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Polygon: Nintendo is already repeating the Wii U's mistakes with Switch


The reality is that their hardware doesn't sell well other than the hardware that sold well? Woah I think you're on to something here.

That isn't what I said, and some Nintendo fans here clearly have agendas. That didn't work out for you last time with the WiiU, so we'll just have to wait here. I'm not going to argue with you guys. The Switch has a big uphill battle. That much is certain.


It's not just the lack of information but the game lineup too.

Nintendo don't care, or aren't competent enough to launch strong. So I don't care about picking it up at launch.

Since when has any console had an amazing launch lineup?

Instead, Nintendo is making it so they have at least 9 Nintendo published titles out in the 10 months that the Switch is out this year, so there are no droughts.

Don't be so shortsighted.
I'm interested in the Switch but it's definitely pitiful that Nintendo isn't talking about the online system or showing the user interface off in detail.

It's as if their mindset is still stuck in the late '90/early 2000s. The online service and user interface of a console are important features now. It's how gamers interact with modern day consoles. The features are just as important these days as the games since both go hand in hand due to the popularity of online multiplayer gaming. They really need to wake up.

So true. It's sad, they have such great potential, but they always seem so stuck in the past in some ways.

The Adder

Umm yes I was, there is no Wii-sports, motion fad with switch for it to take off like wii, it is also way too expensive. You guys are delusional.

Nah, you just aren't reading.

Your statement was that the conversation sounded like it did before the Wii U, mine was that it had more in common with the conversation being hand before the Wii. There is no declaration of success or failure there, I'm just tired of people like yourself and Munnin who pretend to be forming their opinions based on historical trends, but misrepresent those trends.

You can't judge what will happen in this market tomorrow solely, or even primarily, based on what happened yesterday. But if you're going to AC like you can, then accurately represent what happened yesterday.
Why not? The 3DS doesn't have a problem keeping up with the PS4. It's not going to happen in 2017, but it could happen in a year or two's time.

Wait...what? The 3DS launched in 2011.

The PS4 launched in 2013.

The 3DS isn't "keeping up" with the PS4 at all- the PS4 is outselling it handily and will easily cruise past the 100 million mark- the 3DS has absolutely no chance of doing so.


Why not? The 3DS doesn't have a problem keeping up with the PS4. It's not going to happen in 2017, but it could happen in a year or two's time.

Maybe not a new smash, but a Smash 4 port with a Melee mode is all they'd need.

I'd say a Smash 4 port comes out next March at the latest. You preferably want Pokemon on it this holiday plus Mario.

I wish they'd do a Direct on the eShop/Virtual Console before launch, however.


read the article and it has some actual legitimate grievances, which kind of shocked me considering it's a polygon article about Nintendo with a clickbait title

the conclusion they come to is hilariously bad though

the Switch and how Nintendo has handled it so far is light years from what the Wii U was that it's silly to even try and draw that comparison. yeah we could use some more info about online services and VC, yeah having netflix and a web browser at launch would be cool, yeah knowing more about the OS would be cool. still doesn't come remotely close to the debacle that was the Wii U. I mean, the Switch is clearly a new gaming device from Nintendo. boom. comparison irrelevant.

I think this article would have fared better if they had just detailed their concerns about the Switch without invoking the Wii U because lumping them together seems overly sensationalist to me. if I were a guessing man I'd say an article title of "Nintendo is already repeating the Wii U's mistakes with Switch" would get far more clicks than one just about the lack of info regarding the Switch and that's why they framed it that way.
That isn't what I said, and some Nintendo fans here clearly have agendas. That didn't work out for you last time with the WiiU, so we'll just have to wait here. I'm not going to argue with you guys. The Switch has a big uphill battle. That much is certain.

That's actually literally what you said, but alright.
Core gamers laughed at the Wii too. Let's look at history for a second, what's the most successful console of all time? The DS? Oh. What's the third best? Gameboy? Neat! Fifth best .. could it be the Wii? Yes it is! How get all of those consoles (and eventually their libraries) and combine them.

Nah won't sell. DoA. The Wii U was bad so this will be too.

Nintendo is never going to have another Wii. Their consoles and even handhelds have been on a steady decline. How is ignoring the wiius massive failure irrelevant because the Wii happened? That was a once in a lifetime thing for them. An anomaly. That go to excuse by fans has got to stop.
Nah, you just aren't reading.

Your statement was that the conversation sounded like it did before the Wii U, mine was that it had more in common with the conversation being hand before the Wii. There is no declaration of success or failure there, I'm just tired of people like yourself and Munnin who pretend to be forming their opinions based on historical trends, but misrepresent those trends.

You can't judge what will happen in this market tomorrow solely, or even primarily, based on what happened yesterday. But if you're going to AC like you can, then accurately represent what happened yesterday.

I am reading.....I have switch pre-ordered....You are seeing what you want to see, there are no long lineups of soccer moms to play Switch like there was for wii sports. You are delusional if you think they are remotely in the same ballpark. Whatever rmakes you feel good though bro, sales will be out soon enough.

You say you are tried of basing sales on historical trends, then say switch talk is similar to wii......think about that,


It's so weird how so many people seem to think Nintendo is doing nearly everything right, and then there's this equally convinced group that thinks Nintendo is doing everything wrong.

It goes beyond just a difference of opinion. What those two groups want the Switch and Nintendo to do is wildly different, it seems.

Not entirely true. Though that plays a part. Take what we actually know about the system versus what Nintendo has told us. Then consider what we don't know at all.

A universal account system was basically confirmed by Nintendo, but for some reason polygon (and others) didn't get the memo when Nintendo said you can use one account in multiple systems but you won't have synced save data that it means you can play your purchased games on multiple systems. It's a fact Nintendo didn't say outright, but inferred by how account functionality works.

According to leaks, purchases are tied directly to your Nintendo account. The only reason one would assume this wasn't true is because of Wii U. But did Nintendo need to actually clarify what they so clearly meant?

Even the polygon writer is... wrong on some things. I don't recall being forced to repurchase Wii vc games. They let you transfer them. It was an arduous process and not user friendly in that you have to reboot the system, but it was there.

I know how online voice chat and friends are managed. Is there other ways to do it too? Maybe, but I do know about it because Nintendo told me. We also know online will be free until fall and then pretty cheap after.

What more do I need to know BEYOND their VC plans? As a consumer, I'm equipped with enough knowledge about their online stuff already.!


read the article and it has some actual legitimate grievances, which kind of shocked me considering it's a polygon article about Nintendo with a clickbait title

the conclusion they come to is hilariously bad though

the Switch and how Nintendo has handled it so far is light years from what the Wii U was that it's silly to even try and draw that comparison. yeah we could use some more info about online services and VC, yeah having netflix and a web browser at launch would be cool, yeah knowing more about the OS would be cool. still doesn't come remotely close to the debacle that was the Wii U. I mean, the Switch is clearly a new gaming device from Nintendo. boom. comparison irrelevant.

I think this article would have fared better if they had just detailed their concerns about the Switch without invoking the Wii U because lumping them together seems overly sensationalist to me. if I were a guessing man I'd say an article title of "Nintendo is already repeating the Wii U's mistakes with Switch" would get far more clicks than one just about the lack of info regarding the Switch and that's why they framed it that way.

Light years? That's a long time, and these situations are not THAT different.


Nintendo is never going to have another Wii. Their consoles and even handhelds have been on a steady decline. How is ignoring the wiius massive failure irrelevant because the Wii happened? That was a once in a lifetime thing for them. An anomaly. That go to excuse by fans has got to stop.

So because things have "been in decline" means things will never happen again? Is that really your logic?

The Adder

I am reading.....I have switch pre-ordered....You are seeing what you want to see, there are no long lineups of soccer moms to play Switch like there was for wii sports. You are delusional if you think they are remotely in the same ballpark. Whatever rmakes you feel good though bro, sales will be out soon enough.

You say you are tried of basing sales on historical trends, then say switch talk is similar to wii......think about that,

"I am reading"

*Proceeds to rant about shit I didn't say*

Sure you are, bruh.


That's actually literally what you said, but alright.

For one thing you worded it differently to suit your agenda. That is not LITERALLY what I said.

In other words, there are two systems that sold well for Nintendo in a long line of shitty hardware. At least only two that people will care to remember. And handhelds aren't shit anymore. On the decline for obvious reasons.

The Wii was a once in a lifetime gimmick win. Never happening again unless a miracle appears.

The WiiU was enough to sully their whole brand.

The Switch is coming out now, and no this IS NOT the successor to the 3DS. This is being marketed as a console that can be taken on the go.
Those features aren't as important to the overall consumerbase than you think

What are you talking about? I'm referring to nintendos lack of information on most matters. If you're talking about basic online features such as friends/chat/matchmaking, then you're off your rocker if you're telling me that.


I do kinda agree that they are repeating a lot of mistakes. Back when it was NX and we knew nothing about it, they would always talk about how NX is a completely new concept that would be very different from WiiU. But it isn't. It's a logical progression from it.

I dunno, maybe it's different when you actually play it, but it just seems like a portable WiiU. Which is cool for a hand-held. But when you're using it as a home console, what's it bringing to the table that's new or exciting? I'll have to try it in person to really see.

The main thing is the games, and zelda and Mario look great, but they really haven't shown much else to get excited about. After having really minimal output for so long, you kinda expect a big E3 2010 style blow out.

That's Nintendo though. Can make some really weird and frustrating decisions, but then they'll give you the game of the year.
None of us has access to the kind of data, and the quantity of data, that would allow us to make thoughtful, meaningful predictions. Everyone's predictions are based on some combination of local anecdotes, what news one tends to read, which context-devoid numbers one tends to favor, wishful thinking (in either direction), and so on. Some people will be closer to right than others, and I'm sure they'll feel very proud that they were right. But everyone is guessing.

Part of the reason everyone is guessing is that the Switch's fate hasn't been sealed yet. It'll be interesting to see what kind of coverage it gets in the days leading up to launch and what the popular buzz is like in the first couple of months. It's entirely plausible it'll become a hot item, and also entirely plausible that it'll fail to catch on. Anyone who thinks either of those options is off the table is kidding themselves.

Also, what would possess someone to argue about this?


Nintendo doesn't usually announce release dates early. BotW release date was announced less than 2 months before release.

FWIW, light years is a measurement of distance, not of time.

A long time to get there is what I meant. I know. With our current technology. LOL. Around 6 trillion miles for one. I mean come on. The WiiU and Switch are not that far apart. In gaming terms that is like Gameboy and Switch at best.


Light years? That's a long time, and these situations are not THAT different.

the situations are so totally different it's nonsensical to compare them

you have a short memory if you think the Switch's situation and the Wii U's situation aren't that different. it's kind of curious, as we've gotten closer to the Switch's launch I've seen people bring up these alternate reality recounts of the Wii U and what it was.


What are you talking about? I'm referring to nintendos lack of information on most matters. If you're talking about basic online features such as friends/chat/matchmaking, then you're off your rocker if you're telling me that.

The general consumer doesn't care about the OS or other stuff. Not to the level people are expecting. All they want to know is that they have it, and Nintendo has said that. They don't need the intricate details that enthusiast fans such as us crave.

The Adder

Sigh....You did in fact say conversation around switch is more like wii, which is laughable, but please keep denying it.,

I can't help you if you see "the conversation is more like the Wii than the Wii U" and "you can't judge future trends based on past ones, but if you're going to, then stop misrepresenting past ones" and read "this is just like the Wii and will be equally successful".

That's just willful ignorance on your part.


So because things have "been in decline" means things will never happen again? Is that really your logic?
Because Nintendo has never been in decline before, right? And they've never done their best work while backed into a corner, right?

I don't think he's actually trying to make points, just trolling.
So because things have "been in decline" means things will never happen again? Is that really your logic?

Things are "in decline" because nintendo doesn't have a strategy that appeals to core gamers. This has been true since the N64. Neither the GC, the Wii, OR the WiiU was successful in this area, and the Switch does nothing to address this.

Nor do they have a strategy that's successful at appealing to gamers that are currently satisfied with smartphones and tablets. This was the audience they captured with the Wii, but sales for that fell off mid-generation when the iphone blew up and went mass market.

That was around 2011. They havent' managed to appeal to that audience with either their console hardware or their portable hardware since- and their portable LOST half the marketshare it had over the previous generation. Mobile is cannibalizing their audience, not the other way around.

This trend will continue without significant changes, and nintendo hasn't made them.
I can't help you if you see "the conversation is more like the Wii than the Wii U" and "you can't judge future trends based on past ones, but if you're going to, then stop misrepresenting past ones" and read "this is just like the Wii and will be equally successful".

That's just willful ignorance on your part.

I never said you could, you are projecting....pleaae show me were I said because of wii-u switch will eb the same? I am saying switch is going to sell way worse then wii based on the market, and what we know. I don't think I am the ignorant one here. Switch won't come close to wii sales. BUT, any economist will tell you past trends are valid for predicting future results, if you say otherwise then I am definitely not the ignorant one. So is understanding the market. Anyone who thinks switch will sell like wii doesn't understand either.


Nah, you just aren't reading.

Your statement was that the conversation sounded like it did before the Wii U, mine was that it had more in common with the conversation being hand before the Wii. There is no declaration of success or failure there, I'm just tired of people like yourself and Munnin who pretend to be forming their opinions based on historical trends, but misrepresent those trends.

You can't judge what will happen in this market tomorrow solely, or even primarily, based on what happened yesterday. But if you're going to AC like you can, then accurately represent what happened yesterday.

Predicting the Switch's long-term status is pretty difficult with what limited information we have on the current lineup. I don't think (or at least I hope) that it'll suffer the same fate as the Wii U because it's a console-handheld hybrid and that's really cool and useful, but I don't see it recapturing Wii levels either because consoles and handhelds have existed and been perfected before while the stuff that the Wii did had not prior to its creation. If they keep the library stocked with promising games then it'll be fine.


the situations are so totally different it's nonsensical to compare them

you have a short memory if you think the Switch's situation and the Wii U's situation aren't that different. it's kind of curious, as we've gotten closer to the Switch's launch I've seen people bring up these alternate reality recounts of the Wii U and what it was.

I said they are not THAT different. Yes, there are differences, and there is more positive reaction for this one. But there was also a lot of positive reaction and hope for the WiiU too.


Light years? That's a long time, and these situations are not THAT different.

Lightyear is not a measure of time.

Situation seems totally different. Just a personal anecdote of course, but I couldn't care less about the Wii U. Switch seems great in comparison.


I think the biggest mistake it's the price. Could be an interesting experiment but just at the same price point of the Wii launch. Otherwise I don't see it to have any kind of success except maybe in Japan.


Things are "in decline" because nintendo doesn't have a strategy that appeals to core gamers. This has been true since the N64. Neither the GC, the Wii, OR the WiiU was successful in this area, and the Switch does nothing to address this.

Nor do they have a strategy that's successful at appealing to gamers that are currently satisfied with smartphones and tablets. This was the audience they captured with the Wii, but sales for that fell off mid-generation when the iphone blew up and went mass market.

That was around 2011. They havent' managed to appeal to that audience with either their console hardware or their portable hardware since- and their portable LOST half the marketshare it had over the previous generation. Mobile is cannibalizing their audience, not the other way around.

This trend will continue without significant changes, and nintendo hasn't made them.
How about changing how their entire framework works to be more friendly to third parties? How about giving their portable third party support a new, powerful console that just so happens to be a hybrid?

Yeah, no strategy. If your eyes are closed.

The Adder

I never said you could, you are projecting....pleaae show me were I said because of wii-u switch will eb the same? I am saying switch is going to sell way worse then wii based on the market, and what we know. I don't think I am the ignorant one here. Switch won't come close to wii sales.

Okay, this is going to sound insulting, but it isn't meant to be:

Is English your first language?
I think they're doing better than the Wii U so far, but I want Nintendo to be at their very best and I don't think they're just there yet. Some promising things with Switch, but some not so promising things as well. Shall be interesting to see how it does.
The general consumer doesn't care about the OS or other stuff. Not to the level people are expecting. All they want to know is that they have it, and Nintendo has said that. They don't need the intricate details that enthusiast fans such as us crave.

I'm sure a lot of people care about online functionality. I've not once referenced OS details or anything crazy. Nintendo up to this point has failed to get the basics explained. It's too common for people to deflect criticism with "the general consumer doesn't care" nonsense. There's really no way to back that up.

As popular as online communication and play is, there should have been some basic information detailing how it works and what is required. It would help with the misinformation that knuckleheads like to make up that spreads like wildfire.


Agreed. Already canceled the preorder to put towards Scorpio. I'm just hoping they fail so they go to what they're good at... Making games on other hardware using no gimmicks


Things are "in decline" because nintendo doesn't have a strategy that appeals to core gamers. This has been true since the N64. Neither the GC, the Wii, OR the WiiU was successful in this area, and the Switch does nothing to address this.

Nor do they have a strategy that's successful at appealing to gamers that are currently satisfied with smartphones and tablets. This was the audience they captured with the Wii, but sales for that fell off mid-generation when the iphone blew up and went mass market.

That was around 2011. They havent' managed to appeal to that audience with either their console hardware or their portable hardware since- and their portable LOST half the marketshare it had over the previous generation. Mobile is cannibalizing their audience, not the other way around.

This trend will continue without significant changes, and nintendo hasn't made them.

I think you highly overestimate the effect of the core gamer. What's the best selling games in the UK? FIFA and CoD. Hardly the most hardcore games to exist.

You're making a lot of assumptions here, not just on the Switch but on Nintendo and the market.


I'm sure a lot of people care about online functionality. I've not once referenced OS details or anything crazy. Nintendo up to this point has failed to get the basics explained. It's too common for people to deflect criticism with "the general consumer doesn't care" nonsense. There's really no way to back that up.

As popular as online communication and play is, there should have been some basic information detailing how it works and what is required.

Why not? The 3DS doesn't have a problem keeping up with the PS4. It's not going to happen in 2017, but it could happen in a year or two's time.

Maybe not a new smash, but a Smash 4 port with a Melee mode is all they'd need.

Switch catching up to ps4? LMAO. Im done. Never seen someone so confident
How about changing how their entire framework works to be more friendly to third parties? How about giving their portable third party support a new, powerful console that just so happens to be a hybrid?

Yeah, no strategy. If your eyes are closed.

The Switch strategy isn't more friendly to third parties at all.

The Switch is in exactly the same position the WiiU was. The hardware is too weak to easily port PS4/XboxOne/PC titles to it and will demand entirely new builds made just for the Switch.

Unless it's inexplicably a viral hit out of the gate that commands a massive amount of marketshare, developing for the Switch makes absolutely no sense at all for third parties, which is why no significant third party franchises have been announced for the device. There's ports of last gen games that appeared on the PS3/360 like skyrim, and games that aren't hardware intensive like Disgaea 5...and that's about it.


I don't know if I'm a good sample of the GAF demographics but: I have a time-consuming job, a wife, my spring free-time schedule is almost fully booked with friends and family. Zelda and Bomberman will carry me to MK launch date.

As a kid it took me 6+ months to play through FF6.

Not everyone rips through games like core gamers do.

The typical Nintendo audience is going to be mostly fine with the 1st party release schedule.

This a very important fact that plenty of people here ignore. Beating a game isn't just about getting another notch in your belt.

Also, same with FFVI for me. Well, maybe not six months, but definitely two. It's one of my favourite games of all time, and I took my time beating it.

Anyway, Zelda alone would keep me satisfied for a while, then onto Mario Kart and Splatoon until Super Mario Odyssey. That's honestly enough for me.


I'm sure a lot of people care about online functionality. I've not once referenced OS details or anything crazy. Nintendo up to this point has failed to get the basics explained. It's too common for people to deflect criticism with "the general consumer doesn't care" nonsense. There's really no way to back that up.

As popular as online communication and play is, there should have been some basic information detailing how it works and what is required. It would help with the misinformation that knuckleheads like to make up that spreads like wildfire.

Nintendo have explained it to the point that the general consumer would accept. Again, you're projecting the views of the enthusiast gamer to be on the general consumer.

Come on now. That doesn't list how friends will work, matchmaking, etc. What can be done on the switch and what requires the app? All basic features that we should know about before their multiplayer games hit.

Nintendo have explained it to the point that the general consumer would accept. Again, you're projecting the views of the enthusiast gamer to be on the general consumer.

Kindly piss off with that general consumer rubbish. It's an empty statement that you can't substantiate so you keep repeating it.
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