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PlayStation VR Launch Thread: Welcome to The Real World

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So....for those that have played the VR Platformer game....can you answer me a question? Could VR actually be used for the vast majority of hardcore games, particularly third person titles? Even if the VR effect is subtle, it wouldn't necessarily require tons of headtracking to still be immersive.

I'm just trying to conceptualize the next big thing in gaming, and I think VR is so close. PS5 hardware should be able to handle really good 4K graphics at 60 FPS, and by that time the VR 2.0 headset should be around 4K or greater. It makes sense to align next-gen VR with the next console release.

I suspect Sony will launch PS VR 2.0 with the Playstation 5 on the SAME DAY. With most games being compatible. At that point, consumers would have the option to play games in VR or with their TV...but I suspect that if you have the VR headset that would be the preferred way to play.

I realize that most FPS games like CoD need to be re-imagined, but what about third person stuff like God of War or Uncharted? I'm thinking that a lot of games can have subtle VR touches without going full VR in terms of re-inventing mechanics.
Honestly I don't know if it'll fit all conventional franchises/gaming. Before the launch I didn't think you could do VR w/o 1st person. So it can do much more Than i originally thought. The tech as a whole is a gen a way IMO from really taking off. And likewise I think in mass market prices. Also I think a big difference is VR isn't for super long play sessions. A 2 hour VR session feels the same to me as an 8 hour game session. The headset, the amount of involvement you have, etc. It takes gaming which isn't passive to begin with and Amps it up tenfold. A week ago that would have sounded bad but now that I've tried it I see why the sessions need breaks. It's like those game warnings I'd scoff at that say take 15 min breaks every hour or so. But for VR it's finally true

The other big factor is game developers are learning how to do VR. They're working out the "standard" features, mechanics, etc. I find it very similar to the transistion from 2D->3D.there was a ton of trial and error looking for how to make it all work. Like Devs back then didn't know how to manage the camera, then Zelda came along and later the second analog stick.
I think what helps Robo Rescue too is that it's fairly slow paced/relaxed. Lets you really take in the scenery. I'm not sure how a more fast pace character action game would work in a similar style in VR.


I'm looking for a game to buy the full version of, and I absolutely LOVED the Until Dawn demo, are you liking the full game? How many hours have you put into it? Do you think it's worth the cash?

It's actually a pretty fun game that gets more intense with the jump scares as you get further in. I was having a complete blast until the final level when they kind of squandered the good will I had by doing the typical thing of an unexpected, sharp difficulty spike for the final boss. Not only are there no check points for a final boss with a few stages, to it, every stage is marked by a transition with a potential for a one hit kill.

Suffice to say, I'm NOT an amazing light gun shooter guy, though I'd managed to get through every other fight with only or two restarts. I was stuck on this for about 45 minutes, so all the chills and scares wore off by that point.

Up until the tedious repetition of that final boss fight, I'd have said it was an excellently paced game, but that just killed the momentum. However, that was really the only time I had an issue with the game. If you drop it down to easy, it might be less tedious.


Can't speak on the microtransactions yet but I think this being an arena shooter is a missed opportunity. Of course everybody is circling all the time evading each other and because there are no physical limitations to the spaceships it gets hectic really quickly. You don't have any time to admire the surroundings or truly enjoy the experience. So far I greatly prefer both Rigs and Battlezone from the full price games I bought.
The possibilities for this genre in VR are amazing but for me Valkyrie does too little to deliver. I need to play more though, these are just my first impressions beyond the demo.

That was mighty helpful!

I was hoping for more but I guess I'll just hold out a little longer for a more significant space game. thanks


Thumper is unreal. Getting into the zone in this game is like a whole new level of immersion. Some of the later levels look impossible, but for now it's amazing. Hopefully the curve isn't too steep.

Rez is great too. Feels like a whole new game - just looking at things to lock on and not using the analog stick is so cool.

I still need to go pick up my copy of Rigs at bestbuy, but I've been having an awesome time with these two games and the demos/playroom. I still need to try Battlezone! Great stuff.
Holy shit I was not ready for the VR Luge. That was intense!

I still think it's a bit pricey but I went ahead and ordered Arkham VR after all the positive impressions.


Holy shit I was not ready for the VR Luge. That was intense!

I still think it's a bit pricey but I went ahead and ordered Arkham VR after all the positive impressions.

For the cost easily my biggest letdown. I get what was going on for sure. And I love the idea... but no way near worth the price. That one has to be the most laughably priced of all of them so far I think.

Ugh. Was playing scavengers odyssey and had to stop when I started fighting the scarabs and moving at same time. Made me feel a bit nauceous.

Thats the one I was talking about in here yesterday. Its actually great fun, though blurry as hell. But man...something happens and all of a sudden...blahhchch. LOL. Still loved the feel


Guys, just got one from my wife today. Im loving it so far.

Bought RIGS and now downloading Driveclub because man, what a demo.

Just one probably stupid question. Is it normal for the VR to look a bit dotty with a Dark screen? Its quite noticeable in Until Dawn but other games as well. It feels like looking for a sky with stars.

If its normal no issues, just wanting a heads up to see if my unit is normal.

What I don't get about this issue is that it seems to just appear when you start a vr game.

For example when you turn on the PS4 and PSVR and put it on the virtual screen is very clean, then as soon as you start a game you get this grainy overlay, the transition is very noticeable. It feels like it's not part of the screen but something suspended in front of it.

I'd really like a proper technical explanation of why it happens and what it is.


Wow..I finally had the balls to try the kitchen demo, I freaked out at the end lol that was way to freaky for me but I made it through. Now we are playing through batman, I feel like every new game I play is better then the last. Cause this shit is insane, I spent way too much time just looking at everything...man so cool.


Here they lie demo scared the fuck outta my nephew, it was so funny. Wish i recorded it but wasn't expecting that in the demo. Anyone know if the game is good for the horror aspect?

Where's that shooting range game from?


Where's that shooting range game from?

London Heist section of VR Worlds.

Speaking of which, if you want to talk about overpriced games...

Fortunately my copy came in a bundle because there's no way it is worth $40. Danger Ball and London Heist are cool I guess, but there's no longevity or anything. At least Arkham VR has the Riddler stuff post game.


Is Tumble supposed to be played using DS4 or Move?
I'm a step away from getting the full game because the controls on Move felt great but it keeps turning red for being out of range and the alarm sound was driving me crazy

Unfortunately the motion sickness struck me rather quick in Rigs demo because it looked really great. I think it's got to do with aiming with head and turning with stick both at the same time...

Battlezone on the other hand was alright for me, though it got pretty overwhelming when the enemies began to appear from both sky and ground lol.


Can we talk about terrible the Media Player is for VR?
It's essentially useless. The only thing it does is play 360 degree video. Nothing else
No SBS, Over Under, 3D, or 180 playback. There's also no FOV slider or any other options either. It's like they didn't even try. I've used better VR media players on goddamn iOS and that doesn't even officially support cardboard

I wonder if there are looming threats of patent or licensing disputes from trademark trolls. Over 6 months in, neither Rift nor Vive have official VR media apps either. Really bizarre.


Are there any turn based strategy games in development? Hell a RTS would be amazing.

This is also what I'm thinking or a turn-based strategy game. It would be just like having access to the World's Most Elaborate Warhammer 40K gaming table, with all the little hills and burnt out ruins, and space orcs charging down the battle field.

I don't own either but I heard that Power A is hit and miss while Collective Minds has some good reviews. In the end I preordered the Collective Minds one.

Even though the Collective Minds is a preorder, it still does ship in 2 weeks, that has to be the better deal imo. Charges 2 Dual Shocks instead of 1, is $15 cheaper, and the Power A says it is sold out at the time and will ship in "1 to 2 Months." I know they will probably have them before 1 to 2 months, but you are going to have to wait on it a bit anyways. I would just go with the Collective Minds.

I know I personally selected the Collective Minds one for my Christmas List.
The thing I noticed is that the "official" PowerA version uses the docking ports on the DS4/Move for charging, whereas the Collective Minds uses the Micro USB. I' wonder if repeatedly jamming controllers into the dock via Micro USB could eventually wear out the connection.


Is Tumble supposed to be played using DS4 or Move?
I'm a step away from getting the full game because the controls on Move felt great but it keeps turning red for being out of range and the alarm sound was driving me crazy

You can play with either although Move probably feels better.

If its out of range you're sitting too close to the camera or have something causing occlusion. I played for 2 hours today and it didn't go out of range at all.


I broke open the locked drawer on the left by hitting it with one of those urn thingys on the desk, there was a paper inside with the number on it.

Ha, this is hilarious—I love how many different solutions people have found for this part of London Heist.
I took the urn thing out of the drawer on the right [I think?], which then fits into the spot above the left drawer, which unlocks the drawer and gives you the code. Figured it out pretty efficiently, and so I didn't know there were other options.

Despite not owning a PS4 yet—my Pro is pre-ordered—I decided to early adopt on this, and enlisted some neighborhood friends with a PS4 to test it out. It's really an ideal scenario, as this is really most effective as a social experience. It amplifies the sense of "discovery," testing out different games and finding new things about them. And unlike other games, while it's true that you might have already seen someone PLAY through London Heist, it's different to play it in VR, and that particular game is well-designed for multiple playthroughs with the challenges inciting you to try things a different way when the next player takes over.

London Heist definitely stood out in terms of the VR Worlds experiences: it feels most game-like, and combines a lot of different dynamics (shooting, some point-and-click problem solving, etc.). I enjoyed watching a friend play through Ocean Descent, and Scavenger's Odyssey—the latter, though, was the only one to give me problems with nausea, as I think I'd been playing and on my feet a bit too long and it started to bug me. Curious to try out the other two some night this week.

As for the Demo Disc, lots of interesting material here: what stands out, and stood out to my friend who had tried a Vive at a convention, it that VR is an outlet for so many different genres. Thumper was an adrenaline rush, Wayward Sky used the technology to immerse you in a point-and-click puzzler environment (made me think about Zach and Wiki with VR, for example), Until Dawn provides rail shooting, etc. We didn't end up digging too far into them, so there's still lots to play through. Excited to try Rez, and try out some of the demos for the full-price (or closer to full-price) titles, which I haven't read a whole lot about.

Tracking had some issues early on when we had the camera a little too high, but we adjusted it a bit lower, and it worked okay elsewhere—it does tend to drift left, but nothing too crazy.

Overall, it provides the kind of novel gaming experience that I enjoy chasing, with the promise that that novelty will come in a wide variety of forms. Will probably wait for a sale on any of the full-price games, but the 20% off from Best Buy has me considering Batman at $16, and I'll probably invest in Rez and Thumper when I've got my own console.


Based on all the positive reactions, I really want to pick one of these up. But now that the launch bundles are all sold out I'll probably wait for a restock or some Black Friday deals.


i'm tempted to return this. Thumper is one of the only games I enjoy, doesn't give me tracking issues and doesn't make me sick. My room can be jet black, but playing Tumble is near impossible with the constant shaking.
I find that I have to have the camera low and close for Tumble but then it works very well
Man... I can't wait to see what they have for PS VR next year! Hopefully they announce some big games at PSX this year.
Hah now that it's out and growing a fanbase well now finally have a group wanting to see VR content announcements in press conferences. And I'll be one of them

This is also what I'm thinking or a turn-based strategy game. It would be just like having access to the World's Most Elaborate Warhammer 40K gaming table, with all the little hills and burnt out ruins, and space orcs charging down the battle field.

Thatd be so amazing. Use the true tabletop rules, miantures, rules, etc and animate them. Also move controls for unit movement.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Where is the kitchen demo? How is it listed? Cannot find it to download lol.


I feel like learning we're all learning a new skill here. Our brains are only just learning how to conceptualise ourselves as a formless object with the ability to fly around and yet still interact with the environment.

I think the more you can you can accept that state the less you get the VR-nausea.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
I'm so addicted to the shooting range. I got 31st on the leader boards


I absolutely love the PSVR.

Holy shit. Apparently I'm having tracking problems. This looks way better than what I usually experience. Are you holding the wand in front of your face? That almost always seems to fuck things up for me.
Holy shit I was not ready for the VR Luge. That was intense!

I still think it's a bit pricey but I went ahead and ordered Arkham VR after all the positive impressions.

Absolutely a barfing experience. Hitting the edge and that jarring experience caused my stomach to churn. Having to use your head to maneuver made it worse.


Ha, this is hilarious—I love how many different solutions people have found for this part of London Heist.
I took the urn thing out of the drawer on the right [I think?], which then fits into the spot above the left drawer, which unlocks the drawer and gives you the code. Figured it out pretty efficiently, and so I didn't know there were other options.
Well that may actually be the solution or what happened for me, my tracking was so messed up during that section the only time I have played it so far, the desk was basically having a seizure and going crazy.
While my attempt to unlock that was to hit the drawer open maybe it actually got placed into the spot you were talking about and opened it for me without me realizing what exactly happened due to the environment going all wonky.
OK how do I clean the lenses? I feel like rubbing a cloth over them might cause damage. Are they glass or plastic? Any cleaning solution recommended? I don't want to fuck anything up, but apparently my eyeballs or eyebrows or something touched the lenses, I sure as heck didn't touch them with my fingers.


OK how do I clean the lenses? I feel like rubbing a cloth over them might cause damage. Are they glass or plastic? Any cleaning solution recommended? I don't want to fuck anything up, but apparently my eyeballs or eyebrows or something touched the lenses, I sure as heck didn't touch them with my fingers.
There was a cloth included with the headset. Look for it, might still be there. Depending on your region, could be blue or grey (biege-ish).


This is also what I'm thinking or a turn-based strategy game. It would be just like having access to the World's Most Elaborate Warhammer 40K gaming table, with all the little hills and burnt out ruins, and space orcs charging down the battle field.


This is the first thing I thought of when I saw the Alumette demo.

Just watching a little war diorama would be sweet. Maybe you could be the general and specify where they go or set objectives or something.
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