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Polygon: Xbox One policy "gross, despicable, greedy, pathetic, cowardly"


Maxis Redwood
Hot damn.

It's wonderfully refreshing seeing the big gaming media taking Microsoft to task for the shit they're trying to peddle. Keep it up... places like GAF can rage all they want, but it really takes bigger media to apply pressure by getting the message out beyond the core gamer. What the Xbone is doing is not acceptable.


Seriously how can anyone defend this shit unless they have some vested interest in corporations. Just make it a subscription service and blow it all up as far as I'm concerned, no confusion about ownership :p


Conversely, PC gaming never had any real used gaming market, so they readily accepted that they won't be able to sell their games. Console gaming, however, has had a vibrant used gaming market dating back to the NES, so of course, they won't accept the death of used games so easily.
Sorry to contradict you, but that's patently untrue. I bought Jane's Fighting Steel, Lords of Magic: Special Edition, Powermonger CD version, Return to Krondor and a couple other games used from EBGames. Granted, that was circa 2005, but emphatically stating "never had any real used gaming market" is flat wrong.
I made a Wall Street Journal thread. I've also been keeping a list of articles in the NowGamer thread. Looks like this now:

A few things to note:

  • VG247 have been denied E3 interviews.
  • TechnoBuffalo confirmed in their article that they've been also been denied interviews, as have some of their colleagues.
  • While the Forbes pieces are from contributors, they're currently the most read articles on the entire site.

Wow, this is the backlash I was hoping for. There's not enough vitriol in my opinion though, there needs to be a palpable sense of disgust through all the articles, some of them are far too neutral.

One thing though, it annoys me greatly to see that MS are actually attempting to defend this. I expected it, but it's still pretty aggravating to see it.

Don't defend it, just drop it for fuck sake.
Looks like MS isn't given the benefit of the doubt by a lot of people now.

Is this the worst reputation a company has ever had going into E3? They're gonna have to blow everyone away with games, and even that might not do anything.

I don't care what game they show, I'm not supporting their bullshit.
The WSJ describes exactly what we're heading to.

I never paid for online on my 360 (and resold it just to keep the PS3 / Wii combo not only for this but it counts) and I will never buy a DRM / every 24h Internet connection check / paying online / always connected Kinect Xbox One.

Till there is at least one of these things left I won't buy it.

Also EA and Activision being mainly behind the DRM thing I'll boycott all their game from now on (not very hard I don't like like 90% of their games). All the editors who will use this on PS4 (since it doesn't seem to be mandatory) won't see my money too.

So I'm just waiting to have more detail on PS4 so I can know if I'll go for a Wii U only next gen.
I'm not really happy about it, there is a lot of PS4 games I'm anticipating and I'm curious about Xbox One games but despite what a lot people have said I'm sure to have enough games on Wii U to have fun with for a very long time.

And even waiting for some Wii U games right now I can play a lot of my PS3 backlog's games (+Last of Us and GTA V coming this year will make the PS3's life complete lol).


You've earned the click I'm giving you Polygon. Keep the pressure on.

EDIT: After reading the article I consider it very well earned. I'll keep clicking if you keep pounding anti-consumer bullshit Polygon.


Patrick from Giantbomb was also denied E3 interviews.

Oh yeah, that I know, I just wanted to highlight the other stuff as 1) within 10 minutes of the VG247 article going up one of their editors posted on Twitter about them being denied E3 interviews for the first time ever and 2) TechnoBuffalo was a new outlet being denied that people might not have known about.

Damn, you should stick these all in a new thread eventually.

I think someone did earlier and it was locked straight away. Somebody could do a proper breakdown of the PR disaster; rumours first broke in January 2012, the reveal, Harrison et al. clusterfuck, "we ARE listening", "scheduling conflict", this backlash, etc.


Gold Member
Well, well. Keep the pressure on, games media. This is one of the best cases of justly deserved backlash I've ever seen.


I made a Wall Street Journal thread. I've also been keeping a list of articles in the NowGamer thread. Looks like this now:

A few things to note:

  • VG247 have been denied E3 interviews.
  • TechnoBuffalo confirmed in their article that they've been also been denied interviews, as have some of their colleagues.
  • While the Forbes pieces are from contributors, they're currently the most read articles on the entire site.

No wonder they've canceled their E3 media round table and E3 interviews. They would get shredded to pieces. I like it that the big websites are doing something and attacking that awful DRM.


I don't think Microsoft was ready for this level of backlash. Unless Sony does a similar DRM scheme, I could totally see Microsoft and their publisher comrades backing off their stance within the first 12 months of launch and just waiting it out until the full digital revolution which is still years away.

So keep the pressure on, fellas. I think it just might work...



Ha, Ha.


Neo Member
It just doesn't stop.

Honestly, at this point, what does MS say up on that stage next week?

Do they just blow on by this mess and start showing games?

"Hi and welcome to Microsoft's E3 2013 conference!

This year is special. We know from our fans worldwide what they expected us to do.
And we will. always have. Xbox is the number one leading console and with XBox One, and this success will continue.

If you have seen our XBox One reveal in May, you may already know why Xbox One is the best console ever created. And today, you will see even more, why Xbox will not stop and continue to deliver.

Fans all over the globe are already keen on seeing more of the future of gaming. Without further ado: Here's a first look of the upcoming Halo TV series. Enjoy!"


I can't believe it... I actually agree 100% with the article. And I really like the way it's written.

Chris Plante. I don't know this man, but I wouldn't mind reading more articles from him.

The meat of the issue with the argument expands well beyond games. The sidebar calls out a "growing global resentment for corporations." This is a large part of the problem.

Most people that go through business school come to realize this stance is preposterous. Corporations are merely a tool that allows individuals to accomplish more than they can alone. They have been the driving force for the the dramatic quality of life improvements we've seen over the last 100 years. Rallying against corporations when speaking to a business professional comes off as irrational and misguided. It immediately reduces the impact of any arguments that follow it. Especially when there have been specific examples of differences in vocal opinions on the internet and behavior in practice.

I keep reiterating this where ever I can, but I'll say it again. In theory anything that is good for publishers is good for consumers. Higher profits attract increasing investment. I do not see any conditions in place that would not allow the market to correct any mistakes made by platform holders. If Microsoft is wrong with their approach, the market will punish them.
I'm loving the backlash Xbox One is getting. Now, we just need consumers to send the real message: by not supporting this garbage with their money. That's the only way the industry will truly listen. MS only wants your money and if they're not getting it, they'll wipe their dumb fucking smug faces and stop their bullshit.

This is what I'm hoping happens. All the media backlash is great, but it only means anything if it means consumers don't buy the console. My fear is that MS may have lined up a lot of big exclusives with third parties in exchange for giving them control over used game sales, and that these may sway people to buy an Xbox One despite the horrible policies. It's easy for gamers to say now that they'll boycott the system, but it might be a lot harder once they see what games they'll miss out on if they do.

Fi Fo Nye

A few things to note:

  • VG247 have been denied E3 interviews.
  • TechnoBuffalo confirmed in their article that they've been also been denied interviews, as have some of their colleagues.

Holy shit, Microsoft is really taking their ball and going home with it.

I hope all this does is embolden VG247 and TechnoBuffalo to fuck them up with truthfacts even more than they already have. Just keep daggering them with shiv stabs all over.

You don't deny press interviews if you want the press to play nice, one would think.


GiantBomb still thinks only Sony extremists are upset about this.

Because they seem pretty sure that the Sony version of this is identical. I know, I know, there are many who will be against that as well if it were the case, but you would be lying if you were to say that there wasn't an abundance of "PS4 gets it, totally getting that instead" posts. Some for the right reasons sure, but there are a lot who aren't.


So, is this like the South Park episode where the KKK decide to say they support something because they know people are not gonna side with them?

"Hi and welcome to Microsoft's E3 2013 conference experience!

This year is special. We know from our fans worldwide what they expected us to do.
And we will. always have. Xbox is the number one leading console experience and with XBox One, and this success will continue.

If you have seen our XBox One reveal in May, you may already know why Xbox One is the best console experience ever created. And today, you will see even more experiences, why Xbox will not stop and continue to deliver a great experience.

Fans all over the globe are already keen on seeing more of the future of gaming experiences. Without further ado: Here's a first look of the upcoming Halo TV experience. Enjoy!"



Fi Fo Nye

Ok... Now I'm pretty sure MS will change some of the policies.

Microsoft going back on their policies now will just make publishers like EA look stupid, if it is true that publishers used exclusives as bargaining chips.

Microsoft may have just cornered themselves into a position they can't turn back from, a fate that Sony has managed to avoid by just staying mum and seeing how all the pieces fall.
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