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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

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I just clicked in #MAGA in Twitter, I made a horrible mistake.

As Donald Trump’s campaign unravels, the Republican National Committee has gone dark — failing to give GOP vendors guidance on whether to keep working for the nominee or to move resources into down-ballot races, and not even returning calls from party members ahead of a critical late-afternoon meeting about the way forward.
Numerous Republicans on Monday used the same phrase to describe the response of the RNC to their questions: “radio silence.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/...y-members-demand-answers-229556#ixzz4MiLLJrhy

Hopefully tomorrow brings more news on the matter.


I hadn't considered the possibility of proof coming out that Trump paid for girlfriends' abortions. It wouldn't change a thing, but it would open a new event in the Mental Gymnastics.

I really don't think anything will change the game anymore. Trump has reached the absolute bottom of his base, none more can be lost. Those still with him are with him until the end.

Not admitting abortions, not the word "n___r" - not anything. It can all be justified by people who will, as we are seeing, do literally anything not to have Hilary in office. And I mean anything.


The next 4 to 8 years are going to be dark times...
if Trump is elected.

If Hillary is President, things will probably continue to get better. Honestly, there are struggling populations in America, but most of them are struggling because of ideological realities clashing with actual reality. Resolving that is only going to happen by these people changing, because moving backward is not going to fix anything. But it's clear many of these people are so disillusioned that they will actually harm themselves by electing people who actively work at dismantling their situation even further.

Admittedly, it's easy to live in that illusion because you personally don't have to do anything. It's far easier to shift blame rather than admit a personal failure, because doing that would involve the one thing that is clearly abhorrent to many in this country: change.
How is the Hurricane Matthew affected areas being factored into any polling. Chances are they missed the breaking of the news about the tape and likely didn't see the debate. Power isn't back for most of the area. Do we expect anything significant polling wise from that? Did enough people still have access to stuff while sheltering via their phones for it not to matter much?
Quoted for fucking truth. Hillary isn't perfect, but the "both sides are the same" folks are so damn annoying. You can do example after example, show them why both sides aren't the same, and they'll either ignore you, or plug their ears, and continue to insist there's no difference between a woman who dedicated her life to poltics, and a man who is racist, sexist, bigoted, and wholly unqualified for the presidency.

Lack empathy/different priorities, bitcheatingcrackers.jpg, or ignorant.

Since a few mentioned a perceived bias towards trump in my TL;DR debate notes: I am 42, and have voted Democrat in every election up to this one. I do hate both candidates but there is no way I will vote for Hillary. Even taking that into account, most of my choices in summaries were for humor more than anything, and I will likely vote either 3rd party, write in, or abstain entirely.

That one answer where Trump was like "We need more nukes than Russia" felt so out of place I laughed out loud at how insane it was. The next 4 to 8 years are going to be dark times...

I'm guessing you'll still vote for the downballot and propositions? Not calling you out specifically but very rarely do people who take your position address if they actually vote outside the president election because a lot think the presidency is the end all.

And honestly it will be dark times because 2018 the Senate will go back to the Republicans and obstruct like they did with Obama.


The guy in that discussion was really pushing the "men are creeps" angle before that. "Fathers talk like this in the corner about the moms at children's birthday parties"? Come the fuck on.

He wasn't doing it as an excuse though, it was a condemnation of both Trump and how fellow men can behave.


Just watched the debate. Took mini-notes while watching and this is what I ended up with:I really hate both candidates at this point. No matter who wins, we lose. You can argue who will suck the least, but that's just sad. The moderators did a terrible job limiting answers & responses, but at least they seemed to give equal time to both candidate's drama.

This post is wrong on so many things, but most egregiously, it buys into that false narrative that every bad thing that's happened in this country is something Hillary alone could have somehow prevented in her years in the senate. Never mind the fact that Hillary has tried and even succeeded in some cases in fixing areas of these issues, it shows a complete and utter lack of understanding of how politics works, and the worst part is, so many young people take it as fact.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Since a few mentioned a perceived bias towards trump in my TL;DR debate notes: I am 42, and have voted Democrat in every election up to this one. I do hate both candidates but there is no way I will vote for Hillary. Even taking that into account, most of my choices in summaries were for humor more than anything, and I will likely vote either 3rd party, write in, or abstain entirely.
Ah, for humor. Of course. For humor that just so happened to favor whitewashing the worst of what he had to say while doing Clinton far fewer favors in the same regard. Kinda like "locker room talk".

That one answer where Trump was like "We need more nukes than Russia" felt so out of place I laughed out loud at how insane it was. The next 4 to 8 years are going to be dark times...
So what exactly has Clinton said or done in light of how insane this is that you still won't vote for her no matter what? Are you really arguing that there's absolutely no distinction worth making for the better of this country and its citizens in choosing one over the other for the next 4 to 8 years?


Since a few mentioned a perceived bias towards trump in my TL;DR debate notes: I am 42, and have voted Democrat in every election up to this one. I do hate both candidates but there is no way I will vote for Hillary. Even taking that into account, most of my choices in summaries were for humor more than anything, and I will likely vote either 3rd party, write in, or abstain entirely.

That one answer where Trump was like "We need more nukes than Russia" felt so out of place I laughed out loud at how insane it was. The next 4 to 8 years are going to be dark times...

so you're going to be useless
Behold, the Both Sides Brigade of GAF!

Yesterday many of us were amazed that so many people could watch this event and conclude Trump won or that it was even a draw given that one candidate gave substantive answers and addressed, in detail, policy positions and the questions posed to her by the town hall undecideds while her opponent literally rambled incoherently throughout the night, if less so than in the last debate. These posts are a reminder that regardless of how Clinton exhibits her experience and her willingness to tackle topics that require nuance and a depth of knowledge there will always be people who caricaturize her and her stances.

These are people who, I suspect, don't really care about the issues. And if I am to be honest, I also suspect many of these people aren't really on the fence, but embarrassed right wingers who have internally acknowledged the defense of Trump is a lost cause on GAF and have segued onto the safer and more disingenuous tactic of bringing HRC down to his level.


Here is what Clinton actually said:

If you can watch this and then run to GAF with a summary that is simply "I want things", it is clear that marriage equality, Roe v Wade, Citizens United and filling the vacancy are not issues that are of concern to you. In the first post I quoted, Kor said HRC's responses were just "nonsense that no one really gives a shit about." But these "things" matter a great deal to a great many people and the BSers are giving themselves away by how easily they dismiss such issues.

Honestly at this point I've given up being alarmed or frustrated by both sides crap. It's a position held at this stage of the election almost exclusively by the willfully ignorant or the cowardly who'd rather not publicize their support for Donald Trump.

More or less.


Since a few mentioned a perceived bias towards trump in my TL;DR debate notes: I am 42, and have voted Democrat in every election up to this one. I do hate both candidates but there is no way I will vote for Hillary. Even taking that into account, most of my choices in summaries were for humor more than anything, and I will likely vote either 3rd party, write in, or abstain entirely.

That one answer where Trump was like "We need more nukes than Russia" felt so out of place I laughed out loud at how insane it was. The next 4 to 8 years are going to be dark times...

Congrats on rewarding the bullshit Republican witch hunt of the last few decades.
Amazing seeing republicans continue to fall the same Lucy/football trick from Trump. He has gone off the deep end yet because he was calm-ish and spoke decently this time some republicans are...kinda jumping back on the "maybe he can win after all!" ship? lmao

And how weak does Ryan look, maintaining the endorsement despite all this.


Why is Bill Clinton brought up so much?

If it was known what Bill was accused of before then he would have never became president. Never in a million years.

The situation is very different between the two.

Because they're delusional fools. I mean they're hypocritical. Oh Trumps stuff was a decade ago. Yet look at Bill. That stuff from 20 plus years ago is pretty damning isn't it?

How anyone can spew shit like that is beyond me. Then they want to hold Hillary accountable for everyone she knows actions. I'd love to see someone go ok you want to play like that let's take a look at everything Trumps past wives and kids have done. Let's take a look at all the shit his buddies have done. They'd cry to all hell that doing that is wrong. Yet it's ok to do that to HIllary.
Where is this coming from now?

Oh, someone mentioned the possibility earlier in the thread, or maybe another Trump thread. It's not from a hint at a leak, or a tweet to that effect, or anything.

I really don't think anything will change the game anymore. Trump has reached the absolute bottom of his base, none more can be lost. Those still with him are with him until the end.

Not admitting abortions, not the word "n___r" - not anything. It can all be justified by people who will, as we are seeing, do literally anything not to have Hilary in office. And I mean anything.

I agree abortions wouldn't do anything, as I noted. But I do think a video of him using the N word, in a deliberately offensive way, would hurt him more. Only his base cares about abortions, and like you said, nothing's changing their mind. Not the p***y tape, not anything. He could vomit flies and they'd call it a miracle.

But the N word, like this tape, would be something independents and Democrats care about. It might energize Hillary's base - among black people, certainly - who might be somewhat apathetic about her after Obama. It will drive independents and undecideds away from him. You'd think there shouldn't be any left, and I agree, but there are.
Since a few mentioned a perceived bias towards trump in my TL;DR debate notes: I am 42, and have voted Democrat in every election up to this one. I do hate both candidates but there is no way I will vote for Hillary. Even taking that into account, most of my choices in summaries were for humor more than anything, and I will likely vote either 3rd party, write in, or abstain entirely.

That one answer where Trump was like "We need more nukes than Russia" felt so out of place I laughed out loud at how insane it was. The next 4 to 8 years are going to be dark times...

Because of you, and people like you. Abstaining/Voting 3rd party doesn't make you edgy, clever, or anything else, it simply means you do not have the intellectual or moral capacity to make an obvious rational choice between two candidates beyond "both are bad". So, you choose to NOT vote against Trump, and NOT repudiate his condoning of sexual assault, demagoguery, hate-mongering, racism, sexism, xenophobia, and the endless litany of horrendous traits that makes this person a miserable human being unfit for any type of office, because "you hate them both". Pat yourself on the back, you're quite the special snowflake.

The fact that you're 42 makes it even worse.
I still dont get why Ryan didnt run. I think he would have won.

He wouldn't have made it through the primary, and he knows it. Look how hesitant he was to take the Speaker job. He didn't want it, because it makes him a target for the Tea Party (now Trump party) nutcases.

Now ask why he thinks the situation will have improved by 2020, and all I can do is shrug.


How anyone thinks he won this debate is beyond me. He lies, he's not self aware, he interrupts. He's messy. Where's our next October surprise?


Okay, so you don't have an answer. Got it.

There usually isn't a valid answer.

Have a coworker who believes trump would regulate businesses to help the little guy and believes taxing the rich does nothing.

I dig debating with him cause I know he isn't voting.


He wouldn't have made it through the primary, and he knows it. Look how hesitant he was to take the Speaker job. He didn't want it, because it makes him a target for the Tea Party (now Trump party) nutcases.

Now ask why he thinks the situation will have improved by 2020, and all I can do is shrug.

Probably because at the very least they will change their primary rules so that a Trump can't win. That's if they're smart. Which we know they aren't.
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