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Project GODUS (Populous reinvention) Kickstarter by 22cans [Ended, £526K Funded]


Yeah another mod locked it since we don't approve self-advertisement threads without explicit approval from EviLore.

This thread is inherently fine, and SamVT is certainly welcome to post in it.

Thanks. I'll keep updating the OP with info right now and as it surfaces during the project.


formerly cjelly
The indie game development team from @pmolyneux, responsible for 22Experiments starting with Curiosity - what's inside the cube

The company philosophy is to work on truly innovational and experimental ideas leading to the release of a new form of digital entertainment.
So they are only up to experiment 2 and already asking for half a mil?

Seems a bit weird.

syko de4d

yes Peter is back to his genre. Crazy Unique Strategic games. He was the GOD in this genre. Dungeon keeper, Populous, Theme Park, Black and White etc... all his extremly good games are placed a little in this genre :)
After Double Fine's adventure game got Kickstartered, whenever Molyneux hit the news with his pretentious drivel, I'm thinking to myself wouldn't it be awesome if he kickstartered a Bullfrog revival...


I want to believe.

Kickstarter fatigue has set in on me, but dammit, I think I will give it one last go... (till 2013)

Populous on SNES (yeah, maybe not a great version in retrospect but my 13yo self didn't know any different when it came out) changed me. I need a modern Populous that uses all the best PC tech on my computer asap.


Says the webcam may be slightly NSFW and puts the ladies front and center. Smart thinking, Pete. The one girl reminds me of Sabrina from Raising Hope.


The only thing worse than Peter Molyneux promising a grand vision he doesn't come close to delivering on is getting people to pay for it up front

On no account should a KS campaign from this man succeed


Damn just thinking about proper game from him like B&W1 was is making me happy boy inside.

Each game Dungeon keeper, theme hospital, B&W1, populus3 which i played was masterpiece imo and to this day there is no better AI than creature in B&W1


Don't understand why my topic got locked (I've been a member here for loong time) but anyway, thanks for doing this.

I will reply to all your questions and comments, but right now I need to get some fresh air, so nervous... (yeah still!)
Came in to say don't give this maniac any of your money unless he goes to therapy first.
Leaving thinking this sounds alright...
This would be like giving George Lucas money to create another Star Wars prequel.

They don't require the money and the end product will likely be complete shit.

syko de4d

I need a modern Populous that uses all the best PC tech on my computer asap.

mhh don´t know if it will use the best tech :/

"GODUS will be developed for the PC and Mobile devices, we hope to be able to add more platforms as our Kickstarter campaign progresses."

Mobile Devices mhh....
Peter you are rich enough to fund that yourself. :p

Do want though... Well maybe, the mobile device mention makes me nervous it will be more dumbed down shit, the obsession with making fable as easy and dumb as possible was sad enough to see.


mhh don´t know if it will use the best tech :/

"GODUS will be developed for the PC and Mobile devices, we hope to be able to add more platforms as our Kickstarter campaign progresses."

Mobile Devices mhh....

Yeah look at his track record for the past decade, Molyneux is focusing squarely on simple, casual games


The only thing worse than Peter Molyneux promising a grand vision he doesn't come close to delivering on is getting people to pay for it up front

On no account should a KS campaign from this man succeed

What is worse about Peter Molyneux ?

Crazy dudes that go in every thread connected with him because he shared vision with people when he was developing games and in the end he had to make cuts to his vision to deliver very good games.



Don't understand why my topic got locked (I've been a member here for loong time) but anyway, thanks for doing this.

I will reply to all your questions and comments, but right now I need to get some fresh air, so nervous... (yeah still!)

Ok, well how do you intend to make good on the promised features in this game given Peters' penchant for over promising and under delivering? It's fine when we get to read reviews when the game comes out and see if the game has lived up to the promises before we buy. This time though you're asking for money based on those promises up front and I think it would be fair if you at least addressed these concerns.


The only thing worse than Peter Molyneux promising a grand vision he doesn't come close to delivering on is getting people to pay for it up front

On no account should a KS campaign from this man succeed

"Grand vision", what grand vision? The man who created Populous (he coded it himself you know) can't deliver on a retake of its own game?

There is nothing crazy or overambitious in the KS aside of the slide, and the "change of the nature of gaming" stuff is not for Godus, it´s like the "final objective of 22 cans".


What is worse about Peter Molyneux ?

Crazy dudes that go in every thread connected with him because he shared vision with people when he was developing games and in the end he had to make cuts to his vision to deliver very good games.


The problem is that his marketing for the games he makes never lives up to what is released.

If you buy a Molyneux game after it comes out and there are reviews and community feedback and you know what you're getting into, fine. Giving him money up front based on nothing more than his say-so is insanity given the way he's behaved.


"Grand vision", what grand vision? The man who created Populous (he coded it himself you know) can't deliver on a retake of its own game?

There is nothing crazy or overambitious in the KS aside of the slide, and the "change of the nature of gaming" stuff is not for Godus, it´s like the "final objective of 22 cans".

Well, in this case I'd say that the promised Populous reimagining could easily turn out to be grossly oversimplified and full of microtransactions. The mobile focus makes that one pretty easy.

syko de4d

only a 1% chance that this could be true

GODUS draws on the cunning battle-psychology of Dungeon Keeper, the living, changing world of Black & White and the instinctive, satisfying gameplay of Populous.

make the 15 Pound Pledge a no brainer for me ^^
Well, in this case I'd say that the promised Populous reimagining could easily turn out to be grossly oversimplified and full of microtransactions. The mobile focus makes that one pretty easy.

You make it sound inevitable, this game doesn't have to go that way at all.


"Estimated delivery: Sept 2013"

Well, no way in hell we're getting a game of the production value of Civ V or Sim City 5, which is what I feel we truly deserve as a Populous/B&W successor... but I'm willing to take a gamble and hope it's about half as good as those. I'd still be satisfied.


The problem is that his marketing for the games he makes never lives up to what is released.

If you buy a Molyneux game after it comes out and there are reviews and community feedback and you know what you're getting into, fine. Giving him money up front based on nothing more than his say-so is insanity given the way he's behaved.

I have been buying Peter Molyneux games since Populous. I have every single game with his name on it and I can say without doubt that few developers have been so consistent in the quality and interest of his games.

Tell me, what games of him have you bought? I have curiosity to know why do you feel so ripped off.


Well, in this case I'd say that the promised Populous reimagining could easily turn out to be grossly oversimplified and full of microtransactions. The mobile focus makes that one pretty easy.

Because every mobile game is oversimplified and full of microtransactions.


"Estimated delivery: Sept 2013"

Well, no way in hell we're getting a game of the production value of Civ V or Sim City 5, which is what I feel we truly deserve as a Populous/B&W successor... but I'm willing to take a gamble and hope it's about half as good as those. I'd still be satisfied.

It probably helps that they will do with less graphical jazz, less units, less maths and no history to follow through. In fact I bet it's going to be more akin to a small iPad game than anything Civ 5 has going on it :)

Won't be my first Kickstarter to back but I really hope he gets to deliver. Just for the sake of anyone at 22 Cans I hope this doesn't turn to be one more badge of BS against him, as pretty much everything from since B&W has been.


Backed this without even reading the description, I grew up playing Populous, Themepark, Syndicate and Dungeon Keeper - before the EA buyout Bullfrog was my favourite developer and they never once disappointed me. It always saddens me somewhat when the younger generation of gamers slag him off for his recent mis-steps, probably not realizing this is the guy who created an entire genre of games.
Yup, pretty much my thoughts on it too

Backed this without even reading the description, I grew up playing Populous, Themepark, Syndicate and Dungeon Keeper - before the EA buyout Bullfrog was my favourite developer and they never once disappointed me. It always saddens me somewhat when the younger generation of gamers slag him off for his recent mis-steps, probably not realizing this is the guy who created an entire genre of games.

^ This.

Bullfrog games still stand as some of the best ever, in my opinion. Legions of gamers from that generation will follow your lead and back this based on that alone.

Don't understand why my topic got locked (I've been a member here for loong time) but anyway, thanks for doing this.

I will reply to all your questions and comments, but right now I need to get some fresh air, so nervous... (yeah still!)

A few questions;

How much input will backers have on design and development changes etc?

The target goal of £450,000 ($710,000ish) is very high and not many KS projects make that kind of money. Do you have plans to add more reward tiers? (£120, £150, £200 etc etc)

Targeting mobile devices understandably is making many cautious given the nature of the genre being better suited to PC. How do you plan to make it so that the PC version won't be outright hampered by the limited capabilities of a phone?


It always saddens me somewhat when the younger generation of gamers slag him off for his recent mis-steps, probably not realizing this is the guy who created an entire genre of games.

Bullfrog was also my favourite developer (you forgot to mention Magic Carpet), but his "recent mis-steps" must account for almost half of his career at this point. Beginning with Black & White, his output has been consistently mediocre at best. I don't blame people for not believing he still has it in him.


Don't understand why my topic got locked (I've been a member here for loong time) but anyway, thanks for doing this.

I will reply to all your questions and comments, but right now I need to get some fresh air, so nervous... (yeah still!)

SamVT i have a question. Is it really will be on mobile devices ?

My point is that if you want to be succesfull on kickstarter you should try to focus on PC mainly.
Adding mobile platform is like saying this game will be gutted to put this on phones.

It is mayor complain in my opinion. Sure porting it to mobile phones after kickstarter is good idea but saying it will be from get go on mobile is like saying we will do worse job.

The problem is that his marketing for the games he makes never lives up to what is released.

If you buy a Molyneux game after it comes out and there are reviews and community feedback and you know what you're getting into, fine. Giving him money up front based on nothing more than his say-so is insanity given the way he's behaved.

And you felt so bad that you keep coming to his threads to rise awareness that he lied to you.

No one who played his games care about such things as you said. He delivered good games in the end with few of them being classics. Also he always tried and delivered innovative gameplay things in his games.
Bullfrog was also my favourite developer (you forgot to mention Magic Carpet), but his "recent mis-steps" must account for almost half of his career at this point. Beginning with Black & White, his output has been consistently mediocre at best. I don't blame people for not believing he still has it in him.

Fable 1 was a great game with great ideas. So was Black&White. I think his main problem was that he tried to listen to much about the feedback for the sequels, and the compromises he tried to do hurt those games.


That's pretty much the way with almost all high profile Kickstarters. Generally they can get funding with name recognition and a good idea alone. Others have to pony up something actually half-decent to see time of day, or they'll be consigned to the dustbin of apathy (see: Sui Generis, Interstellar Marines, possibly Maia etc)

Say what you like about Molyneux, but he has a pretty big following for his old stuff. I haven't met a gamer alive who doesn't love and tolerate the shit out of Theme Hospital, for example.

I'll be following this one, but the prices on the pledge tiers seem a bit...off...

That's absolutely true. I guess I meant that I haven't seen what 22cans in particular is capable of, even if Molyneux is behind this, and even if they have the history they do. If they had stuff out other than Curiosity (which seems pretty dull to me) I'd be less inclined to shrug it off so easily I guess. I too loved some of the Bullfrog stuff, even some of their Lionhead output, but that feels like it was centuries ago.


Don't understand why my topic got locked (I've been a member here for loong time) but anyway, thanks for doing this.

I will reply to all your questions and comments, but right now I need to get some fresh air, so nervous... (yeah still!)

Yeah another mod locked it since we don't approve self-advertisement threads without explicit approval from EviLore.

This thread is inherently fine, and SamVT is certainly welcome to post in it.

Populous was one om my favourite games when i was "young" would really like to see a reinvention for it. And while Molyneux gets a lot of flak here, he's is still a good developer with good ideas. Needs better execution.


Bullfrog was also my favourite developer (you forgot to mention Magic Carpet), but his "recent mis-steps" must account for almost half of his career at this point. Beginning with Black & White, his output has been consistently mediocre at best. I don't blame people for not believing he still has it in him.

That's just an opinion.

Black & White was fantastic, if bugged. The Movies was great, Fable is loved by many people.

That's another opinion.
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