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Project GODUS (Populous reinvention) Kickstarter by 22cans [Ended, £526K Funded]


He founded and sold two major development studios so I'm pretty sure he could afford to self fund the game (that's what he did with Black & White, which had a much higher budget). A kickstarter makes even less sense when you factor in his reputation.


Bullfrog was also my favourite developer (you forgot to mention Magic Carpet), but his "recent mis-steps" must account for almost half of his career at this point. Beginning with Black & White, his output has been consistently mediocre at best. I don't blame people for not believing he still has it in him.

I will take anyone on swordfight that thinks Black&White was mistep or bad game. I spent on this game more than most of you on any Jrpg or CS.

Game was innovative, polished, packed best AI known to this day and gameplay was simply fun.


Lots of namedropping in that pitch. Those who were asking if/why Molyneux is considered a legend - yes, and you can see they're aware (and try to bank on it). :D

The mockups do look nice.
Backed this without even reading the description, I grew up playing Populous, Themepark, Syndicate and Dungeon Keeper - before the EA buyout Bullfrog was my favourite developer and they never once disappointed me. It always saddens me somewhat when the younger generation of gamers slag him off for his recent mis-steps, probably not realizing this is the guy who created an entire genre of games.


When the man hasn't been involved with a decent project since 1997, you can't go out and say "damn young whippersnappers, get some taste."

It's really been a decade and a half since I liked anything he put out. It's hard to trust that when every game from Lionhead and his most recent Curiousity project have been...yeah. Not good.

Bullfrog was also my favourite developer (you forgot to mention Magic Carpet), but his "recent mis-steps" must account for almost half of his career at this point. Beginning with Black & White, his output has been consistently mediocre at best. I don't blame people for not believing he still has it in him.

100% this.


I will take anyone on swordfight that thinks Black&White was mistep or bad game. I spent on this game more than most of you on any Jrpg or CS.

Game was innovative, polished, packed best AI known to this day and gameplay was simply fun.

I like you.


It always saddens me somewhat when the younger generation of gamers slag him off for his recent mis-steps, probably not realizing this is the guy who created an entire genre of games.

It always saddens me somewhat when the older generation of gamers give too much credit to him for his old successes, probably not realizing this is the guy who has been full of BS for the past 10 years :)

I mean sure he's done some pretty awesome stuff but I personally got so burned with B&W and Fable that I personally feel the reason to be cautious. I still think he's an amazing talent and a superb personality to have among the gaming community but I doubt he'll ever re-invent anything yet that is what he keeps promising time after time :-(

syko de4d

SamVT i have a question. Is it really will be on mobile devices ?

My point is that if you want to be succesfull on kickstarter you should try to focus on PC mainly.
Adding mobile platform is like saying this game will be gutted to put this on phones.

It is mayor complain in my opinion. Sure porting it to mobile phones after kickstarter is good idea but saying it will be from get go on mobile is like saying we will do worse job.

They should instead add the mobile version as a Step Bonus like: At 1million Pound we will create an extra Mobile Version of this game. it will not effect how the PC Version will look/play like. It will have the core function of the main game but adjusted for the mobile devices.

At the moment it sounds like Mobile and PC Version are the same. Yes PC Version will look much better but the Gameplay will be limited by the mobile devices.


What is worse about Peter Molyneux ?

Crazy dudes that go in every thread connected with him because he shared vision with people when he was developing games and in the end he had to make cuts to his vision to deliver very good games.

That's bullshit and you should know it at this point.
He doesn't "fail to reach his ambitious visions", he deliberately lies.
Sometimes his lies are so blatant and obvious that everyone with even a vague understanding of how software works can immediately catch him.


It always saddens me somewhat when the older generation of gamers give too much credit to him for his old successes, probably not realizing this is the guy who has been full of BS for the past 10 years :)

He funded Bullfrog. He created Populous (like , you know, made it himself, with his hands).

His career is well documented, we know what he did in each project. He was heavily involved in Theme Park and Dungeon Keeper (not so much in Syndicate or Magic Carpet).

You are not going to discover who Molyneux is to anyone who has paid attention.


It always saddens me somewhat when the older generation of gamers give too much credit to him for his old successes, probably not realizing this is the guy who has been full of BS for the past 10 years :)

I mean sure he's done some pretty awesome stuff but I personally got so burned with B&W and Fable that I personally feel the reason to be cautious. I still think he's an amazing talent and a superb personality to have among the gaming community but I doubt he'll ever re-invent anything yet that is what he keeps promising time after time :-(

Could you tell me reasonably what in B&W hurt you so much ? Or we will pretend that there were bugs, game was broken, it wasn't innovative and simply not fun.


I will take anyone on swordfight that thinks Black&White was mistep or bad game. I spent on this game more than most of you on any Jrpg or CS.

Game was innovative, polished, packed best AI known to this day and gameplay was simply fun.

I respect the fact that you liked it, but I don't see how anyone could call it "polished" - thing was a buggy mess and I remember having to restart missions due to bugs making them unbeatable. This was the game that made me realise most reviewers don't bother playing more than a couple of hours before writing a review.

I also remember publications giving it ridiculously high scores and later doing a 180 and calling it overrated, but I may be confusing it with another game.

The cow was adorable, I'll give you that.


I will take anyone on swordfight that thinks Black&White was mistep or bad game. I spent on this game more than most of you on any Jrpg or CS.

Game was innovative, polished, packed best AI known to this day and gameplay was simply fun.
I will take anyone on swordfight that thinks Black&White was mistep or bad game.
It was a *horrible* god game, especially compared to past Bullfrog's output. An interesting concept but pretty much every single mechanical part of the gameplay was a confused, unbalanced, unproductive mess.
It missed that mandatory understanding (and use) of "cause and effect" which determines if this kind of game can work.
Even the Movies was mediocre at best as a "management game" (sorry, not sure what's the proper English term for the genre and every time I asked everyone ignored me).
I don't even want to talk about Fable.


It was a *horrible* god game, especially compared to past Bullfrog's output. An interesting concept but pretty much every single mechanical part of the gameplay was a confused, unbalanced, unproductive mess.

It wasn't, it was a revolutionary game that did stuff nobody has ever thinking on putting in a videogame. It's IA, morphing techniques and visuals were unmatched and no game offered the freedom B&W did as a God Game.

There has not been a more advanced and complete God Game since Black & White.


That's bullshit and you should know it at this point.
He doesn't "fail to reach his ambitious visions", he deliberately lies.
Sometimes his lies are so blatant and obvious that everyone with even a vague understanding of how software works can immediately catch him.

Difference between normal people trying to lie to you and Peter talking about things he plan to include is that Peter actually tried and failed to do so.

If someone would say that he plan to create realistic AI that will learn things most of normal people with "vague understanding of how software works" would call this bullshit.

Problem is most of those people are wrong because Peter created AI which learns. Maybe not Skynet level but is aware what is happening and can use skills he learned or just do what he is used to do. That AI is Black&White1 creature AI. Still unmatched by any AI.

This is one of the reasons why i believed Mylo is actually possible because basic premise was already done in B&W1 on hardware which was lightyears past what he have now.


It wasn't, it was a revolutionary game that did stuff nobody has ever thinking on putting in a videogame.
No, it wasn't.
It was Populous without actual game mechanics and a goof Tamagochi tied in.
i distinctly remember how hyped I was about the game, reading his development diary across the months and so on, and how playing the actual thing I realized in a few hours "Jesus Christ, beside raising your beast this thing sucks, and even that part isn't that exciting".
Needless to say, most of what he promised about "advanced AI" and "complex environmental interaction" wasn't in the game, not even in a rough form.


Could you tell me reasonably what in B&W hurt you so much ? Or we will pretend that there were bugs, game was broken, it wasn't innovative and simply not fun.

What first bothered me about B&W was the... well like the name suggests... "contrast". The game mechanics themselves were very black and white and I never understood that from the previews and interviews that were made before the game launched. I mean I thought the name meant that you are either good or bad, not that every single decision is practically binary. Also eating meat made you evil. Most likely we can file this under my misunderstanding, but I was really disappointed with the game-ey mechanics of managing food and reproduction of the villagers where it was basically just two mirrored sliders.

Also Peter was keen on showing the press what he called a "party trick" where he zooms in from all the way out towards a single barrel. On top of that barrel you see an apple and inside that apple is a worm. Sounded awesome except it was literally the only item in the game with such detail. He also zhowed how smooth it is to zoom out and see the whole world (not a big world, really) and yet neither view was actually a useful part of the game play. Just a trick.

Peter Molyneux: "We have an absolutely full fighting system, as complete as you'd find in any fighting game". Need I say they really didn't deliver on that front or has my memory wronged me since I haven't played it since it launched?


What first bothered me about B&W was the... well like the name suggests... "contrast". The game mechanics themselves were very black and white and I never understood that from the previews and interviews that were made before the game launched. I mean I thought the name meant that you are either good or bad, not that every single decision is practically binary. Also eating meat made you evil.

Eating meat didn't make anyone evil. Eating people made your avatar evil.
I wouldn't ever back a Molyneux-Kickstarter (actual this is the most obvious case of fraud on Kickstarter), but what you get for 100£ is a steal (if they ever deliver...)



I have been buying Peter Molyneux games since Populous. I have every single game with his name on it and I can say without doubt that few developers have been so consistent in the quality and interest of his games.

Tell me, what games of him have you bought? I have curiosity to know why do you feel so ripped off.
I bought Fable and actually kind of enjoyed it, but that was because I paid attention to the coverage just before it launched and people were finally able to say what kind of game it actually was compared to the lofty ideals he'd talked about during development.

I'm not saying this game will be bad. I'm saying that given Molyneux's history there is a better than even chance of it being absolutely nothing like the pitch. There's also the point that he shouldn't need Kickstarter money to make a game.

Because every mobile game is oversimplified and full of microtransactions.

Curiosity sure as hell was :shrug:


No, it wasn't.
It was Populous without actual game mechanics and a goof Tamagochi tied in.
i distinctly remember how hyped I was about the game, reading his development diary across the months and so on, and how playing the actual thing I realized in a few hours "Jesus Christ, beside raising your beast this thing sucks, and even that part isn't that exciting".
Needless to say, most of what he promised about "advanced AI" and "complex environmental interaction" wasn't in the game, not even in a rough form.

How many games from that era you remember having a AI that could learn to behave according to your actions?

What do you think is "Advanced AI"?


It was a *horrible* god game, especially compared to past Bullfrog's output. An interesting concept but pretty much every single mechanical part of the gameplay was a confused, unbalanced, unproductive mess.
It missed that mandatory understanding (and use) of "cause and effect" which determines if this kind of game can work.
Even the Movies was mediocre at best as a "management game" (sorry, not sure what's the proper English term for the genre and every time I asked everyone ignored me).
I don't even want to talk about Fable.

Sorry, but if you want to continue then please tell which of those mechanics were broken. I'm waiting.

To this day B&W has more innovative polished gameplay than any known game.


Eating meat didn't make anyone evil. Eating people made your avatar evil.

Actually now that I think of it I think it might have been that if the avatar eats an animal of the same species (cow eats cow etc.) it's considered evil? But I may be mistaken.
7 months - 700.000$ and 20 people who seem to work for obviously 5000$ a month ;-)

Lost faith in Molyneux a long time ago he should pay for his stuff himself...


How many games from that era you remember having a AI that could learn to behave according to your actions?

What do you think is "Advanced AI"?

Maybe I'm dense, but to me it just seemed like the creature would repeat whatever you did in its presence. Not much different than farting in front of people 10x so they'll like you, except in B&W you didn't have a progress bar.


Needless to say, most of what he promised about "advanced AI" and "complex environmental interaction" wasn't in the game, not even in a rough form.

Sory to brake you post but you didn't play B&W1 or you did play only for few hours if you state that.

AI of creature is best AI known in gaming to this day still unmatched. Even calling AI in games in comparition to creature AI in B&W is joke.


7 months - 700.000$ and 20 people who seem to work for obviously 5000$ a month ;-)

Lost faith in Molyneux a long time ago he should pay for his stuff himself...

I don't live in the UK but where I'm from I've heard that a good rough estimate is that an employee costs 2x what he is paid. You know, insurances, taxes, equipment, training, sick days, holidays and obviously all the other overhead that goes in having an office etc.


Rodent Whores
Peter Molyneux: "We have an absolutely full fighting system, as complete as you'd find in any fighting game". Need I say they really didn't deliver on that front or has my memory wronged me since I haven't played it since it launched?

Creature fighting pretty much boiled down to spam clicking all over your opponent's creature.


Maybe I'm dense, but to me it just seemed like the creature would repeat whatever you did it in its presence. Not much different than farting in front of people 10x so they'll like you, except in B&W you didn't have a progress bar.

Creature coppied your movements and what you did like a kid. Learned. This did look simple but all of this learning phase was just initial step.

In my game on 5th island creature would train everyday with big rocks to keep shape, grow cities, defend cities by catching spells used by enemy gods and still was learning new things.

If you didn't care about creature it didn't show at all. Why should it ?. But when you actually spent time with creature it showed that AI is amazing.
I don't live in the UK but where I'm from I've heard that a good rough estimate is that an employee costs 2x what he is paid. You know, insurances, taxes, equipment, training, sick days, holidays and obviously all the other overhead that goes in having an office etc.

Either lower the wages or let Molyneux chip in...
After Curiosity I am not really certain if their approach leads to much success - Molyneux certainly has more than enough money. I like Kickstarter but in this case I rather have someone else take the risk.


Steve, the dog with no powers that we let hang out with us all for some reason
How much do I have to pledge for the game that Molyneux actually promises to make?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Make the game that looks as nice as those promo shots (and with deformable terrain, of course) and I'll gladly buy it. No upfront money for Molyneux from me though, lol.


I don't understand why this isn't a self-funded game.

That's not true. I know exactly why: People seem very keen on giving money to older PC devs who are finally getting the chance to make games they've been thinking about for ages. This project, from one of the more successful personalities in the industry (who just released a self-funded game/experiment no less,) strikes me as exceedingly cynical. I backed as a reflex but I think I'll cancel.
I think I'm going to throw my money at it after I get paid this week. Hoping they have dedicated handheld support as a stretch goal, like for 3DS and Vita. It would work brilliantly on mobile devices like that IMO.


OP reads as a PR release. Most of it is the bullshit propaganda of the kickstarter itself isn't it? Interesting that GAF is advertising Molyneux' kickstarter. Looking forward to seeing a game that's nothing to do with what was promised. Will be actually surprised if it's not complete, putrid shit like all his recent games.

I think it's interesting he can't get this funded elsewhere. Maybe it's not just players not believing a word he says anymore.


OP reads as a PR release. Most of it is the bullshit propaganda of the kickstarter itself isn't it? Interesting that GAF is advertising Molyneux' kickstarter. Looking forward to seeing a game that's nothing to do with what was promised. Will be actually surprised if it's not complete, putrid shit like all his recent games.

Well the OP wasn't such to begin with but the actual PR OP got locked so I copied some info in a haste from the Kickstarter. Then Minsc cleaned it and it is what it is. The original OP and thread title was... very anti-PR ;-)


OP reads as a PR release. Most of it is the bullshit propaganda of the kickstarter itself isn't it? Interesting that GAF is advertising Molyneux' kickstarter. Looking forward to seeing a game that's nothing to do with what was promised. Will be actually surprised if it's not complete, putrid shit like all his recent games.

I dont think you want to continue with this line of thought.

Well the OP wasn't such to begin with but the actual PR OP got locked so I copied some info in a haste from the Kickstarter. Then Minsc cleaned it and it is what it is. The original OP and thread title was... very anti-PR ;-)

It seems you arent the thread creator anymore.


Nice try Peter, but after Populous you released Black & White.

If this is kickstarted over Maia I'm going to knock over a magazine rack with my floaty disembodied hand.

First time I heard of this, and it looks magnificent... Yes, channel that money here instead.


It seems you arent the thread creator anymore.

Noticed it just as I was about to clean the OP a little myself. I think Minsc did a good job and now that this thread is the "OT" for the kickstarter I kinda see why my original thought for this thread would be cleaned out and more information added. Besides threads are hardly about the OP and more about the discussion that follows :)
also WTFFF :O:O


Yeah keep dreaming peter just keep dreaming :)

As batshit crazy as Molyneux is sometimes, you can't fault the guy for wanting to try interesting things. He certainly has a lot of heart for this industry.
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