, GTA games worked really well when they got a decent portable version in PSP.
Both tech wise and control wise, it's the first time FPS and TPS games can be implemented properly in a portable.

Considering CoD have astonishing sales in home consoles, if the fans see a proper portable CoD would buy it, like they did with GTA, Mario, Mario Kart, GoW, etc. Not at the same scale than the console versions, but would sell several some millions if properly adapted (ex.melee using touchscreen/waggle, short SP levels, on-line multiplayer, etc).
Same goes with IPs like Bioshock, RDR (included in a leaked/fake long game list of Vita games under development), Battlefield etc.

Considering that it's easy to port the engines, Vita can do a great job in US thanks to third party FPS/TPS.
Europe, as always in the PS history, will be Vita's main market even they don't release a shit or even it will be more expensive here, as always.
The problem is Japan. There are a lot of games that would have good sales there like SFxT, MGSHD or FFXHD, etc but they are going to be multiplatform games.
Sony really needs to steal Monster Hunter 4 for Japan.

Regarding Vita HW sales, we also have to consider PSP is still alive there, like happened with PS2 when PS3 was released, unlike 3DS vs DS, Wii vs GC or X360 vs XB. We also have to consider these 9 days numbers are almost 400K, so maybe they just shipped 400K in the launch shipment, and it's being supply constrained. In any case, we have to consider that the launch games didn't included a big seller in JP, even some of them are important in western markets.


I'm not going to hop on the doom and gloom Vita wagon based on two weeks data from a single region. I don't think Sony is going to sit back and do nothing like they did with the PSP since Sony doesn't have to spend all their time propping up PS3 as it's selling well enough both hardware and software wise; Yoshida have given me confidence that he knows what he's doing. And it seems the Vita was designed to drop in production costs fast, so if Sony do need to pull a 3DS-like price drop, it shouldn't kill their bottom line for too long.


Those sales numbers are actually making me second guess my preorder. I dont want to be an early adopter who gets screwed again like I did with the 3DS. Is the speculation that Sony might be in position to cut the price in 6 months true? Im probably better off waiting.


We also have to consider these 9 days numbers are almost 400K, so maybe they just shipped 400K in the launch shipment, and it's being supply constrained.

The official shipment was 500K, I believe. And there doesn't seem to be stock issues from what I can tell. Selling 72,000 second week in the holiday season just doesn't look good. However, Vita had a cheaper 3DS will 3 big hitters--Mario, Mario Kart, MH--to compete with. No way was they Vita going to come out well against all that. Also, the PSP is still alive and kicking--a cheaper alternative with a lot of good games.


Those sales numbers are actually making me second guess my preorder. I dont want to be an early adopter who gets screwed again like I did with the 3DS. Is the speculation that Sony might be in position to cut the price in 6 months true? Im probably better off waiting.

Speculation by who? The sales for Vita will have to be incredibly poor for Sony to want to cut the price in six months. I mean incredibly poor.


Shopper - "Can I get a Vita with Monster Hunter please?"
Retailer - "There isn't a Monster Hunter for the Vita yet"
Shopper - "Oh .. that sucks"
Retailer - "But you can either play Monster Hunter on the PSP or 3DS"
Shopper - "Oh great, let me get a 3DS [or PSP] with Monster Hunter"

Regarding the shipment number, if 500K were shipped and sales are now at approx 400K .. is it possible that the remaining "on shelf" hardware is the 3G/WIFI model that no-one wants? Is there a sell-out of the WIFI only model? Japan GAF, do you know?


Those sales numbers are actually making me second guess my preorder. I dont want to be an early adopter who gets screwed again like I did with the 3DS. Is the speculation that Sony might be in position to cut the price in 6 months true? Im probably better off waiting.

Sony isn't gonna cut the price in 6 months. They're not in the position to do so, and they're not gonna knee-jerk react over sales in the platform's infancy. It took them a whole year to get the PS3 from a base price of $500 to $400. Don't let all the doom and gloom fool you. The PS3 is in a precarious position right now, but don't expect a 30-40% price cut bomba anytime soon. At most we'd see a sub-$50 price cut before the end of 2012 if things don't pick up.


The official shipment was 500K, I believe. And there doesn't seem to be stock issues from what I can tell. Selling 72,000 second week in the holiday season just doesn't look good. However, Vita had a cheaper 3DS will 3 big hitters--Mario, Mario Kart, MH--to compete with. No way was they Vita going to come out well against all that. Also, the PSP is still alive and kicking--a cheaper alternative with a lot of good games.
Wasn't these 500K misinterpreted from where they said they were going to ship the first 500K 3G SKU with a special data plan? Maybe it's supply constrained.

Regarding PSP I agree. Right now, DS HW is totally dead, and PSP is one of the best selling ones.

Same happened with PS2, still is selling, unlike GC or XB when PS3 was launched.

And well, even if it isn't the case, Vita is fighting vs Mario, Mario Kart and MH, likely to be 3 of the Top 5 best selling games 3DS history (in addition to its sequels and Pokemon). Instead, Vita launch game list is ok for western sales, but doesn't have any big seller in Japan.

Like happened with 3DS and PS3, I think Vita numbers will see a big improvement once it gets the big sellers and maybe a cheaper HW revision. Like I said with early PS3 and 3DS numbers, it isn't doomed. It only needs the proper games to be released. In this case I'm not sure if the price is too a problem, I would say nope.
Shopper - "Can I get a Vita with Monster Hunter please?"
Retailer - You have some Vita compatible Monster Hunter games in PSN. Now they look better and support 2nd analog, and unlike the 3DS version, their multiplayer is compatible with yout friends who play in PSP.


Sony isn't gonna cut the price in 6 months. They're not in the position to do so, and they're not gonna knee-jerk react over sales in the platform's infancy. It took them a whole year to get the PS3 from a base price of $500 to $400. Don't let all the doom and gloom fool you. The PS3 is in a precarious position right now, but don't expect a 30-40% price cut bomba anytime soon. At most we'd see a sub-$50 price cut before the end of 2012 if things don't pick up.

The Vita is still something that I really want and typically, if I really want something, I buy it. I am letting the doom and gloom get to me.

Are there any good cases out in Japan yet? Im hoping the Vita gets something like the Pull and Go Folio that the 3DS had. Love that thing.


That's "Dr." dofry to you.
The Vita is still something that I really want and typically, if I really want something, I buy it. I am letting the doom and gloom get to me.

Are there any good cases out in Japan yet? Im hoping the Vita gets something like the Pull and Go Folio that the 3DS had. Love that thing.

There are tons of cases available.


[Nintex];33812240 said:
Seriously it's like telling Wii owners looking for racing games to download FAST from WiiWare, it simply isn't going to happen and retailers sure as hell won't advertise it.
I think his point was just to show that you can play MH on Vita, especially since PSP was also mentioned in the previous quote.


Idk I just cant see a portable COD being a system seller..when there are PS3 and Xbox 360 versions to play.
Some games works fine for both consoles and handheld, i.e Mario Kart.

But at this time it is pretty much a wild guess anyway. There are CoD games for both PSP and DS, but those games are severely limited by the hardware and controlers. This isnt that much of a problem for the Vita.

The DS/PSP iterations of CoD haven't really lit up the charts, have they?
No, but this is because of the limitation of the hardware. Playing CoD with one analog slider or using the dpad, it simply "wont work". Well, it does work, but it will be a different experience.


I think his point was just to show that you can play MH on Vita, especially since PSP was also mentioned in the previous quote.

Yup, the point of my post is that a retailer will never suggest DD if he/she has hardware/software to sell on the shelf. Was the DD version of PSP game at least promoted at all in Japan by either Sony or Capcom?


Yup, the point of my post is that a retailer will never suggest DD if he/she has hardware/software to sell on the shelf. Was the DD version of PSP game at least promoted at all in Japan by either Sony or Capcom?

Yes, it was showcased in January when Vita was announced, and was shown playable at a few Asian game conventions.
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