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Possible boxart for Kinect


DeaconKnowledge said:
The millions of people who've bought the Wii don't give a fuck what you consider a game or not, so let's throw that out the window right now.
My point exactly. I don't think Wii Sports or Play are "games." You think Kinect doesn't have the "games," but casual gamers are going dig them all the same.

DeaconKnowledge said:
As for the rest of your point, I don't understand how you could ask that question and come up with "Kinect" as your answer at all. Bowling isn't the act of swinging your arms wildly to knock down pins. Neither is Tennis. How then would Kinect be a closer approximation compared to the Wii (or Move for that matter)? There's absolutely no point of reference for your actions besides what your character does on screen. Simply by having something to hold, The Wii gives the player a tactile response that helps them navigate the game world from their end, in addition to what they interpret on the screen. Kinect only has one frame of reference - what you see before you.
What is this myth about playing Kinect = swinging your arms wildly? You are telling me when people first try playing Kinect bowling they won't try playing / moving their hands like real thing except w/o ball? Or, when they play Kinect Tennis, won't putting their hands out and trying pat (hit) the ball? They are just going to randomly flail around?

Only way I can see people flailing around is either game detection is totally off or they aren't remotely coordinated. Only flailing I have really seen are from the ricochet demo when shot loads of balls come at them and people are trying hit as many balls as possible. When there are only one ball, they aren't "flailing."

And, Kinect games will have visual cues of where they are in the game world. Remember, this is target to most casual gamers. Doubtful, game navigation will ever be an issue on Kinect games.

DeaconKnowledge said:
Also, you missed the point of my "fuck ease of use" statement. I'm not saying that ease of use is not important, but you're evaluating two technologies based SOLELY on that one facet, and not by the metric by which they will be evaluated in the store: the game library. In that regard, no matter how you slice it, Kinect will fall short of the Wii every time.
NO. I am not missing the point. What I am saying is "ease of use" is just as important as "game" library to casual gamers. If two offers similar "game" libraries, casuals will go easier route. Kinect has most of Wii's library = shovelware.


Freezie KO said:
No, it hasn't. Casual gamers go for software, just like any other gamer.

The condescension to so-called "casual gamers" is precisely how we end up with style over substance. Because companies think they can throw shit in a box and sell it to a consumer that they don't even understand.
Nothing condescending about it. 90% of the reason I even own an iPod is because they're sexy, have an intuitive UI, and are incredibly well marketed. That's all "packaging" and it's the reason Apple owns the portable space.

Both Apple and Nintendo have proven that software just needs to be cheap, fun enough, and readily available. You just need to have a sexy hardware platform. Microsoft seems to have the first three things down for Kinect, but they're still missing the last one.


New rumor is that Kinect will retail for 80...throw a game in there MS and it`s bought...

I`m not crazy about that new swirl for the 360 we see on everything now but I guess i`ll have to get use to it.


Ricker said:
New rumor is that Kinect will retail for 80...throw a game in there MS and it`s bought...

I`m not crazy about that new swirl for the 360 we see on everything now but I guess i`ll have to get use to it.

And where's the rumor coming from? 80 dollars seems cheap enough that most people could bite, although as you said, 80 with a game it more than a sweet spot.


Ricker said:
Somekind of placeholder/poster for the Gamescom:


That's strange I was sent a similar placeholder/poster for the Gamescom:

no ones mentioned air wanking? :lol anyway with every passing day kinect is looking to be more of a success to me. i've gotten ?s from all kinda of female friends that not only want kinect but actually managed to spell the name right even though they arent gamers at all. why they want it? because it seems very "interactive" the idea of being able to play games, watch movies, listen to music, and do shit on facebook without actually having to touch anything interests them for some reason. i'm starting to actually think the colors are a wise choice. the female segment is HUGELY untapped outside of DS, facebook gaming and a couple wii games. I honestly think MS is gonna hit more market than they intended to and completely by accident.


Well let's show them how to do a 'placeholder' properly. :lol
ps. try 'asking them' to put in convincing games. Anyone got any idea of an interesting game for kinnect, that hasn't been announced?


Devin Olsen said:
I am from Canada, and this also confuses me... When the hell did we get Milk in a Bag?

we had an entire thread dedicated to it. If you are interested, maybe do a search,I guess.
yes I am that lazy :p
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