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Predict the Biggest Box Office Bomb of 2016

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Legend of Tarzan. The Year of WBomba will continue

When I saw the trailer before Star Wars I groaned at the thought of some WB suit like "WE NEED CG EPIC BATTLE SEQUENCE AND PEOPLE LIKED THOSE APES MOVIES RIGHT??"


Any one saying Batman v Superman is delusional. Even if the movie is Fan4stic levels of suckage it's still Batman and Superman in a movie together.

I have to go with Tarzan. Looks like it's going to be another Pan to me.
Warcraft and AssCreed as well.
Beyond the obvious picks like Tarzan (seriously wtf), Gods of Egypt, and Assassin's Creed (seriously.. a week after Rogue One?) some other ones

Ratchet and Clank

I guess without knowing the budget its hard to say, but probably bomb at the box office and do decent on dvd/streaming.


Yes, a remake of Ben-Hur releasing during summer blockbuster time. Again don't know the budget, but its gotta be big (the 1959 version was the most expensive movie made at that period).

Angry Birds the Movie. who the fuck cares about those damn birds anymore


What are we thinking about London Has Fallen?

It's probably going to do fine. I can't imagine that it cost terribly much to make, and it's running unopposed for the kind of film that it is. It will almost assuredly not win its weekend (Disney is already working overtime on the Zootopia marketing), but it will probably do just fine.

Whether it deserves to is a question I leave in the eye of the beholder.


Tarzan - this generation has little interest in cavemen and apes.

Warcraft - no, just no, I only hope Blizzard doesn't go bankrupt and get bought out like Square

Huntsman - I think K-Stew fans carried the first one.

Gambit - Comic book fatigue is really hitting.

Batman vs Superman - this one I'm iffy on. Nolan made Batman almost a sure bet. But Superman has been bombing at the box office for decades. Whose juice will win out?


Assassins Creed - how do these even get greenlit?


Am I the only one who thinks Warcraft looks pretty solid?
Batman vs Superman - this one I'm iffy on. Nolan made Batman almost a sure bet. But Superman has been bombing at the box office for decades. Whose juice will win out?

There's a lot that folks can and have said about Man of Steel, but bombing isn't one of them

Maybe didn't perform to expectations, but it was still close to 700 million worldwide


It's probably going to do fine. I can't imagine that it cost terribly much to make, and it's running unopposed for the kind of film that it is. It will almost assuredly not win its weekend (Disney is already working overtime on the Zootopia marketing), but it will probably do just fine.

Whether it deserves to is a question I leave in the eye of the beholder.

Olympus Has Fallen was an entertaining Die Hard-lite, but yeah I see what you mean.

E the Shaggy

Junior Member
Have honestly not even heard of the Tarzan movie until this thread.

180 mil budget?



Tarzan - this generation has little interest in cavemen and apes.

Warcraft - no, just no, I only hope Blizzard doesn't go bankrupt and get bought out like Square

Huntsman - I think K-Stew fans carried the first one.

Gambit - Comic book fatigue is really hitting.

Batman vs Superman - this one I'm iffy on. Nolan made Batman almost a sure bet. But Superman has been bombing at the box office for decades. Whose juice will win out?

There should be no question about Batman vs Superman, it will do good, probably real good, even if it sucks as a movie. Batman alone being in the title will bring people, and then the simple curiosity of seeing Batman fighting Superman will drive the rest.

But yeah, nobody is going to see Gambit.


Why the fuck hell isn't Ben-Hur coming out during Christmas?

Given the director, I seriously doubt it's being positioned to win awards of any kind, and I imagine nobody wants anything to do with Star Wars yet again.

That being said, a run of the cast list does make me happy that we're getting at least one ethnically diverse historical blockbuster for a change.


I actually think Assassin's Creed will do half decent. I'm prepared to eat grow, but imagining I won't be. The real question is how it will be panned.
Olympus Has Fallen was a bit of a fluke hit (and it wasn't exactly cheap). I don't think lightning will strike twice for this.

The likely quite expensive Ben-Hur remake is in my sights. Directed by Timur Bekmambetov (Wanted, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter), everybody's logical first choice for a theologically dusted period piece, there's no way it won't disappoint for its action scenes and not disappoint for everything else.


What about Jungle Book? Looks creepy for a kids movie and I can't imagine it going over well with adults...unless they want to watch a chase movie featuring. Little boy :/


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Ratchet and Clank

I guess without knowing the budget its hard to say, but probably bomb at the box office and do decent on dvd/streaming.

Angry Birds the Movie. who the fuck cares about those damn birds anymore

R&C will be a cult classic, I feel that movie will break even but it will do well once released for home consumption
Boys will really gravitate towards it
I think Insomniac Studio is involved with the project so it will be a true R&C and not neutered like IPs taken and just thrown up on the screen for a cash grab

Angry birds looks fun to me, kids play the ever living shit out of that game
Give a kid your iPhone or iPad, boot up angry birds, kid is mesmerized for hours and laughing/enjoying
This will just reinvigorate the franchise

You have to realize both movies are gonna attract the parents
Older kids can request, but mostly if the parents can enjoy it too, they movies will do well

Shrek blew up due to using innuendos and pop culture references that made parents go along for the ride
Shrek 2 made so much due to repeat viewings cause parents wanted to rewatch it again too


Gods of Egypt (140m) and Tarzan (180m) are my picks.

I'm surprised people aren't mentioning The BFG. It's competing with Ninja Turtles 2, Finding Dory, and Ice Age. 130 million to make.

Directed by Spielberg, stars a girl as the main protagonist, based on a popular children's book, Roald Dahl is decently popular in Europe, distributed by Disney. It'll do fine. Not every sorta low key movie six months prior to release with a 100m+ budget is a bomb.
Given the director, I seriously doubt it's being positioned to win awards of any kind, and I imagine nobody wants anything to do with Star Wars yet again.

That being said, a run of the cast list does make me happy that we're getting at least one ethnically diverse historical blockbuster for a change.

Just looked up the director.




They got the schmuck who direct Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter and chose him to directed a remake of a film that not only has tied with RotK and Titanic as having the most Oscar wins as all time, but TWICE saved MGM from bankruptcy!?



Am I the only one who thinks Warcraft looks pretty solid?

I think it looks like fun, but the CG needs to be ON POINT for it to really work. I think Jones is a great director..so it should be a very competent movie at least.
Okay, now that that's out of the way, I personally think this:

Why? The easy answer is it stars Chris Hemsworth and that dude can't catch a break and no one cares about a Snow White sequel without our incredibly bland snow white.

So what do you think GAF?

I have no idea this shitty movie exist. They got Jessica Chastain play a good warrior (who traditional excel in fantasy villain) and Emily Blunt player the bad queen (who should be in the strong female protagonist role).

I hope it bomb. Then again, Maleficant was a terrible movie. The millions who paid actual money to see Maleficint is responsible for this abomination.

I put my money on one of the comic movies.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Am I the only one who thinks Warcraft looks pretty solid?

No I like it too
I think for a starter movie it's a good start

People are expecting it to be 1:1 lore of WoW or Warcraft games
I think being placed in the summer onslaught is ill timing

Be better as a closeout to the summer maybe late August/Early September

Mid-June it will get massacred in the weeks after release
Legs will get cut short by a huge margin

I can't see it making $100+ million right of the bat, that's what the summer gauntlet is
Make your shit quick and move on
Always 1-2 summer darlings that get repeat viewings, Warcraft doesn't look like it
It's one on those saw it one time, good enough


Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs???
Biggest financial risk domestically: Warcraft

Biggest Box-Office Bomb: Gods of Egypt

Side note, Ben-Hur carries approximately the same production budget as Noah, another Paramount picture, at $100M.


You guys who were saying Warcraft will be proven wrong. Warcraft (and alongside Starcraft) is still crazy popular in gaming scene asia.
It will be the highest grossing movie in China, I'm guessing 500m.
The $180 million Tarzan yeah that's bombing for sure. It'll be the biggest followed by that awful expensive cheap-looking Gods of Egypt, and Alice through the Bomba Glass.

Warcraft could bomb bad but it won't be anything like those three.


It's either going to be Tarzan Begins, Gods of Egypt or Huntsman Deux.

Gods of Egypt seems like the kind of trash that does well internationally. Tarzan has some brand recognition, that also helps abroad.

Huntsman Boogaloo might be a sequel (albeit a Snow White sequel without Snow White in it), BUT it has Chris Hemsworth in. Recent history dictates that shall Hemsworth star in a motion picture film, then such a motion picture shall bomb like a muthafucka.

So I'm gonna go with Hunt2man.


Gods of egypt for sure.

I didn't even know it existed before this thread and just saw the trailer and .....wow, that looks really really bad.

Even Clash of the Titans kinda looked cool in the trailer (which was probably the reason why it made enough for them to make a sequel). But this is looking horrible before it has even released.


It has to be Tarzan of the things listed in the thread so far, crazy to think a movie like that has a budget like that.

As for bombs of 2015? Jem might be the actual biggest bomb even with its small budget
Tarzan - this generation has little interest in cavemen and apes.

Warcraft - no, just no, I only hope Blizzard doesn't go bankrupt and get bought out like Square

Huntsman - I think K-Stew fans carried the first one.

Gambit - Comic book fatigue is really hitting.

Batman vs Superman - this one I'm iffy on. Nolan made Batman almost a sure bet. But Superman has been bombing at the box office for decades. Whose juice will win out?


Assassins Creed - how do these even get greenlit?

Gambit, fatigue where?

Batman vs Superman. Superman returns wasn't even a bomb let alone man of steel. Sure they didn't go bonkers but they were definitely not bombs.

Mine are God's of Egypt and Tarzan.


You guys who were saying Warcraft will be proven wrong. Warcraft (and alongside Starcraft) is still crazy popular in gaming scene asia.
It will be the highest grossing movie in China, I'm guessing 500m.

I genuinely believe Warcraft will make the majority of its money outside the US, it would not surprise me in the slightest if it became a big hit in China. They tend to really dig fantasy films.


Online Ho Champ
Warcraft 3 came out in 2002, or 14 years ago.

World of Warcraft came out in late 2004, more than 11 years ago, and in the past few years it's become pretty irrelevant.

That's a long time for a franchise to maintain any sort of relevance in the mainstream eye without anything new.

We don't know the exact budget of Warcraft, except that it's a 9-figure movie (north of $100 million).

That's a LOT to put on an IP that's pretty obscure with the mainstream.

And Warcraft was niche back in the old PC / DOS days. It's not like it has any cultural resonance outside the nerds who used to play it back in the day.

WC3 came out in 2002 however it didn't just come out it was a huge success and maintained for years, WoW is the same story. Just because they aren't huge mainstream hits, which they NEVER were. Blizzard has never had to go beyond putting out its own products information and still succeeded. I don't think one can gauge the popularity of their properties by how much you see them in the mainstream. People said this about WoW when it was coming out, and it demolished every MMO that came out , but it was supposed to be based on the old game that WAS a hit but not anymore .

I think it discounts the loyalty of the fans, its clear most don't have any real idea how many fans there are. Just because someone isnt paying 15 bucks a month for a game doesn't mean they no longer like the property. They are just done with the game. I can see if the film sucks it will bomb but not having a rabid fanbase is not a problem for any of blizzards big three properties. Not only that , blizzard has "blizzard" fans for some reason, they have their own niche.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
God's of Egypt is truly tryhard

Hey we got those white actors who are awesome characters in other things you've seen, but we put them together for the first time with more cgi than an animated movie, oh yeah we have the token black guy who can multiply himself, so we are a diversified cast.

How can you go wrong with an Egyptian theme involving God's, I mean tell your friends and family, don't miss out on the event you will tell future generations about us...
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